Clerk Groh was instructed to ublaln lnlonnllon on the with or marks pmxram and ascer tain ii men used lo cut brush and clear madsidcs would be culillcd lo the 75 per cent al lvwed lm labor an winter wrk Councillor Jack men clnim ed thnl lhe allowance dld not apply lo wrk already subsid ImL Alter he hnd examined lho names on the Milan list he mmmenlod Ihnl lhcry were only law when man was included Vcllm cosls passed for Dclobor amounlzd In over mulwrwuflmgvï¬gï¬ mum mm Fragfl MATINEE TODAY Sigriï¬ngA pm llMl limo Ilyn mum Inru lIIIII tlnlhrl ol lklS5L lllll Mnmhcll nnnr runhound Maul meuvern Gum vlllo IIlnmI yrxlmlly Demon ofï¬cérfwasln agreeman about winkr unrk it some pmjcd could be undeflnken He slnl ed um most mm or work do not want MM Want Highway Sight ï¬ï¬lnnisiiLBeachesL ILGA motion was passed by mm to ask that the signs on Highway 400 at the cookstuwn Road and he 801 Line on High way 100 Highway 11 and High way II he changed so that on the Coakstown Roads they read Lake Simmc Beaches and at the 8th Line they read Innis ii Beaches Art Evans act ing on behai oi luniinI asked that the taimship make the re quest both lodlhohhigcizwny it panment an unty Simone whose mads lend nit the Nghwaysat these points present sums an 400 rendA ing namton Road East do not have any signiï¬cance it was dalmtd and should indi ule that the easter mad leads to the township beaches WINTER WORKS PROGRAM INNISIIl NOTES This healthyï¬lllegtwsoua vw1iLlmw hospnaL deliver1 01 ML and Mrs Peter llar Monday Mrs Hume called Iree Vnnmuvcr wouldnt neighbors and uvenpqund TRIED SPMIER PAINTING HIM nun ARRIVED ON HIS OWN TIME MIMI Imam pfllke with xlyu nu violence lrmkr ml at Allied linglnudnl Md Ell ven mm um urnle lmrnl dixlurhanm arr Wlxrrhnla will mmrnle in an area planning board wilii Ihc surrounding municipalities ii and when it is pwposcd and pui inlo action lleevc Cochrnne answering queslion by Deputy Reeve Campbell to beneï¬ts that may be derived Mid that green bell extended thth the area might be one pmgram that would make for parks and hcnulilicniion ship heading hereon 111 was never ï¬nalized and has been found In me It When it wns hmnghl orvmd at the meeting CREST APPROVED or pmposcd met with some mpllcs One of these showlnx lhrcwart halfcircle and dnplding Inke show ï¬lming and urban areas was ma lime sml lo prinlcr now unknown and III rind group oi residents in Cedar Harbour who are back from the lake asked permission to put pump at he walcr and pump water on communin plan to all their collages this water lo be or domestic use and exclude drinking The pen mlssion was granted providing no responsibilin was placed on lhe municipality for upkeep or mainlenanco later on when Ihe pmsent owners may have gone Ten years urge mucst lo Ehc school chilqnjn or 125ng CQMMUNITY WATER MLEA PLANNING BOARD PM And fllunhy TODAY unsustan of Reeve Campbell Councillor AIA KENNYSGARDENS IMPERIAL council the members were unanimous that il was good and worthwhile ms arrtawn ship use The name at the per son pmducing Ills pres Vis not on rim an Clerk div was inflmcicd In endeavor to oblain some inlqrm lien 09 his The entidid ME prize MILred this Year of 325 REPORT on mm The need one change at lo cation of the present township garbage dump and or better system of handling than the pnsent constant smoke cover ing 11 surrounding areas with smelly garbage being burned prompted Reeve Codirane in set up commiitee consisting of Cwnciiiors ibmns and Todd hey cnmo back with mport presented to council and which had the approval of the membcu 1M property chosen as most suitable is nearly cen Uh WWW Pd 99 slsts at plenty land wluch can uslly be adapted to cuverdally pmgram The com mittee was instrucled to obtaln options on the pmportles in mind and il satlslactory new system or dlsposal would be begun with the contractors n14 lowing or the coverage of all