Rube Begins Pick Up Only 67 candidates have so Im bun nnmed to contest the 42 mt In the Nov 19 election Nominallnn day is Friday Premier Smallwond and III lemls are contesung all lent but are unopposed in 20 Including those in which th remin and seven cabinet min Im an amend ST JOHNS mg CPBThe Newfoundland plecllnn cold since It started twoweek no began warm upthh week mall Held bl candl datcx headed Into the name Itretchï¬ The Progressive Conservav live are expected to nominate mm than the 20 nominated to I5 BAYFIELD 5T BINARY ElEGTRIfl ï¬lflTHES DRYERNUW ECONOMICAL FLAMELESS ODOURLESS OBAFE PRECIUELV AUTOMATIC CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS nutTV COINELDMAMILYON CONNOR CORONADO DOMINION ElnoraVIKING MJIUGIDMHE GENERAL lLEleC INGLIB KELVINATOR LEONARD MAXWILL MAVTAG tMCCLAnVJASV IPHILCODENOIK INCA WHIRLPOOL SIMPLICIYY SimplonIKINMonEMMDIMLSI IMEKDOUEEN olHOfl ICvon VIBCOUNY IWEETINOHOUEE FREE ElEflTBIB BIANKH MAKE EVERY DAYA DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLYCOSTS lESS THAN 5¢A FULL DAD T0 OPERATE Barrie Public Utilities Commission THIS OPIFR GOOD AT 1H 510th DISPLAYING THIS SVMEOL NOV 3RD TO DEC IMII Get yoxir ï¬eé EIéEirlc Blanket plus new 1963 General Electric Dryer or only 15095 Mllu North of Hwy 400 01 Hwy PA Hm FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK dale Party Lender Jamcl 1Greenesnyl he ducsnt kunw what the ï¬nal number wlll he MAXWILL IMAVTAG McCLAnYJASV nlHILCODENDIX INCA WHIRLPOOL SIMPLICIIY StmplonIKlPJMOnEmmploflbsull IMEKDOUEEH mon ICMn VIBCOUNT wcatmonoua The New Democrallc Party has two candidatesylncludlng ND Leader Ed Finn Jr who say three mar probably will be named Severn independent have also lndlcaled they will run OPENS CAMPAIGN Mr Greene lauchcd all his partys campaign Monday with lelnvlslon address that nut lined Ila stand on lhepmvlncea inherits Mr Smallwood nyl ï¬sheries Ire the main Issue Mr Green any the real 14 sues are flu future oldemo cralic lavemment In the prov Ince and whether Newloundlnnd mAND OYHER PINE MAME lnlereat ad Monday when MrGreano announced in speech that iormer Ioliciiur general William Browne plan in let into ihallghi as candidate in St Johns East Exierne seal created by re distribution lasi spring Mr Browne had been ex rccled in wait ior byeleclion ihe federal riding ni SL Johns West lo make another lry ni getting back into in Hausa ni Commons The iederal vicinry of Liberal Richard era are gold lo hlzhtr tale and Incama taxes next yeur porcellln cum lop dour much overland nmleclor whluper qnlel apenllon Dylbx cup ELECTRIC BLANKET With your 53 Wang mums DUNLOP 51 yuan lm DRYER METEWDK DOUlLt ED fllzï¬ fULL IVEAR DUANANYEC 10 QUALIYV DLANN CONVERTIBLE CONTOURED CORNER CAN WAHNKD AND DHIID AU IOMM ICALLV nyrmlnyTni Eur Futum 500 mu 551mm it dlssolulloriwu Liberals SI Promsslva Cun Iervnuves United Nawlnund llandParty Asmsmum Cashln over Mr Browne In St Johqa Wes recenlly was du clued vnIdJecauseol lmgu lumea OMARS STATUE LONDON AvllIeslxa mm Omar Khayym my mind in Russell Squats garden Hol born huruuxh council COMM erlng an pllcnuon to have erecled an has asked or ï¬nal detnlls and duwms SEE our NEW ma moms 0N DISPLAY PA 66568 STORES PA was DUNLOP 81 Be Sure To Drop In Today Take advintage of 11115 tremendous after by buyan now Never will there be such low low price on Dryer or this quality SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259INNISFII ST EAST Free Electric Blanket You will receive Ibsolulcly lrcu Hal beaullful ulcclxlc blanket when you purchlm lhlx rcmnrk able dryer during lhn dam menllunml below MARCHAND Mlde in Canada THIS OFFER VALID NOV 10 DEC DONT MISS THIS onarcklleftige Free Patklng Heat Selector Automatic Timer FRIGIDAIRE 138 L327$IS995 When Yap Pufchaieï¬ New ELECTRIC BLANKET PA 6653 PHONE H09