xx iï¬thflYearNo 1310 Halulllay Illerlumll he at uumw plum null lhc only bmw Nayrr he lhulr Clown Band unnumuml Ier mlmnnnL Thu wan Humvan hy lhn flml ler wlvm mlarvl Muh II In over thr gull lII ermmlkfl In lly III Sam llnln lulWlf 111 nl Inn mlnplulnl Ilmn Hm dbl Mdr Irmml II hr hill llInn muwm In turn wow Inn um or purudllu tll mywy lu krrp mm LImlly an mmlmum Mkld nm In Iulllly mud lhry wrm gum nu ma slur II In In Irlmk nml uhlll Ihm mw umxlnuu lnr ulu lmlnprl puyu nnvl um llmnlmm plum prrrhllyly mrnl nmmln mm umr Inml Imuluuuu lraln Inn mm whhh mu mlmm play In umlnnml fllmml quamr cvnhuy ngu Avrllrlllm MN mlmi leu llw hum HI ll 41 ll Itllllk In mm Al kaM mum ml mm Willy Qunllllrnllmm nhnvlr Inn my Rwl Tlu mm an album mu mm mm mm mmul 11w nmvllmul nerd lml mm may runuuuunn lull coow Mo Derails 11 cars 0f CBR FreightTrain At Beaten The First Column AUSTIN ROBBINS 261 Norvale Crescent Toronto miraculously emerged mm the demullshed car seen here wlth only sprained ankle and body brulscs after the car demlled 11 box cars or freight traln at the Benton CPR level crossing on Saturday nlght when the car went out or control ll slammed mm the slde box car on the Tum In Me luurv plmu In mmm mu GENERAL VIEW or the scene at the Benton level crowshm shows home or the cm rupnlr gnngs at work clcunng the wrcckugc um rc sullvd rum the nccldcht on Saturday nlght nnllwny omcmlx express ll the uplnkm lhul had It been passenger mlhcr than freight train hm hm been hivolvcd more would undoubtedly have been 11 quite 5011an THE TOWN 01 um AND 000m sumo Retire meant lly WKW Since 1864 Durtng the Nuvomhcr newton of Btumue Cuunty Councll comltlcmblc speculntlnu wru hotnu bummed In cumulan pnsnlhln cumlldnkn or he wnnlvnnhlp or the county tn um um llnltcntlona M0 ttmt could well be content between our munbom provhllny twu or tllrnn mrn xue rotuntrd to uttlcv tn tlm olccllmm wtthln thntr uwn munlctunlltlcn rm vlrcllun n1 hr wnnlru wuyn mm llw mmnmm hr January mm mum and llmu In me humuhuu um lrllll wlll lm III Nah will lull muulh hm er In pun yrnu Immlmnl ImlhlaIrI Mull vnuulnrm nnmllu um Illdnltl wlm llnvr lvrru lnrllllnunl nmc my llltkllnu n1 Vn pin Tuwlnhlp llrevn Mhrll my Tummrlh ruwmmp Ilrvr Jumu IMlml Hullwanna rnw mm mu mm mm mm of Wul lelllmlluvy Iermlmx General Speculation Points FourCornered Contest For Wardenship 0f Simcoe County mm mmm has already ulvrd In Iulwnnllun mm run In mm mum1m hu mm Ulhny An mun will lw mm In wm lmlnny wflh mm mm lulnl muu mmhlp Ivy Tum Hnmfl etu lull mumL may ahemmm mama Nunawmm llnrnlmlhnhlHumm luullnn lurrlllw unHI rt 21 wllh an rkdltm Murmur lnklua mm on JuuJ Tnmvm mo nml mummn mm Imm Irlpnllllrl hm lnvwlhml hm qu nu mm mm hnmnu In Ir me wudrmhhl ulllw munly mun mmmu um llvrn ulvlluuhlvdlv mum In In mulhrm Wm um wuuu ml llu mm thuulxl In lvrn In Ivmrwnnuvr mm Um mun hummus In um um The lllllhlï¬ wnltn Nrtvv mm Tnnumrll nl on Tuwmhlp lily wame wu Ilnrve wmnu Md mm Mmlllxi lmlll 1n lhr munl pwxlun lhn mull Jul auurully 11mm mmnlhu uu nmlh rmL lust movmg main The car was then dragged along the sideot the track and as It did so It