garbage daily instead 01 bum in constantly STREET NAMES The suggestion passed an by the plannlnx board that all sutr dlvlslnns in the msldcntlnl part the lownshlp should have um names ml with Indillcr cnt acceptance at muncil who felt that the ant would be ex orhilnnt and the work ditlicult Ind lengthy Rather than let er dlvp rccvg up bar Hulher and baby are fit CP Ykephotn TAKEOUT ORDERS Hui0281 iii was bamun angrodm mm or mm mm hum CHINESE Fflfln FAST nmwm Dunlap EL Well DELICIOUS OR character of the votes membem were in generally carehee maod small groups ol Liberals and Social Cledll MP singing Alan etle and Hall Hall the Gangs All Here while awalllng the ï¬rst vole +Anoulbriknotolaï¬bcmlmna Good Night Tories lo Ihe lune olGaad IN LAnd In pllces when he didnt lppennauph as thé old Repu blchn stronghulda of Vémon and New Hampshire vomrs pulled surprise and pushed th Hequlicans nut mmmerethï¬mm brother so auxold Tefidy got GOVT SURVIVES In some 01 the smas where he intervened with speechvmaky Lug and hanqshnldng vntm my 5° ouzer 2v opportunity may hnve been on tha minds VermontersLRe pub11cnns for morerthan new tury In New Hampshire fam ily feuding among meRepnhli ems mly have been instrumen tal lovxenr ï¬de Unemplnyment Ind inc all mu Auth for leJuursvlududlng lengthy periods during which 110 gov ornament and opposition whip saw that all available hands wehre IE lhglr plan ZHEWIDRIVIIINCI HOTEL Continued mm page one The galleries were packed for gull vagina which lasted sputter during the Houses dinnerhour adjournmcnt when Mr Cauuotta told reporter that the 26 Social Credit MP5 from Quebec might possibly vote with the Liberals This statement held out the pmspcct at gnvemmcnt defeat since the New Democrat had already announced their inten tiqn otdningA the same Mr Caanckla said the Quebec Social Credit group wanld cau ens duflng he meal break and decide ooursa of action How ever lha caucus never came of thaugh hare seemed In be lot or Inlarmal eralugy talk on the Commons llaor and In he wing belare the votes were taken As It lumed out lhe only we Social Credit MP5 who my ported the Liberal motion wen Gerard Lamy St MnuflwLnA Hahn and Henri Lntulippc Cgfnpgonmmpynrc Mr Lamy stud later that hls vale did not Indicate hls support the Libcnll to lhal Indeblcd aur country or 22 years km Md bring in report on lhn Lust for he next RE ular meeting ContinuedVImm page one unlonas elmgo flyenr old 13qu air when farmer Henry Bellman labk over gayean Kpnnedys Mg per mml drive to crack congres sionnl coalition of soulhern Democrat Ind rightwing Re publicans and get more Liberal type legislators Into C9ngm1 seemed flop vqrans Tum AWAY US rfELECTIONS gesidgint mum Slmh Wm 01 India 11 mum hVork cannula mica mamnu rauilyMHmiamm mumand mlmdnmv le HAN GAL GROUP um HANNAH mu wm all HOTEL TIMES SQUARE NEW YORKS iriow SHOWING In Mlchigan supporters wept Is Democratic Governor John Swnlnson native of Windsor Ont and leglen veteran of the Second World Wnr conted ed defeat Swatnson cohsoled his 14yoamld son Sloven Hï¬ï¬aflrinrnetro All in all it was not bad showing for the Democrats Traditionally in non maiden tlni eiccliou years voter trend is against the party in power The Democrats man ngpd in stlve of Republican onslaught In henvy bniioiing the present Democratic mu of 291174 wiih two vlcnnc en may he reduced by hall dozï¬n sent in the new Kissent House opening nextJnnuary In the Senate Democrats sprinkled their present 8436 Maiggflihxndmtgainslpich iii up sent in Wisconsin ryinnd New Hampshire and Connecticut mi losing to Re pubiiclns in Colorado and Wy oming Heme were born and heme fell in the tapsyiurvy fight In Clummia Democratic Gover mrï¬dmundï¬mnmwnga soft spoken bespectacled nun who had accused Nixon of all kinds oi shady tactics praised Nixon he chimed victory his mté MAY DIM SOME IlOPES Inmubly 119 big question In he