Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1962, p. 5

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muum The tops In this evacuation WM rcnchtd we tell whcn hnnnl thnt Doctor Norton ot Thorntnn hm ugnln put Ilzn on ht door nnd taken to thc bush Doctor lturton II In his film your and hm ycl to mlu his nnnunl deer hunt All we need team now that he banged ht trophy and also that any expected Merflll have Jlut hold at It he re urns Some at the Strand huntm to lo the Mnnltmtlln lalnnd when they 10 not tlvn In 11th with member at the party doing the rwktn ml the mt devouttn he tood Ilko tt or Mt On tlul tuthnd human can nu tlttollmwinlllm Vttth he tnrmm there and tho loch mldmt wltt not unty hm ht He do the mold but also III the hon whvn but npol It Inn lhctr quarry flllfl ha horn truth ttm ntl nummrr hut in emum In mommy the wnfllnz Mm will console lhrnuclm ullh lha hope ol hnvlnx mum lar 1h lnMr uml lhnl hubby It dolnx hi part In keep lhn cnmp Hm lmmlnn She ml ml rxpeci MI mly awn on holiday lpol Iv Inn lhcir quarry flllfl ha bun Imllnn am an nummrr lull in emum bu lm MI gum2 1m Inn can plny nrmmll or Mark or nu mu mum nxorclsu hul bola Hwy Imw lhnlr an marhm will make nun dtgr Inken hnck Hum Tho chums mm are Ink In nre ream Ihnn the sul dierwho gets la war as they run he shot without my risk on the pm their killer should happen lhnl he seen Hm Already one poor hunlcr has lrccn hit near Hunts vlllc and although he has sur vived lheuporionce he will ubmr lho mm he balm fur the ml lire DOCTOR GQNE HUNTING Deer Widows AWait Dear Hubbies Return This Is the time of year when men are many temporary wl dows Itn silling alone In home thraughoul the country They have been Icll In hopes that their man will cscapo bull pl and dnnxrrn he dear hunt and mum wilh or wilh out reward In the Form of her big game ENISFIL NOTES MRS ROOSEVELT Ls huwn with her husband the MR5 ELEANOR Room VELT whn died In New York last night at the age 7B GE wwqufkéfi timid iicnvn Jnr Cochrnno laid Council that in proposal la hme Cammilim ni Adile men not up which might make ruling on pinm when any mul lcr which wnlrhvencd in imlldinu hyim or other ml in mlzhl cnma fur Idlusimcnl mid hosi he willed without plndnz ihc mm on he lmild lug importer in Irimln Imm nilnwinz dimniam 1mm lhn Au iiu had betn ndviri oi condiiion which Ahuuld not be muniiimd Tho hyan not min in be bmken and live id provided that tho Cm cli cannot pm minim in make new lion um II All IUMM lo io lhv lieu Id runinae cl nii mnmmd Mr iiimnn told of mml cam who in bad irll limi pennii HIKM be kinn ml all th mic authority timid in ML abia mix hm Ugh bmlncu manl lnz the group 11mm lulk by Knox guidance anchor for Central Cwllcginlc llo and them the various ohjncllm they might strive to nlrain an thclr way up through mund nry sduools The next mcetlnn lhoAnnclnllon WU be held Dmmbu am and School Assoclutlon held mccl In at thclr group in the form or wda cvenlng at Day slmrs Lodge on Nuvcmbcr when Mrs Varlcy their path dam was also their hostess vcry enjoyatwle evonlng 5ultr Plans or Christmas Party were cumplctud with woohm party arranged fur the nflcmaon of December 10 The Rlincll lolnl Assoclallon has contributed $100 tn ha um lorChrtstmas zilLu Ma loath Ildren the urea ITS llUllONlA NOW One of thc local Home and School Afiociations has taken It on lLsnlt to change the name or Number 13A school TolicndnlMinolL to llumnin They eel this name is more npprnprlnle and they claim the school ls nut in either of the Area mnnllnned but across the highway by decision at the Eonrd which was rnsponsihle mills construction late President Roosevelt duri Fl day and Snlwdly 1i shown at variaus stages I3 Ilile From left are as an child dalg unknown in 1903 FEATURE AT IIM MO Nu den Franklin enllal campnlgn in 1920 during vlcepresid erepholo my csérlbc Mi method to 1m Inlemallonal Road Fed crnllon wnr controlJul Mn lrhI