Tho nrnzmlmlkm mw hy lwpl mid hounds uml the years rollnl by momhm wrrc catering Var dlnnm nml unl dnn4 lllthflIM the June Conlennlnl pnny Nm rrcnllrd ivy lhu rmmdar And lhu loll handful be ganiznuon ich was inter div ldcd into five groups wom en describes the growth at Triniw Guild in the past 70 le mud on one lhc mm in Hue minutes ha In hook rcrmlrd Mr Haw dens Iamzlng fur MW dcsk Guild lundu nl lhnl Illnn we no llmilcd mm thx lwcnmn mnjor mmct The nkil wnx performed by Mm John Dunn pmldvnl Nu Uulld In IMO15 Mm Dun Munro Ill Mn llawdcn and Mr lcm Slnclnlr hcr nnniversury lhe mnmlnu he tea Lulcr Mrs Inrkcr recalled nthor mcmlm sold or 25 ccnlsv The mtmlm wbn made the sale was the Insurero cum uring hr ï¬rst year Mr Parker rccnllcd sweeping flanges nmuud lho old parish hall hair eylng and lashlnn show the Gullda first autumn nl on when mulnbem lrmught their nwn dlshcs and cvrn hclr own ccnlrcplcccl Ihc ccntmplccc was lnvcly Imu qud of mums which one the member had rvccivul or hcr nnnlwrsury llm mnmlnu al The ï¬rst meeting was held in Hm old parish hall and it was docidrd Ia call Ihe group Trinity Junior Gulld Mrs Incsnn was chosen as president nlld programs were based an worshlp work and fellowghlpvu 10112 evening in October of 1942 Mrs Paar Slnclnirmho was hen Miss Ritz Parker Miss June Simpson and Mrs Parker met at Lhe home of Mrs Sharing or lhe purpose ornun such gram The women ell that closer com tact wiLh tho church was nccd cd Mrs shorting was insem mental In forming the group and in guiding light during the ï¬rst years She Is sull refer rod to alleuiomlcly as Mo 0101 by charter members the Guild RECALLS HIGHLIGHTS The pmgram was under the convenership of Mrs Parker who presench review of the highlights of the past 20 years Mrs Parkergancmlra ted on the ï¬rst years or the organization and wld how the guild had been founded by gm of eager young woman under the guidance of Mrs shaming and Rev Howden whn was rector at lrinhy Church at that time Last night approximately 100 persons were present for the mom anniversary dlnner cele braï¬an held at Trinfly Parish Hall Collier Street Convener ol the event was Mrs George Seymoqr mister by gr Eï¬ener Mrs Pets Sili years yw mm AI my mu 0mm lmunmre Alfnry ININM ITIIKHT Trinity Church Guild Marks 20th Anniversary CHAETEEQMEMBERfREVIEw5fHIGï¬LiéHTSOF EKRï¬Yï¬AifS iNGUIIib From ANDERSON PA 66085 IIMlIJII lllilï¬HT IIIIPIZIHWFH 0ITAWA CmThu Dnmlw Inn Durban Slnllsllcl ropnrln lho nvemgo hulnhl Cnnndlnn wnmrn 1ch Wu Inches hut Knrlmnl ummflnrlurcn and lallrxn cmlm Il I5 roll IIIrlun Presldcnla of ulld mm 1912 1W2 Included Mn Incson Mn Seymour Mrs Ellloll Mm PM Sin clair Mrs Parker Mn Gray ll Chrls Io MI Jnnc Simpson Mm Jack nullcr Mrs nury Mn Flldwr Mm Jnck Mildlllmn Mm Jack nurnl Mm Ilnlry Imrdlc Mrs Ollnn Mrs Cnldurll Among he omoIclly gum were Mrs Doris McKenzie To mnlo Mrs Jdnn Tilhrook Nl ngnm Fallx Ontarla Mrs Helen Smith llumvlllc and Mn Laura Walson Toronto Head lnble gunsLs Included Archdeacon and Mrs Read Rev nnd Mrs shorting Ilcv Newman Rev and Mrs Humlcn Canon and Mrs Cross Mrs delcumcr ernhl Mrs Road musidcnl of Um Guild Mrs Elaine Incson dinflcr prcsldont Mrs Seymour nnd Mrs Sindnlr DIAMOND RI Another skit which look mem bers the Guild right tuthe Pearly Gales and am to am wilh Sk Pdcr portrayed by Mrs Jack Mitchlnson was on Joycd by aha audience The devil who also got in on we act was peril1de by Mrs Jack Duval The nearly new sale for which Trinity Guild members are famous 13 he most recent addlllon lo the 115 of projects skit enlillcd The Missing Thread started if ms um llaughlon Mrs MumIce Gos ney Mm llccmhy Mrs lllnnscl Powell Mrs Ron Gro mo lllrsWilllam Wollondcn and Mrs Frank Caldwell Tho skit was when by Mrs Gram SPECIAL GUESTS During me labuloiis mics bccnusv the large attendance the Guild was rHrganilcd into gmups in February of 1956 By September that year the gmups were known as St Annes 5t Hildns St Joans St Margarets St Martins and St Marys Later St Marys joined St Annes In 1957 un der the Iudcrshlp or Miss Simpson the only member to have hid the presidency twice the groups were know as St Anns St Hildas SL Joans and St Martins The in mceï¬ng in the new parish hall was held in March 1958 The ï¬rst tea was called load festival and was huge success rowing ycgrvthg Guilduhpldï¬a HulvBilly show whichwns ano lhcr sucms FABULOUS 505 Dunlap MINI Fad Wllh locYEAR SECURITY BOND Our lluvulnllnn Ymur inmum PA Mls AHWalIenden Mrs 3wng andMrs 