jigsaw election revolved Imund the bresidenl himself though his olflce was no In mlved He had nut his nresllze pm Igalnsk conserv ve sen menls But It seemed old can scrvatlve DcmocratlcRepubfl can solution would mmllnIs strong Is Her dimming my hope Kennedy ml have Ind 01 getflng medical mutants for tha Iged qther 11pr welluuv legislation thmuxh 00 gm Some familiar face would with thumping marginover Republican Genrge Cnbot Lodge The Kennedyaf and Lodges hnve been feuding In Massachusem or 45 years 1111 will be he first time in history when two brothers hold he the Hausa Ind Santa sent at the smLume Kennedy nlw Was happy with the Sent ylctory of his former healfll secretary Abraham mhlcoff wï¬n upset the liei public in Conneculcut im Dgnlocnns hymncigars old Senule sen wed He had ï¬n his presllie 3110 line He hid plugged line 11 md hugged conservative sen Rut It seemed old can Tim In mowu Motlml hlve bml will or Walker wry awn druide ta keep your ynunmtn warm nml dry throughout the wlnm Itllan attuned Ipot Ind rule Nubian ï¬ylon MN mllon apm Ipmr 1mm In rlon plln NHL 1th 15PM clonlnl Ind nlorm cumd nlnvu Bqumnll him clullo Inchv mlomntlolncklnl tlppcrlq null nlnuhlo Ilrla Hun Mme Corp NM mm Lea Gun Dop Willaw Caribou comm Olav Imus Complete mm II 1ququ Mind Sim returns to Gangrenwlm elem flan of Robert Tm In mem bex at large mm Ohio Hel tha son of the late Mr Repu burn Senator Robert TI return lo the Home and Senna next January other would be sane Snlloivolced Everett Dlrkxon Senate rRepubllcan lender almoatdldal make lt Ha tralled all lhmuall me nlxlm ln Illlnola and then lumpedllo vlcwry early today nblicin Alexander Wiley Waconlln 78 one arm oldest aenalm was beaten by young Democrat Gaylord Nelson Democrat 38yelmld Doni Ilannr Him unsalted Com 5mm Wanerfl zludei Minnesou keynote zechl maker oi the 1960 Elm Hcan nniional convention and iioh met China missionary in No brash Democratic Governor Frank Mormon deienied Re pubiicnn Fred Salton vho untoa interior tummy in lbs of former president Another congrenionul victory reronsliluter the only mother son team in cangreulunni hil Lury oxiver Bolton Ohio Republican mm to the House where he served lever11H yem ago in rejoin hi mother Representative FrancerP Bal lon mower OhIo member Gone ton wouldbe Republiunl Senator Hauler CApehm In1 dim an early exponent strong action IEIIMC Cubn This isyenmld diehard Re publican whohadben In the Senate to 18 yam wu bujen by youthlul DemocratBirch 13th Bimbow llmons Rayuhllcap ulna Jqu LOSES our VALUEPACKED 50 DUNLOP STREET EAST BOYS GIRLS cï¬ld70f56fiï¬Té ASPIRIN lulfll Wlfllfl IBXI Six of the 10 growers who wan wax1r He at Last years Rays have submitted lam lea otthelr crops lhlnyearnan an 11th world fluelax king413 been addedvlor the 34th annual Vedman of Canadas largest lair TORONTO CPIThe hope of hundreds of axmen armmd ting world will be dashed or realized may under the mag niiying glasses judges who will kick and pinch more than 1000 entries in the ï¬eld crop division oi the Royal Agricul tule Winter Fair mums Exmmzn Tynan nowsz m4 To Judge Ovef 1000 Entriés In CropDivision Ht Fair HELP KIN KINSMEN hï¬jhuï¬day 8153 Kinsmen Bingomghe ODD FELEOWS HALL Thurs Nam 88 pm hum Réduces fevér Rolleveg that headachy feelan Relievés achlng muscles Soothes sore throat makes you feel beller last ArmanAux 20 GAMEs SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $16000 wamaofl $2500 Commoi Prm on IIOUMI Ill MI Mum Fl II Ivud TM Mdnberl clubl from Horns the country zhave tub milled total 220 la lei all ï¬eld crop excepknï¬ax Walningham Onlwhat en cred tobacco Iamples In each the three alum this yeah Mr Winter won the world grown last yen Eighty chancel mplu have been melved chum leaf In and cub Onlnfln rye rower Hum Garline who lull year mm lhn world championth or lbs ml me has entered Mala xarrnerA Gang Winter PA 60121 HELP KIDDIES