Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1954, p. 5

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App he 1151 mm the following Hunler John Hunler Mature Davey William Jackson Mrs ll Horn Mary Gllmy Mrs Ronnan fmck Mrs Eadls Arnold Canon Abernathy Wealh ahead Mary Tamman E1112 and wlmumumb Patrick Smllh Austin Mrs Goodtellow LeeL Mrs Sarah Hoover Mrs Redmm Maynnr¢ Glbbins Ethel Crulckshnnks Rom Ethel Boeke Pregwmml1 Douglas Crosfland Jnmcs Greenlaugh Mrs Campbell Reeves Barrett Fred Hoblllzoll Hewett Huronla Drive1n Theatre Mix Arensllcn Adams Aaiuitmchl lh Taxes Mr Simpson acts both fur the umfllcnm and the towmhlp seemr In one case he reminded the assessor at the 0th of otllce which Is chiflrnd at hat ofllolal and that lmparfiallly could not war mm the work assesslmz Mrs Redpnth asked why her mesmem hm been raised In the put year was palmcd out that as sh was now an allyear idem she was not enmled in the vacancy allowance She com plained dun she did nnl nuan tlvn on water courses Eric Simp sqn munly assessor mauled that she azcermn who was her reunfulmV In her Irgn Mrs nickcrlon had been advised by he new and council mm It wnuld be ncccsvary or hi to nppmr before the Court An pcal have an adjuslmcnt 1n um made alrough an error some yen ngo thn the mallcr came up Mr Simpson Idvlsnd mm It was nut sumethng which the Court had In deal with and that tunnel or al flcc could give 1K nlcntlon The elderly couple had been to council an prcvlam amnion and had the second Ier from lomnlo un neccamflly It was promiscd Lhal an adjustment would be made Glbem nsktd ronddcln lion mardlnz Mm Hoover wldnw who has high axes and has Illllc with which ln mIN ex pmscs 1w case was similar In other and council may give lhtm consldcmuan The nstamculs cauld nut be rcduud he land coud change uwncmup and in out no an Monday and the blame on mMéy Those not appearing were dgall with and let for gen eral docsion whflch will be given alter the court has heard all ha Kppgals Haqrd rThe Hummn DriveIn Theatre why mpxcscnlcd by lkumld Forbes on nn appeal In rclcrcncc la sevenacre plot which is an the réar H12 driveIn proper and own by HM mmmny This par eelwhich Is now plnnlcd In Lran lhcy claimed was nsscsscd at $200 per acre However the Assuming records showed that was assess ed total of $40 pcr acre and the nsscswr Mr Sproulc claimed than as buildinl 10L would be assessed at $40000 per acre Mr Forbes ndmluml that lhcm had berm Some crmr In the prolesm us Elven film Mr Glbblns asked consldcrnllon huuw rcnls whlch has rcnlnl Inmmc or $00 per munlh He showed nuns um he cvn with members of Council the personnel wielher with county tumor Eric Simpson Ind mm sth alsrssur Rabgn Spmule C61 of Revision Ih Session at Stroud Jawnpdp gfulluzvulap floor mth WW and REVEUERS Amman who nu leilul Im dml nowl Iiuadtlly 1mm Ind lhe ummn Illluu Im 00d of Love miml nlm In nuI cumin lhh 1mm hu Inlrn Iol nl puuidumnldm In tho mu niuy yum mnl luvlh punkl Julm Ind um dun mm Ilul Mum Hm uulylm ul II In Ilumlnum It wuumlhnlmuulue Iolm unlnlhemwmfll Allhu mmc ufrly tlnounh llw ran wm II mum up the Cummllun II Irmed fmh em The mdmlu haul vl Illuninum lul munth nude II mum modem mhhnu mum dullnm JennIm an Aluminum