3r WEDNESDAY DEC Mummle Faster prcsldt ed Crown Annrney Thompson and Aulmn Crown Mlurney lelnnton war both prennl Court dullc were by Mundpfl Sgt Morley Wright OPP and Cpl Andrews of mmm Ho Quito number of cases were heard under this section Plead ing guilty in having liquor in plnce alher Ihnn the residence 011 the purchaser Herbert Montgomv cry wn conviclcd nnd ï¬ned 37$ plus totls cl $1450 undcr nullity impaircdvby reason or alcnhol Gould Hines on cnnviclion was fined $100 plus cost at 35 Under the same charge laid by PC ii Boyd OPP Jack Jnr dnnpicadcd guilty Nov 24 i145 mm on Highway 21 near Pheipnon when his car had struck the roar oi annlhur vehi cle causingsomu slight damage Hpndmitied having six becm be fore mi and Is married man with large inmily Comma he wns ï¬ned sea with costs of tareicss drivingvchargc was withdrawn quubv ControlAct mired Cadenu an army veter an had not appeared on Nov 17 whoncullcd and claimed that he was on duty whkh as His War Ghlp pointed oul makts no dlfl crcncc whmever lie was charged byAPc Heels0FP with driving on Nov in F103 While ability was im paired near Forgigsonvalc on 27 Hr hampassm me cruiser Huh Kale ï¬niswunfl In the cast smuldcr and backs Om prnv Du conviclion was on Aug10 when Cndcau had run into Ihc side of rain Convicted he was ï¬ned $100 plus $5 or 10 days Another suldior Roger Marin was faced wlih similar charge laid by PC NrIChnddockOPl on NOV 27 in Barrie when the accused had been driving cast on Dunlap East when an accident ensued and he had gum 51 feel on ii shoulder In hls case the ï¬ne was $100 viin 20515 01 $5 Careless Driving Did Nothppear Driving on Highway 92 mar Elmvnlc nn Nov 10 i130 pm John Payne was passing park nd cm in mm farm when liecollided viii one vehicle and then back in anoihur and lhen skidded for lZ7 icuL lie was driving new model car and spoke oi bright llnhls irom irnliic hn other way Durance cuunscl MacLarcn QC classed it as borderline oi careless driving Tm imn was $35 plus $1150 Liquor For Sale need with serious charge at kcnplnz llquur iur sale illegally on Nnv 23 in Vespm lcrcy Llus combo pleaded guiliy Evidence Ii Cpl Kellogg OPP Will that on Edgchill Drive Evidence It CPL Kellogg OPP was that on Edgchfll Drlve at 205 am that murninu he had momma car cnmlng from the dlrncllun of Buscumhcs home and fmlnd two bullies of wine In lhe vehicle and on 10an lhc house had found anulhcr bottle of wine and 30 mm at ï¬lm The drlvcr at the car previously stopped said HIM they had paid $2 bul HE for the wlnc which retail or 73 The accused had nn been in uuad main or some time bu hid Bumped Ilrlnklnu cmlrely or about No ymrs His Vonihlp commcnud llml an nmcndmum lo he ncl Hows pr flnu whlch was 5200 wllh coals ol SIG two In palll he no Cpl KeHnuu hml nlsn lflld in charge of having llquor Hlvunlly on Oduber II In motor vlhl cll In Vcspra nunlnsx Dnnlcl Thcrrlnn wlml Ialluwlng lrucls IIL nnlrd burr bullies brim mmwn nul nmlhvld ll lhhll The nccusvd WM nllrmly on probnllcn on ll prnvlmls charge nml was ï¬ned $15 plus 50 lhr ynunu Cflnrxc Cnnmllnn Dlrk Eng 22 Orlllln pumad III rullmclllm WWI lhl dram In sum mum llulmns yonrold OYHHII ulll who illul nucr xurlrlvn ml lHuhwny 4m nrnr mwn Iml whcn Enux car 14 rnnd mm In Iln wlll mum III ovrr 600 ml his girl will thrown out and MN nrxl llmrnlnx In the Inan vmmu llmpllnL nan Ir Committed For Trial lulluwlnu nnprrlllnhmry my Ever Hear About Tllll Mm mo THIS SPACEHAVING SADDLE on wind umlnuhmllv mlvul lumputlnlkm Llllllculllcl fur cw lonumm purple nlllmnzh landing mum only xm pmluably Maury nl limes HM rm an Akle In he wu commuted um mun Emma flu he did on Slpl unllw ully kill Ind Harlan