011 Bend Wator mum comm Allwood and nylon qulltllmd hall Ovlonp M13149 Mop how laden that Shop Walk Layaw mu and 1234 36342 Only 095 The Royal Bank of Canada originated Inflallfnx in 1364 ns partnership operated as the Merchanls Bunk Ieflnand Mrs Parker pmgrnm convener seated PIEEMHHQIL was madnflm MrsTSlieniï¬g Lanna net party celebration in pho above from the left are Mrs Ineson Mrs Sher nng Mrs Peler Sinclair who made the pmsentalion and Rev Shemring Examin erPham hall bywlmui mm chcool navy Sim 838 MJNI HERE COMES THE GREATEST Youll find uncutstanding collection of curcoats suburban jackets lhreequartet length styles for the whole family at Walkers Fabrics include pile jersey and nylon laminates water repellent nylon and chest of others Top quality top styling and at those wonderfully low Walker prices Remember at Walkers good taste in fashion is not expensivé ltmylmq IMvalgvn1v111lollï¬tilr Mrs Faye Mlklla and Mrs Barbara Popp outlined details of the Preferential Tea in be The regular meeting the Beta Sigma Phi Somrily was held last evening with Miss Juget Bessgy as hostess Thé pmndem Mrs Samara Nichol gpened ler MlglEcssc gave the urers report Pféiï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬Ã©l July llnrd Lodcr Vbvurzl tlmmn blw rim IL L9H lea Miami EXAHMmtnriilIESDAY bcroahn 19621 Sueduha wllh VIM ed hood and HIM mm laden rod 46X MN Canadian National Railways 525E mil way operates 35060 mlleswaf track including 7019 hddzes Hostess for the next meeting will beMlss Kay Buckley Miss Dorothy Timmom re veaIEd the highlights and inan cia repor regnxï¬igg thgjlallo The cultural mgram Pam hug the Person was presented by Miss Helen Ream and Mrs Barbara Nichol Miss Lama Richardsxeport ed on the success the recent rummagesale which took place at the Bdmo Plaza and dis tributed uckeLs or the ï¬fty doL Iar draw phmmdas the ways and means projeg qr Christ 109 Mrs Merr McDonald sheet was in Ta nto on Sat urday or tha we ding Im grandson Dr Bruce Wardrnan Menlck tn Mus Dorothy Jana Wade The marrla ceremony at four ojcluck 1mm ailernoon held at Mrs Popps home on Sundlay Nov mngston Mary turned to the city fromOakvllle alter spending weeks haliduy with her gland children Lynn andGreg Me Cauley while Mn and Mrs Eruce Mchaley attended the NationalBuilders Hardware As sociation convention jnChicago Illinois Egrunysrgom oucva PEOPLE AND PLACES PhoheEflegn Dixon or Audrey Coldson15A crassI Ovlm pile Eskimo oval Sllpor mode wuh Ru mlmnnlwuny plla dbm llncd Umwn mlnk green Sizes 814 woen$1n 018 Four genera attended he birthdarpmy oi ï¬mrny Wol lenden marking his ï¬rst birth day Saturday The celebration was heLi at me home of Tim myxgmndparenls Mr and Mrs Willlam Wolfenden Taronto Party guests included Arthur Wollenden greatgrandfather cl Timmy William Voliendml grandiaih Robert Woilenden fat or Mrand Mrs Iarvi ngzrlclg Kgnslqgloq pre The bride Is the daughlér JFK and Mrsï¬Fmderick Alfred Wad of Toronto Also attending the wedding as guests 1mm Barrie were Mrs Maxwell and Mn and Wall 3131mm Mlm was parlormed ln Lawxence Fnrk Commuan Church Unl led Bayview Ave Recepllon aue ards was the Nalional Club Bay St Dr Merrick graduate of Unlyerslly 0P Tor ch 1961 and presently on ma medical staff of Toronto Gen eraL Hosyital is ulennly son Mrs llarvip lei0 héby Timmy Sharing Featuring our bedmoms and extra washroom or floor Exclusiva in Barrie Full Price $16995 Only $1800 Dawn Balance in One mm Morllaze cousrnucnon coMiuiiiv LTD Egcluxlve Agan Carson PA 6648 EAEULQlLiflEWWHOME Frehch Provincial Styling 1598 M0RRI$CAIÂ¥T Mr and Kenneth Pagei of Anne Street entertalned Fri day evening in honor Ihcir uncle Douglas Page nl Slmud who was celebrating his 76th birthday Mény friends and relo aflves called In congratulate the celebrant theilsmng Toronto Col and Mrs Lee of Blake Street aï¬d Mrs Dixon also 01 mm city were guests at the Park Plazl Hotel 7551 amnion In the celebratlnnwnl the hen less whose birthday wnl the day previous to hergrpndsan The babysunle Tom WnlIcnden was also home from Waterloo for the uccflskm WEDDING GUESTS Mr and Mrs Stan Peryeé and son Ken Bowman Aw me were guests In tho weddi lag of Mrs Peryers nephew Clark Huffman and Sandra Lawson at King Sheet Unflad Chuych athreumn wppxxgyn 07mm uuuuuflfl um Mm Hurry Wilson of Eudenlg Street accompanied by her sis tar Mrs Ernie Bullismf Allis Ian mnlmed to Ouawn and spent the weekend with the mother Mrs Rooney 19 mo VISITORS extra washroom on main am er 2001