cumin rm mum qukIllan In mm at llulln an NIH um In um god to 1h AnonM at um um mu yubllum In Ila MIAN IM muI Ilauu mrnxunn Mum nun mun Mm mum um um mum Mullhlu uum 1mm nole lmnllllnll Innm Inmulpllrm mm by rm wuily IIIN yullv mum rnry 1r In mum on on ma mum ulo mnlhl no mm 4mm 0mm um run mum mm my cum mum Im Tuvnnlux mml umum lm Wm nmm mm mom mm Um CImMn mm Nunmrn m9 can rx Aulnl um mum Pen 10 menu Presbytery Uni ed Church of Canada Mayor John Craig proclaimed hnlf holiday for Remembrance Dar Wilfred Murphy 25 of Vespm md miraculous escape from death when wheels of wagon with weight of three inns passed over his body lie suffered several frnclurcx hut randy unlure of ground believed In have saved his life lfnll Aanlzee open ed in cnunly courl house before Mr Justice iii Kelly who in his address to lho grand jury decried Ihe Inuunllnz full of molar mr necidenlu George Vrlghl uf Wrights Cleaners purchased former Plummcr ll rey building November 1932 Andrew Ha vcrcd teacher mathematics at arrlc Cnllcgtale Institute for now than 40 years died at age 80 hr Hay served under seven principals slarllng with Spotlon and retired in 1020 one your after Arthur ll Girdwoud became prin cipal One of those vlm was an the stuff al the same time for several years was KL Hon Lyman Dutt at the Sn preme Court at Canada Harry Arm slrong elected the Young Dmmtnt ummt Ammnm mm um null InI ml xmmmenl mun ml lnr ruman pom In mun Fund II flnlulmy llalldul IV Ple WALL hillII Vhlle it holds no official posllion in municipal government the press plays an Important and useful part tn its operat lon It ls largely through the columns of the newspaper that the citlzens obtain thelr respect to what vnlr hv lhhlr malte 30VEARS Ago IN TOWN While the representniives of the press have no special rights they have the same maltcrfifé beini counclls qmi disposition In this way the 111355 serves as connecting iinke be wcen the council and itspcopie and scr vcsto protect the electors and taxpayers by ken ing councils under ciosc scrutiny The quotation below is from the book 12 The Municipal Council in Ontario and covers accuratelylhe altitude of responsible newspapers The position of the press in regard to thereporï¬ng of the actlvitles of our mun lcipal governing bodies 15 sometimes can fused in the minds of both the public and local legislators Press Hds Duty To Report Activity Gc verning Bodies The Barrie Examiner MASTER OF HIS FATE CAPTAIN OF HIS SOUL Hayï¬eldsmét Bméngano WKrWa1s Publishgr Brian Slalght General Manager WEDNESDAY Nov mi Pm MEMORY LANE Pï¬bilshéd by Caï¬iwgn Neï¬spaperé flamed ll The adage that my In Mcvmnlln far 131ch mm you as being particu larly wise one whrn on Halo here Are some alrly nlcc mu mung lrivml your enemy you xnuw cnmldorahlc numbcr pcnpln ynu have Inl In he lhmlkful Inn ou can 10 lhankful that you mixan wnp pawn wllh Alnglc mm llwm on main street occupied by Hubbards Hardware conducted by Empire who planned to move to another store nearhy Winners oi trips to R0 at Winter Fair In North Simcoe judgiv n3 competitions were Walter Dell toy Tracey led Vasey and Jack MaeFar latte Stewart Hell of llarrio headed senior hoys competition wllh Elmira Vehh of Wyevalo leading the girls ltnyal Victoria Hospital report indicated total of 830 patients treated durinf year 45 more than previous year in ray of economic depression public wani aer viee was up with private rooms tiown their of St Andrews Presbyterian Church presented usual splendid annual concert tealuring Dr Harvey ltohb lo ronto organist and Madame Joyeollorn anrky llelglan cellist Auction aale reld for race horses from the famous llroukdale Slahle llarrie owned by Simon and Albert went liereset winner at the Klnxa ate at Vondh no in 1012 and tire of llerendesy win ner or Plate in 1921 remained with the stable There were no hltla for the old stallion who reached the ago of 23 in January thin year llnhert Graham lermer manauor oi the atnille imugltt most at the stock Sam Slrnnsman elected president of tlarrie fella Junior hockey iul Annual meeting or line rlo Country Iluh reelected Jo ll lien