knopked over the bllnkek llght mounting This wedged the nuw under the box car ancHoreedv 11 cm on he tracks Damage ran into the thousands of dollars and trattlc on the main line to the west was held up Ior oveg seven hours considerable loss olllfc Parts at the station building were damaged as the box cars hurtied oi the mlLs The 11 box cars which were derailed cnvered distance or about 300 Keel and were piled into twisted tangle ul wreckageabout 80 feet high BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MgtgpAY DECEMBERG I954 huvyecllve Mn commun 14m hwtwr huo LI lm lmlhl lhnl Imlh cove nllmy nnll IIIwr Hugh wuum ullnlnly lm my rllgthh mumm lhr lumwr nuldllll Ulz vllmlallunl Blulm Clmnly Inumll In HR mm are Irnwnnl uvmmlunru In Inunlrlwl and rmlnly nvrmmvnl and lmlh Ilnvv Mdn VnrluKy levrlllm thy um wvllrl lw mm 011mm Ilrwl Illckllul Illll Ilrrvr lnlluu llumgh ml mu luv IMMM Hun mu clmllrngn Hwy wuum pm up mum hulrml hr mun ï¬luy unpmama nm mm mm mm an mud ly rxmllrwoll umld well Irv mm mm mm mm mm Ilvlrmllnn lru mm In Hu Imvlll vuuu mulll mm ban hm hm lhc uw In Mom yrnu nu lqu llldlvldull Ihlllly or mm our mumunu 1m vnllnfl mum munly mme umlnuMNIly ulnl lm mm wlu Illlllcufl mum whhh nun III hm In with nc MMmuui mm inch nulc Flrr nrpmnwux lml lwn nun xlumm Hm wrrkvml mm lhu Swarm plnnl an Clmvprrluu sum and Um ulhtr la nnnnh tuncL 0n runny mnnm nl flmuru hnvl In mnuvn mm wnll lumvdn III mllllnfl plmll whrn Hunts lmm him My Ill llw nmlh Nul llw bulld le nul Nlmunh In hunnllnu llllll ll Mlnhl N0 ltrluul dun nuo WM mum Nu lunmzr wnl mmlcvl hum Ihr nlhrr Ulillllflk which trctur ml Ial nluhl nrmlnd II flInch 41 IN huuu ml Humid 5hr whru hlmnvy hull rmmhl mr FIRE DEPARTMENT HAS TWO CALLS DURING WEEKEND IIIIIMTMAU TRIM lulmuu Irma alloqu ll Aland In mll mm wwmmsd WWI mp mm will uh huh nm many lmurr hmrUIHHNI rulllml lluwnvu WIHIM II Ill Mch ul lllo lmll IINII mmhl muku Ill utrllrlll wunlrn Iur llw uunL Gnvrrul nlhrr ralulldulu hnvr lmn mum bul Hm unucml lin pumnn l1 mu awne me lulun llelr whlch wlll Iv wld It mlny lmmly lmwlllnu luvulh llulr wluu lmmhmlml Ihv ml cunml wln Imlw mu me our pmmw mnmulm an wu Ilumhlp lumur Collegiate Band To Atlantic City Lionsv Convention Barrle Collegiate Concert Band has acceptcd an official invitation to heaï¬ thn Canadian delcga tiun at 1055 Lions lnteh national Convention at Atlantic Ciy New Jersey June 2225n it will be the only Canadian hand at this convention one of Hit worlds largest or service ciubsit will be aitcnded by 25000 deiegatcs Part the expenses will be pald by the Linn Club the balance the hand must misc locally by ways and means such as concerts and grants Rail Traffic Halted Hours Thousands Of Dollars Damage As Result OffFreak Accident The Invitatlon was arranged through Pas Governor Wllliam Garner some time ago but was received ofliclally only last week by EandDlrccwr Allen Fisher The band will be expected 10 head the parade of Canadian dele galrs Last year several Ameri can university bands were In the huge parade at Chicago Ililnnls This coming year on Inter national ls changing itspclicy