IL and um mbunu Dont lhrm my youn no WI 11 whoa you know balm mo He says nxlcnslve measure ments gains name eondillnnl show deflation between KOImam and 804000th an Inch lofernh or modelale lrnflle Bu deflecllnn of £610th of an will leufl la breakup nd under heavy Ironic The beam will Indicate accun alely tho amuunl gravel and Asphalt needed to surface In new read for expected lrullle vol mm and the amount resur fnelnu needed to secure ade nunlu slrcnulh for poor rend min Mr Welsh SALLYS SALLIES DAWclsh design engineer or the Disiriclof North Van couver use lZiooi aluminum beam tripod and sensitive de iicclion sculoihn whale known as Benkeimnn Beamlo men suréhow much rond sinks and rises as heavy truck driven over ii max lenglncer has devmd mclhod at fnrecasllng potholes In rand uslng device costing about $250 which he am will we lhnusnnds anlars road re palm Machine Forecasts PotholIes In Roads v4 vuun leNcoyhr yelpA local line 555 of 19 ai time her marriage in 1905 and at White House feta In 1935 o=Iiirs FD OiiAWA CWPrime Minia Ier Dieianbaker paid tribute dneaday to shrlatcrim veit as nne of thagrcnt woman her zen ieration and great humanitar anr Mrs Roosevelt died Wadney day In New York Mr Dieienbaker added in atatement She was wonderful help mata to her husband and de voted servant of her country not only nationally but interna tionaliyi in tile field of human right she worked for all mankind She maintained an internaiinnal outinak that bnd no peer 0n behail the Qaaadianl numb Second winlcrlnu alum common pmllco in Onlnrio In dlcnnonn hnvn been 11mm ln lhe riled Ilml wlnlcrln Item lends In be mxfly Ind nan lvrolllllble phase nl but pm ducllnn 11 leading morn lhnn Hmlmi nmuunu win and lumllnmmla mulll In An errand ml ul wlnlnrlnu wllh only mull lncmuu In wolxhl envy lccdlnu cl rnlllo Inlmd Inr umu Ml only mulls In 1th ca Inlcrlnx km wuunl First let us consider lhc cow cnl business This part the heel enterprise bcgln with lhe keeping of bmod cow and ends wilh he warming their cnl vex al armgo weight nbaul 425 lbs Average mull Indicate that In most your calm an gmduccd cheaper than Hwy can bought Them ll rho more Irccdam lrom disease and grant cr apportunlty lor cunlrol of quality wlh hanmwn calm However avershadowan lhcsu ndvunlnxo lheru hill been rcrrlslmt lndlcnflan that ha ch cow and calf bualnm in he mail uneconomlcul usrr of mount alum lnduslry Them lore lhll icumcnl bed pro ducllon 15 her adapted to chum land rrmnlu 1mm butcher mur kell wllh plenly law curl rouzlmco available nnd nnly work out well when there In lean demand or Alnckcr cal at nod prim noun Anlcununl neprelentlliva North 51mm During the past year or so with he dairy industry sum ing from surplus production at undermnsumpllon hever way one wishes In View ha problem and many agricul lural leaders have been sugges ting that 15 good llme Inr name of our Onlarlo diary men to consldcr swlllchlng from he prnductlon milk ar dairy pmducls to bbel 111 mpy VMv Ma Simcoe County Beef Production Is Viewed In Three Segments nun nu PEEP 0n babe the Canadian people who held her in such hlgh esteem extend lympalhy to her lam while she WE AP Wirephotol FFDRWJ First Lady In rnnrludlna lhlx him one nnnmmcrn rnnrludln lhlx report him one nnnwnccmcnl Thu Norlh Slmcou Sal lmnmwmm ywnxv lcr calm In cum mndu more economan gain than heavier and older culllu on grass Fm tnulu over 1000 lbl nprlng weigh did no mnkn pmmnble gain on pnslun Came wlnlmd nl lawm cosh were lh most pmlilnbln on ymlum Then rrparlg mum lhnl ho klnd nl heel cnlcrpmo lollaw rd lhnuld be mmtu chonn to lhn lilo lacnllon and pm dual cnpnclly lhn hnmu arm uqunuy paslurc Good nrndcs Callie showed In most favorable re ponso gram lccdlnf Chnlco grades count cvud not be upxrudcd by th prncllcc wMXe plalner cnllle mqnlrcd Improlllublc turnout of zrnln to uprnrndo Ughlcr your or rum In Ou report is on iinish iug cuttlo an grass