nett as chairman or board with ii listen as secretarytreasurer Mae Laren wan re elected captain mm mumaims pressï¬huwuir uid be remembered that their business is to get new and not necessarily to print on what the council or member of counci wants published There is probably no other agency in community that can do more to pro mic or obstruct good municipal govern ment than the local press Most ï¬cwspapers can be relied upon no to publish mmrmglion which it 15 clearly not in th hnhlhlmll In Faun nun l0 nave ness t9 Axm right of attendance at council meetings and access to Eubhc records as other in habitants of municipality Although the representatives of the press may be excluded from committee meetings ex perience shows in the long run in most matters it is better to have the repre sentatives of the newsgapers get the cor rect story firsthand an garbled ver sion of the proceedings by indirect means sum as mm you do Under ouuyslem In crimL plcturc an accuse naI nuance man either guilty loreconvlcllun qr 19 willynhaJa nogï¬pmquuflcgcncraurlgmx nu guilty But the hunger In There has been lack of direc will sell papers mall lion in magistrate on qucs decent consideraunn HWEIIIMI lIllI Swmlann rr mu nacnsd Iml mm lnm In wuamym mm man Impoiufllijho lens movement of bmkcn bonus cant any mew your mm wnl harmed bul the Iurcly must um spUcrcd True ma It 51mph Imrlure an arm or 1n noon possible In mlnimlxq In lo pmlccl ngnlnnt unim njury rum movement and In pormll Imltllnz lo stun Im nmlinltly pinnlnl Mp In tun opmflnn mom wllhoul knowing Um mndlflon nI tho pallonrn hem and clrculallon and blood type Fudhnr tome delay can let Innnmmnllan Iwulllng Ind munch Ipnnm xybnldc SO1119 In mnllnunl nl nnacllnn Unlnl mm loom mind In Knm 1W1 The LevIQ nml 1m mum mumqu lnrlllr Drum Al mnulh or II Columlvln lllvrr Then run he mnsldmhle Ith In Iuch an Injury Tm pn Iunl especially eldcrly may need llmo la ml More the lur xcry whlch of course II phy llcpllilmlll inrllself NH The Int Ipflw lo mmpleln lhe MWNIVI IKllll lull wnyn mmmnunmlnl mu drlvrn 71 run no hr GuyIn The tenmun mu wylanncd ll frl ulln thln by Donal Emllln urfnrlml ounnhrr of Hm mmpnny Tody III Clll nutrum 11000 mllu lrnrk nl whlvll nbuul 13m mm In In Hm lrummnlh mm lnn rmk Mnnlrlul Vnncmnlr Imlm tmlll live mllrl In 70 lmuu mlnulrL fly THE CANADIAN PRISM Al or dnyl for mrzcry dont know Ihe clr cumstancns however hen urn Icvcrnl vnlld wsxlblllllu You dont ruxh Inlo an operation lhis sort bllndLv You take xrnyl Ind uudy lhcm Lhamuzhly to Ice lhe fracture and know In mi Vance whnl malarial will he headed once lho cpemllan III promu amblflknco Trnlncd people wxlh sketch can lranspgrt patient to the up con nr plllnw can he luckcdundcr the head blankcl can be lnld ovlr the body llth collar may bu gently looscnnd doctor can be summoned once llne there possibilliy of rac lure or Internal Injuryand In Ihla case either or both could be suspecttdlhu pnflenl should be made as camfnrtable possible but shgylï¬ no he mnvcd Xrays shawcd she had broken hlp Although she lell an Thursday she was nut open aled on until Saturday The sur geon said It was very bad break Pins were used to hold the bones lnï¬laec plus tracuonr Although people asslsling her mean well did they really for proper ï¬rst aid Also Ihoughl broken hone had to be nel us soon as possible Can you give me reason or he delayz Den Dr Molnar Recently my nun lzll down some alalrs She was In great pain and unable to stand up People came to her as sistance helped her walk up and inn cm and took her to the hqspilnl By JOSEPH MOLNER MDv non onEAnN TORONTO+II hi mum Tornnio dadar rnn em gloyen old the government it npncnedwu in comm an impaired driving chm flown acquitted Th magistrate ld lhni ihouzh he had toms dnuhis ha did not have the weight of evi dnnc to convict Tamnionnmlï¬apen and radim unions gaver decision can uidernble coverage and included lhp dgcwrn name VAIN MAGISTRATE Therg are two points hm OneVol Ihem Is the hablt mnzlxlmsn nivinzflelr nplnlon pl pgsllble gum when they ac quit 11 mm Jung Win11an he qulteaeomv And It Is something that Is