11tnimmum my um mm nu huMy lulmlml mum no lo Inmutn The In Formal of Ora Twp Alaxan er Lyell Age 81 Died On Oct Buffalo rm pioneer km Oro humbly have during the years since the qutsuun the clearinl Ind brealdnx at land 1mm the latest olthos day was all Im portant spread ought other plates and other lands One 01 ihnse native nuns Ale nnder LyalL oi Buihlo passad nway qn Friday Out 1954 am In Him$5 oi live weeks He had suiicred slight simke SepL l7 and second one Out liter which he was hospitalized unin his death just two days heiure htimh birthdayi um Mum 119x941 ppm Sic was born in Die Oct 31 1861 the son of Peter andJennett Lyell and was bmther the Lake George Lynn Shanty Bay In 1891 he won 00 live In Huflah where he hadjcmalncdunul his death He was married to rhhe farmer Kale McArthur of Ora 5m Mn 11 predeceased Mm in SW to my augment cm munny formany years Mr all had mqhy rehuves and friends In Ora and was frequent visitor He ls survived by one daughter Mrs Ednabynll Halldin and two gmndchilflmn Well Known Car Dealer Frank Gracey Died At His Home on Nov 21 In poor hmllh for the past few mnmhs Frank Gmcey died on Sunday Nov 21 his home 25 Ross Street mrric an April 1892 in Egan and his boyhood was spent them Lalcr his parents the lat William and Christina Gmaoy moved to Allandale thepm pmy nocupicd now by Allandalc Lumber and Fuel rank carried on ncw and used car salts business mm 1923 and had many Irlcnds in HALIFAX Nov 29 In III In uwlcw hm why me Krclr lmrmnfluually Lunmm hiclmluuhl uml utmlun Um felt lr nlul Scalp 5p hm Inc NM 1er an In MichMl Mfllp xli mum ml muw nun uml wmnru In Drm hulr Ullnl mm muu Irnw pumu mml uaallw um 0ch nr 11 mllu Hnr mum wnmL nu lbr tllmdru he rxplullml HnlHJmN Mutn IIIMUIIHMHII lllkl lb llllhuIIItl II mild l1 lrll humu mu um Hwy mm llul lu llrlpnl Hul Um IINIII rum cm vw Unly mm It unnnMflly Ihluy lmlll II In but muzqu Famous Trichologist Will Demonstrate How to Grow Thicker HairAnd Guarantee It Deinonstration t6 Be Held Here llMllANIMIJ lhr mm mm lrunglmhm Ill numl pnmlo In Ikrnllral clumu um lnlr mu mm hlllnllfl hrfult uHrl mumuhr Irvlr mm mu Im vvhfll Flamlnnlhm In llvm lllrllfloflfl lu arm him In rlmvmluu hl uwur Ind Nu IN Ill lull lnmhln Umr ll p01 urn hlvlvull lu llm 1on lr4hnm 1le Nerrlldun luunmmlulv myer Tn 1mm lhll Wu uhr Ihh xualzmlfl II nut nmplmvly mqu wllh mm Inlr pmmm Inn mu so My mlr muwy le lm luxnnl lm mu mm um Ith mlmlnu nu Km trmhmflwn pulmm mum lhln mw mum nl lmm llrllnltm nr urlnl Ind rowlnxlhkhrr ulr wlll lm dtmnmlnlnl In lhnle Ont Nilnnlly omv nmmnu 11 um Tlme prlule demumtuunn Ill be hell the Amulva llvlel 1m Nalunhy NLL Ilerrmhrr ll 12 luva lo IITJ EXAMINATION 50pmsme£ Emu um one mtgddauuner Relatives Ind 3de were 1ch em mm Iawn and distrch Ind from loxcnw Shyner and Cook Lawn Funeral Service Held For Mrs Luck 65 Resident of Hillédale yum funiï¬nx 43 awfully In hillrwlldawiur EVA GR me mother Gem or St mung Stud Bamarund mg noyl Ivan Mr and Mn Gmey mum 5L Andrew1 Prubyurlun Church ma he tunenl xterm on Tue day Nev 71 the Jenna Fun enl Hmne wax mnducled by he RvJamu leuson nemuu was in Barrie Union Cemetery and pallbearers were Louu Brown Swluer George mm Divls Hamid Ayersi andï¬Albeft eréc Funeral service was held at the PethlckSmllh Funeral Home nn Mvndayuoc 15 Duck who dlcgi at Hillsdale an Oct 22 alter lingering illness caused by blood disease She was in her 6611 year Born at anetvllle nn July ISMthe dcccas wu the tormer Sarah Beatrice cGlll daughter of LhD late James and Mary McGilK She Wed at Crown Hill Shanly gay and Orillla bcmre