company ut LImdn le prvpcrty nwnul by Rm 12 lhflkv wul nhkul or mlucuon by the owner In lulur lLmmm Sumuln cLIImrd lhut luclmdmfl cinlwmllre mlLIlsllnx of II lonncr Iurvnlo mum and 0mm hm mm Mr mmlm ol flucsc pm Hqu when 10 um Uly lulnl mltl had trpflflnl 11m 1le arms mmu wm luw Th1 proper wn mu mom sflsor Tnere ls some hundreds oilce lake Imntage beyond this which might be worth up to $100000 subdlvldcdwhe clalmnd Thisv at present Is assured as arm Lands at an average at $20 bar acre Also he has made an uunwnncc at $450 on acreage of Ibush land Mal at 20 acres which Is flvc acrts more hurl allowable There are sommlflrxc rcsidums on lhc farm besides sev gral small buildings fur help clc Mr Seagmm bmught nut hc Pmswaod appealed the asssssment on vacant 10 Much he held bmdc his cottage 10 Mr Simpson pointed out that when property was scarce and valuable here could be no dlllcmntlal made on land hm was bullt on and vacant land skmply because flhc owner chmu lo hold or prhacy rm wuncil wm sue the bullqlnx which was clalmcd wn gmmad cpflxlgh Ford and II Currier wm nlm nppcallnz mm the 9mm um and In tho use at Ihc lMlcr Mr Shnpton nuyuod um lhrrc was an uncqunl mum nuczscd Com plnlm ml the road wnl no kljll up wnn zlvcn n5 Inclor In claim In the rcdunllon of the maman One owner Mr Ford was mld 10 hr min mwnshlp mm way next In hls 1m with garage Assoumcnf Said Low MrsCampbeIl Reeves had Mr Sultan solicitor represent her on an amine 01 her assessment of iho MIDacre arm and summer pmpmy Which acoording to As sessor Sprouie is the must valu able place of pmperriy In the iuwrship in one bioik me inial neczssmem is lm $7700 The only vine mind on ihe lasi as semnent was camer which lronis on the lake and is norih oi the Hill mncasian which is noi open west 25 sideroam This block on which ihcru was laryn criy some canimvcrsy us to own ership has lake immugc some 00 rods and is iriangnlnr tom 400 fem depth It is agcsed at $1000 and mlm be worth live Limos my uccqrding to the as gral small buildings Mr Seagmm bmught nut hc qucslion dilch which was claimed be landing good arm land$ Mr Spmulc valued the whole properly at about $127000 which 13 memo assessed as arm hnds The fact lhnl he tnxeshad 1n cruascd nearly 50 per cem was qugsuggng by Mn oagramj Jamus Grecnhauuh who pur chased home on the 14th arm crly owned by Ollvcr clnlmcd ha ha asmsmtm was ralscu ns maxi as he look owncrshlp and thoul the armor huvlnx Mun 1n the house Three rcsidcnu in DI Bay Polni dlslrlct In close proximlly or such nhher appalled their nscssmcnl Acvmt Ilobcrl Couch and ma Hoblllzcfl They were nnl present but wrolc about their comphlnt Mr Simpson cxpmscd lhc cplnlon In some of the cases that he rmml Meter which mm 01 urrlvlnu at tale of assessment was not always com mrnblc Raised Oh Ownership He claimed lhn misc nmaunlcd lo 1023 pu cent and hat had hv known he could have had bomb In Barr on cnmmnsan In that wllh MIX rule not more Run 350 uddlllonnl Council wlll 100k 11 over lendrd did nut Invej realm on inveslcd capflal ll Illowmce were taken or depreciation and rum He claimed at the $1000 utelvad mare wu an annual dehu ll 30143 He did not feel MH lng the rent wns jusflfled npd asked that me man be low ered on