no Inglqed Itla someihiflg ï¬at serves nn useful purpose except In feed the vanity of Rh mantra con gamed TO YOU GOOD HEALTH TODAY IN HISTORY namovafï¬ï¬ï¬ Fréctufe Suspected QUEENSPRRK Sédrés The Créekd Taranto Press he hablt Some years ago when Hun ach nplnlon Leslle Blackwell was attomay an they ac general he tgled to work aura cede on coverage of crimlnnl lulteaeomv can with fliepress He really didnt get loo lat serve ha The newspaper repvesentathes apt In feed were an the defonslvn immedim Ilstrate con ter and there were crlu cl freedom or the lawn that ls not ew points werearrlved nt such as that you dont publish In criml plcturc at an accused person ither guilty loreconvlctlun tn point patï¬parlbxqultcgcncrallylgmréd But the hunger lur new that of dlrec will sell ally nvepmda mama dont lmnw of anything harm and suspect Ihnl you have mzrcly hcard modern version of nnolher old wlves tnle Du Dr Molner What am the consequence of drinking lowcalorie soft drinks or diet lngf have heard that lhe urti ï¬cinl sweetener will harm the klgneys Mn AW Prudent delay in seulng fracture is mailer of the sur geons judgment and 09 nature of lhc break When elderly persons all and complaln pnln in the leg or hip or the fool found to be turned out an an unusual angle they should lie lefl lylng Keep them warm and candomble un Ill they can be moved pmperly sidnrably different And with the patient in the hospital theres protection Igalnsl further dam age while waiting 1mm Inn And why Because of the Irresponsible greed oflhe Tnmnlupreu lora fallow new item The mean pain LI that he man In this casewho was ac qIIIltledwfll yay lever pen ty 1th unbuclly huh received can him and his anally considerable annexing Mum my could result In material mm though It is lmalama wnl mmd Pgs PENALTY gunk uA IhIé nbnem II CITIZENSOF BARRIE YUKON TOURIST During June July and Au gust I962 lhe Yukon Territory welcomed moo tourists They were lmbedded ln mnlsl layer or slltllke clay whlch had sealed of Mr and prevented decay or Al Iensl 1000 years They seemed lo ln dicale that the areasIndlans were Inked culturally Io lndl an wha lived about the same llmc In the Marpole area now wllhln unmuver clly llmlls Dr Bu on said wedlscav cry 01 piccns woven rush mulling or baskets at Boundary Bay south Vancouver ls quite ulraurdinary because of their remarkable slate of przscrvallon Tmï¬wmpleterinbwvtdiaz beiore it is flooded iur power development All were under the general di recian at Dr Charles Borden who hands archeology at the UBC department oi anthropol 0H WELL PRESERVED Dr Burden said wedlseav cry 01 pieces at woven rush matting or baskets at Boundary ay south Vancouver is uite extraordinary because Julï¬rmiglmm sinned that the absent MP5 represented the iniamous old iiesday to Thursday Club thi This was the name given to MP from riding in Ontario and Que bec near enough to Ottawa to permit their representatives to return home or the weekend The length at the so called uweekend reveals that some mm even further away stretch their imagination and take even longer PBIIWHJLI will handicapped in the whenever it may at No matter whether tees are active mem Tuesday to Thurst political campaigner grass mote level we of we thing So Ion In so many empl seats that party at of ritlon is not planning tactics to unset the au 7an lullaliendanee ANCOWERWCP nuemmenfflin hunting was good this year for in the Wise four expedition nil aruheolu The answer has come quickly gist mm the University niLess than two weeks after those British Columbia 100 per cent divisions the Cam One group dismvered the oid rnons chamber has been nearly an perilhahla Indian artilacla hall empty at the opening hour ever lound in western Canada and by no means ill 0V ï¬ller at site within no miles oi Van the latemmers have struggled Jenner Another encountered fillings Last Monday lnr example for early lndlan wrapnna iash saw only Nil out oi an HP at tuned with iechniqucslhat orlg lheopenlng The lull member lnated more than 4400 years ship ni the Hausa would be 265 ago in Eurasia hut Tammy Douglas had not yet third