9M Eï¬ 3an mum Wm map NOVgMBEIi 1953 WHATfS WITH THE WINGS the Detroit Red Wings before Saturday nights tilt with Toronto Maple Leafs was one of skepticism It appeared to me the Wings were running true to form starting off the season with bang only to fall apart and die cqme the half wayrmark Now two games lalerand two more wins added to their already impressive record must admit lam bit bewildered by Sid Abels boys They surely arent playing like team doomed to linish no better than fifth inlthe standings Nor do they perform like team ready to he satisï¬edwith second place These babies mean to go all the way and so far you cant knock them WITH TERRY SAWCHUK between the pipes and Gordie Howe roaming around loose alLover the ice any team is fair prey as Detroits next victim Theyre getting the necessary strength down the middle from forwards such as newcomers Floyd Smith Billy Mc Neil Alex Faulkner and Larry Jelfrey and the fam lllar faces of Alex Delvecchio Norm Ullman Vic Stasiuk and Val Fonteyne Perhaps most valuable the past few games has been the surefire play of Parker MacDonald newest can didate for goalics nemesisoitheyear Parker blast ed two goals Saturday night in helping histeam de eat the Leafs 73 Sunday night he came back to kill the Chicago Black Hawks tiring two more goals and sellingrthe scene for rookie Alex Faulkners tie breakcr and eventual winner THE DEFENCE has also given DetmiLhrass some thing to be proud of with the acqulstion of Doug Bark ley return of rough and tough Howie Young and the experience of old pros BillGadsby Marcel ijonuvosl and Pete Goegan Barkley 25yearvold rookie from Calgary in the Western Hockey League clicked for his first NHL goal and also assisted one one to aid in Wings victory over Leafs Doug scored 74 points last term with Cal gary 25 goals and 49 assists 0n the basis ni his fine play and manoeuverin in recent games one would never know hes mo ie TERRV SAWCHUK with the Velma Trophy in According to Tciry an exira 10pound weight puil has helped him considerably and the addition of the mask seems to have helped his confidence He hopes to put on another 10 ourids to add to his strength not caring if he loo hit rollypoily as long as his team keeps on winning Howe supposedly off to slow start this season connected for his fourth and mm goals and assisted on three over the weekend The 34ycarold veteran ls getting much more bench time now proving the Detroit brass has more conï¬dencé in the younger men THE REDSHIRTS have Increased their win skcin to algal games Two lles make up heir unbeaten cor far as the Leals are concerned theyll continue to go along their merry way losing here and here and winning game once in while to show theyre not completely dead mull magisho littlevearlvitn gomment on thevphypfrrl one John Bower but if this isnt Sign of old age setting in it sure is facsimile at same The 38 to 40yearold netmlnder has been letting in shots that just shouldnt have been lie makes routine stops look difficult and his overall play the last iew games has just been pathetic LET US HOPE Hs merely one or Bowcrs mldrsuz son slumps arriving bit early Otherwise Lents an going to start wondering why the let Cesare lllnnlagr go ln the draft Don Slmmuns ghl be able to carry lhu load but for just how long ls questionable Wnumnn mumd lo lead ho med unmrn Inwhlrh Mnllnnl In lnmlmL IIII uh he and Emn manned 1M IL rhnnl llnllmnn 21 nIum Ma EC mm name ML new South Carolina ml 1cm gin llw Unlur noul lmunm men In mzhxmvllln Fin Doc I911 llr HIM Mum ml up 1hr mmwy lnr Luz llr lulilinl lhll Mulinu luhl NEW YORK lAPLCwnlcsml huskclhall brllvur Anmn an mun has Ichllllcd he mltrcd lnlu un nrlflnllmtnl wlm Jnck Mullnhs In 