Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1962, p. 9

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By BRUCE smVEL Cnnndlan Pm SM Vrlper Age and exlracurrlculér ac ville shnw nn Algn of multi mg MontrqalsBoum Boom CASH AND CARRY lUMflER 149 um 57 AT BLAKE 51 Ducbrc Imvlvlnnm sprlnmeld nulllmuu Marhay Wednlsday nights production lifted Geoffrinn into tie for wand place in the league mor In race with ChicngosAb Mc Donald Scottiinn has our goal and seven assists far 11 points and en than teammale Henri R1313 who added an assist Toltanhnm Houpur are now an op 01 Um first dlvhlan but by goal avernga only Level on point with Evertan my land on goal avnrgc by 001 pcmnlnxo palm Their wln over Mylcn Orlcnl whllu Even hon were bcuung Ipswich by an Spurs the lemma lender Ihlp Dumlcy dropped polnl lo Manchester Clly la buck Into 31 Bernie Geoflrion has taken 12 seasonsincludlng Iwe sewn M1111 liliesaunt his stocky legs And till sport where legpower Is supposed to am tn fuller alter Kruelflng Wgume seasons in the National Hockey League But Gfiflrlan conllmltcd 211 King pe omance so as yeurrwhm he scored the win nlng goal and assisted on twn others Wednesday night in Ca nadjens chLary aver Top LONDON If All Ramsay Englands new lntarnntlonnl team manager had been at Highbnry and seen Arsenal 54 vlctory over Wolverhampton he would have seen two players who could solve Englands attack problem George Eostharn again showed hls team manager Billy Wright how wmng ha was to keep this lootball wiznrd 111 um reserve while Arsenal were los lng nteadlly Easthnm was at hls hrflllnnt best mastering the Eng llsh captnln Ron Flowm and the whole Wolves defence hy hls wonderful ball control and tnnlslve pnsslng He scored two Arsenals goals and made the lnltlnl move whlch gave tantra lorward Joe Baker the other three or hat trlck lhl was the klnd of laotbnll lie on lnvn with tho game seeqawlng one way and the other untll nlne minutes mm the end Eastham cleverly scored the wln nlngegoal hyspmhlng the bhll between the legs 01 W11qu delendnr into the not On thl form rank Ensthnm the best lnslda forward next to Dcnln Law 01 Scotland and Jimmy Grooves at England have seen lhls enson New at lawed by llllly erght to plny hls own natural gnme he lr prnvlng well worth the 9115000 Arlennl pald lor hlm And there will be no more talk at putting hlm on the trnnslor llst nnvns 0N ror Wtduelday luufl Mnnlrtal Torvnlo 1mm Tod Toronto at Momma Now ank Ill malt Chlcazn nt lloslan Amman Lcuuu EMGTEIW DIVINIUN API Dnlrail Chlmxo Monmnl Townh iow York Dallan The husky right winger baritone popsinger parngner 611 wmclime gang hjeal Imotel hi l1 nu CANADIAN PRESS Englands Nelw TeamrManaéemr looks To Solve Attack Problem nights Ramp Tha thary gave Mnnlreal 10 points one less than mand plnce Chicago Black Hawks and two less than unbeaten Delmit Red Wings Mats remain 1n ounh place withsevan palms Now York and Boalonm ued In the cellar with five points anadleu lgllpehind 10 In HAVE 10 POINTS BUILDING Mifiamfis THORNLEA NIUonnl Lelqu HOCKEY RECORD two Itryr ooooo Human mmuwu IRIMH 2406 FAI II 2120 312010 Zulu lauuo Lou Island Now llnvrn Cllnlnn anlvllle Mlnllaln Junlar Winnipeg Murmrchn 54 XML Cl Nuhlcbunn Jnnlar Melth Hulnl Bullnla 15 Rachel 21 lllubluzh 21 Cleveland 21 Wednmlnyl lluulla Plovldcnca Cleveland Rnclmler llmhcy Frldul Gum Dullnlo ll llnlllmm 00m lLanl Wulrrn lune Lo Anurlrn lorllnnd Sun Fruncllco ll Spokunn Cnlunry Edmonlon nulmla Hochulcr leburzh Cleveland mm mm time In the Iasl Hvu Ienlonl chrll of mm Oldhnm nllhough Ihuy Wm lucid In draw by Donumer still lead Mansfield by point In the auxth divlllnn with Mum flcld beating namw 50 These two loam are well out In rant with Brontlord and Crew five point behind Mnmfleld gmgs le cur Northampton and Pearl nugh are on even arm this