discovered an Indian taken the seal he had just won pit house that complcies his in hyeieclian and one Liberal tory ni habitation in the Fraser had been unsealed or irreauiar Canygnfmnr 900 yearn liies in his electinn In Nnmnmvl were under the general di rection of Dr Chnrles Borden who heads archeology at tho UBC department anthropol ycnm And In dld prellml nary work on the Peace River hnsln where nrcheologkl hope in complet czdiari Mun The relationship between your staff and our nflicers and stall wasol thehi es calibre Ind wish you we kindly convey the Individuals concerned our grateful thanks or lhelrcnap station BC Groï¬p Pincls Indian Remains In View of the conditions pm valling at the lime your papar gave Modal and prompt re port acplvgfleL Dear Sir At the man meeting oi the directors the Baffle Agricul tural Saciety was Instructed la convey to you and your nail their sincere apprecialimi iar the coverage and publicity giv zn tanninregent Bins Dear Sir LETTERS 10 EDITOR Cole Secretaryheasmr allowing day Tuesday saw MP stlll ab senL So the reason was lube sought partly elsewhere than in lbe mcrcullon ol the nusduy In Thursday Club The blg group ol absentee on Monday included 63 out of be 99 Liberal MP5 33 out of the Conscrvatlvcs la out or the 30 Social Cmdllen and out 01 Illa 13 New Democrat MP lrom Quebec were In table by lbelr empty chlln Ol Illa 35 Liberal MP mm lhnl pruvlnce only seven were In tho llouse But ol the Causewa llva MFA from Quebec lo wen Iucucs to upset by surprise BIBLE THOUGHT max God mum vm Christ aru MnlRomuu 7231 Cllrlsl aloha cln puma lb hem guilt Ind set Lba Iln ner CROP ASSISTANCE Paymenls Canadas Prairle Farm Asslslnncc Act are cxpccled to Iolal 1200000 or 1961 In gowynmenl vole ma VSEKAEï¬Dï¬LUB Last Monday lnr example saw only no out of 25 HP at lheopening The full member xhlp 01 the Hausa would be 265 Jul Tammy Douglas had not yet taken the seal he had just won in byelecllnn and one Lllmral had been nnseultd or Irrelular line In his election In Newfound Ell MFs eeplhls up7 This was the N1 question at the opening the new Pulle ment of minorities when lull nilcall members attended at the ï¬rst dlvislons Had every last MP attended in lhadlouse Common on the tall oLma qulsian bell ever before 0pm Iunthm muesled that this wan lheflrst Uma voles had ever been attendedbyuye In mem hershlp of the House withqu even and flnxle nbsenlee an would Tune udtgmeni at close votes and the driving um bfllan the Early lo QOTTAWA REPORT mmcx Mmblson Hduse Séttles Down Shad TacticsOut run allendance can CROP ASSISTANCE Payments under Canadas Prairie Farm Assistance Act are expccled xo Iolal 1200000 or 1961 v0 ewhld the opposition mlth force at almost any time MP ufnther parties have lha advantage that they cannot ha Inmmmoded by any surprlsn tactics In this way So they are able to spend mom time out In vlha wnsflluencies wrklng on their own behalf and in ha cause lheir deluted col qn lrgnclag sys No matter whether the abscm lees are active members of Iho Tuesday to Thursday Club or paljucal campaigners at the grass rook level we can be sun or one thing So Ionz as than In so many emply Liberal seals Illa puny of ofllclnl oppo xlllon not plannlng my shock ladies to upset the gowynmenl by surprise vole ï¬rmmum bé graver handicapped In the next election whenever It may camehy this Maxiy olhEMPs Imunfdoubl aha beginning to fish lhclr awn flex ledexlal electing While lhl Conserva 4m 935 must kepyhep Conservative party luch ls taking no pm In the Quebec nmvinci lxMchiiEWhrlï¬vxf vo MP3 from halvprovinm would In their place on Palllame wgana 3km 1le is prescni This Nadilm explain an pmbabin cause for absen truism The iederai Liberals are playing fully mopernuw and vgry active part in like provinca in election in Quebec Liberal Lender Parson has repen ediy Instructed his organisation in Montreal ta give niipossibla assistance to the Liberal Party in ils slmggie in rean power In Quebec gnd evidently the fed uni MP5 are In most case my ing away 1mm mama so that they too can shunp the rum inc on behalf of their provincial comma