Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Nov 1962, p. 1

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Lififififiifi HIV EHMIINII Brown mm lnr vldm Mun whll Ml ulle mm Mr Winners mum Mnal erphl milk winds up as surplu hullrr In RommmM unrnxn whlle lnrmrrs cent 11 puuml fur lap xrndrs and llw consume my nbnul 56 lo 59 cent mlnll ncmn Ibo cnnmry In slrrnzlh 0mm yrnr cansumnr nuhsidy Hinlod ml May Onlurla and Quchnc dairy farmers whn provldc 70 nor can Canndnn lmnnlllul milk mpply n5de fnr ycnrl grace llul ring In no lhnir own huum nrdur The nllrrnnlhe as Axricul um Mlnlslcr llnmillon hm hem saying polnlcdly 13 um llc lcdcrnl action In capo with plus milk pmhlcm OTTAWA lCPLlnnhillly Onmrla mllk produccrn in mum on their mm lnslrumcnl for con railing output In scan hm more evidence lhm he lrdrrnl unvornmcn will lrlm dairy prlcc nuppum nrxl ycnr wllh lhe Liberals and our olhcra including Deputy Lendnr RM Caoucllodcllbcr alcly nhstalnul as the motion was defeated 12 105 The re mnining 15 Social Credit MP5 present Icamld up wllh 1011 Con urvnllvos ngnlnsl Ihclr lwo dls 9am Yur No 260 The Saclnl Crcdlt party which In he hm six wank ha unlled with the iavcmmcnl ngnlnsl Lilmra nonconfidence molians fled fig 59 this lime OTTAWA CPIThu Progres ch Conservative mlnnrlly gov ernmenl weathered lwo more confidencu lests Tuesday nlgbt In lha Commons but lhcm was perhapssignificant weakening In Ihe voting base on whlch he myeq gosluy In office To Cut Milk Aid Govt Expected Ollav nough Rider stru quartcrbnck nus Jackson and his wife 1115 admire their limbo slrapnlng bay Govt Survives bVOtes Socreds Change Tune For Examina Want Ads Tele phone PA in Thatclephano numbar to call for lhe Business or Editorial Dept ls PAre 31 Our Tglegfidnes NEW MEMBER ON THEIR TEAM Mcnun lrltml nml ml lsrr Nchru Mom In re IInn hls rlcfonci minmry put verbally Oct 26 and An wrllluu luu luv mll wrk may um um kn nlnhl Ml Wirrnhv ho Mum In Ang lul Eighteen of he mcmhm or ruling Congress pnrly vxctulho wcm npmlld lo hme nluncd mm to Nuhnl umln Hrmml wimdrnwnl Irom he ruhlnrl nnd rtcrrlnu to churn lhnx India wnx unurcpnrcd mcfl mu Chlncsyufltnshn llln crllius hm hlnmbd hIm fur the poor mulpmtnl auppllcd lo Indlnn hoops llghllng an Hm border mm Mild hls ulllludu Inwnnl Cnmmunlsm lmd lulled him and Illa nullnn lnlo also mm Iccurlly NEW DELHI lliulilrsl Primn Minisicr Nehru iadny nn nounccd lim rcsignuilon oi Dc cnce Production Minisicr Kriaiinn iiicnnn rcpinmd hy Nehru last work ns Dcicnca minisinr Nehru mad Ihc nlmnunce mum at meeting iim mi in Cungrm party heror Mcnnu had bun lhn subjcci mnuni inn criticism for his handling of ihe smouidcrlnu Sinaindlnn bnnicr wnr sldenl colleagues mcmhm And 15 cmls Just before this the bowl had Ihrown their voles hchlnd Soclal Cred nanconfidence mallononly to watch the New Dcmocrnh uphqk the govern ment Thnt count was 121 In 11 against the mullontcchnlcally Social Crodil amendment In Um main ldbernl mullon Menon ReSigns Nehru Announces named Kevin Rusde Russ Jr weighing in at eight pounds four ounces was born Sunday Ha hasnt sald yet amtPr 91 Liberal New Dcmo OH He Wm removal the nxt day and assigned In de caucproducflon The wIaullnym lurk Krecn raclul ImuInd an lrnckcd hlcle mnnnrd by dnzcn anll urn hlghlluhlud flammxlnmlh llnry