Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1962, p. 10

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Twas Busy Week At Staynér High Hut IN urluln vcn flluvlfiflfll mloqulam ll my ndhml nllar by war um um ll Mmelhlnl rolher llllly you can ur canl do In like 4km dmmmu Wm mm nlnll lo old Cam aim mu Improve hit bu lnrmrr Ilmflnx mu never learn how to du ll hukplnu nur Cumin VIII Damde lo mm II Ibo IllHull TV nullan WU lllmI Ml IVM Now Nylhlnl ram Mm Handy on my them Through Mm nan my and do lhlnn probably unuhlnl mm my or 10 hr myull She Itnmd hrr ranr mm can no cnfnlnlnlnx low mm ullh hand unpm Tn hu smpriuv uh dilcov urd she mflrflmum llulmlly Im vry nlvy mid Carolyn In nu Inlcrvlvw Um had finmln rnuldnl fin lhlnul Mk wlumln rm lhl Cnmlyn nu dummy Sandy nu vflernn TV pumm and have nIm mumd In Iha Ilanlwal produml um sky Home MUNTHEAL kmnlyn Ibllm l1yrhruld high 5thme shunm venlrlluqulnm bflpl htr mm Th 30 very nearly In vlnclbll lootlmll team numbed In drtent on Nnv the hand at Enrrle North Coll Izlnte lnatttute lt man ll ta Ion The llnrrln tam hnw ed darnlnant maltcry through out the znmr and cxtcutcd an llptclnlly brilltnnt move when Inked tlelduanl plny mu used to camouflage Iuccultul touchdown run Afterwards the camcmun wm that although the ham rncrnlly had plnyrd well wn hnd nut plnycd up to our ulunl nlnndnrdx In my rate tho game wnn clan nr chm It cnuld be wtth that More The dctcnt dun nut damage our playolt pallttan be tnun at the only mm In thc league ll slznltylnu boat at lm than 500 lltldcnll um um Autnmnttcnlly chnm plan at our dllelnu In the luaxue ln thlt mpnclty we wlll mut tlu trnm at llumn llrlnht Colltulnte sum ennui7 Thu pm wetk will on be nflunbepdulor unnqulligy Ventriloquism Combats Shyness Sham CllFkVPanoml fiohn Rod Abxux an lined up Im iha Senior non Danny shanghnmy umed In ghoul position Ind dropped ALLISTON BANflNG On Nov Ihz Bulfinz Cross Country Team lourneycd in wmpele In the Ontario Federa tion Sewndary School Al lodatlon mm at the Boyd ConurVann Area near Wood bridu Seven hundred and my boy from npprnxlmawly 25 3on wet entered In com pellllan Whtn Bunting mych en arrived ha Junior nee had been completed and he Inm Ewdlnw rm wins In gram The Drama Club ll busy praclhlng Ihe Iaur play may will be prescnllnz an Dram Night Dec Student are learning the fine art make up In wetschool msloml We are are you would llketa be model tar these xeulans the Drama Club wnuld be glad to havelyou Theclub held 1d bale on Nov The top wan mean of Movies very contrnyenlal subject In Canada canon Imu lored by theorchestm on Nov 15 The performers wfllbe tho Iammn Davies Canada who will present varied and entertalninz program Further Informallon about MLooncen may be obummlmmmu MacDonald hffloom 1M4 Tick elp are also on sale there DramaClfibié Rehearsing For Plavs Here In nnolher minder bout Barri42Nng075 ISCF pro Ject Buy your 2111an card early Io Lhcr wontba any lmlmlmw mh when Decem ber camel along Good quality tards are now being sold by In member he cluh0rd er catalogues may be plckcd up from Gay Ellis and Judy Kelly 01 Grade 13 Remember lhat lhepmuedx mm this sale will be um or gmduaflm lupper lar Grade In sometime In May Give your luppart to this 