Pancake um mus oncn xnrvm or Irrcnklnsl Iml they make ï¬ne lumhmu or dinner Hull 00 Use our Invurlw hnklnu cwdnr mlpe onn that Innch 1me lwocu ha cr and vary 11 in any one them wayl lor lunchoun pancnkos Add clulppud mm or wall dmlnoll chommd mm or rnnnml éurn or thome rank ed ham or mumgc lo 1hr batten Ilse abnul onuhalf cup any of war spur lnumHnnls Balm the aim nn lvzritMll nr In nklllet usual and serve with bul Karl and syrup MM quck anll casv way mnklng lfhmn Sllckï¬ ul he cnmln from Inn of brand then cul lllc bread inln nlrlpn nlmul nlmhnll Imh Whit Brush IF nlrllmon nll shim wilh huncr or nmrgnrlnm llwn rnll them In urnlml chmso Mlvr Aprlnkllng with cnrzlwny mdx plnro Hm hrcml slickx ml rack In In almllnwhnk hug mn lake anI In mmlnnlu nvm ptclunlml in 375 or about 15 minutes or unlll brown mi or canned cups coarse 50 lmnd crumbx lnhlespnnns bultor ur margnnnc melted Irohon nvrn lo 350 log fmmleralc llcul It tablespoons of bullor or mnruznine hi mucc mm mm anion nncu pepper and rrlcry and cook over ow heal sllrrhu oflcn unlll vogulnblus are end or but nol browned Blend In our 31 and mppcr could over low llral nllrrln often Inlnulvs nmdunlA ly Moml In mllk and COOL slIrrlnu cnnslnnlly unlll mucu Is nmuuthly lhlckunud Inlx In wlcnm and corn Turn mm flcnp rnsscrale Comhlne brunt crumbs and the tables mom lncllod bullor or mnrgnrlnn sprinkle ovcr cassoru aka 1n llllltfltml 0va 10 In 35 mluulus mi THAT Serve thu casserole with great parkcrhauxe rolls The corn and sliced winners arc mlxed will well scasoncd vc ctablu sauce topped wllh buttered bread crumbs whic become crisp as thwhrown The savory Corn and Wiener Casserole makes ugly ainin sugqgr dish with an interesting combln hearty family supper dish with an lnlerestlgg combln anon of flavors hither cooked frozen or nnedcorn can be used TRADITIONAL HALLOWEEN SYMBOLS FEATURE PARTY OVEN DINNER The casserole is dish that produces wonderful blending of flavors saves dishwashing End can be mixed ahead or time which Is boon to working homemakers Casserole cookery may he termed the smart cooks way ï¬ttierving lot of goods with minimum of fuss and 01 cakslflaï¬owecn isa lime to HALLOWEEN Halloween oh Mm Iunny things are sum Pumpkin faces wildles hats qu apdcanmm CORN AND WIENER CASSEROLE Yield or servings tablespoons butter or margarine tablespoons chopped onion lablespoons chop ml green pepper cup chopped cc cry tablespoons flour Va teaspoon 51M Few grnlnsdvcppor cups pound wlonurs sliced c1 nokcd com kernels fresh Iror KITCHEN GOSSIP EILEEN DIXON ing masquerading playing tricks and having par ties For Ihe young pupllr of The Willows Nursery School conduded by Mn and perhaps LONG mm MONTREAL Cl Joanne Munl Mynflc an Amcrlcnn who came hm on threeweek hudnm lrlp In mu hm 11 your lnlcr nml now ll vlcu prtaldml Cmmdlnn Insur ancn Lulupnny the believed the rim wumlm Innmln huh ponllian Mme Vanler Wu guest Ipcukor medal convacnllon at he Unlvmlly Kings Cal lnxo held to mnrk the ofï¬cial opening of new woman mi dnnca nnd dining hall HALIFAX CP Mine George Vnnlcn wile the GnvernnrGencrnl urged par mu nlflsdfly la sacrum bus nm nnd loclnl advnnccmcnt to develop happy lnmlly llfe She anld dcslnlctlnn or family llru Is he ï¬rst slap award dc slrucliun of moral and rollgloul HF and ultimately pcncalul cly Madame Veinier Urges Parents Brecht of Shanty Bay Road ilallowecn special day In the op oin the children enjuy the iafurile Haliowecn gnma of an ehobbing From the left are Tommy Gillilan Mary Lynn McDonald and Jan aihan Mania Tha pumpkm JackOLaninm ll the centre of nllenlion in lhe pholo abnvm From inn and clockwise