purndo In roiled lllrouxh Hw squnru In mm Hu Knm ll pan Ircmlcr Khnuhchuv and Wm llusslan ludm MOSCOW lllculclllA new Snvlcl nnvul mlsxllc went on xhuw lar lhv Hm llmc today ns min pnrndctl mm mlxlxl lhrnuxzh Mascnwa Hod Squaw mmk Hm 45th nnnl nary the Ilussinn rcvolw lmn Pnrly sources quoicd Multan saying in the OcL letter that in the silunllon which Into our cauntry as th rcsull lhc unprovnkcd lnvnslun our mllnrlcs by Chlnn sub mi that It nppmprlulu and nefunury Hunt the parunltu of do 91 Llheml and 22 Social Credit in war he mono 1M Cnnscrvallves and 15 New Dnmocrnls against Ste Guvl SurvivesPane The eightvoid margin was the slimmest of snvcn confidence lcslsIncludlng nlx opposition noncanlldencc motions that the government has withstand since this Parllamcn al mlnor HIE n13an Sept TL Russians Parade New Naval Rocket whether he wlll follow In his fathers dealsteps nus Sr the East nomlncc or he outstanding Canadian player of he year CP Wirepholol EDWMIH TED KM mdy 1m mmlul hmuwr fly pmldom mm In and lhc mlcrmlona mpnrl on he mullcr mid nulhlng Mon camprrhnnsiro film would sm llmlh cds he maple NIAGARA FALLS Onl CF Orgnnlznd labor In Onlarla ha Nmmlltcd itself loan allnut campaign In press or provin clnl medical care plan Some 900 delegmes to flu canvgnunn ol lhu 5000wme barUnluflo Fnderaflhn bur mcsdny Authorized he ex cculiva In use the lcdcrnllonl rcsuurgcls for lhgcamgalgn would he one the grenlcsl cumpnlgns mer Inunchcd by the labor mnvumenl And lhal the federation would make mod lcal care ma Issue In me next pmvlncn clccuun Bulb Ihn New Dcmocralh Pany and the Liberal pnrly have made medical earn mn Sar pan their clmlon pm grim HIT MISS MOSTLY HIT The U5 duhgallon kept llgh lid on whm tank place In lhe talks bu it was apparent that the United States was step ping up pressure on Premier Khrushchev lo hnld lo pledga lo remove missiles and all other offensive weapons and US Ambassador Adlai Stevenson suid afleLnflvchnur mcotlng Tuesday night wllh So viet anuty Fmflgn Mlnlster Vasily Kuznelsov This one was not fmillul The missiles are moving and lhetnlks are moving on Stevenson said But he gave no Indicnttnn that the misstlerand Jet bombers were leaving Cu ban oil Ontario Labor Starts Drive For Provincial Medical Care UNITED NATIONS AP The 115 drive to get Sovlct ensive fleapons ouLat Cuba and International Inspection of the wllhdrawal appeared today to havctakeu critleal turn thn ha nnnlly lrampcd lhrnuxh lhn lhhk hulll ho nund he had klllcd hm deer two bucks and dun SOUTHAMPTON 0M CIX Sluull Gniu Saulhnmplon med II dccr lhnc llmcs and three llmu nund he had missed i116 icyan wificdinrlfi com Burgh Omlrlo Camdl Wodnasdly Novimhlr 1962 Arms WithdraWal Nisuggests Boycottmg Turns Critical lsouth Afriéa DEMCRATSKEE mhu with win Jam Mm 7mm no MM hm elehkmus immauc us bum IN mo mums nnulorlgmm Mummy lorlaliauill Magnum Snudi Arabia unnnunurd Ii hu hrnkrn Ilplnmnllc rciniluns with Cairn In the deepening clIinI lourImI III In Scfiitmimr when mniuilon Imc cd hy UIIIJL President Nnmr lop pch he monarchy In Yemeni DAMASCUS Syrh lAlJTllc Middle Enxl mom aup closer to ml Arab shooting wnr laduy as Saudi AUINLI nmlscd he Unllcd Arab Republic or AL lnclu by and air nnd mmcd troops lo balllu lhrcnlcncd lnvnsiun These p90 are in he long run mnrc dangerous