lop the lhird dlvhlon Wat lord had good win over North ampton while Pclubomugh were idle Wlnl by Noun County WA anl nnd Queenl Park Realm kept them clase up with In Icadm Huddersfield llnva lost their lint gum oi the lemon Their record was lost surprisingly on their own gmund when Scull Implan near Um bottom of the table bani them by 31 This put Chelsea on lap at the ucond dlvision thank to hat trick by Tumbling ln lhalr 51 victory aver Derby County stake Clly maid only dmw ral Grimsby Sunderinnd lost Narwich and Bury to Portsmouth so these time exams are now tied for lhlird pince in the wound div In on mm 5am Leytnn Men In their first year In the um division do not look liku staying up there They are at the bottom the able wlth only nine point ram 15 games On 10 point are Fulham Manchester United and Ipswich Town the reignlng champions Ramsay will have hls troubles in kehping Ipnwlch in Ih flnl dlvlflnn next lemn F1115 DEFEAT 1mm place But Wolves lender until two weeks 150 have dropped to fifth phcl alter los ing cguuquflya games Kent Doullu the Lean rook Manama tussled with Bill lake in the that period and bogh got mlnom Lahin the thlmvpuiod he and ice trion traded punches In cor ner mnfle Each got mater Douglas some to the NHL with reputation for being Job wmulwfrheaiInrrrlcgruganrm Montreal fonlghl Also playlng mum will he New York at De tmlt and Wage at Boston Montreals two first period goals were scored on power playn and Johnson secondpe riod goal came Leaf delence man Bab Balm was returning to the Ice after holding pen alty Canadians had scored only thm limes In 27 powerplays going Into the game Johnny Bdwer mmefififi nets and Montreal Cesare Man lan each handled 31 shots quvan guys PAY Geollrlons goal in the first mlnute ol the lat perlnd gave Montreal 41 lead But Tor outos DaveKeou und Billy Haggis allowed yam goal ea Montreal look 31 Mg by the and bf the second period on goal by defenceman Tom Johnson Montreal took 24 lead by the end theiim perlod nn goalsby Claude Provost and Glueslremblay his filth WE8IIIIIN DIVISION pm um captain George Armstrong was lhcmpxkqmnn moving Into He far the most goal this sca mm with his fifth soak Mn mlcluo Ollvu Dalton nldmrd Monlml McDonald Chlcuzn nunurinn Mnnlrcnl DolvcrcMo Dclmfl Ponnlnulon llaslnn chgqga Max Dclvccchlo ol Dtlmil and CH Pennington at Boston Ma llcd or m1th plan with 10 min nlchurd now has Iva null and aevnn nsalall or punts can more than Chlcnxol Ab McDonald nnd Demlu Boom Boom Gmflrlnn of Monlrcnl led or mam place with ll polnu By THE CANADIAN PRESS Henri Pocket Rocket IU chard the Montreal Cuna dlenucaalncd he load In Hm Nullann Hockey Leanna scoring mu Wednesday night by chllk In up lwu nssllll In Montreal downed Tomnla Richard Gels Two Regains NHL Lead The lender St Jahnslon muved to the can of the second division by wln nlng at Cowdenheath while Dum hartan pmvided the days shock by winning 51 mm Slranraar the former leaderl burgh have won iho Scolflah League Cum beating Kiimamock in the final at Hampdeglark by he unly goal loe um Scared by tanner Aberdeen cast nii Norman Davidsan Menn whiie Ranger100k three paint lead over Heart in the Scottish iiixi division by winning 82 at Aberdeen Thin deleni Ieni iha Dons down into alth place in the league behind Cel gc nDuhiermhne and Parlick St Alidnwu and Royal both dropped out the amateur Pm elm Coast League this year 101 lowlng dispute aver the ad mission of Vancbuver Pilxenen to the ieague Bill McGee president of St Andrew Club and Frank Craig presidgnl of Westminster 39y nis saidlhe lcague would be affiliated with the Baggy Gag =ndaPm=SocéefiLeaknrand1hr ultimate aim was In create Canadian professional league VANCOUVER CmSpoka men for two Vincouver meter cIubs said Wednesday night they are expluring the pnssibfl lty creaUng prolesslonal