um Pclur Dnrbyshlre Christine Heywood Rcmninu MacDonald and June Darbyshire other children tha party were Rodney Fiyn Lisa Jackson and Judy McNie Examiner Phulcri STRANSMAN QUAlITY STYLE STRANSMANS WHEN IT comasTo momscoma T0 IDUNLOP ST wigï¬Fï¬ The 1991 63 uecullvn tn cludca Mu Tellord of Owen Sound pm pmldenl Mu Wllllam Smolkln Perth president elecl Mn Fraser Hamilton Mu Knnr SudburyLand Ma Per clvn Sudbury vlcapm denu Mn ll Rumble Port Ilopn rccnrdlnx mercury Mn Johnson Ottawa commending mrelnm Mrl Bowu Owen Sound ltenuurtr Mrs IL Raymond nrockvlllc public rcllllanl dlremr TORONTO ChMn Sheridan oi Ottawa was re elected prelidanl oi ihu Womenl Iiaspiui Auxililrie Associalion at Ontario Tuesday at ha annual conveniion Halloween win its many traditions will soon be upon us From bobblng or apple to trying In figure nut how in dress Katie to look like one lugg cd plrale It Is night for young and old to let down their hair and have 50nd aldJashion ed um Quick Peanut Butter Candy L1 Just the answer to your dim or Make It in three minutes and keep it in the refrigerator will the bl night 11m cut It In pieces and wrap it Sn wax paper uquaren lcup peanut butter lcup Ikim milk powder lcup liquid or creamed honéy beaten And why no whip up some lhlng ayecial or all he llule Vyillilcs nknocking on your Ottawa Woman Named President Dawson Wale Miss Jan Erickson Tomato Archie Mar shall Toronto Miss Sally James OshawahmsL Judy Desnochie Oshawa 30utofflly guest includui Mr and Mrs Eeglnald Shaw Tumnto Mr and Mn Lloyd Cole and son Gregory Toronto Mr and Mrs Graxdon Cole Onllla Mn and Mn John Swan William and James OshawaGerry Gamma Cap real Mr Mrsjflï¬mdon mt Rowe Mn Jack Elmer Miss Beth Cola Mn away 0016 Mrs Reginald Shaw Mrs John Swan Mm Jose OBrien Mrs Gtaydon Caz Mn Carleton Greemugh Mrs Lloyd Cole Mm Donald TmatsWitChes AndGoblins To EiSYTOMake Candies ML and Mn Horace Cole held openhouu At uncir iiemy Siren residence in llonu or oi Mr Colea Mimian from the Canadian Nationai Railways after is years of ser vice Mr Coles wan bmenled wiLh awrbt mick briefcase and biilioid with sum oi money and Mrs Cole mciv ed bouquet 01 red mmi Mr Cole also received numerous om gins Servilig lea vvem Mm Elliott Coles Mn Hampioh Franck Misï¬ annie 901es Mis Lu and mi OBrer Jgjmggagh Horabé ILVQoleS Is Honored At Retirement Party smn 3mm txmimm wnnNEsnugoch 1mm 001p msldcd It SHAMPOO AND SET 7J0 MIpIaAIï¬me OPEN EVENING mmme mm ASK ron nu uunanuwn SELECTION $119 PRICE the mlxtun lotms son ball in cold water Pour over the popcorn Tana until well coated and from Into balls at In very large bowl put 12 cups of popped corn cup at kernelawlll give you this Millunl Sprinkle lightly with IE In heavy Iron skillet heat cup granulated sugar surr in until melted and golden Very carelully to avoid spat grins IUI in cup hat water until the ww dlxsolvu Add Va cup Huh brown lugnr pack ed Cook at 239 dame on gandylhermogneler hr un cups rcady lo serve cereal flakes Heal the llnllhree Ingred lenlx together and gradually Edd the cereal Knead unlll all is blendednnd spread ln an 10 panl Pupwrn Ball are always popular treat and easy to make lno The children wlll help you shape lhe balls ll they can keep thelr llnlm an Ihelr mgullu lung Enough So you Quickly put back on the shell and say Well It idtzaml hurt to look It doe No and it wouldnt hm put it back on lhu rlgh shelf either HIE marl and matches it lromwhem youle it and put anlnolher Ihglf Butvnca they éet ybu through we turnstile In In auptr mar keg bmther yonjva had IL Dmlner youve nan 1L you muchu lay one ï¬nger on an item on the 11151 