Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1962, p. 16

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NICK Knnusncnsvr no NICK acorn Nick Korea Toronto is My band whosays he larval to Premier with soviet Ambassador Am ataap vAroutunian right while the eal Mr looks lornril it stir at anembassy reception Wednesday night marking the 45th anniversary at the Com until last when he 1switchedto opened Frlda oi hard red spring wheat was showing maouroucplerredw some Hallwortha Myoarold Taber variety taking the title The airy oi the Emmy Alta tanner who won the world corn championship was wheat ldngtitle in Chicago only two years aith he look up running took world here Wednesday Mr HallWorth unetectrician arming as another Wayoi makinga living won the world wheat championship ai thetleldclop competition held in connection withthe annual Royal Agricultural Winter Fair The hair will be oiiiciaily The winning Chinook variety acclaimed by the judges at gencrai plumpness and good color they the grains were well matured and coin Hallworth in an inter view athis home said he was pretty happy about taking the crown but doesnt Ieel be en rthLtlmsJLcome hEWlnCflblwthrhonfiiin rson Theres lot oi work to do on the lam he said HASDOUBLE WIN The preshow judging also re sulted in adoubiewin by an Indiana entrant feat unpre ILtflifl illners third world ycrowp the division returning lt to In the STUDENTS aobsr sacs T0 BOARDS LOND0 Ont iCPt loitler prlndplerthan mere rornauce prompted the great toiletscattrald Uni vcrslty of Western Ontario engineering students said todays When lilitoiiet seats van ished from University Col lege last weekend the word was that theywere being tilzsn gl student got date with the queen of the lreshmun class The seats were mysteriously returned gndd the student mnined at In tact student spokes man insisted the date had nothing to do with the crime It was the work of zealots dedicated to the re moval otatl plastictoiiet seats and return to wood en ones Mnedghom statoof Indiana loathe Iourth consecutive year The variety enteredrwns called Hincrs hy unease The soybean entry took the title from 1961 winner ton RidgetownyOnt Beservo champion this year was William Shanks am Wheatley 0nt The world potato champion was=oiso declaredl Wednesday when an entry ubmlttedvby Anne MacAulsy East Baltic RE Ireturned the titleto that plovmce iorthe lirst time in sevenyeora She captured the crown from Manitoba which had held it in 1960 andiiltsl Reserve champion was Allan Ryan of Charlton Ont with an entry oi Keswick potatoes The second Albert went to Myron Zacharko oi Bruderhelm north east ol Edmonton in the oats division The crown held by berta or hi the Riyals warawarncd Mr Zacharlto on an entry of the Victory variety ONTARIO MEN WIN The remaining two world championships awarded ol the II iield crops were ludned Wednesdaywent to Ontario en entrants during thsrrthreey years previous An entry of the Tetra Petkus variety by iliiam Win ters ot Renlrcw as judged be lou best quality lteserve champion wasilmy Gorsllnc 1981 world charm pionoi Demorestvllle Ont Gian Arthur ot Baltimore Ont is the newworld Cham pion Vinthe tobacco lield the third win for this province in the tobacco competition since it began atths fair in 1960 Mr Arthurs entries were judKEd the best in all three classescutter ius and leat oI totaloi eDcntries includ ing number from Southern Rhodesia IN BLACK AND WHITE IOLKESTONE Kent House wives at Etchinghill near Folks stonepeomplsin that black smoke from hospitallaundry chim ney covers their washing with black smuts mil Nswinrton that theyhavo ii windows to keep out while train chalk pit dust Notice canola oflnouiry 1oran mm axonsmart munsoar nominal ms won iiiYEAR SECURIJY