Halmu nnddlu lh 2bycnmmlk the indIcIIblt allcnco at man slaughlen He 11 um chlrgel vilh dnnurmun driving on ma same oilencc but an Sch ihll he did drive in manmr duller uus to he puhllm 0n but charge he was zom mlllcd or trial and an in mm ml of Carmen driving In he lflmc cnnnecllqn the mama to be in bu liaglxtrilfl Courlrvwn adjourned to chnesdny Feb 955 PC Chanpal OPP gave evidence lanhrhnd reached the PHD or the ncrldcnl some 21 mllrs cast myflold Slrccl on Highway 400 40 pmi or ï¬ve mlan nlllr nollncndon mm had found me 1951 Buick sedan Dwflld by Dick Eng In the Enid the boulevard uprlght and that Eng was 1n the Iron sent somiwmclous whua Miss Holman was lying nn he north shoulder at me west bound uncumrm mvny unconstious and taken to lhchnspilnl she hnddled 215 Tim vchicIo was facing south IISL Thorn warn skid marks on the south shoulder at he cast hound lime or 275 feet and runnlng about 55 tom nom m0 may the pavement Gravcl had been dislurbcd and flu car had slcvved nnd then came back on the paveA mcnl mcm nhmbcr of phmomphs had been Iakcn shawlngthc situauon and were used in cvldcncc The marks had come back to the paveman and conilnucdmn show ing skld by Urcslnr 109 out and of again In the west lanï¬ Two dislinchrake marks Shawn scrape mark shuwcu on the passing lane 01 Icet There was skid or 13 an off north east of Ihc west bound lam and on the shouldcrfor lack than across the WESLhnund lane for 29 tom and on me boul evard far eight feel total at 63 on over all Checking lho piemrcs Mn Thumpson commented hut 1cm front the car showc scrape mark cvidnnlly from 1m with the pavement and had evidently turned over slid on he pnsc The olflccrs csflmalc damage to the vchlclc was lukal wreck He found that right rear Mn Yas lat Dclcncc cuunscl Euultnn shall QC at Orfllln quut Chaplml as the 1mm um it was on the curve but answer wad nu that was the approach the cur Counsel alsn claimed that We Igrca with cople who any dont borrow money unless you musx howver when you do have borrow money we think Ni III 131d kind of loan complny youll mm to do business with Here are mm mums youll want whcn you borrow Youll nu service hi on your list were sure NiagxnwedotooWell cluthinkwcmpmmpxwme lam In mid In 20 minules And politeour company has bccn designed to um our cunomcri Almuu war one can bormw money at NIAGARA when hey nted it our plan Ire fluihln Ind on mlnyvnmounu 24 munh pnymnm period cm at um bilily will be impnmnl to you loo Our Inninn mncd In Wellml Ontario our 25 yun Ago Were uxocillcd Wilh the Inqusxnnl Acscpllnce Cnrpqqtian nd Cum nun buy an npplianm em Wem In IllCnnadim Campany with over 80 branches from DillKUCOIH And here He mo Idditioml points than Ningnn Loans Runs no lower on mm lmounll you more for Runs no lower on mln nmounu no you more for your money Loans Io UGO ne Hie Inmre no um can you when you cm Ihi nmily proteulon why do wilhaut in It you nccd money rm my good xenoninn drop In or phone nnyxlme JOHN NIAGARA Why Niagara may $3 good place for youto barrqwg 71 xmmm mmm mum ummm Ill The Wilson Building Phone 4640 Barrie BREWER llMlTED KINGSBEER 13 Ice bound for haund ll um patifï¬inhn pahmént but Chppel dld nu Inna that Wmffbyfu P91 nc dllmed Hall 16 Ihouldcr hm been untied um day but wllncu dmlcd Ihll became he hld placed lug cros mlrk on the moul der and wu stlll thaw Ta 1min that the highway wan not prnpcrly banked there PC Chip pel stated that he land done as ï¬ve lhl Inna stretch whfle chal in nnoum vehlcle over the tune lgcuon rcccnuy nm WI ¢hn pain when 1h Eng car went all Martha then asked and Hal tin might hm eluted the trouble but Chnppcla nplnlnn was that the tire had been