In pan years local club flnancld their own sponsorcd bands at the annual mnvenllons In 1956 the mnadlnn nxecukivc is selecting an oumnndmg Canndflan youth band and gcncmusiy supporting for their convcmian In hls lellcr to Mr Gamer lhe Canadlnn prmdcntlor195455 In males hnt the Mme Barth Col legiae Band 13 enough for him to sancllan are mm 31000 from Canadian headquarter wwaxd the lrlp Wnllor Ill nl Mllflun ll 00 Ilchor ruull ul Ihwllnl wo Wpmmd mule lmuh wulvn 1n Nwrghlp lull mum nm on LAM yrnr wlun wnlvu Illlck damn nhup MIMIth ul upl lmmlr mum um HUNTER KILLS BRUSH WOLVES IN ESSA TWP DIES OF HEART ATTACK WHILE DRIVING TAXI Ilnmll litwell Ill leufl nullum mull llrk Iml Illefl yr dly mum Inl vldln dllvlnl Ihu luI he opeulul Mr hnwm un muqu 1mm all and mu luwlllul nn mumy 11 1mm mnum wlltn 1w wu Illlrllffl 1110 u1n mum Iml mum alum at no hot mg mg mn hyde polo uni mully rum In nut In llu vnlm usth Am In freak accident at Beaten on Saturday night thqusands of dollars damagq was caused and rail traffic on Che main UPR line to the west was heldvup for seven hours utter private nuw rammed Into the side 01 fastmoving height train and caused thedemllment 01 11 box cars CPR Rscuannd emit xafxss were rushed to Beaten Smmndiately and oiled through the night in mum weather condltlcnsz It was estlmnted lha$ Eb tralns wtre unable to proceed or something like seven houxsdue tome crush and 20 othersharl flhelr unning gxmes anoctcd The accident one Qith worst Kn Slmcoe County for many years occurred shortly 9th 7pm ulnul mm The driver at the auto Austin Robins 250 Nomle Crea ceni Toronto had miraculous escape from death aShis car was dragged about 50 eec under the box car which it m1 His only injuries were sprained ankle and body bruises LN ssan when the ac cldpnt occurred locatedahou one mile and hall wgska Radon in addition flu derï¬llmenl of the 11 can Wet 1000 track was com up and twispad into gramme mangleot me corner of the simian bullde was knocked 011 ng me lhe box can hurtling Bl rallx muck ths bulldlng causing part 01 the rent colapsennd taxing out same ol the wiring nsldc two bbx cars mm to rest vn beylauorm ouuide of the smlon over the crossing amund MD pm and was esummdthnl was movlm al amund 40 mph Auogem ms personal oplnlons on the cause 01 mm accidcnh and the remains wcrc ably named to he Klwnnls Club 01 Earth by Magistmtc Kennclh Ctmzmn ni he dlnncr mean Lut Monday Oumnwnlly llauso lawyer in Barrie for some yous he bc cumin mansuflc mo and has pnxldbd mum in Emma land and Pcnclnhzulshtnc me man DriveuSanely Soberlvwilh Proper Consideralion of 01hetsMagisIrale Tells Kiwanis in Trafï¬c Address Mazmrnle Carnan was inun duccd by Currie The menu was pLnnnd by pub and bushes nib committee hmdcd by Dr Edwin wllwn mum on Dan1c pawn mu bkm was pmmtm by Ron NIX on One at the new or he dln ncr was 51 Morlcy Wright chic police Very Serious Problem In mlmducln hi5 subde Tmmc Salcly Magimm Cum oron mid lhla Will very urlou pmblcm ll allow all our pockul books Iv dey to one unfur lumtu cnuuzh to In Involwd 1n nn Cihadian Guards Band Home Korea Return to