wsw mm Queen Elizabth mm ï¬xde an he death of Mn lgnnxlln noascvtlL lhey snw lo mndm their use In that way to draw it out In sprinkle lillle hll at flolenca or little bit 01 anml 13mm In each dayalways mum without mm wha did it but drawing ha Inlet cure have lcnrncd th nunh ram Mrs llmxevelll dam The lhlllsh pcnnle held her In lltcp rcsnccl Ind nllcc llan Ind moum her paulnx My husband and nnd my lum lly unruly ulucd hu lrinnd mm and arm you and your nmlly our alnccro lympnlhy In message sank tn MIL Ruaxcvnlll nan Heprexcntnlh Jlmu Roosevrn 1mm Call lhn leccn spld Mr Ms said the cm unlnsl lhe SIU received wide newspaper publicity in sinrie gapsalinnui Mlure The Canadian Labor Congress Ind Urnr Lakes Slumping Um lled presented wilncues who testiï¬ed nhaut violence in lha hhnr llrld ml the Lakes and who alleged lhu SlU was cor rupl union Vlle claxmbd nghl lo pre lent his case In reply as ha pypucm mm Mr Nun said ha judge twice reversed his own rulings this weak on admissibilin of certain documents aiinr ohm lions by Maurice Wright lawyer or the Canadian Labor Con gress The SIU cuunselalso accusrd xlval lawyels oI headlinehunk lug when they presented their use against lha SIU at mile mum of the public Inquiry Mr Nusslcanlcndcd thal Mr Justin Norris has changed lhn Iystem of receiving evidencl Iince the SIU launched its tenth many helma Ihe federal inquiry into waterimnl labor violcnu and shipping disruptions on lho lakes There ha been nn change In the system and you knew ii uid Mr Justice Nnnis mg man RULIN Queen Sends Note Regrets MONTREAL iCPiML Jus tice Norris has been nc tused oi reversing his awn mi ings in prevent the Seaiarerr International Union of Canada immrpresonlin ii iuli story an labor strife on the Great Lakes SILJuvycr Joseph Nus made lhé nharze Thursday in plan or an opportunin to present urn Seafarer Union use in ownrway The Vancouver jurist gas expected to reply later to Charges Norris Reversed4rrRulingve Onm mum mirh rm pmva Um ILC mnul llrfllmfl drnlh In ImlM but Ihmling rich now Iilc lnln an uh Mm lilm imlumy The lmla mvrr lmmilo rmliun mu lhrir lmmn Iwm un Vnmauvrr lulnnrl Yuull all lboul It Inmulhm WNH Um culling In mlm maunlino lupplomrnl at big Saturday lqmmlo HIM ll bl NADA IOAUNIO DAILY SIAR llh CANADIAN WEEAlY plul 15 mo III COlUR COMICS KILLER BOATS THAT PRDWI CANADAS WEST COAST wilinoi cioihe myself in auhnwer cumin oi hypocrisy said jig Nuss will no say ihali will adduce my avidenca in guy way iuyziva ihu lens publicity lai saw litwith an eye 6n pub licity value Mams PyiVate Stock CUSIIJOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHISKV Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whiskics each with its own distinctive characteristics and then aged them in special oak casks Now Adams has married these 29 me whisldcs to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock So be sum to try this custom blcntlfprcscnted in its crystal decanter at popular price BLENDED CANADIAN RV Thnmn Adm Dllflllan UmllMToronb GM the hi1 Saturday HIM lnr mum lvnlum mom nclirm mum Inn and mum than mo humlml mum park with mm and communist mlnmlnmenl nml Information Ynu not all thin plum 10 gm Mil rnmlm too mwh or llw lulu Alunlny Im tnmnrmw tn nn unlmliuvnblo ulue or nut 10¢ Khnxshchavupresaed sadnzss Illa death of Mrs Franklln Roosevelt ln cable to her Iamlly Thursday Vllh Ieeling of deep and ness we learned of the death of your mother Eleanor know he said my EXAMINER WANTJDS mom mu MhK Saddenevd By Mrs FDR Death ngchth mrpxrum or in HENRY FINA um 90 Mu ramj Factor Tnlpzrl Med flvllonr Twin Emlu MUFFLER SPECIAL ms InnQM General Inspection 700 narrln REPAIR SPECIALISTS 31 Tyauamywwi leea professional results and 351 Portable lvhand Utility Saw cuts er homesho flnishlng 2amp 175 at 00 deg at 45 deg llbvolt tron lefree motor Big Universal fancooled motor 3500 1x3 sanding surface Well rpmq no load speed Graduated balanceda £0peasy cpcraionl de mlfmndzmvcl adjustments Sandpapervlncluded 11 fence safety guard trig gerswtch 1845 2995 POWER SANDER Kn ym mum mum Iun 35135 398 Ammdc WlndIhhld 79 an WASHER CHANGE NOW lem um lul hum mliu mm lnpmu cluulnlu sodniluuxr mumm tï¬ï¬‚flfllflfl TIRE TIEUIT Hadlaior Flush BARRIE no DUNLOPEiSTWEST KALLIO LIMITED Portable lvhand Utility Saw cuts 175 at 00 deg at 45 deg Universal fancooled motor 3500 no lgad spegd quduated ELECTRIC SAW nlu Huld In mm dawn 55 Jun I89 hlnw 1m QUIGK START TO THIS FREE PA 564 nup ylk lylul um lulu Illa luv loch llh bnnl Md vim ll Ih Id vim lel Chain 79 unlu wfliil INF Cuts holes patterns straightor turvedlines In wood metal at plastic 3050 strokes per minute AdesLusI éï¬zdegaforaangie work Cuts 2x437 With blades cord and plug 1845 SABRE SAW Mk Im