chased it as peculatinn This pmpert on thciï¬lh line near pil icouiri ted iohis eng una appeallrry drthurONe con ho as sworn line and that the Court would siderqa it tho be as lair as possible Ih ntion rs perty decision was excessive at ito al oh ooeoc ith is tuo acrcs invlhe tints at Lovers Creek butunht ier on type at farm told the Court he had rhuch We ngralse since he put tinge tax tihe Court will my Stile property Assessor id in lcgtrthattthree Sprouic or along the creé could be devcio was why he had sessment yr Crawlerd Cmythé led the ten oasscssmenton hlspra perly and cottage at Cedar Har bou he ielt that using the yproperty onl zzdays year rliiE BARR XAMINER assessment he could not expect to live lor less lor even month in the summer Smythe said he was complaa lngabuut the matter oflshsring the iulivrcosts ol schools and but Turn to it please cleared upas well as the road lrontngo at his ownexpense SinceLthar its as sormprovcd was assesscd at $2000 which he claimed was to even though he Admitted pa ng honour for the property to have is use the rooms at hr in Herproduced tape recording to prove js hooting and rumble oi trains all could he hearLin hs room and felt that the hu ingassessment was social services and added am here because W8 the little ratepayersfure bearing yes tershareot the general load thanwe should be or We are in Th ing the hous small and is troubleivlttrvbndalisnithat this he should no he burdened ltti only used part time as he came littl homé was costing hlm aller services at the town cre ior weekends The considerable Vandalrhad torn ship lrom which be receivesno closed to the west the veranda ollr throwrtf the benefit He said that he cot road is the side wood away and generallydone tnge which was lover to years He claimed that the damage His property is on the oldeauld berreplaoed with ver live creek with Minot rightell newplywood Endymum to rrrignavc sprriy way to Elinor WEDNE$DAY Jackpo um damages he Town ship Council who appoint and pay thehsnlory oi the Assess or Today the iirst Ciniit ot Ile vislon was held in innisill consisting of members selected especially ior ilhe purpose of hearing and deciding on the op peels assessment sdlusb men Th iellowiag were swornin to oillcc by Clerk Richard Groh Charles Henry have to keep cominglbach each year le was told that thisCaurt had no urlsdictlan some uture timevhe may put this on development but un til he didso it was useless as inrrn prupértyn lie claimed that similar properttei earby we not assessed to don ant to be Syria Claus he remarked am asking re ed and spoiled many at his trees The asses ent hasbceu raised tram sum in l94ti to the present amount and he claims nothing has been improvedM ONeil mentto that spring creek was on properly but niqnil Road and he leltit could not be developed as it did not coniorm with the bylaws to allow same The as sessment had been creased from $700 to $1100 claimen and heialt ihatas he only bout Sim and there were children ed therpropelty iew week gomgte school lrom there His that his place as is was assessed for the re placement value lie olnted out that building use the year round couple of hundred leet tr his was oniyassessed lor SHOULD IIAVE BROUGIIT PERRY Mrs Walter Sieehls hin who was sentbyher doc tor husband toyapperri the in crease olttoo made on this years assessment stated when she saw the court that she ielt she needed Perry Mason How isngqunnn norms inns marveling noon rams roads were notpiowed out in over lormer years RobertSproule operator at the Lelro tnade money enaughiio 11 Florida each winter so hu ielt that the bu lness ssessment IMPERIAL New snowme anLQrgAginrn this was the year he wouldibe payln mer Reeve who acted as Chal rnan Ernest Brett iormep Toronto businessman who owns lakesborcpropertyrat Toilendal William Sutherland real es tate salesman now residing on IMh line ai Innlslil Wil iam Wallace iormcr iarrncr in thc Township Bert War nice alarmer and also build ing contractor and subdivid er residing on vCoxmll Read ThirtySeven uppcnls had been listcdtfaflhearing Thav ihg been natitied their appeale wuuld be