moving to mlmle Nuliveof Elmvale Popular Oaillia Nurse Dies At 44 Luck attended th United Church Besides her husband she is sur vived by Mrs Hill Zilda Estonia $25k and WHan and Nnrma Shanty Bayt The funeral service was com ducted by Rev Kacllgren Pallbearers were LouisCaldwel Thomas cnny Lamben Jnhn WI gins Hershel Augth and Mllton Hjnkllng Inlfllmem was in Crown Hill cemetery OrilIia NewsLuna There was large aucndnnce the ungral snrylcc hold at Elm vale Inst Monday Nov 29 1954 or clmlwulu makes nu chnrm mu xnmlnnlllru and no upwkmmunl Mm mum umlmrm Hm prim mnklx ngnlnr rlpmin l0 um Krrle mm in mum chruk llm pmgnul of lhc lmmc mm mm Alhr rmndnnliun Hm wr mn ls mm lhu lvqulnd lrnulh rmlmvlll und mw much will mm Tu mum1h npwlhmlly or mrmnl nmuhy mu mm mus nmh whu um Ilrqunlhly Inukan Imp hldrmmlvul ulrhuluulnll nn vlnxllnx mrluun mum immun nul Tunnh In wwhxct 1llllllll Hum and mm lunnn lrmumnll N0 Illlh MAI Wv Imw lm Hum rnr xhrk qqny mm 11 ku ls um mu Iml In mu unpublv cmltlnu hm ulul um man Mm mun In Mum llmr our um Krtln wunll mlulu rvrxy mm mm wu nun huku mm up man um mwm mm Imw up llw unwn um mm mm muwlhlnl wlnlll nlul mm mm Im lmvhnll Wulllm ll Mum lanw uur tlllnllmw ulmlml ummmu uml ullrr lluy Ilnlsh um mum mm no um why My MIX um Inn all pm 1er um Km um Um mm Imlluurly Im mm mum an 1Mme nu llw nunwhml HNHI Mlhrul vlrwlmllnn uv Irw muIn yulu II wtan ml ll umqu Mum Amfllrlfl llnltl In lmm DuLV Nltlmhy ONLY nmmhn II Man In pm Hi wlvlk Invlinl Yum no not nml In Aupolnlmml 1m eumlmllnm pmm wrl ynll amwuma nbllnml In my yup IIMIL Hill rm IIUWK IIIIVR IMIll Adv mgrEra inhibi Native Of England World Wyn ann Rev Cooper conducted the funeral services at the home 01 Her sister Mrs Flemming Elmvale and Rev Macmms DD emulated at Elmvale Presby terian Church assisted by Rev S4cwarL of Kitchener Burial was in Elmvalu cemetery Pallbearcls were Guurze Gru ham Reginald Couper Leslie R11 chjn Kcnnclh McQunnle Dawson Cluh and Robert Graham FOYAl mu pual Barrie Cpl and Mrs Bnrrlc 5114511 HOWELLm nag al Hg STUNDEN 051 ml Richud Sweeney pm nway II homc lli Kunpmfel Street East on downy Nov 15 19M Born in Bullad In 0103 1870 Mr Swuney Ind come In Cmda young mm and hid resided In Bard Ich Knee ex cept tar ovcneu urvlu 1n Wax1d Wu One In 1913 he was married to Mix 311 Smith Whrtan Hels survived by hi widow me son Norman an daughter Mrs Smith Grace of Bar rie two sisters Mll Barrel Charlotte of Windsor and Mrs Clark Nellie of England and nine grandduldren One daugh Ar Muriel predeceased him in 1936 Besides her mother she leaves two sisters Mrs Humming and Mrs Jack Whiwon 311 Elm valc to VJNTER Funeralscrvlce was conducted Jy Rev Luck First Baptist Chuxch at the Pelhlck Funeru Home on Thursday Nov Pall ocarm were Louis Blown George Seadon Scadon Robert ouns Reginald Smith and Charles Haynes Toronto Beautiful floral tributes were received from friends and neigh bots and 1mm Fin Baptist Church Sunshine Gmup Womans Association the Canadian Legiun the Legion Auxmary Blue Haven budge IDEA Hams Auk Electric and the healing department RC5 3mm Borden Miss Mary Ritchie popular Orlllia nursq who died suddenly on 53H eray in her 45m year naLivn Elmvalc MIS hu wa he dauqher olAMys chic and the Ne hie gradume nurse of Soldiers Mem nriul Hqspllal she dm private nursing and also nursing at the hospital and mqucnfly won com mendMinn In her eiï¬cicncy BROWNEnlcrcd Inlo rut at Royal Vlcturln llusplml nurrlc Sunday evcmna Dec nm ILI Cuuslnnrc Hruwnlcc belov ed will Gourkc Brown Ivar mnlhcr in Mrs Col Xl Calhrlnc Mm Mnc Lnrrn Gwynnnlhl