11114921 gogn By ROBERT HAWKINS Banting Athletes In CrossCountry On Wednesday camblnallon COLLEGIATEVCAPERSf By susm MuLAnEN Barrie Numb ll olm tnlmu lnrludc talk alnzlflluplayinl lhe plum And nllar by par and dmclnl II From llllly II II pm Akmn dmmmu and ulnar old Cnlhy ll 1le polldml par lnrmvr Ilnalnx ml dairy the Mdeflnn m4 lather Tum Hyun um proaurer ma Cnmlyn nwm many other dummlrn Including mm rnllul ArlMI lurmrrlyownml by lid unr 1mm hm Handy munlnl lm Inlullfl urnmlyenr llllh Ilmlml nmlyn Inlxl xlw unxlmu lo llnhh lllzh Kim and my mum Ikwml Inlrllflr In In mjlcse lm year hlllf lho lame Ian tinned her wllh vclrrnn TV prllormrr lefly Amllu an Cannon Comm Rnlurdny nuzmlnl fllfldfml mgrlnm No m1 um lponInnrnul flow In pmducl annlyul nml Imazlnnlinn II In numully N0 MIIIIT when IIMT hlml Ilrr mi ulnr pfrlnrmcr ml Mnnllml Malina mm on he wetland hu excllod some dlxmul among Iho student body The Hut rcmhm win on of cmunl surpriu which merged with lndlznnmn Hm txlenl Iha crlmc became lcnunlly rcallmt The presence of pal In 1nd lhe nhuhm connln door hmbl wen lmglh ad Juxlrd In but been Inld the week wlll no he runcmbcmd or III lmnqulmy The Drama Club continued preparation or he preunla Man of menu from Pymnllan and West Side Slary Rehear mb have been held and pro mm flan Puccinl and roduo flan dlrrdor Ruben Miler nm p152ch wllh progrch In dnw In campensaflon or our min or drum In loolball both th under and he Junlor glrla vol Ieybnfl team hecamu champ Ian on Friday unenmon Their vidoflu ware over St Ther ual Ind BL Jauphl Scpnr Schooll and Icrvcd to can he max at lho lchoall Injur ed pride The Banting team lied or elghth place with Danny plao Lug second Clark Pnnonl uh Jahn Owen 53 Ilod Abram md In Dam km Bath The course was poorly mark ed and Danny Ion mmidenbla distance determining hil route Aim Danny not being aprin ieflmuid ngi maintain in leadn Oofigratulnnofirboys We are all proud of your mum lo Nth by the time he reach ed the top very steep hllL Runnlnu along the plateau he reached thlrd posillon and run nlng down the hill he captured first place The rest the cam held positing ram Darn mamlmncd hrs p13 until 50 yards from the llnlnh whcn he last to Richapi Pynp Hem an the result 01 the ammuner racing meet held on Nuv U1 Boyd Comer vnllan Area at oodbddxe There were 56 schools xeprev tented ram Henzvllle In the tall in Windsor In lhe mulb west and sturgeon Falls the mflh£dnnioFcofiiwfitifiFiifiF der 15 competitor enter We alter congratulation to both nur slrls vnfleyball teams tar the wondcflul Ibowlntlhcy made last Sunniy Both learn won They are now champlm of ha Central Du Mat and will represent 11 District in um GBSSA volley b211champlomhlm IhluJatur day at Richde HHL They will play two matches against Ihe th and South Dlstrlcu and he twa mp team will play or the championship Remember firmand we um It Is nol whether you wn or lose it how ynu play lh game Mr Gautier Mr Giller Mr Edwards Mr qu Mr Wadd Inglnn Mr Lemma Mr Mac lnlyre Mrlncqueu Mr Dry den Mr MunInn Mr Slew an Mr Martin The Iudenu participatinga combination Senior and Jun iar volleyball cams were Wan da Lees Tina Cmemn Linda Emmy Dnnqa Hagen Shgrgn pe rallj and IludentMncher valeybafl mm was held Thu leachmwho