BOND Reputation VIsIYnurkunnrnntes Wm ifiihffitfifiéfimmi remarried ia0otarlo this year or the second time in succes nailmam the Floyd Illner and Son of Lew splinter group known in Birch John Society French Debate ToBe Televised Between Lesage MONTREAL CWTile lead ers of Quebecs two molar poli tical parties will set Canadian precedent Sunday when they appear on the same television program to debate main issues utthc provincial election three days later The 90 minute debate in French will be between Pre mier lcan usage Liberal and Daniel Johnson Union Nation ale leader It will he carried by tho CBCs Frencllrlangungo TV net work covering Quebec prov inces points cast as tar as hioncton and west to Sudbury Ont The debate will be translated simultaneously into English ior CBC radio stations in Montreal and Ottawa and on two niilllated stations in Sherbrooko and Que bcc City Englishspeaking peo ple in those areas will be able Big Dollar Value 48 PricedToSove HBUSEWARES SP Itup on Ins lnm IA Ipsrili iind Johnson to use radio for sound and tele vision ior picture CBCs English TV network will not carry ibodebater WANTS TRANSMTORS The translators will watch the dcbnte on TV screen in ra dio studio The CBC said it is trying to set two trnnsilitors tram the House at Commons but otherwise will ask tho ln ternational Civil Aviation 0r lzanlzntion with headquarters in Montreal or help This is the first time the lead ers oI two Canadian political parties have laced each other on TV Some say the debate starting at 830 pm could score the highestrating in the history oi Quebec TV Some other events are being rescheduled so as not to clash with it Mr Lcsnlze will sit at desk on ono side at the studio Iiir EBIALS 00 who Mlfifll lpsriI lrn lAN Johnson otanother desk across the room Each will have tour sevenminute periods to talk on tour diiierent subjects Expro prlatlon ol power companies natural gas and the TransCanA ado pipeline party programs and the Lesags administration TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PiIONE PA ems SPECIAL 550 PERMS T0 1250 COCKTAIL SHAMPOO Phone for Appointment RU BYS BEAUTY SALON i2t Dunlap IA 6l7Jl Itilbbu atom in Mints hands while washlnl diuninl no Sixes flmlil Mr dium or le crim ll nnwt srm Is not lter ti on medical lied Ve IIIM Aluminum null rlluliln run will lnmu oullnm used or pniylthyl plastic isvilie took the world chum pionshlp in both our com and soybean competition For the first time in at least 12 years the soybean award was taken out 01 Ontario with THE WORLD MOVES COOKE aooowal CARTAGE STORAGE Now AT no ANNE sr PA 61863 set oi Collars llllii cLOIlII sturdy mitori cloths with brllhlly trim med horde About or Stainless OI blsdcs with em men lime 1y com position Indies Iilinl Piatie Collld launsry nsriu spotInt Cloth no on special complete mm wire ml that run over door spacesavor or small iron on About II or drylnl rpm with mt noni stirs liow or Piletir liiliil nits lpesisl sash lper Iai on thin pniyethra ime Ilalie niln relu poor em on in womirn rvylul Gay cation bus is or nlloll WIT hi0 Cotton slon after being held by British rnsr mrrloir sinvrcr mFROM rnsaocxlss amount Mounts mum Illiml lprslll 2bit RI With battery Walnul Andi type at lwixrlo Urnom tumplated cu in with rins lluil hill DIMINKRI lordl curb rm llastie no lie too little trly at on Vlliyltosi rd win About lots or Yellowoi run on moiI ileiil Yellow at about VI Ill Cir rlnils IUNNKII spnnl Ipnis mn mullit plnllle nmmr in pro hue turns humi salt one never sunnsa srrs lmlnaond rnAlIl rhl pod dishes sis Md Ilrlhl rilllio Ilnilu III 10 THE ATLANTIC RulesKant allsow ham sped out II Irrywood with Isrouer line on til Iholnn lr hlsh lonl oc Etro lboul id Illllie vutslil Bias IAll IIII Millthyi