soccer league here umu he reached hlapreseqtfage of as He says hmusad to drink between twn and threelgaflona n1 mm dayIx or xeven glasses fitting and weighed mo pounds This year he says he has fill down to Urea glasm water day The resullpthe nallve of Cobalt 3011 says hubeeg dmp nova more eflectlve 170 pound Walm Culg Pmldml hampered and Aggressive In 11 American Hockey League He saysI115 temper and enchable Light um 51 Am viralu hepreadmdwEIl Pro Soccevaoop To Hit Vanéotiver ELECTION OF OFFICERS SichO Centre PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Odd Fellows Hall Barrie Wednesday November 14 I962 IIENIH RICHARD Ill 12 ll ll GUEST SiEAKERx HON GEORGE wmngra ANNUAL MEETING on Vll MP Gmn Iny Pnrkcr halibut lAuI llornung anlonnl Foob bnll hum Icnrlnz chnmplnn In three who hu been nldcxlnnl HI km In Jury at In wrckn rclurncd In lhn prncucn llukl Nelday mutant was he llrsl Ilnca Hnmunl wnl hurl In unmo will the Mlmmall Vlklnua also expect to return ieii winger Lloyd Mercer in the aciive man Mercer ind iiu ciub with in goal in 30 gnmel hm winter beinn bring side lined with dnmngcd knee enr iiiage which led Io an aperaiian Ihil iaii been finding for tho past week Defenccmnn Bruno Talbot and winzer Ciaudn Gun have been nicmd Both wm mi ham by Providan oi lho Amman Mam an part oi warkin pm bclwccn lho clubli Taiboi didnt piny in Gnlll openan win over Woodsiock nnd immi murtd felons irom Wind wr NS Senim wiih whom vinyed um W111i GALT mmGui Terriers oi ho Ontario Hockey Associniion Senior Hockey League are mgotinling for the hockey serv im oi Ron iinwcii twosport am currently playing with ha iiriiish Columbia Uunl oi the Weston Foaibnii Caniercnce Tumors have ainad permis sion irom Tomlin anio Lelia who own iloweiia huckey rinhis to approach lhe iiamii iun nnlive and ham oiicrcd him funirnci REFRGSHMENH Ierfiers Seek Ron Howell In other action Portland Buckamas took the Southern Division lead by belting ha andvplncc Angela Blades 74 at P0 11d Edmanton the FLy ru at Calgary Stam poders Comet manager Roy McBride chnrged on on the inn but was ielled by punch to the stom ach and had to be aided in the sidelines An unidentified an punched on San Francisco mach Bud Pails but police Itepped in aqua TAKE LEAD Ithnpyaned late In ha third 0d wilh Spokane leading elora It was ovar eight play exs had received anor penal ties and game nlscouductl Referee Lloyd Gllmour couldnt regaln oontml and the game was flopped with one minute and our lecondl remaining In regulation ume THE CANADIAN mass 1twaladverflacd hocka game Spokane Wednesday nighLhul it turned Into My 111 llghl card Managen beaches officials police fans and players took part Lnn brawl that halted Western Hockey Magus gama between C4le an San Fran 00 Sean Tlfins Into BrdWl BifledmAstovckeyul famed 8W éfitlm ymamhmm Argonnlita the Canadlan brill Legguq becaus of 4mg ACHON Cookie Gil bx unwound mL 0007 pm and Miami Minn STAR IN ILS Hod Kenn nmmld for mu major Icngnar mud lwa mtperiod mall nnd Inugled wllh Camry gnnlla no Ed wnrdl In th ullt hint lkllll flu Imrclm mm 0th Mmanlan Itoml were Chuck Holmes and Sld Flnnry Dnlo McDunnld and Norm Johmn mun lar Calgary Harbu Kennedy monopollxed lho llmclllhl Wadnudny nigh ll Edmnnlnn Flynn Iclcnlcd Calgary Stampede In Wcalern Hockey Lcnxue Anme below mm mm onu al the malls crowds hero in yam The win mmnlldnled Hyen hold on Iccwnd pm In Hm WIILI Nnnhem Dlvlllanl The Inn lafl Cnlgnry In Ila or lhl cu with Seattle Toloml for Th Lake Anslnlcnr tire has became notabln or It speckled lmul with you ygm Ma check Ishan record kept by Field and Stream mun nflno In New Yark Hated no nkhcr larger Ipockled trout ex cept or the record ane Kennedy Paces Calgary Win The catch was reported In George Carpenter author of an outdoor oohnnn in tho Mnnlrenl Gazette by Ron