heardln the mom lag and othersVin thenltcmoon However some at those called did not appear and unless they are satisfied withthe decision oi the Courtrthey still have the opportunity to bring their case to the County Judges One at the iirst to be called who was ready imprecced with his appeal was Reg Hobbs who claimed that excessive noise by passing irains the oka and odour irorn bum ing garbage at the nearby dump and thriving rirdents avershe didher hcstt prove DELICIOUS CHINESE Fliliil FAST DELIVERY OR TAKEOUT onnrns Pas0281 Angle Dicksmon Adult Ent STARTS TOMORROW Panic 1m and 1000 pm Assignment at Mt pun MOMS Fltliiis limit my new General Motors Value ChevrolctlmpaiaSportScdon life exhaust system wiilr heavygauge and aluminizcd metal to hring you longer life holler service Like the new dioderectiï¬ed Dcleolrnn generator tllutrciturgcs even at idling speeds savcson hullerics And theres new anti hruatler engine choice too including it new slundnrtl Six an improved sltllttlnrll V8 that thrives on rcgulur gus plus ï¬ve other Vlls rungiug up to 425hp All this plus Chevrnlols innruun Jetsmooth rirlcl Exciting You hell CHEVY trim new beauty that stays young longer Suinuly styled with new husky look Chevy ii for 63 carries on the trendsetting traditions of its ï¬rst amazing yznr For 63 hcvy ll alien even more comfort and convenience inside vithnut sacriï¬cin any ol us easyhandling nimblcncss und handy sire plus it lull range at lullsire lcnlurcs such as high widc door tlpttllan lur sy cntrunccs and exits hig spacious trunk up to 255 cubic lcclli Mono linlc rcar spriu for smooth cvcn ride Biggest feature of all of course Chevy lis luuigctvsizct ccuuuruy economy that merely slurls with the low iniunl price lhcrcs whole load of ingenious new ruoncysuvcrs built into every Chevy ii to bring you value that laslsl For instance unique internal ventilation system that wntcrlluihcr umi air dries rockcr punch hclps remove currinch elements iicluro they get CllllllLC to start work new can carc maintenance lcaturcs rurch nr sell uiljuxliug hrukcs lungtile niuruinizcd exniurl syslclu nnd incrcnscd luhrtchtmn intcrvnir the pruvcu dcpcndnhility and economy of Chevy lluiiupcrThnli nnd llilhrilr ncylimlcr engines Get in on lilll new brand of cxcncrncnr sue the new Chevy il lur 63i CHEVROLET great new features brilliant new ideas Ouc glance at the refreshing new licurrty or line 63 Cl you We winner The new Chevrolet tillers moneysaving hemlilo like the new aelfutljusllng SafelyMaster broken for long lilting life urnl sale sure nluptt Like the extended MlllAND iiiii iiith RANKIE AVAllill irolot telln you hig lrumlle of palrol hlph bomb Chevy II Nova 400 Couvrrllbia CURVAlR the sporty car with saving ways orvuirs diuiuc hmnd ol lilting fun and agile clr nucc takes an new excllc mcnt lot ion till new styling highlighted in gleaming Inctol trim makes it even more ul an ryertilrhcr on the mud new performance and mini mince icnlurrr moire il umre than nor lnrml hlu not favor it New sclirrrinrlirlg Ethics cslcudctllilc rihulhi syslrm nmi on unpruvcd lronl nurpcuriun extra value in cvcry Corynir uusicl male thr going cxlrucns lnr yuul Iruyrd nml nrclnimrd urvuirs unique rcnrrcngiue tlilyll and halancct wrh ri tiirtrlhullon yuvc snpcrior rtnul traction luivic slrnrly point on all kind vi rrnulr with plenty ul guruliue economy Ami lur lllms who like their sportscur crtltcmcni mrc nrul puwcrlul theres the new Mourn Sryiirr with ISllAhp lurimcliurgctl ittï¬ supine nnd all the trim and irnppmti 4rd it real spurlrtcri Im shrrr inn and tnruiiy rrtiuylucni theres nothing like the otvaurl tinmm non uni rrrrTrmEuH £17 rinm Qs ourrn spacer AssmttMEtil tmrull murmunntmustmt Cr sir Hunt Club Coupe 65 £IiEVIiULETat yuurdealersuneastap shopping centre iio Still to son Bonanza on the CBCTV uctwopveach SttmlnyCheck1yout local listing lot channel and time we nonsensical morons Linnea 233 BRANDED 13th lenopeenehsct Itrillltltllttuxutiltttunitlltlotl TECHNICOLOR man Enowu also MmlAST TIMES TODAY atqu SUMMER SMOKE at ran and 1vo HELL Is corruption 940 pm Chovicilelt ngairffldnCadflvpyLQtjlilueh Denier