In he mu pgyran Mar lmlnm In cllnlrnl unlmb My Unluuily Hula ro lmlninl um yum 1mm III llxvlrv 0n Mlllll 1n um Nle Juli Ind Mu HMIMII Nu Illrmlml uhmnl In rm um hnlmlll um mmlnnlrll In Inth Ilklm Hum Inlrrnliy Tur nnln In mm llr Iil pmwmlu mix at Hmnunt Lakr NY mu nl hmnlrm mul Mull lmhrnllln Klanlnny hpcn mp nnllunnl rmmnlulunrr lhu nanun um lmn In ll mum MM mlmlniairlrd 1m llw My lu llw Mu Jam punl hul Mlluml mum Ila lmmlln III III the Hull III In Iuflm lMlulI llvlrl Mp Id Hum Hmmnun llrv Iml huhllr xrmlmu Innr Mm WM Iunr Mm lylml Inmnlvhunmnn mphnllun Iuh nu nmlmhlun wu numnmml SAN JUAN Puma Ilirn Vflllnm all hlnnhmy ul Tur lmld llnlnnnl wnmluiumr he Calmuhnu Ilrvl um Ru cirly Illml Tumlu lam np rmnlly II lmul ullmk unl rml In hntrl swimming pool Nunhury mu Sun Jun lnr hrmhphrnc llu mu mrrllnu Mr Kerr ul mmln his own Invmllgnlinn lnlo SIU romrd wk Inmnnntlnn lhnl wnuhl Ahrd some HAM on thnrnes nxnlnsllho Srnuum Unjon 17117 nnndm nul ï¬lnurlcn mm lawyer for tho Cnnmllnn thor Con Hr urcnpud he SIUa dqu mcnll uxhlbns hut Illclflrld Uml he would lnku nane an mo vnlur All muld be subject In mm lhmugh Minus lNYlISTIGAT OWN Canadian Head Of Red Cross Dies In Pool Im the pormn youve not In convince In Ihis Inquiry said Mr Jusncc Norris Bril lsh Coluxnhin Appeals Court juml nppnlnlcd by he Inkml pnmnmcm lo mnk the Ian gnllnn umporary ex Mr Km loll lodaya SIU mlncss veiled In myslcry allhounh Leonard McLaughlin nn SlU vicenrcsidcnl In Canada was cxppclcj In 11 he brunch At hmsdnys hennng SlU lawyer Jnsoph Nusx said lho SIU enllllcd Io mpnlr lhe meal harm done lo Ms mau lnllnn through ncmpnncr PHI um Same acnmcnls cm pmcnlcd through Alcxandcr Kerr top nfllccr or he SIU Norm Amerlcn In which he SIU or Cnnndn ls affiliach anaulqngmous agganizauop sudden pasthcaring devel opment lhrew new drum on Mr Ken5 lesllrnony befor thn onwmnn lnqulry LEAVES 101 110311 The American 1mm sud denly departed for his Omdcli NJ home whm his wllc we laid lo be seriously HI wax nxmclcd lo mum in Monlrenl mgr to ace cmssexaminnlinn MONTREAL CDThe Soa larers Inlemnllonal Union Canadn la Irylng lo repair public image Under fire or week baton the federal Invusllxallnn Into wnloflrnnl lnbnr strife the Sea nrcrs Union launched mesdny what ls shaping up as dam mlncd nllcmpl la rcfulc point by point nllngnlinns mnde agilnst ec niquc replying to the charge was In docu mumsunion minulcs corm Ipondence payroll shoals can ventlon meccdlngs and so on deslgnnd to contradict dcny or an daub qn cgrllcr cvidcncc Mrs Vlclor Veums is shown liner bed by Your heart an which sh muld 011mm the as she rcgiskarcd to van in lacks came in an ambulance mum mnchinu without hav yesterdayfselecunnInNMH Shewam RipeclalmHmm inlolandmPw1rtphogo vlllc Tenn Mrst Vcems can SIU Tries To Refufe Charges Of Inquiry £WBNTEDTGXER€ISEHEEFVOTE gross and Geller lawyer for Upper Lake Shlpplng Lim ilcd Inc nl the SW protested against Mr Kerr glvlng self scrvlng oplnlon cvldcnce Despite fluny of objections he documents were tiledollcn by 511 lawyer Nusswilhuut any verilicaliop rum Mr Km at all In essence lhn