played were Moor Villa Jim Hahn Bemm 11mm Grava Julie T0 TAX HOUHHIIOATB FHLIXSTOWE Slfllolk vnhmllan MIMI ha dcclded lllnl houschanll Iellx Iluwe Parry urn lnxnhlu even lhough llle Imnlx um Mn wllh In Hm low wnlrr mark Unll nuw Illanllng hogan haw bun uclmlrd lmm In roll aur hoofu cnch mnln pm llnln will try mum nmll victim ndhn mic on IL uuuu Rapid profit was made over the weekend and Ccnlrnliiol walked iqu an nimosi mmpiflcd enicierini Brown and whilo llling ravarrd the floor and whila nup poru held up the will which wal cavcrcd will whit pcriur niui wniibuard Tflhlol and chnin wen nrrnngrd 1n ncni mm on the floor By chlm dny luminous light hnd hem intentd in he ceiling nml work mu promulna on the kitchen 11 kildmn ll nniy lhu iink Iitp to aim cympiciian ni 0m mmmenccmcnl wlll ht held at lhn end Navembnr Awards and Ichalnnhlpl are zlven oul ml llme and would lllcc la nlnrm he Rludfl Mug mu ward at Mglr pmliclcncy ln grade nlno lllll award given lllu urndc nlnc Linden wllll the highest av of all Um grad nlncll Overloncs has sponsored twa canlcsu or the yearbook Ono Ihe Cnrlmn Cams whlph end vn Nov 14 The olheuun lest Poetry Contest Every nne In allgibln Ind mm are cash prizes Lell have lot of yartlcipnuon mm Connum or lhuse man and help to maka good yearbook or In oomlnz mar on Saturday bur xlrls volley ball team travelled to Midland Jar the dlstricl tournament Slx schools competed and Durrle North llnlxhed first In both Illa Senlnr and Jnnlar dllelan Our Junlon placed outh and our Senior placed wand Thanks are due to nllu Spunk or all her work and lo Caryl Cm mlnz Nancy llall Mnmon Stewart and Mary Osko or their help durlng the lounu mcnt Congralulnllans Io our Crow Country team and our volley ball learn or Ihelr ellam dub In ha put cw weclu We have received the result or an CrosMunlry Run held at Woodbrldge Inywhlch 60 school competed Our Junior learn placed eighth our Inter mediates placed 83rd and our Senior team placed 2511 How ever the race wax very crowded and It was very difficult or the Judges 10 gel the correct placing in the finish wen allowed ta enter Thu course we not capable of hand llng such crowd at alblelea The wurle should be Iald ml and wperviserlsothanllm are no mixupu in the turns or nlhletes cultlng all part ol the cgnm and but linlshlnz 1n hlgherposlllan We an allll wnlflng for 11 from various club ni arrie Nonh unt as yet heard mm Please turn In your mal arial by Nesday at Illa latest Senlor Modern approxim alely miles zoo comwlitorl represented 40 leamsBarrie North finished In Mb position Order finish fim Peacock 8601 Hugh Dunnnan 70113 Eldon mm fllh Art Gor Several conslnwllve trilchst nnd ganglpqoy Awera ddrawn mm Ihlrmen mey wom Too many commuter Interfnediaie proximater mm undarm 217 campeb itm represented 40 team in lhhdivlalon North finished In 26 my Order or finish Lorna 5parkf 7Bth La Path 118th Gran Pow 121 Wayga Fatallglder 15m Volleyball Meet Held llt Midland was Successful ed reprmnting steamx Bar 119 North finished in Iswwplaca The order finish was Bob Brennan lath Pat Quinn 540i Bob Peacock mun Reinhard Kllcgka 184111 lame Bruce ROSEMARY Asouxm Bani Cenlml I40 BRADFORD STREET it named he cudalnfihnd unruly risen beiora the as of Bernard