damaged when ll vchlcle turned qvcr several mu Ho also stated that hchnd statement from Eng In the hnspltnl that after the act at driving on the highway hla mcmory was blink nzardlng the rest and he deï¬nitely does not drink quastlan nslo debrflwit nos said that scattered on lhe wcsi bound lane were parts the windshieldund other burn metal tram lhednor and ncrous the bou1evnrd were bits 01 um and mudon lhc west bound lane He did nut know he llnhl werennor before the acclï¬cnt LaferCases Chargudhy PC Crozior wllh driving while abmly Impaired on Nov min Flns Erncs WILsun plchcd gullty Evidence was that me weaving of he car had hncnnolld by the 0ch on Highway 27 hall mle south Fergusonvale at 230 am unn vlcuon rcsuncd with In of sum plus31 careless driving chargbnvns withdrawn Sentences Given In the cases at Victor Wollano nnd Mlchpul Muroz ln cnnvlctlnns or ablaimng Rmnll sums of money py mnnn of trickery 329 PM IM SnowInd lulu Th Unucd Church held ccslul haunr on many Dec and will have he ï¬undny School upper on Edayfnnlgp Dec 10 Turner HI and Mn Earl Timtr nn Shirley Mllndlle spent Sun gny with the Mllsu Ind School cam BM 11 Hillsdnle Schaol ll have can cm on Friday cvenlnz Dcc 11 belorc closlng for hannya Pruhylerlln ss supper Presbytcrlan Sunday Schonl sup per and Enlartninmcm will on Thursday evening Dec 1a VII Slster In NewYork Mrs Dan Conncll visited her Sislcr New York recently mtorutry Banana Joe Lca attended the 25m ypm banquet or Monsters at the 1mm York 011 Tnmnto Wod nosday Dec WMS Annual Meeting Annual mcciing ol WMS was hnidlucsday evening as Mrsliicr bcm Goddards Mrs Albert Thompson presided service of worship ior Chrlstmnswfls given by Mm Ed McCiung MKS Harvey Johnsion Mm Charles Jamieson and Mrs Willlam Thompson Mrs Russell Turner led in prayer Miss Kate McKay read sermon Pcicr Marshall Mrs William Richardson gave the ccrctaryk report on the years wnrk Mrs Harvey Juhnsian gave the reas urnrs reporL Mrs Wiiliam Thump son rcparicd on welcome and wei mummu wlm could no bane Hun bum nuv ms Manual Televlnlon Nel th Iho mo LOOK numm pnpullr hull consul model jull an at me umplele Muloroll nelullon mm In men wandulnl lhlnx you All hm In yum homl nu Ir rm um mm camplluled We know lrom nur mppy tunlomul nu mlr romplm mm mnmu pIAy Impomm pm In mpm umn ham 145147 Dnnlon SI Elhono Harris 8442 In Oflllll II We Bull In mum in my mun rm mo no Am nu cm HILLSDALE Eltclrlc ymu prosley TV Dislrlbulors are happylo pre Ihls schedula cum menml lhrce llmu wully to the mum at vlewersln mule and Dlstrlcl mm pm My hum 5m mung mimi EluflKMolomlaTV TIME HIJWI CBLT Chnnnolï¬ Toronto In IN wand chm WEDNESDAY DECEMBER MONDAY DECEMBER TUESDAY DECEMBER EPLETTS ELEETBIC fiie Dulce were declared vl cam by Mu Albert hempon ï¬rm Moaré wn dulnmn or the election Han munian Mm Hacking msldmt Mm IIlit Turner In vicepruldcnt Mn Harvey Juhnswn 2nd vice prflldtnl Mn William Timp son secrcury Mu Wlulun rum ardmnr 81an Ma Gordon nowat mumer Mm Tyson Nov3k usuan Mm Ruben Mir lln welcome and wellam Mn wxuum Thme lame Helperf secretary Mn Hubert Goddud mm Ml Bertie Goddlid supnly secretr7 Mm Alvin Jahn man Giad Tidingl sccmlary Mm DslerVCnpcinnd music Ml Hes tic Rowai planisiv Mrs Herbert Goddard assistant M15 Albert Thompson literature mruary Mn Moom Mecunu clnscd with hymn Ma and prayer Prayer and Bible Study Prayer macéing ï¬ndnibin study was heldmtMiss Bessie Rowave insi Wednwdamevcmm ma no CAmII Nun umct aoo DunnI snubmln In slum ucn um en don mm cm mum lam lulu nu Iluu nln 0M4 Inn mm IG Man mu INIIInI ROBINDALE INN 53 fllnull Wedding recepuans banquds partlcs mm For mronmmoN BEBEPJIONS 51 hLAKE STREET HON 374 lhtmc BI W4