SlU cxhlbils were designed to rdqu lcsl Burries Exclusive RCA Viitor TV Stereo Dealer The Chldwlck 1an 1110er SWIVEL ASE lauhoy bchy In nonulna 00d warm speakers In Nulural nr 5an Wnlnul Muhnxnny nr lruimmd Dimenslons right 295 wldlh me dcplh 259 INNISFIL ST TVs Clearest Sharpest Picture Pulls in Distant Stations Crisp and Clear Proven Performance Lastineg Dependable SIMCOE DISTRICT 000P NEW VISTA COME IN SEE HEAR TRADEUP T0 non VICTORS 31500 COME IN COMPARE AFur example to Mr Shea hans charge that the SIUa general fund shrunk lo 0000 from 31000 lhe SlU produced linuncln papers punpurlan show $36000 Increase in Die 11 lo $121300 in the name pa many given earlier by Michatï¬ Shcchan former SIU omcia who now heads the rival Cana dian Marillmegnlnn CLC nllh lrldl BAR RIE OHMVAZï¬CmCanadns es ï¬maledlpopulnlion rose 13 683000 at Oct his yénr with an prnvlnces except Prince Edwaid island renorllnz increases minnm MnmnwnnflzsnAv NW Mm Population Rises Ontario Greatest The bureau slalislics said PORK SAUSAGE III box 175 WIENERS lbs for 175 HAMBURG PATTIES lbs for 192 FITTED PIE CHERRIES 22b pail 495 CANNED WAX BEANS my GPEEN BEANS PEAs CORN AND PORK AND BEANS PEACHES PEAns AND BLACK CHERRIES PLUMS AND PIE PUMPKIN for 95 ANY ASSORTMENT FRONT QUARTER OF BEEF 1532 HIND QUARrEks 0F BEEF lb E5 Round Sirloiri TBénéand Wing Steaks 79 50 COLLIER ST no Ilronlc mnsnle mndel lnng lovely conlcmpcmry lnwbny lhnl Mun beaulilully with nlhvr nmilurc plows awnkrrs In nlnul nr Mnhngnny linlsh mmnnsiuns mm 505 Mdlh mu drplh I1 BUDGETLPLANV 119w DYCKS 28450 FOOD MARKET MILEREEZER on line Among the provmces Ontario had the largest numerical ln crease in populaliun over Oct 1951 at 106000 today that the 0th ï¬gure rep resented an Increase 326000 campared with the correspond lnx dale In 1961 11w ponulatldn estimate al Oct alsn was 495000 more than Iho ï¬gure or the June 196 census PA 6653 had Illh PA 55339 ian chnlr wvoriï¬x Another qualitmeill IADDON ALI suite dosixnul or smnllcr lamiliesl Markresistant Formicn lablo 0p uxhular Lllcl mms wushnhlo nomLpuucmcd plaslio chnir mcrlnk Omicc CHROME lrnmoa hilu vod grnIncflccl table lap Whilu clmir covering or HIHNLJiTONF mcs Walnut woodgrnindtcd able lap SEecial each Bum excluslvtly Im EATDNS Walnut woodgrnlneflect Formica table lop scllcdxed and with mulching Ipmn has leaves and extengis to FIVE FEET or SIX FEET anulune tubular sleel frames Mmmistlnl telllevellan lb dtepbrpilddtd thalrlulInnd Inch named In lnn or Pecan Ilrlped unshath plmlc Urumnr lulum FMAM mllo and muo phonlt blah dull ucoul phylnp combln 204 oulpuv mud dung up diamond II Im pmhhuilon opium ï¬lm rnltuu In llnlflm ol wnlnuO mlhwc II An any WM RCSAM HANDSOME SUITE THAT COMFORTABLE SEATING FOR FOUR Spoihl Each 50 EXTRA ARM CHAIRS VIKING 20WATT AMFM RADIO STEREOPHONIC COMBINATION Exln Cluln Rog 800 550 dpil 71112331150 SpcclglLEach EXTRA SIDE CHAIRS 960 aim dmlrl Wxla table rx cm In 41 4450 side chairs Armchair new lable extending to 60 and 72 Save 40OOI Rug 950 Save 1500 Rog 5950 1109° SEATS SIX Rngulnr Prch 1W EATON SPECIAL Special Film SpudI Plocu 95