opponent lllnn Mug doclora Ihemsclven lhh port snid The rcsohnlon said is un llkcly the 91ch Kavcrnmcnl would Introduce medical care scheme and Ontarlu the rich es province can nffurd any lhlng HIM Snaknlnhcwnn one lhc poarm prnvlnccs can lord Koilh floss United Slowlwork 01 America CLC said IE proposed increase In the mm Physlcinns Service Incorpor nlcd major argument or nornrnmcnt plan merclnl lnlcrcsu such as insur ance mmpnniu would xivo strong rcslslancc to govern spwnsomq plan gel Caslrnlo fall In line Anaslns Mikoyan Soviet first dnpuly premier met with Castro In Havana Tuesday night or possibly Aplccmm to Accuses UAR 0f Attacking The Russians have Infnrmed the American the promise still Ilnnds but died trouble In deal lng wilh the halky Cuban leader UtS WONIl ACCEPT The United States has told he Suvltt Union it will nut accept Castros adamant stand an excusefar the Russians not liv ing up ta Khrushcheva pledge Main stumbling Lblock has been Prime Minister Fidel Cns Iras rciusai permi nnlhc spa inspection the missile site by the United Nations the Iqlerpatlnnal Commiliee oi the flea Crassor any other iorelgn ugrncy ship lhem back to the Suvlct Unlnn Home 415 mum Democrat elected 25 llcmhlknns emud 170 Cu n5 mmncrnls chuhll can 10 Gnvemnnmi Ia be Elldll Dcmrwrnls clrclld leadinu llcnuhlmmx cloclod 13 Imdlnl lulnl 06 flcpuhllcnAM glgcggd 14 hold uvcrs 718 lain Dcmucmu lendmx Hcpuhlicgns lcadinz Gullns VDcmbcrals 39 Dcmnrmls rlcdcd Ll An almost solld Aslflnericanv Soviet bloc wax rcflecled in the 67 lo 16 vole on resolution sponsored by an AkaAsian group simllor measure lollcd last year In the assembly for luck of otwolhinls majorlty Among those Inn ngmns he measure were the United Slnles Canada Britaln and Westnrn European countries Japan New Mind Ausunlla and whey Seen ALAGlance ny Tuiz CANADIAN mass 1145AM EST 9mm 100 mu voting on Election Resfilts such punitive steps iail the memth recommended Tues day the Sccuriiy Council shnuld consider ordering Smith Africa elxpeilcd mm the United NaA tons UNITED NATIONS CF The United Nalluns General semth has recommended were Hadrand diplqmallcboy cons a1 Soup Alllea wilh lhe aim of foxcm an and that Icounlrys whlle supremacy pol clos RICHARD NIXON Out holdm tr nepuhfl homey in Loam muth plum qller ye nu timed Gong lm Ms MaudKenn Vida Hamrune wnnl the hand Um this polnnllal Ilrpnbll can nomlncrs to oppose Kan nmly In 1061 couple nl mwrnmm nlsn were possible candidate Aavrnlurs rlccl icarkn Numnry MICNKHXI nnd William Scranton Pennsylvania These four altar launching pm or Ihl I964 pm ldnntlnl contest wllh 119 lhn 1M tltclnm om needed or vighyry 0n the other side of he cami ncnl Ilcpubllcan Gnvunmr Nul wn flackdcllcr of New York led wlth resounding mnrxin reflection of parade ll publlcanx uh wreslcd gover nm mm mm Ihc Doma crnl In the politicallypalm lndushinl slate of IcnnJyl vnnln hljchlunq and Ohlu Dnmncralic Gnvcmor Hd mund Pat Brown dnfcnlnd Nixon by mmlnnubln mnr gin Nixon refused la conccdc defcal seamineg rc flcclcd no clear rendexcept volcrnadinnsalu split cl 3nd cross parl lines with nban ML While Nixon lhn unsuccessful chuhllcan presidential nomi nco agalns Kennedy in was turned down or governor by Calllarnin voters they re clccted chuhllcnn senntar Thomas Kuvhcl But the liberal vs