Thlcrry who operates fishing camp jn pm um Th9 Impaunderr was Inkan abqu Mg In the headwaters of Ihe Bmudbnck River ho out lll at ukgrAulnlu anhe CM bouganimx men 250 miles nonh enst of Quebec City by Edward Hull of Fitchburg Mass He mud small orvls lure Thu record meckled trout was caught In Illa NIpIgon River In Northern Ontario In 1916 It weghed Eight ounces MONTREAL CF An 11 pound eight ounce speckled mu cnnght In the Lukn An alnlcn dmrlct of northern Quo hec apparently the lecnnd largest of lha species ever known to have bean taken by rod and reel and Jack 30mg Los Angeles Forbes Kennedy led the way for Edmonton with two gunk Chuck Holmes and Sid Iinney fired singles Dnie McDonald and Norm Johnson coumzd far the Stampedeljs Gordie Strétlon was two goal man ln the Comet Mn Max Mekllok and Bev Bell added males Arnie Schmauu got two goals at the Bucks Bud Anderson Tommy Mth Arlo Goodwin Ken autumn and Orv Tessler added ontapleca hovLaBine am So Bmce Cannlphgel Large Speckle Is Pulled In gnuoygmu CPForvm Barbi Whnlor Sunlary chased by Buualo Bills mm 121 Argos Gfldnlst lead Snz maker in the loop and mum Snmrinz €3th 111507 Goolzn umflrlng abnlly wu rcspccled wl ely but ha men loud wllh pinym and omdm anfuhfil Lcazuéwlfiofififil Warren Gila rcllred Mm In 1957 giving Coclzl an as Iha mum CINCINNATI AP Larry Guetz 57 highly regarded but wnlmvcnlnl figure durlng and alter his 22 year an Natlanal Baseball League umpire dled Wedncfdny al his home how Controversial Imp Died Yesterday mamas menu In making plnym Avnfl ablc not only or international mumphptalsq lnr Ire1m pricucasmlons The nppolnlmcnz is regarded as an Imuglnwm one pr with caplnln Andy Nelson uald Al taking over the England team in much the rune um 1° 10 1m anpealed for uni cooperation uh mums mm 00K 15 DAY rm TRIAl SEE US TODAY 331Iours TIRE 3an tom ever had Ha wlll pick the teams In represent England and will be In lull thmgo them And apgeajesi for tho All llammy wlll Itale wlder power and met hand wlth England team than lhe rellrlng manager Wnllar Wlnlcrbol tom ever had Ha wlll nlrk scrutinized Lhesa applications they discarded all of them The FA altered the job 3h Bun leys JimmyAdamson 1962 Footballer of the Year He lum ed ll down They then went after AIL Ramay through his club chairman and alter dlscusslonl wllhlhe Ipswich Board Dlr eclors Ramany rumpled He wlll conunua with lbswlch until the and of the present season but 1mm January 1963 an wul he in charm of all England um my yowms mum nwl has the Football Axsodnfioil scrullni Oh LONDON In nppolnting tn new manager or Englands in ternntional tcgms the Football Association hnn followed the pol icy ot the job seeking the mnn rather than seeking Lian thi All manager ot Ispwith Town who in his sevm years In that post brought lpswioh up mm the third division to be come first division champion and into the Eumpeanflttp cont petition is tiieninn appointed to Englands to football post with salary $15000 year Alf Ramsay was not on at the or the my Arm muuuuu or hula about it snapped Workman Were lug to win Saturday And film as tar as ourthlnklng goes zlght qdw Workman hired Mass as head coach and general manager three years ago No tum of the contract have ever been dly closed officially But 1111 he liaved to run at another two years Grid Association Adopt Bylicy SeekinglMan=RatherfiThaxrob nyflmnvm niqss MONTREALNCP Perry Mas seem unperturbed oven meculnflon that he mun wlq Snturday hang onto blush When the issue was raisedby refioner Wednesday night Mm lost none alrhis compo lure But height he gnuld reply there came an Inmkcfion by Ted Workman presi dcnt loa Mantras Noumea nu l0 Bnyflald 5L Firedti Als SILENT TRACTION DUNLOP The RA Conlldeu that Rum will hdnx to his new 1051 he shrewd professional pmnch which England needs Worjd Cupreompeuzlan