Thi study centred around griu ceding weight of talkie and grade steer tor finishing on grass Lowest cast beat mm the gran only practice Grain iecding on gm increusai ltnn costs in all cases but incding up to PM lbs at grain during the ilnishing period resulted in extra bee pmductian about too lbs per head Feeding grnln curly In the pnslurt reasun proved unncunl omicni Wu grain iccding on uhundunt grnss ut unytlme Grain leading on acting pust urcs gave mnrkud gains in weight and tended to impruvo carcass grades reduce the limo to reach murknl weight nnd in crease thé carrying cupucity oi pasture Good grades in mun substantially reduce tha advam haze of pastureln bee pro dudlnn Calvu make cheaper gnlM ln wlnter than yearllngl bu tend to drop 1n market value lowurrl sprlng Successful aper nlors ln lhc wlnler lecdlnz steers have been those who pur chased roplncemenla at lowest prices In the all and who lud plenty of lowcost qualin rawh ygu on hhnd LONDON Rentalab The Queens annual Ohrlstmaa met Inge Ihls year wlll be firere cordcd for radlo and glevlsion so that ll can be brggdcaal lrr tally lhmuzhout Common wealth on Chllltlnfll Day Buckingham Palace announced The recordings wlll be made nvallable or bmadcafllnand qullcallan elfectlve 410 am Dec 25 Queen To Pretafie Christmas Message rumunuauulflh 1th the pleasuxje meet ing Mrs Roosevelt numerous times she spentoneycai as iaithiui attendant at my nerv ices She was awomnn dchiI ol mind and hmad uym pnihics The late Franklin Deinnn Roosevelt and his wife spent mm mm in their cottage hereuA Broadway play which later became motion picture told the story oi their romance and hardships under tha title gattlnnplatu3luw Pért It was filmed on this with population at mi Archipelago the mnulh ol the Bay of Fundy on the Atlantic Ocean yup 1500 nestled between Deer Island In Pusan rznd Pasto Laude FDRs Wife Rey nestled helivéen 5513115 popdflauan awn nuu In Io pm Inn at milk or bccl an ll mueslan local inlor Minn wlll be nvnllnblo in mwmuu Tho must he pruduccd It lhc poll by volm on Manl rcal Island and In Quebec City when they appear to can bll The charges axnlnsl he lwn were lnld under ha Quebec Elccllona Ad and allowed lhe Iclzuro ln Wlndsnr mm In Frldny LOW lake vatlnz Illpn allegedly Iddrcsscd ln Unlan Nflnnala candldulu mums uy ma Crown iram Mr Justice Ignace Dcsinunm in Queenl Bench Coult The nccuscd are Andre La gnrdc chic organizer in Mon rui in Union Nnilanaie party and Gillian Archnm hnuir former head 6i he Que bnc Provincial Police homicide nqgnd The writ clalmlng Judge Archambaull noted with par llalily and beyond hll poman granllng Ihc speedy lrInIx wu oblalnzd dnesdny by Ihc rum MONTREAL CF Thu speedy Mal of two men charged In Montreall lake vul lngsllps Altair below Chlef Judge Edouard Archnmhaul 01 the unions court hn been pm vented by ml of cerllarul Issued against the judge Trenua Novoili Cnndlzllghl bowing cadl Frldny night Sprclnl price Game Bowllnz ylul hnmhurxcr Ind mun In only Loo Mm or hlnh mm ANGUS BOWL Lnnden Abaul year ago had admit my husband had last all lnlmu ln me looked in the mlrror and decided it was all my fault put om lot of wclzhl and looked terrible So launched an Intensive campaign to re lnlerut hlm dietcd strenu ously losl almaxl wpoundll Writ Prevents Speedy Trix Of Two Charged In Fake Votes On Hwy 90 Anlul If you had asked your friend to check on Rexs salary Id agree It was an Invasion pr vacy but mans maritalflm his should be amauernf pulp 110 record and no prlvne in lormaflanunless course hes trying to keep It prlvnn or obvious reasons Wow pnANaa nu mun launds as flakey as mother apple Pie crust 11 lost week ends plus he tilHead treat mant In front he execnllves adds up to manled mann0 iivomg one owner to ngudhn nFl can Wd marrying you but youva ruined the relationshiptor all time Gaodb believer mm 1ng fibrokenvhfirfedrwaxrlmifled in checking the records Please