nnd alslcr Olga Umwnlce null MN ll rnhnm Vlulnl Surnln uul Chmlv Ilmwnlux llnglnn mum at Lloyd and mum Iumral Homo name for pr le luncrnl scrvlcc nn leumhy me 41 MI pm 1m llnnLnl Hunlc Unlun cmnelcry llowLra uni ully dccnnm llllME MINIHTKE The lcrm prime minlnlcr Md nlvl uuuc hnn culmlllm use In Can LI unlll Confulrmllum Interment was In Barrie Union Ccmclery unspnai flame to Mr and Mrs Hayï¬eld SL den uul 56 ELLEN ST ALL TYPES ROTORS IMMEDIATE ERECTIONI COMPETITIVE PRICES mial AERIAlS i511 Phone 5139 GERRY DOUCETTE Ifmmé 13ch and Mrs Toronto BORN DIED the PHUNE 2517 the TELEVISION nn bcc Tod son Ruin nay VIclurla Winter LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR LUMBER AND BUILDING NEEDS 1054 FM VidalIa Vlclorln 19517 75mm Victoria 195 um Haunt 1854 flowclL daunti BEAVER Hm Rit Continued from page one should he prepared to much 1ch miles blowhlga horn He should not have thick skin but mould on occasion be pmpared play In 15 below um 85 need nut be awe but should have enough presence 01 mlnd to dnuksnow bans need not be nble to read muslc but the must be nfaknr Um forms on Mulcasler Street was he cnnnoctcd with local radlo and MI Walls not Earn dcclded over the teacups omnday that par wllhout band was like Rodgers Wilhoul Hummer Slnin of Him wllhout Costclln or apple pie without choose nyld pnllrevaalud that then were lclt only about dazcn mus lclans In tuwn wllh the atom mentluncd qualfllcallnns They were herded up Med up and ï¬tted up In clown ts liorn MILI bar rental pald by olC Chnrlle Grifï¬n was the head man 01 the Chamber then and he cllmhed lnto suit too and Jolncd the parade Althauthln an cat 01 his um um mammals nol blnh and have lur wcll as welldevel upcd rdh me this armed in 1949 that time the ClLlLenS Band was to all Intent nnd pur poses nonexisqcnl Chamber of Commerce mauled that year local Santa CLlu mmdc but muldnt ï¬nd band Mr Hank wh inns Well line then he clawn hand has moved far afield allhough In Barri Inverl at musln hlvl been dcprlvnd The elderly gentlemen who have asked me make thls announcement lcll wlth mm 01 parlormznccs ol parade re cepliuns ol lncldcnls In Orlllla Camp Borden ColllngwoodNcw market and 111 Elmvnlc mat was lhc hm place ofnll lhny lull me mul yeu the Mud had lnvlla Hons mm many places Including no less than live or SMurday Just past bul occrmcd Newmarkci In uxlnnd Barrie public rclatlons In Lhu south hls lme undcnmnd ml was dune my wcl by me small gwup nl nlnc who lrnvcllcd dawn Highway II In the snow The show mus go on you know even on the maxi Newmnrkcl gave Inc rmcpllnn for Im Dar rk clown land whlch la dwlndllnl made pubch appearance in Bar r12 durlng 11354 Just 11mm in what you dear publlc have mlsmd The unlque lad about the Barrie Clown Band only known Kmup ln exlstence since the days Ernie Bruce ls um ll actually plays mushv Without nolcs 11 these terms may b9 used he ely Ehey sror nines Slnyncr Chamber Cummcrvc wunLI Burrlc Clown Band for 1055 parade Fur scnh do not drink bul my nlxorh water directly hrww nuIr norm TM hid UIII nnuphns In Old or lack rumpcl and mum hour mamr or lack If uny onc who can mrct he qulllflca Hun wishes to buy mnse Insuum men they are uvnlLAblc The First Column Clear and ColdH Possibly Milder By Tomorrow Tannin tell the nary the nut luck they Illpr lllflully dawn um now tell an Thanh um III lrl dJy mm Sunni mm In min on On Lush on um level Mum yet In only this morninl with which ran to 12 by un Pmpecl or clur ma cold UVth Ilhlc moflcnflnn hy unlth Tempenlnru we Nav Nov Nov Dec ch Dem Dec Du Dec musan