lhe buildlh which at 01g and need 10 repafrs Mr McDmkey 25k compared mu kmoo 1am and an that the rem he received would be more nun would he go 01th arm MESH Spmule id that the hmxse rented or less him mam places in lnnlsfl Valuable Property fllc nssusmml based on lmnuuzc on the mm whlch or Med by the lyétun no on lhc 10ml nummwm al the pnmuty 11 In the vnrlqun mm guru that ls muslle Mme dlraumlow LI mumLou 17y mum um nm on nyy rqunllm In 11 ii umfy niamn or nlrrd lhr um culmrn In Toronto Mr nad Mrs Aubrey Miller Marleen and Larry visited In To ronto 1m weak Chrislmu Cunnem SS 17 Vesprn School concert will be held Friday Dec 17 Ind the communlly concert Wednes galyl Dec 22 Kn the township Mr and Mm mnvcd ta thclr rum Mr and Cinnls 25 Anniversary Cunzratulallnns Mr and Mrs Day who ulehratcd their 2501 weddlng nnnlvursary with family dinner party Bellevllga Vlsllors Mr and Mrs Bruce Pcacock and family Dellcville spent the weekend with Mr and Mm Rob en Peacock dd so whh that in mind 50 ml they would no 105 the double um In coming to the hmrings ndl will ukc in day this week look over 4hnpronnrvlios be fore making their Dulclal decision as mun Street Lighting mmpllwlcd HVL page rtpar lhv revenue and curls In cun ncollun will the Snruud 5km thllng has been received by resident concerned The rmon shows lhat about 125 pmmuu are asstsscd on the syshzm In 11151 the ban usscssmcm value Iur lhls project was 519350 and me Lax cullmkd was $63050 In 1051 he Macssmml win $07400 and returned tax $09920 In 1953 assessman 538950 and the In collated hllnl $53149 In 1054 the assessment was ralscd 393700 and Ihc tax collected nmuunlcd final 14 In The flame Ind School AMI Llon mum on Friday In lenl member ex the opium jlhe school Java other room The mocan clnred Lean Mum Mr and Mn wuum Wm were nuanced with com table mi km tram their nalzhbon and upon their daynun from um mum lo live nude Bu wishes wllh ML and Mn Wm their nzw home In Bun1t nu Pneumonia Sorry to report Frink file patient In Ihe Royll Victnfla Hos pflal with an Funk 01 pneqmonla WA On Dec Stan Walls ancndanw 4m end of 1051 lherc hm hccn an undcr lcv nl 3mm so ml had to be udvod the 1m levy which usu had fly Hm pour 1101 plus he Immlhncnl on ale Inmhmm ml which Is cunbulcd nta mm mu 00 nm capllnl East have born nah durinK the yuan of and portlon or he mm expenditure mndt by um mmc fur the Immmum Malnl cmucc am an llw puwur mod and Ihc rrplntumcnl mes and nlhcr brculmm Toronto Vlllinrl Mr and Mn William Bell To ronto visited Mm Russell on Sunday Vlsll Anzus Mr and MrsJC Coulis Visa fled Mr and Mn Robert Lynnv Arjuna lugtjycek Mrfand Mm Nash barley and Mervyn Spun Sunday wllh Misses Jean and Esther anon The Senlfirbom otss Ves Pm enjoyed the when teachers vim last week Genrgo Sunun an Allan Bun ncy second an Vespra have lnsialled xeluvmon wlnler Fllr large number farmers tom the district attended Ihu loyal Wlntcr Fall kukuul Vltllon Mr Ind Mm Mel Wflmln Ind Helm visited Mr and Mn Allen Bouncy 1m wukend Enjoy vm Where Luxuries are Economiesl Inxhll TV Eltct Ofllcln the WA met at Mr Dalsmn wllh large Rev Veal vn New Home Poole have new home across Mrs James Me convnnlani hol ham In 0h hurl Iho wovldl cHy NMI hmoux dcpulmou Ilou dimld 