and hay nrrvcry wlxe 1n naming him much greater freedom In select ma cam um are In the mimpcnn Cup com filiflon and eliminated Malta the first mundhy an ax gregate score of 1+ The mow ishlng thing about Ramsays suc cesrwu that it wax mom llshedwithaut paying ha fees or Iaycrl and th eam ma up largely of cast olrs from other clubs When Ramsay became man ager of Ipswich Town ln 1955 they were struggling team In the third division In two yam he steered them Into the second dividan In tha season 1960 1961 hey were second dIvIsIon champions and went up to the um dIvIsIon And Inst season In thelr first year In the top bracket may won the Hm div Islan championship Now they are In the Mun and earned the nickname of The General because his coolness intelligence and law lcal sense Ali Ramday has behind him splendid record as both player and manager As play er with Tomnham Hotspur he helped that club win um second and that vision champimhip in successive seasons inst as didnas managergwith Ipswich briliinnL full back he pinyed ior England in 81 iniemniinnais and earned the nickname as he and Ipswich and can not no why he should not do as well wnh England he ha done with Ipswich CAR WASH Cor Anna Ind Dunlap Ill Maxi 151mm to has mbaiiied Tfnrmaflan against theAxzos move to keep Georg Dixon mum They won the last lime out and with better ldckingud muddy field probable that would slow dawn ourrushinz and not humanely pamng as mneh¢nay look better going In lflrommgha psychalngkal point VEu2 the thing In going to 25 decided between pm and pm SaIIuday afternoon PLANS 51091515 Car To You lnfiLeu Elana =3 bl Mike has playéff spotJnhe Eastern Football qulerenw with de setback would knack kha Ala from punseason playfor the third constantly year Mon talked reely about what 19 53 MlNUTES CLEANED msmr Am oursan 10 YOUR swarmmu Touch the accolaralor Silent Trac iions hundreds of angles and curv es him In push and pull koop you on the GO In snow slush mud without slip spin or skid And when the lands dry Silunt Traci lons whisper trond novor umbi cs vhines or vibrates Ila lrbly qulot BEAT IN JAPAN TOKYO AWTokyo Yomiurl Giants who fed for lunrth place In Japan slxteum Cen tral league defeated Doha Tl leu Wednesday before 41 mo madman In Korakucn Sla dlum was the figm 1m whack on their Far Ewen Scores Collies Spaniein LainAdm Airdnies Buli dou Paodies Beagim Scottie Minnie Schandiu had high flpie and high single ioruna anemoon with her 514 1336 50L Additional high scores were post cd by Eihei Suiion 62 Dorothy Rotmim 618 20 and Mara Myers 21 singiei mum HotShula leewlm Pm Royal Cracklera Busy Bees NonngCohenloblg Mghiplu of and high single of 251 Carlton won the weekly prlza with her high 311131 with handl cap of 7711 KEMPVIEW wuss AFIZE smafignflmgabe Labra don 46 Bulldogt 34 Spaniel 29 males E19111 Poodles CARTAGE STORAGE Now ANNE 51 KEMPVIEW LADIES Standings Flaky Pen etzes 30 Cracklem 294 Panm 75 Busy Bees 22 Night Hawk Blue Jays 1911 HotShots 11 AlliKan ls Uvewim 15A Boy Als 15 The Pms 13 Score Night Hawks 5Pen mes Pirate am Jayl IllKg spnmu Slracinn rebdured his knee the lust dynanul alter mlssllu three games Meanwhile Jamar work crew has been assigned to get Malsnn Stadium in shape for th gnme and arrangements havl been made to have two helical ten hover aver he field to help blow off he moisture Duvet mmed Montienla 135i game becausa of pdlledles muade Hzfi going at half speed and Is not in good Ahape mid MESS THE WORLD MOVES 80 DO WE Offensive tackle Mu anln and delensflve and Dan mum both fresh 1mm luluryn sexye me are to dress salquqy Moxs said defenslve uklo Bobby Jack Oliver and 0mm slvecentre Joe Slmclna If doubtful mum Don Clark and Larry Hickman In tha linen simultaneouaw PA 66549 EQWLING COOKE PA 64963

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