organization yawn ammo DRINKEM rclailvdy HATS mfc 71mm snow my log BARRIE Dont Abblish Counly Council Wardenfs Advice In uvenl weeks Hh Wnnhlp Wardrn 5mm Campde will con clude mquurlous ytar In th chm mathï¬erhl dank of die Cotlxnxy at same largest In On lic semi at all levels 01 mom He did 04 agree lhl who sought ofï¬ce did so Im er He fell than wns man and suflsfactlun in dulng thing to help someone 015 people the community people of pm cnuptry The Wardzn was honored at dinner in Gulhrl Conununlly Halk In hb home township ILthe claw the November session Ex erden Wilm Middleton of Flo was ohakmzn and the head 1qu gucsLi were humnuccu ny ex Warden Wflbur Reed 01 Orillln Township Arrangements were made by Lloyd Scum deputy nave who is likely to succeed Mr Camp bell as reeve 0m in 1955 cannot see abolishing county council Warden Campbell smelt 11 close to hu people Despite thhas been said dont belleve time waslcd Cuunty Cnuncfl has big sublecuh deal wllh lot of money to spend and no one wants to make mistake su plenty of lime is taken on delibemun Conllnucd gum page one is Ichmln type vi klver who has no consideration Ior Anyone on he mad but Mum me only 1han he undcmnnd or will rcc mm In the hlwhway tmltlc ol lccr Mm seem have mlln cited We will have suspend license more believe there would be mrlmr Uccnslng ol driven Ind perle examinations or every one more would be mnrc Ire Wept nspccum Vehiclq Mr Campbell briefly reviewed the lime sins he came nlo cuun ty council In 1948 as deputy new or Om Theru had been sub sunth rise in Ilnancu and In crease in thejgeneral and road rates Populullon had imrnascd rnvldly and here was much in dusmal development lhrnugh the county Populatlon of nvcr 100 000 had Incrcnsed at the rate at about 5000 per annum and be pre dictcd it Would double in 20 yea ur less on that basis Amvng hc spvakcn who cd Warden Camubell also Lloyd Lilhmby MP for Fast Rev Downer Dufledmsimco 51 former county clerk Geo Johnna MPF or Slmcoe Judie Harvle wh npcdally ol the inecontr Simeon County was mak agrlcunum Toast to the Presbyterian lidlu Mm provided the dinner was ex pressed his own lnlmilablv mnn her by Reeve Roy chkllng Vegpra 143116 Emmi rang xv inan tnuve made the prescnanon or Iqwcrs to Mrs Cmpbcu Drive Saner With Consideration FanllyDic than cdï¬nllon UN Individual mq1hb€ carrini tinIn mlcly enmpnlgl programs We In county muncil are try ing to think progressively Warden commznted not so of today but for year uhca is rcevc 01 We commended lhosc Hon Earl ROWE alrnSlmcoe 21 yr that member of REM FLshcr hnlon ol Medanlc wypfzsuii he may to he Wardnn DIEM UNI I10 IIIOHMINDN OIIWII NANCE WNW Thosemen will build tomorrow Sumo ur mm bummed rmm llouwhnhl mm 5mm hqu uunluniu Iikc II lllm lllflllflljml wilhmll lxlmlwinn IL Ill range II Inf mm whim many cummva Iml lwmw lumidn Hamlin uu Innlgcllnb Ice mlvia on how l0 nave II wmpnnlu pk Huuwlmhl Hlmmc In ll Immune linan 01 7mm like llmc htlpcd In buildingI forlnnnda Iummmw Molly Mu Yaw rrum Alt lhc men who have Imill nuuliln Indmur suppliul the nulinnl nccd fur mclul nod papa and fagmien mu mlmlal nmh llvclr 1H In much In nmll their uuihn Mml of lime mcn nlc ddlly war mm Mml ul lhcm ham LunI mnugcndn llml llnmlcncd Ihclr nlulily l0 lunld mluml llucir lllillly In mmml Mml ul Ilmn mulmluml he ml nm for mldiliunul Inuucy lutlp Iwmw Ihcy hmc found llmmtlm ul me llmc nnmhrr In mm or muncy lml mu not nvmlnhlc nnl lll my aim be munlul nn ln help when nmlcd And lhal II Inml muninl mvkc Wlml unmcy lmlly nmkxl hm lllllsl lvc nnlmc lhlu Hm mm km Ilvcm hulc