vns shell poke you in thexlbn with her elbow and my any need may yqu Thats What the wives nlwayn sny want you to help me dq the shopping Theysay that so you dont have any excuse not go and they are cute Venous lojknpw that if they suggested you werent any help youdgiva gamut of joy and go out and celcbrnte because married Wewasnt no bad at Thera ls onemore pilltul 515M that cnn think of and that In the average man slag gerlng out of super market aflgr 11611113 his wlle do the newt$911M Iniv 311an nice merciless beat rA MANS VIEWPOINT SHdiï¬riiflngi BéFug 3va HubbYTClgS Along By mvmr BLAcmoéx Enmlncr SIAM Rewrler mesmems oF BARRIE and DISTRICT PLAN ON ATTENDING THE Md Christopher Sweet uh of LAN Mrs Sydney Sweet Edgchiii Drive celebrated his lira birthday an Oct 15 For his special day in his photo gmph he wean lwopioce urncl sull which complemented his blond hair and hi him eyes 901 are to and there and talk backlu me alter hurting mybnhy CROWD OATHEM At this polnl small crowd has gathered and womanwith mapping can piled high ram yvu 1n the rear end You Iurn around and she says Im nony mister but you shouldnt have been mnding there any way Buipeaple arent In police as they are funerals and wov man with sh pins can load ed with cann goods and baby perched up on front rams Into you and Just about knock your wind out The habyalarta to howl and then anher screams Cank you get out the way do ypu have just stand there when woman Is trying to get by Oh my poorllltla darn did we nasty gm hurt ophj You try to apologize and you Hand in theymlddle of tha aisle with your hand in pleading geauuo and say Ladyplm sorry but was lust standing hereyou ran Into me By this Llnne you know the fim round is over and you have lost You prepare for Iho next one You ijust stand then pom1y and wemnly asyou wgulgi at 1161131 FIRST BIRTHDAY lzhenjnur win came back pleasant Almost glecml ax pmslnn crosses your face and your wife mistaking thin or your rellol at tha new that Its nearly over says See now it wasnt so had after Ill way Na lupposa IL wasnt you lay We men may not be good shoppmmtboy we suré can 112 By this time xhe ha warn you down to the point where she in rgad your vqry thou ghts Nm CHANCE You recognize 1h blat ant lie hutlike drowning man grasping or straw you mm For Heeling tec ond the painful expression luvs your face crosses your mind how jnylul It wnuld be In charge down Ihc aisle with the shopp lng cart and sidcswlpe about 5b slyly womep Youd lke that wouldnt you you worm she snark Well Just put that thought out your mind because in not gqlgg to happen Ynuu ï¬nalizecomplete and utter delea and decide to face up to Yes dear what do In Ihem down We haven muc more to do now lcreamslva lven that up lung ago Now ynu lhlnkxqugpqldjust ush thé ahupplng can without umplng into anyone or knack In have you get yourself lnla thin Mme wok at the bargain has Donl just say Mca do you know how much we Ira saving on am And beside you let coupOnf All right all rm lo we lave what do yqu wpml to 6015 dancg 911d lay What mg mg YouTkaspa mu ahd My 95 sitar lllbnlc youve In the ice riohfydiro imposylble this In the last me Ill ever take you sb9pglnzL mm have Formodem ladlcs wear We ImmediaLe full and Bart Lime marinas Excel waxes Sdlesladies Amy Tn MISS RAVE DUNLOI wzsr nnnIe sho aim BIAEQQIEEKEnEEERL can have around the home NOW IS THE See the new Multimku in adlon It cooks mick em Roam Oahu Casu 90 hm SAL NOV new SUNBEAM MULTIr COOKER Made In Thi New Sunbeam TIME to lAYAWAY FREE ï¬llNUTS See Demonsiru tion of the 930 am to AT ROBINSONS HARDWARE SEE VEM EAT EM 530 pm Deep Fryer HM