conserva live division In the house Kennedys legialmivu proposals in encountered lheir toughest going appar ently was Hula chanxed N97 CLEAR mam The president appeared also to have slrcnglhennd hand In the Senate with increased Dem ocratic strength hens and Ihe addition suchwnrm supiwrl era of his program as his bmlher Edward Ted Ken nedy elected in Massachuselts and former Health Secretary Abraham flibicofl elmch in Connccucul For President Kennedy Ihc congressional outcome Was victory In Ihat fitnbucked lhe tradition that the party in power normally loses sizable block congressidnnl seals in mid term eledlans when the presldem ls notyruuning WASHINGTON CF DemA ocrais retained Iheir nunsided control of unngrbss in United Siaies elections Tuesday and ciiminnicd Richard liLNixgn in Caiifvrnia bigpium in their 19 presideniiaipinns epu leans snatched the governorxhips New York Michigan Ohio and Pennsyl vaniaalso bustlons of power fur he opposition in 1964 Nixon Lbses In Célifomia Rockefeller sweeps New York No May Thu par CopyZO Page ClouLy with showers loday Turning bolder Thursday Low honight as High tnmarmw 41 For summary cum to page two LOcal Wéaiher Mr mm hmqlnnl John tmlmn um We tva The Democrats nullrrod Ilunnlng ddnal in klahnm which lud bun party an hold slnw Um nlale nunml lhl See U5 ELECTIONSPAH Mull mllllnnnlrc Stmmnn made mecll mun In be rczkuncd wllh In Ihc Illpubllcull party by winning the gavunmr Ehlp In ball wih TILmuch chhmdsnn Dllwarlh Hui Democran Scnnlor Joacph Clark wrnlhcnd lhls Republi tnn sturm In In lcrlccliun In Ohio stale uudxlor James Rhodes plowed umlcr Demu crnlic Gnvcrnnr Michael Sulle Hubert Tull Jr brought Inmnu name buck lo blgume politics by wlnning congress nl lnrac ram Dcnmcmlic $an alor Frank Luuwhnw OHM am of KcnncdyaJcahln ive propomls an reolccllan enslly In Michigan Romney ha lormcr compact cur maker cut lnln In lrndiuonnl Dclnocrnglc stronghold of induslrlnl Wayne calmly to knock Dcmncrnlle Governor Jnhn Swalnsun native Windsor 0nl out mice There was ample evidence flint voter made Ihcir decision on personalflics rather hall on Issues For example they elecch Republlcnn governor and Democratic senator in Ohio Oklahoma and Pcnnsyl vanIa In laws they chose Dcmocralic governor and Ile publIcan renntor They pIcked chublIcan governor In MIchi gun but elected Democratic IInqunanlgovemnr and Dom 0ch lo congress In an alvlarzo seal HEATS Masonle Democratic sweep in New England seemed geared to the landslide by which Ted Ken nedy won the Senate seat older brother 10qu Kennedy gave up In become president It lelt the llepublleans In Central at the gnvemors ollicc only in Malne And that contest was so close recount might be or dcrcd Democrats and Republican lrndedgnvcrnors jabs at rlons paca Republicans engin eerch overturns in Ohio Penn sylvnnln Michigan Wyoming Colorado and Oklahoma Dcmo crals rclniiaicd by akin Re publican govnrnorships in New Hampshire Vermont Massa chusells New Mexico lawn and Hawaii In mixed ufi balloting lhal seemed lo have lurnadnn per sonamles rather than issues Republicans were lollcd in Call ognjm lhcdmiddle weskhand in New England Tficymado sum 5054 state gains and picked up low Houseof Representa tlve seal in he soulhern states

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