mule nf llicmh or ltlallvu helm than mululnin hcir chIL IOIISEHOLD FINANCE years or CALIFORNIA ENTHY 01 he thousand answer recelvcd by The Examiner In the Craslword Puzzle comm he longest distance was rccordcdby luhscrlhnr Cameron all the way 1mm mo Lima Avcnun Long Beach Cnlflunzfln KIIVANIS INDUCTION Formal lnducllon new mem bers Iccclvcd his year In the Ki wanis Club of Bank will he car ricd out at ho dlnncr mccllng todny at Community House by Fast Pllsldenl Cllhllck with PIS Prcsldenk ll Ddflcrl chalrman Thu cducntlon and lcllnwship cuxnmmuc is In charge Willllm Merrick who re cently returned from the Tildcn Remac System annual mczung at he Seignlcry Club 45 mile Pam OIhawa wherehe represent ed George Dangerï¬eld Xnterests a3 owner of the Barrlu Dï¬veaCar Co Ltd and wha is aka share holder In the Tllden RentEC Syslexn Herlz Drivursell System re prnsenlaflve since 1949 Harris DriveaCar Ca decided on Supt of this yuan to cancel with Hertz to become member of the lastgrowing Tllden System since it was Im n11Canadlan organiza tion owned and cnntrollud by mcmbols who are shareholder the sysicm The mam anudme for whom Ur In much one us Maï¬sirnu hmcmn concluded Let we we drjvc sandy and mbcrly with pmpcr emuldcmuon or othen Then we can do mmclhlnl to reduce he llrrlflc am now on the highways and make nwhrrinu pleasure which It was expected Tilden Confefence by various MiamiMons schools Mr Merrlck sccmnry ol the company is cemln that the Tildcn KennCar System now operating mm was 10 coast In Canadawill leave llllle In In dashed by he lravelllnz public In he manor motor car and truck renms The Canadian Bulldan Carpériférs Unian On ContFacl Drive Picket in Midland Midhnd Free Press Herald Drive unionue carpentm woxklnx In um um and to In cmn Lh current 65 per hour with our per cent vucauon pay has bnn staked by the are enun cfl 1h AFL urpcnum and Johan TM the largest gmup to be inducted it om lime In the hm ary oi the club John 0mm Ray Heap Squadron Leader Harold Muck Dave Steele Bill Lintnn Irwin Bert Cook Charm Egan Kc Glcgn Allan 13mins agent wm Haul of OrllllaCCF candidate in the last gruyxndzl byelecflon In Simcoe Flm public outcroppln ol the union pray1m became evhkm on Monday morning who three men Including Mr noun stand to picket theBlalr Constructmn and Suppfles Ld plum on Ellen Strut FAJL The other upkkm were new Robimllle and will PHIL Hugh Blah mm his newspaper that local 2432 had earllnr applied for certiï¬cation and more recent ly or concllmlan board 91 though the 1mm was not granted Com Trlhblc GEOIEL Davies Eob Armstrnng Dtan Arbuthno Duke Funrlon and Ronnlr Stewart We have nnIy eight carpenters on our stall at the present time he sald ï¬ve in Midland and thrta working on high SIth Iddilian at Huntsville To the best at my knowledge only one member of tth union and neither the carpenters on the plcket line have worked tor us nl least In nun times and ADJALA MAIL CHANGE hen William Wllsnn erected ne comm block store he nllu corner rnccmly he Dwr office which was Iocmcd In his slum Mmom was moved to Lorelle All malls lhn lurmerly were consigned to Alhlone nuw lo Lorena Thn chlorination plum which was crcclcdn Bbcum rcsmnir lhl all wcm mu operauun on Wednesday 1m week and he village drinkmz wnm In new safeguarded unlnsl conlnmlnutlnn lhnl has been prcvllcnt the past Nell lhrccandnhnll you ld son of Mr and Mn Bert MEDM mall 7lh concesslon Tocumsclh rccclvcd badly ucnldcd back ind hlp when he backed lnlu pull of bolllnx water on llm kl chcn noor lnlhclr home 1m Monday The lllllc fellow wu