250 comlovllblt modlm Ioomu DOHQMM dining room and Ioungl friendly lobby ouvhoul mvlcl momma lobby ouvhoul Men HOTEL YORK Bloch mm vlll hu nluulmi Wally Mu M1 Wm Jth on fund Thun dly wenlnL pm were nun ed allows ladle hlxh Thul1 ml Irwin Anlul men high Joe flmn Burk lone hmdl Gilbert mum WM 511 The com mum In churn of the plmunl loch evenlnl Ind cud mum ed Mn 111an Ind lam Mr And Mn Arall Mulr Wpddlnl Annmmry Mr Ind din luck mam enlemlnul amuyydlnnu to honor Mr and Mn Fred MoCInn on the occnllnn the doth wed ding lanlvgmry VIIIM Fowl Dinner The cangugaunn Utopi finned Church enloycd 1h an nual fowl dinner Mr ind Mn nlng Ted Heinrichs leather at 55 ND spent lheweekend In Tuxemu Juctcd lher downyfl lnaviflg many thoughts on Palience He 111m prcsldcd or lhe electinn olflccrs or l955 which resulted as allows president Mn Lynn Russell 15 vicepresident M15 Lac Prankcom 2nd VII presi dcnl Mrs Ln Bertram secre tary Mn Mason reasurcr Mrs Arlamson mlsslurmry Convener and WMS Mrs Prince parsonage committee Mrs Russell Mrs Peacock Mm Nash sflck vislling Mrs Gnrvln Mrs Cantu Mr Sutton M15 Wattle Mrs Howey Mrs Day lowers for church Mrs Mason Mrs Pea cock Mrs Rustic presented Chrismns program of readings ollowcd by an ancresllng Christ mu contest wan by Mn Day It was decided to cater to th Scolf Chrklmu parly on Dec and $100 was voted lo Inc and Fund Next mccllng will hc n1 Mm Manlcllhs 0111 12 Ill Pneumonh Alluk James Frunkcum has returned rum hospllnl after an attack pnnumnnla In many 1nde wlsh hlm Ipcch recovery Chrlslnnx scrvlce Dec 12 On Dec 12 Sunday Schnul will be held Church at 150 This will be lpcclal Christmas scrvlcc or lhc chlldrcn Special music by he lurllor chair Blnlfunl Vcekand Mr and Mrs Adamson spent lhf weekend Nov 25 with Strauard Menus Dmxhlerl tummy Mrs Alex Denney held am 1ly gettogether heyday evening last on the qcculon at her daughler Margaret birthday Mr 91mm mm mm nr Alncrlcnn wpnmlu lnnllc uxlslllnc Angus Vlsllon Mr and Mrs Cllflord Plnxlon nndShnryn of Angus filled on Mra Paddlson und Mrs Anne Allcnby an Sundny Numlmflrm Meeting Nominauons were held Yn the lawn hall with good attendance There will bunn electlanthre 1n Sunnidale Weekend Vlsflon Mrs Paddisan spent last week In Brentwood wllh her son will and Iamlly Mr and Mrs Hnrvcy Scan and family mcnl the weekend with rrlcnds in Nnrlhcm Onlanu Temperance Tm Last Sunday llcv Grny lvm nvn nn ucnllcm mums he Unlltd Church hero HI lur uu ollhc onmlu Tcmpt ncc rrnlmn Thu lunlor cIulr mm or mu Baby am alarm the 6mm and Mar Inn Hosplkal Colllngwood NOV 22 In Mr and Mrs IL Paddisun baby girl slsxcr to Gan Ken neth and Marylin ledenttd hmen Gulhrlc chcrnlcd Faxmm will meet nl nuverlvy Durhams II 830 sharp un Tuesday Dec when Iloy lllckllnl will be lhc puk Mr and MN CUUMd 1mm nnd mully Vllflcd Mr and Mrs Alnsllc Illllllm In lclcrburo Inst wack und Vlnll le York SLIM Mr and MU Caldwell won me wcekund In llanlo and Eric NY NEW iOWELI Misannm Wednesday zve UHF IllLIC GUTHRIE UTOPIA no slum er luu nu 1000 lullrn thrbugh then dance the peopiet During recent weeks the mup has been doing Danish aory danc dgpicting Ill thfistngu of weaving called Weave the Wedmal Jihidinflbidfl fly Fljench peasant dance and the rhythmic