1937 because Im nmlod hmkln In mnmllun lllr lillnfl hmkrllmll grunt In lhn Unilnl Slnlu must be wonderful for the Detroit ciub no hav ing in warry about such trivial mailers which were so evident for them last year Vumnn Nu Inc pmsncu llnns um Hmu Monduy nl Mulmm Iml ml rhnrm bribery and umxplrnry Mn Hum 10 lurmrr Tnlumhln Unl rrrslly hml Fun Vnyno lialmu slat IN rmw lumen wnl hnrml mm umlmloml Im Ivllmll mml yrm mm ur mum un Mn lrnlnl mun anmnn uwnllln nrnlrnclnn nllrr planning gumy 21 rman Iuihrry nml umplb In Ir Iqul U5 mllru Innskrlbull krnndnl Mir Juwph Ilnckrn and Jnuvh mn wrm wllh hlm whru Il Mllflhllwnl wu mmlr llnckrn II plrndnl guilty In mcvnl lnrllwr and mnsplrnc mum In Um imlrllmil mm daL Knm mnlrr Indlclmrnl hm Aml In Nth Cgmllnn umu mumnm lhukL hem Inlet0 and EL mull Mnflnmflh Fixer Wagman Names Backers SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN him he pnld 500 la Leonnrd Knplnn or he Unvcrslly Aln haml In tnnnccllnn wflh Alulmmnhflane lama In Fri runry I955 Wumnn xnld lhu deal WM nr Alnhnmn lo wln by no more lhnn hm mlnl Mnhumn wllh Knplnn nmnng lhn marina Inndm won by two polnls 7t 71 Ind Wrsrm Imlhnll Confer cnw linnl Kuth III be broad msx nullnnafly on hr TIV ltll rllon nrlwurk wok mnn mid Mommy 11m ml llnnls 1n bolh lmnuu will be lwrondmxl only In Ihcir mprrlhe xrutnnx luld All Final Games To Be Broadcast Ill Enslrm an llme lo hi hi Imull Ilut Cahlr rm your ml and Mm lo unid mo duxukflm wu odAby mum 1m and wal Elullll Inï¬ll Elel Envlu Ind Nulllluflun lnlllnlwmd It In um PARRY ELECTRIC WINTERS HAVOC lCheiriesInThe11951911e Mealord Chcvles wun well corned back to he Georgian Bay Mcrmedlaie HDCKEYI hcaguu last night less than gt hmgs after theyd hid mm The announcement ol the clubs withdrawal mm the Xen guo came around noon yestexs dayxlt prmnï¬cd the local club contact DHA secretarymam agar Bill llanley and gut his views on the situntlnn Wllh Hnnleys ald meeting ya all the other club was Mlledtor Barrie last nlghl During the meeflng call was received mm Mentord the club wanted back In Repbru out the meeting indicate that some of Meatordd player quit the team or ally because lhey couldnt happy with the club brass It was the brass that lald the club had withdrawn The call last night aaidflhél mm of the retiring players had relented called meeting lhelr own and dcclded to keep hackcy In Manlord defeated the same Siayner 3th in the ï¬nal game of the season to win he nurflwm division crown again it is now ready and willing lo meet as saulhenl division winners yet tn be decided In inst years playoffs north whip ped the Richmond Hlll team ninld won the Georgian Bay He Spenrheadlng the relum rlo Ihe loop were stars Charlie MacDonald Gord Red Henry and Blll Meek They were three at the six fellows who were reportedly retired earlier In the in quick shuffle by Chevic Is no expectedv lo upset the hairrrwonh Collegiate Jun lor football team ï¬nished the sccond year in mw withaut dclcaljseven wins no lo ses no lies Last year must cd lo the northern division title with six vidorléinnd one He lhnlwilh Stayper Floyd Wants Sonny Panelson would like light Sonny Linen again or me heavyweight chnmplanship promoter Tom Bohm said Mgday Inight North Juniors Await Winner South Section For NY Bematch The vicepresidcm Cham pionship Sports Inc sald he had Inlked with Paltcrson and he cxthamplon had expressed conï¬dence he would regain the lllle in return match Prallérson lost Hie heavy weight tlllc In skin In lim und knockout in Chicago SepL ilauerson was no imch algL qvnilnbh jg wrpmm plyu week In Highland Hills NY mld Do lnn He Is very anxious or In rclum mulch and wnnls be held In New York Boinn said Pullerer was hapeiul that Lision