rushed lo Slcvcnson lloaulul Al llslon when he was routed and returned hls homu on Wednch dny nllernoun pan0N7 WATER cmonmmm CHANGE IN COMMAND OInclal handover of he 1d of Midland Armoury to Jack Sygnoglslook placg nus uoxuNo wnén hat lcdcral government hal passed nu $77808 for work In Hngwcnq harbor and the chn of Midland Armoury lo Mn Jnck Symon took place at ta parade last week Central mand Headquarter Army mod the owners new rank hls nppclnlmcn as either mandlng ltfldland Armoury as Squadron of the and Simcoc Farmers Ms Symnns succeedJ Major lur who has become second nmmund the regiment FOR THE BEST JOB in your own Illlnllrlln lmlll um ynur rnnlull tunluelnv nu ul IMII Ilolle ml om VINO Hum null Ilvn unl nn mm remrnl qu yuu mun 10h Tor lhli rwnrk has been mied tn the Canadian Dredg and Dock Company 300 IIAV FIELD NT WATER WHSHEB STONE AND SAND SEE US FOR PRICES PROMPT DELIVERY HIIICMI THIS MONTH um um um livulvll am am upulnny mopml nuIml mln um or rumIn Jqu um remrni In Ith IpnII plrplnfloll ramla um um ulul NGWOOD ARBOR Illllfllllill 10le FUNNIETI HANIIH llflAVEI HT ANII VflBEOE BRBS ew rank umccr Armoury or the GET THE BEST MATERIALS unit Tiréless gi Scores Tyvigqf To No Ailailfzég Barrie Flynn outshv VGuelï¬h Blllmoxu Ind or hamolt hfldm territoran edge buhflvlx way in highworm 86 dccmn In the nm at homeandpomr weckcnfl varies Guelph IIMllll Barrlc ecpnd lurzmoug nu of he OHA junlon wagon and while they Lwlcu rallied to Ihe Elluhcouldnt gain the edge Tramng 31 the and that ï¬rst he Flynn rallied In me Sec and ur 33and 55 knots but div puted goal at 1859 of the stanza gave thg Bill the lead or keeszn Flyer coach Hap Emma claimed he period was over bu refercel Gordan Fevercnux at Toronto alv luwed he flcmrenkmg saunter and Barrie never remand Emma renewed unexpecle scar1 ing punch 1mm hardworking Hule Ball themokie gradunlu 1mm Kingston tired his ï¬rst We goals thevsealun lo climax llandau lwaway 011mm Wlthn 16 dellclt ln the 1mm mlnum Emm pulled uoallo Barry Smllh or an extra award but 50 Porhun dented ll wideopen net ln clinch the Blllmorp wln Bill McCrcary paced the Bill more with lhrcc BobFnrhan mob brace and Lionel Bunny Ike Scott and John Gllll one apiece The annual mgctlns the CanA lre Slmcaa branch he Chlld rcna Ald Society Slmcne Coun ty bclng held lomorrow even ng ln Communlty Huuuc starting at 815 The speaker on the occasionn wlll be Wllllam GSmllh an EXy ccullve olrlccr lllu department puhllc wellarc In his address he wlll deal wlth the luncllun and urganlzallon wclarc unlls in which there are ln mu provj ncc The election ufllcers will I150 take place and cumplete port will be given an the years wnrk All thoselnlcrcsmd In he war flu soclcly are undlally Invited to mend For lho nurlh consecutive ycnr the Rotary Club Tuxonto ls rinxlng the Metropolitan Opcm umpany or New York be Maple Leaf andcns nl Toronlo lur the wch or May 23 la and Irrangcmcnl havebeen mode tor lho advance solo at llckcls Ihrough the Barrie Rotary Cluhov Thu deadllnc for suchsnle Doc mmway um Gordon Lovcday Howie Glove 30h Burlww and Ed MacQueen hisr ï¬rst 01 the season rounded out the olal AnnUaI Meeting Centre Simcoe CAS Tomorrbw The program as follows Mun day May 23 Madame Duueflly Tucsdny Cnvnllcrl Rusllcnnn Ind Panncci Wednesday La val Ila Thursday Tosca Frldny An drna Chenlnr Samrday May 18 Carmen prltu arr bax mm 310 nor roan $150 In er Much $6 2nd Her green $4 3rd lu amy Any person Internmd shuulq In In ouch with Charles Wllv son nl 51 below Dec Met Opera At Tororgtélivn May Rotary Sponsors lIIONR L10 wag