LithuanianNoriu Meigo have also proved intriguing foil Dancing Class at BDC Largest Square Every Thunday evznln hue lump people at varying uu trip th light Inuslic In the talk Ind Square cunan cuss the Barri Dmflfl Called Xmltute The Ira pan of the evening consist of folk dance mm many InndL Basic naps uch the twostep walk uhotflsch and polls Ire hush Ind pracuxcd flnce that an lundamenhl In numcmu elk damJ The where radulon md cusm olher counlrlu can be learned During the latter section he evening square dancing holds sway The uld wallknown square dance such Dip Ind Dive mg 15 LRegular Gumes $1000 Special SHARE THE WEALTH AE SMITH SON 0ka mun um um mu mmule mn am an ml lvlpulnu lmvlllu mmlm ullln Ilvnr H4 Qunlop SI Ean WEDjDEE nmQ Consider this Modern Marvel or increased home Comforls BUILTIN GRILL ST JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM ADMISSION 35 Gonoloul Trade In Allowancol £on Budyct Tovmt Thuo Floon To Salvo You th urIdmlmm Tllanlnm umfl rlr mu lnlsln II untaldn plntll plm wmmu Tap ull wmu rum Hummm Top Lamp llwrTlma mumu um ronlml um um Ipplllncc ouuu Mlnuln Mludrr Ullllly mum IInm nm Manvlnbe sunr 1mm Nlnlll mm mm roam luvdawnunl llwlucAnowl 20000 Progressive Jixckpot 142 Gamma via or hruy will con la Hula all to sick lune Ind 33 69an In And Hm nnu mun mtb as Old Dan Tucker And the Sim County Barn Dunc nuke or triendllneu 3nd incubu ny Nlme up make laxmu Kn uggflmmgmmary 1th year lhtre are mm and wnmen enrolled In the clan whlch we laxzen to am Thu utlvlly ll undtr be mpnlelon the Slmcoe County fluteIon Ser vxce and Itllllnlcd wllh the BDcl nlxhz clu pmlram Mul Gordon Todd Ind Mlss 14mm Culley In the Instructors uslsled by M15 Moreno MnAnhur Mn Page Ihe regular planlsl Illhough Mlm Cuherlne Cnleman and Anzux Rosa have been It the keybqard onsevml evenlngs ONE MORE 1001 unharmed Berliner Helnz Komki has Chianti worm re cord tar nonstop trumpeting He hauled mm for 100 hours GREAT GARDENS The hamnlca gardens at Kow England have some 45000 species and Vnrlellrs of plum Ind llowErs FURNITURE LIMITED run 3389 Thar 1lme lundlu mmmm tonklnl lunu um ur ppnnu mum on ma Mill 1mm mllu mm AUTOMATIC COOK SPECIFICATIONS LIST $44900 Bani BAH mm MONDAY DW SI3 The M161 Quaiii 31 MM 11 Slim depend onnod mu km or survlus rlce mm 15 Bisgounl 0n Tmcld Belinixs 157Discounl 0n New and Used Stable St NO 11 Highway Otters this YEAR END SPECIAL from now until Dec ember 18 Now Is the time tOhave your cqulppmen put in top order and at special discount 91 15 Come to our shop at CA nu ma runnun HON MM FARMERSl DWI 0N Cl Mum Ilmr NlrldlPM Min lell 1Imr Mynrhmllul Youlml 1m Ihllllnl IllNM NellIocllnl oven nckl pmlum IllnHflnul lIIL Aluminum lmem lllal Him 0er JIM IIIIHIIIIIE Own our 1NIIIMI uom Full wlan Chlame Illndln mm muuy aner Nylon Holler Twln Ullllly llnwtn Nylan Kalle CflflBY MOTORS LTD mm In In Includlux Huprr Hull nun ulr YOUR roan TRACTOR DEREK Tractors and lmplemenls ii Slack liulullve um um um Hludl He no haI mm ram mum VJlm mum ml ummum Nu ELECTRIC RANGE StoudLcht Baku Oven WOOL mun Mn Ad Mary Counxce To tnnw duullonm who died In ma rounded the Home Ind School mnvunenl II Toronio Fran Dallvcry mm 5557 Phone 3095

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