Would act licence to iiuhi in New York The New York Sluic Boxing Commission inn rciuscd in grant Liston Iiccncc because ni his police rccflrd and his pan association wllh undulr th churnclm NEW YORKUME Floyd Natural Gas wun welengue schedule in any great um nvnnl The lwn games with Bar rle Bay City Falcons Frlday miday have been 105 Poned Hawever Harrie will not be without hockey Sunday Brad lords entry In the loop will be visitors for the analnoon con test exlEnt Bradlnrd Mels Expiess the newest entry in the Georgian Bay Intermediate League will leatnre both the new and old look lomnmw night when my open In 19gqu schfd Cant Beat Formerly lhe Brads Fords lhcnuw Express team will tra vel ta Drillia for game with the Orlllln Lakevlews Pretty well all at last years players will he on hand as well an few new laces rs include Don Moclnlosh from the Tuxunto Macedunlans Ed Hazlett tom the Milton Merchants and my Peacock dovim mm the Greens bum lralning camp In Noflh Carolina Maclnlush and 31 let are both delencemen and Peacock will try and strengthen the forward line By JACK AND NEW YORK AP Sum Etcheverry used to be the toast of Mnnlmnl He never did he come the least at St Louis De mnted from No to second strlng quarterback behind 23 yearold Charley Johnson the old pm spoke windy and al Indsl sadly Monday about his successor and mommate The scene was theMonday luncheon oi the Pro Quorler VbackCluh£lchcvem hadhcm invited to be guest speaker some time ago Nobody guessed he would be No this stage was tough so 101 Sam hm he rose to the occasion Bradford Express Kjeeps 561562 Stars arm Eleheveny mild He can he an oustanding quarterback In this league wilh prokcctlon aald he wlhjrogcdhn as though it had been wn ten in capital lcllers GETS nu 0F BALL backflehjgmqthol YorkGluhL1 who iusl bnrcly bent SL Louls Sundny mcnllcd Elclmverryl grunt your In Canndinn Koal bull He was almost legend In Monlrcul whcrc he vluycd wlm Ihn Mauch or nlnu yum and threw 1m touchdown passcg qu gels nd ofilhe ball with out gum trapped like some ellnws dn or in young man he has oi pouch coachs kept harping at him In drop back decp when he lhmws iie didni gel in enough against Ciuvclnnd nnd we had bad day But he has been practising cvcry dny dropping back eight In in yards before he sels In lhrpw Sam Sécond String PraiSes Successbr evtrry wns lmlhcrcd by mm arm all lusl mum Ms ï¬rst In lhn National Fonmall banana thn lhe club last hm MI linl nur gum Bob Hazad mu take over as You Still lt lésl nluhla workout Fél cans llneup lncluded Sandy Mr former Whltby Dunlnps nlnr Sandy was recanllycut from ï¬tmeners sonlor llueup hes still in pretty load ahnpe HeIJXDECle 16 be at prun llce lumenow nlghl And will lay ugnlnst Brad Im on Suminy urcuqch fey gIDon Gibsan who in also back imm last year Familiar fuel on the tumarduna will be Gary yam ey Don Cosburn Phil Nichol as Sun Thorninginn Geoer Dnvi and Bill Fnrhnn Jmnmg Macintosh and Ham lett on ddence will be last yearl Gnry Kwasnltza Ken Kelly Brian human and Bub Paula ob Cairn is the lone nel minder at me present time 31 though the Bradford team has good line on goalia whose name In no or release at the present 11m How can club with all lha nlenl the Cardinals have 25 wanlost cord ran irrever ent lisener asked 1n the ques tlun and answer pulod OLD PROS BEAT Awnwashlnm Militia when had our passes in copied and John David Crow tumbled our limes said Etdl evern flhen we played Green Bay And lhcyre not or nolhlng We held lhcm In the ï¬rst hall our best deion slve eflmtM In the Clovelnnd Ema they interceplpd than Express wnl return home or game with the NHL Oidï¬m us on Friday night the End 0rd Arum They will open IhI 196 home schedule an Nov 