Shaws fArynn and ingMnnflwal an stage taking how after bow Amund me 40 Grade 13 students from Banting Memorial were clapping nnd laughing saying Wasnt that good Gee liked that didnt you flmagine play we have Io study being as Interesting as vihatiflha cmwd milled around smilingnnd nodding and tossing punch llncsrto and fro Bernard Sim had just canquered an other audiencel mcKsfiNiS Wu Thursday nigh 62 IE and several Banting Players pre I962 Dr Cyl ARK HAND NEW I40 BRADFORD ST 1953mm 9999mm$1939or DOWN minim 316 sown $10 now 6Bowu BELFORD FREE SNOW TIRES Ft lnuw Ilrc lne wlnlcrlzlnz Fm Prrnlone and um can nl lhl 1mm prim rvor nunrd Jnchonn Momr Fanlnalnl Jurkmnn purchnml over IM used run In mnku this Fun lalln nucrm nnLl than car must be clraml nul nh gnrdlm Jurkmnl mu Thlx lnnlmlcnlly lnruc lnvrnlnry lms burn Iowmd In prim hy up In Ihrly Iva wmnl and mm lo mule um llunl dlulxuunl nmronl nckmnl wnnln ynu In brim Um Um Hm olhcr dmkrn rnluml and Um Im mle ulhrr duhr1 Innml down luran Jntkwnn Mulnrl anlnnln luy only no xlnwn ml Um rnr Wm rhulrv nl Jnclumn Mulurl in llnrrlu when mu mm hnv mm mm INH er3 Illllf ulm Innml down luran Jntkwnu Mulnrl anlnnln My only no xlnwn ml Um rnr Wm rhulrv nl Jnclumn Man in llnrrla when yuu um huy nrw mm Lark 1m mm film ashdam JACKSON MOTORS LIMITED ALLIBGS STUDEBAKER PRODUCTS ARIVDEALDI WARRANTED FOR HEARS DR 24000 MILES lemed rmeGradc modern playgfor this Thpugh bej fessianal critic Nathan Cohen may Have 1mm pnfls olma perhrmunca less than peflect warblndenls lhorqughly mjoYed IL Ralna jmayhave Wins lmlé summed and Ser gins trifle lodwavg blflwa lad weredellghted by disinter esLM Papa nncL themmosity Mama Hoyvgver It wiss lhé deéilmay CONSTRUCTION um Barrie mm Eeorgé Duviés SEE ALL THE SURPRISES AT YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER INSTEAD OF REGUMM Automobile Disobth Star care Bluntshh who really dimmed us Ramas uhqcolnlm crenné soldier evoked Inughlof fromhis audience ime alter Hme he dcbonair Swiss 16 the playat amerry pace until it was too soon lhmugh From Jim comments or the people and know that given at man FREE WINTERIZING FREE PRESTONE Burrie BARRIE JACKSON oooooooo HINT JUST FEW SPECIALS I958 cuev I961AUSTIN 1957 HlllMAN 1957 VOlKSWAGEN 1958000655 55 I958 consm 196 NW From Me financed Minkrm nl Shuwis filufiflhls Sludén wauid mosbcortainly by present my EXAMINE WANT Ans PuoNEIA mam BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES HoSnTAL FLOWERS Deliverles Dally FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 Blake 51 PA 86975 door hm hm Mhtml In mum hmwn um huuum In Inlu ImIr mm wu hulu mvl Imamw lnnunlnlvm mm In um ml run mu mu wmh moo mm quyn wllh nnmhr um and Iulomllk InmmMnn unin nun Inhllnr Iuw null nn WM man no Aunon wnn ThII ur mm mm Indy ml 11 In Inp nmrllllnu mm In am an Mn Wuuh lmm hum In mm Mum mu on pmmn mm mm mmnun ylu 1m unlny Mn vmu 1mm hm ur nllmu ml ml lulunullr lu llan Tn Imlv uvunnI lnvl lm Inman my Ian nu mm um um Mm nu llm mu nun mm Tm Aruman In mIIllm hmm nu rm humor pm WI Hm Muluulrllly AI Wuth mom FANTASIA smcos Momns RAYS BODY SHOP 94 Tllfln st PA um PHONE PA 66505 Speéiallzing In BODY WORK PA 66505 MECHANICAL SERVICE 229500

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