rlllsilc ilul Yellow to Tun rlirllhr About Ilgli on prevent or my sit ts slm iiiiiiiiiil lliiiltllls lot of Tin iwhis ratio It lperlsl us Iyrnmm hum lkltllll it run is mm with mol The Industrial Standards Act The Honourable Rowntree 00 Minister at Labour has requested Protester Born Laskln 00ja inquire Into the scopeand operation at The industrial Standards Act R301960C1oosnd to make such recommendations as he may deem advisable lnterestedpsrttes are Invited to submit written hriets 100 copies each to the undersigned not later than Dacember1ittd2 Public hearings will he held entire brlais in Committee RoomNo Main Floor Parliament Buildings Main Building Toronto Ontario on December to 10 20 21 and 22 commencing at 1000 oclock in the torsnoon on each oiihaso dates and on such iurthordates as may be necessary Parties aubmitlinu brlais will be notified of the order in which tholr submissions will be heard 14h wood Wall illsluts Natural finish to suit my decor Irunlnl nuns cullrn In liverisl li silicone leveled cover and hem Hm rulin illill Morn liflill we tom pinin Aluminum Perennials speeIsI an smartly modern with flilrl com reunion nullqu and ins knob on too cull alllll Kill lprci lei For it iniic rushes Don he scum AN color unooiis lllm isl Lee °° sturdy corn broom with hardwood hulls iul handy household ltsln Int union on Veil hroldinm Hill tloirm linls spnisL in clear Havwood Eton inquiry Secretary Department at Labour Loo rrniovinl mm includ llerlslillslsr llisli MN Ier limit mili pnlyrlh tone oletin iiqu or More Ilnut lilt il Mr lit lur luhlnl York Street Toronto Ontario Aluminum coLAanns lpecil cash For titthin lltlbics not It illcit tulle lunulu bout MA dil router Dull Aluminum lnleh rmu lpreiai mm umlrliim nursi VIII with inth lIIPIll tor drstnlnl Iron 1mm chips piece set me IIIIII Du Mullian lllmixn sultnls lprtill let in 11er nlulle ssrn Isrl llool Ill mm sillys It In Alnllll 1r sr mun inl nun un il Itll rnslt Mk my about spin Kesllv While hint Vsiiow or Ttlnlunine ma Auras tmlrhle nl uslllns NH than to warm nvlrtluw Alloiil rs ts rut In nur mui snnu hum um sltb as wntia on Links mistt out Illil or Hvrnvrei ulsl wlmlr rnttnrl nun with truth wood handle mlmcilcd mm trimmed nn nan lieu not he srri mo imii min nil in White errIncl with iitvlrl ooinlu mm Isrh ilrililsnl IiIiI Illluiailui mlill master Huh in sin your or 7H uni in tilri rt nlr mrlnl lulu ltlniiild mtsi mum wllll llvil trim rumor ml no Ivyilsrt ur 1n White ll minor Tullel nnwl nulls ANII Illusion um cowlI nl In Ilslllc ilotdrh runu tlh in onion uni Illsel tnl rimn or Qt nssilhllln Mus Instill ms in lhrls in im vile his 1qu ll mum lisiltu illuminant rlu suns rnrllrnn lrfiriIL mu om mom Illmiltlfl Illhr the wt mu oi ma with In some mot Aluminum mints lrwisl vi lmlmo arms swirl mu II nu 51in summon no luulr Io rs hull UV rrh luhtlnl Imus Mtnl Innisl mu in well rnHMt mltl my sin imiwl In Common mum nulw Nate wean white Atmut Maui lr din Ire shoot is Me lr ms loner Ilsmm Goods Satisfactory or Moneygetondedff Aluminum Mellnilnl mm roilsbvi sliml nnm III it riwlrr rul rr insulin InnInn ram nllwul um um Ruin luwt mum mml Moll with hamle IIRYAI TIAI smut calh III All slit III out tfotterslhls ml at mull nsnrl hlth lulierqv vd Ilith an AM lem alle email Imulslcl SIM Hill 55 won mum um roll lulled Illlmlmlln Illrml Wall PK swlll url in Vihll limi nl rolll mt mun mpn mull turn um um tltm hvlehel no menu AMI Instill ma mill an Print Nimilrrl liiliii mm In mount I00 Chromium yll no ului at lnlnorloi mur neslln remind me Isr rlsltle tnp will mm Illll Ahiltl tut sum immunw euro hun or loos nouuv our 523 Remember the EA ON runs um in slowing mlavm EATON C9 nltrct Nils uorontee

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