Borden The Band 11m Clmldhm mm nrxlmcni Murmd 1m week In urnuvl 1mm Kym Ind look up rnldcncc unln nl Camp llnnlm Slx momm no umlr mmmlml lhclr mush dlrrclur Cuvl Junta Ulycr It hnml It on tour duly In ha Fl Han II upmud hal lht hand le he mumml Clmn 1mm In llmr hut muy lm moved lou WIWI lllcr lclnwvwl la mud lur rxpamlnn humu um mud hum ny uup In Cmmh IQ Aim punyw Lions Io Revert From Thursday To Friday Dinner nm In Iurl hen IN an un mun vol In the um um uuyltlghnnlnl In than them MIL MIMIr may in nn bull bollw by flu valvu In New In nswlckfwwï¬ifu cmmlclul In mp mun bou wall mad leu Mb Illuln up hull an mmlui at mmflml lulluw In the mud dllmw Thnnthy nl Cmnmunlly nun Med lu mm lhr weekly dlnnel mm lnu hulk l1 lddy lllflfl motlun More how mm nny awry Wm wnl wI Mn ml 11 um unllkl Kl wn and Mary who mm only wrvk In do nu med duï¬ lug July Ill Auumt ï¬bqh 12 Piges Two Sections MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single qopy at there wcn 47 box camnizkhg upvthe neuth Rubin caruwhlch ms wast bound appzmnfly went an at central in approached the cross hig Estimmcs were um the Ear must have been travellan at at ound 30 mph whm slammed into the dept the Shhd car hgck tram the locomotive As the car was dragged along by he traln It struck the bunker llght mounling on the crossing and this wedged the auto under the box car Ivrcing and the allowing car 011 the tails runway omcm mama mo oplnhm that had it becn passen ger Instead might train them would lncvlhhly have been heavy The locomotive ml was not de raled nur were of the other 35 were strewn over distance at ibout EDD Ice and they piled up into twisted tangle n1 wreckagu about 80 lee high Only one the derailed cm was fully Vlaaded green lumgcr 105 nt 111 dunt It mam insurance as Indrthe cost law unturcm inn and udnqnlflrquon ï¬rst what are me mum accident 1m speaker and lnexpedmccd or humble driven Magislmle Cumeron cl hat ddvlnz £515 pday wen tn urely inndnquule and was too nsy Ia Manse Experlcncn was nlccsnry to handle cabin he mil mejmem 556 Mechngucal mm the spmkcr lhouuhl wna lesser no car cadLights but hlns had n9 konl pace with he develop memo the ulflomoblle But he undcmood mm new am bdlnr type for may was being dwel up sawed This 18 man likely an Influmo lho extent the dum ngc Hun came the IncldunL Du th happen In cam at In cmcxlr cncy ll you are lravclllnz 70 miles per hand In um spud requlm 300 mp undoc pcrhd drivan conditions Th6 Jlow driver was just danqcrom nl who lnhL drlvcr the tanker mud and he did not lee lhnl Hman the anowcr 01 lb 111 was gm Hyper solution Luck me or human on hg gun gm drivcr Drinking mum Ila dld not mun those who was rmlb dlunk II than who dmvu with Ibllliy lmpalrtd by nlcohoL Med lcul cvldcucn had proud Hu men one or two dflnluu wwhl Inspan d1vcn cmwlxnly in we at cm army nemadlu lot Mal Now II In Hm rcmcdln he mnMnm gun1 Ilu morn ndn mum xnlml or me Nubwnyu and Mriuur rnluxcrmrnl ha law wn mulrgd nm mnln wuer hldxwu law and pnllcnjnmrcmnml la lrguhlc lnlflc and proud um pub llnlnl um mum in lawman wny ha numL Than 11qu pm qur Nun mournm In more