13 at 230 against Coilingwoad this season new conch Wally Damn shined rm Etcheverry la Jahnsnn secondyear man mm New Mexico sum The nnly lime Sam gels in game is lo pun or hold placement ry may were due anyhow Inc lasing akw lnlhe ï¬rst game with the Giants we slnncd well but lhey caught us in the and You know haw It was yep mday We thought we Humid have won but the 01d pro but Wm is he dilfcrcnce play hug under Wally Lcmm and Pup Ivy somebody axkuj Lemm doesnt criticize uny bwdy said Sam He take all the blame lvy wu Illda more standnllish will the piny cn guessl you was my Haw nboul Inc race We lhnughl we could win It unlll yesterdny Now mnybe well have In nelllo lnr No We played Dnlln Inst week They have wonderful nflem hut lhelr dclonco no strong III lhch oflcnce meyrn Iikc Wnshluxon The Glunu Ihauld an an In Win the divi slon chnmplnnshlp but wï¬l ho flying our best In bent them TORONTO CPlllwo years ago George Dlxon saw hls haves lor the Eastern Football Conference scoring champion ship crumble In the last game of tho season Thla season he has taken the honor with fewer points and just rustle apposition Slalisllcs compiled by The Canadian Press Show the North real Alouetles halfback with 90 points all 15 touchdowns in 14 Kames palms ahead at nm nemp Moe Racine of Ottawa Rough Riders Back in 1960 his first year with the Alouelles Dixon en lcred ihc last gnme at the sea son against Taronlo Argonauts with we paints lie was held scoreiess and Tommie Arm naula Cookie Gilchrist scored 27 poinis lo jump mm third Hillcrtsl Public School 50c cer team won the elementary schools championship by out scoring Oakley Park Public School in two games Hill creal won Ihe ï¬rst game 31 Dixon Cakewalks To ScoringCr9wn MURDOCK mam ALIGNMENT was BALANCING Ansonm SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL 27 TORONTO ST Le UI Check Your Cu PA 82202 Every drop of Calvert Old nyo Inqu pan rigid qunllly control chock botoro lonving our dimlllory Your mm in cm chock Try gm smooth Culvert Old liyn Calvert Old Rye is the 97 check HARRY HILLCBESTS SOCCER CHAMPIONS and lust Ihe second 10 mi from let em Renard Boswell machRobby Nahum cmma Cam Wayne MacDonald Rm Nnhlé Jerry Quinn Bob ankley and ABell prinicpal MIDDLE place In the championship with 11112011125 There wera no such dramatic IhIs Season Dixon oak overum lead In early September afler live games nnd although he never opened wide spread he didnt let them close Racine like thirdAplace Don Sutherln of Hamilton Tiger Cnls picked up all hls palms kicking The Ottawa lackle kicked 36 convem 11 ï¬eld goals and seven slngles for his 79 points and Smherln ï¬ne palm behind nut the toe to converts 12 ï¬eld goals and live xingles Sulhcrln won the scoring tItle last year with only 69 points Dixon plagued by injuries had only 48 and Racine whn took over the kicking chores this season ram Gary Schreidm ï¬idnt even got on the scaring st ANTIFREEZE 229 Par Gallon COMET SERVICE STATION ABarons To Use Goalie Cullen CLEVELAND AWHockey fans here will have channels see whether thcrpmfldcntupcn Iormnncc of Al Cullen 21v ur old nmntcur Ireliel goalten er last Vseascnwar nuke Wood 0ntr will handle the lab for Cleve land Barons against Pittsburgh Hornets in an American Hockey League battle Wednesday night Le Binkley ihe regular goal tender islln hospitni recover lng alter collapsing in the dress lug room following Cievelnndl deleal by Quebec Aces Sutur Diagnosis of Binkleys condi tion presumably mm blow on the head has not been com meted Tcglsnlgavel lulled Eimw uni skull Iriiluri mw mm left are Enhwm Wayne Sederquest Jim Sar Jeant and Muruy Green nugh FRONT row mm lel are Dave Held Juli Hinc ahdjnhn Kennedy Engin er Photo