tell meMARIANNE Dear Marianna Dry your earaButte up 11211mnn llmml Automfllc Harlin mulluntied ium with the act at ance and ha became furious Hexhnuted Your 1n vesllgauanI was an Invasion of 721 botherequ asked close lriend in per wnnel to check lhevrecmds When she told me I110l records Allowed flex still married the fines it together observed however that many weekendx he was occu pied and cauldan even My phone When after company meeting Rex avoided theaklng In me In the preaenca of Ike executivesl became more film vicious than hurt nu ml he wasdlvorcnd heme helnz transferred here He spoke acr iuusly ol marriagg Deni Ann Linden Im 16 and In the past yes Ive been dating man Slwhu works for Rpx old ma nm ANN LANDERS Man With 18 Méfe TwoTimesvA Maid mm as mother TAKEOUT ORDERS IM0281 7V fiENNYSGflRDENS Jlnlllvy IIOI Dr Krnmlh Ill Sc mm MrUIII Unmruily buhlm Dean Am and Fulurc Scknm ml Cnmulal Nuvrmbrr Kym Munlnr Nuhjcrl Wnrlc Naumlvr lnnl ulna mam all mm Canada nullmr cum bonlu Mll monk on TM mllnn Wu wv cum Following nuance the wrfl Judge Archambuufl uld ha disagreed with It but It had been Issued by Mer court and he had no alkcmaflvu but to accent ha dulxlm Mombouhlpl SH Available To Hoar The wt contends that the judge acted Illegally In chang inz preliminary hearing In the two cum to speedy Hall It clalnu he had WM Ille gally In Chanda hall $5000 bond lo moo cph Threo aller have rested In comedian case loll In Quzbecl Nov dal citation held up my head even tlmugh tome uI my friend told me they couldnt associate with me anymore Parent urden Wnrked twice hard In uhool an ever had befnre and be came active In student govern ment My grade were top and wax elected to omce know now that my Itsterl minutes made better person out meTERRY LEE Den ILx Youvejearncd an Important Icuon When It hands you lemon make Iem oaade MEETINGS TMPoMANI LESSON at Ann Linden know lhls letter wlll never make the column but had to wrlla anyway lhls ls lor the benellt ol klda wlm thlnk their 11m are rulncd because ulster or brother go lnlo trouble and spelled he amlly name alder 515m luld baby out of wedlock The slarlea kept the own garalpr plenty busy lllyparenls were heartbroken declded It would be my Jab Ior bring balmyand respectml ll lo qur home cum he had no alkcmaflvu but accept he declalon 7O Dunlap El Wm and had my hair renlyled bought smart new clothes and even so my teeth flxed When old mend met me on the street they couldnt gel over the changg My husbandwell he has my eye want FAST DELIVERY BARRIE CANADIAN CLUB NOT T00 ATE XIII Auwlnln Ifdllur Mnklfanl II llunun lure SIUM nrllrr nr pmvin been with TO JOIN cnkrr mllnlnnlly In d0 Illmr ITyn Owner Huh and TM Trnmlnrmallun In fun in REgUIEM RA NOW SHOWING mummm cum WWW MIIIUM 01m 61$an Mammals Has M7217 396 mummm Swed will my 1510009nnm 910 70 per cent mm British school now being built on the base dun to slart classes anon Head mistress of he school will be Mrs Joan Cox Ihe wife of an RAF squint ran leader Five olher qua fled Erltlshfiieachen7n11wlvesol nut lhT 1531er parts will helpw WEAYMOUTH noox STORE In bump PA Hon Brand selection mm the min to the meaning christmal IMPERIAL mum By aycgr ram now the Brit lsh colony wlll lolal about 1000 people will be housed lu new lrullcr court bum on ground where excavators lmvu found he remains of umanclcnlilnv dlan vl The advance party already fl alFlarida5 Eglln Alr Farce Baae The RAF and nvlallon ministry experts are Here Jo Jain lhe us Air Force in ex lenslve testing the new 1000 mlle rangeplnnmlaunchcd Sky ball misslle WM and children will join them nmuu There will be British school or their children and British post oiiice to handle maii far RAF officer and British avir ion minillry men Iheir wivel uni youpgslcrs British am British Planning Florida Colony WEEDS ENGINEEM WHHXNGTQN Luaf ll Lllt fwd lo esiahilla

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