PARTICIPATING WIIII Allnndalc Loyal Orange Lodge 432 In the celebratlon of their centennlnl on Monday Nov 29 1954 were many guests some of whom are OUTSTANDING PARTICIPANTS the obscrvnnce of the centenary the lodge are two of the OXdcst members both past omclnls who have been Instrumental wuh others In the maintenance of the principles Hy REV ISAAC BICIKIiRSTAFF We visited family not long mm where the grandmother In pulsoncd her two grnndsons There hnsnt been any cmlnt It In the papers so Mr so we thought we should write nbont It or the bencllt or those who mm to keep lrvfonmd about this sort or thing The Sunday School teacher noticed ï¬rst The boys grew Inertushme mresponmve helm and men stopped eumlng Vhen nhe dropped around to ask why she found 11mm us bl snld cynically npalhctlm They somehow mmh mu feel she snld unwsny us though were otterhm zlnss of milk to mnn whose mate was or something qulle dIHerenL dont think well see them at Bundny School much Koran we had llmc lo do mlich About ll we chanced Ln mLFtthell day school teacher und asked her how they worn duhu nclluï¬lIVqu us well us they dld 1115 year alw Illl Dvllnltcly xlol she nddcd though havent lls conred any rLIwonï¬ Bu We wont to lhvlr home Both parents were way at wnrk xme the urnndmulhvr who keeps house naked us In Wu one end of tho cncnlcrlleld ncnlly lucked the nllwr wns pile of dogmm crhnccomlcu two 1ch hluh ulve the lmyu the money for umn sum the grand mulhvr hvcnuxzo Hwy mu not an much enjoyman out of mm lhry pm In honm them they mm more In lhulr UCIIIOUIH An slmply an we cuuld put II we pointed out thut crtmc nuurlcn vvrv really monlnl polaun which grudunlly wln over chlhlnnn mtndn to sol of ldcnn the very nutlthcntn thnl which uuud home mrd the llundny dchool try to truth up In rhtldrru Grandmother Rocked thoughtful Iurd anld 00m Wl lrlml mm It ulut ul crhnecumlcn we mild wlll lmvv un IHlcl the chlldrrun rducntlnn The more It rhlld rlndn by plntunn the more childn nctunl rumllnn In rrulllnltd to flu ntrnclous Enullnh nnd strange nymboln of Ull buhwnn In thr plcturcn the lvu rcnl rcndhm the chlld wlll du Wllrn rhlld tnlln tyrhtud tn thln bush aklll lrnrnlnu llm doom of mucullou prozrnnnlvcly clone nunlnnt hlm ELECTION FOR COUNCIL ONLY MATCHEDASH In Irmulnmlhor looked even more thouumml mm mm anksl lmlmbly nhr hnn lmlmd nn nppelltc lo grow In hnr boys mm le now Do puworlcna la do nnylhlng nbout Its luv me rncro oughllo hr 11 lnw Morin mvm mmsmm will luv pm In mm mm an munwa lulljgl Centennial Guests LOI 432 Banquet lurk by umlnmnkm II mm and lb lwu naval huml uncle um nun by clamunn at lax mum Mn luau rmw Mn DmkI WIlunmwn nu Donwhey and John In at paumll Inln the run arr cmmefl undmhm mm mm mm 1h MIM1 11va mi mum shown here left to right County Mam Bradley Orlllia RW Deputy Grand Master Moore of Ontario Wesc Toronto Districhaster Edgar at Baxter of the Order through years past Shown wlgh Worshlpful Master Harold Tompr klns centrearc left Clarence Srlgley nnd right Arthur Lime both of Holly Th hie Rev John RIICMIIEY Wiih sense of deep mgrct Mnmflrid pwplc learned oi the passing of Rev John Mncnrtncy mriy on Sniurday morning Nov in Toronto hospiiai Mr Mnmrmuy had been pmycssinx favorath uner an cporaiion when he suffered stroke mm which he did not recover lie and Mrs Mncnrlncy had served on the Mansfield United charge 1mm may ihuugh of rcLiring nzc mi of mm um he pre icrrvdlo Coniinue in ma work nnd mud Baywllin in two ymrs retiring ihm only because 01 iii hcaiihr They had only been in their immu in vacnhursl since September oi ms yvar The Mutilrinrys first charge will in lilv irrsbyltrlnn Church Int Kei dnn wcsl oi Shclburne There liiLir family LIX children WEIL born great griri mmc to them cw days nizcr arriving in their ncxi charge in Kmdy Oniuriu when Jean Inu llv an oi the lwins was Inkcn suddcniy with diphuurla Thcy rpm 90ml ytnn In the norm Unmle iimy did not niuvl when and mm in Mnndieid ilbm Sundridue liwy mndo nuny warm rn cmvcr my have brrn mmlnlly was um truenl Krldnn and Mansfield whore mry had flu lavc nnd mm All In the cmnnmnlln year um um parL xummbr Mr and Mn Mamrmry Mule Irflnlld for Vny lnJuynbln vle with Hill Hm ru nu urn n1 their youth Thu llmnm he Mnnfllud cum munlly wrw wrll rrprurntrd nl hlrmln Paul at Tum nml Purlcr Yumml llnmll ln IImnu war In wrrkuul and many friends nthmini 0N fumrnl hue un Munduy nnmuun RN IL SMLL now mlhmrr Mnnnllrld nml Hrv Dr lmhud lmmrr mlnlzm wrm Han nkluu um wrre Ilnler Iowan fuxxxwr msmm NM Conlrrmrr 1w ML dam in hlrml nl lumDy um 13 Avmilmnu chnlnnun Muskokl DixlrhL AH nuke wiLh dnru rllnu 01 hr no mumm of NI Hun melnn gunknun land vnnl of hp Church lfllnl In hlm nu om ul undvlnx wurrly who mm mm In mw mucmu unm 5mm re MI wlxlnw lwu Ihllxhlrn Ind Uur mm DUI Mm Andra HUI Enpahnin erkvrï¬ Mn Iluy Jnhwnnn pl MIMI Ham Ill lllzh YHHI hello Wulhcrburl and Mulun rmmm nlu nlM mummlth Mn Murmur lul llvur silt win In Tunmw MII Bailing Mu NMML Mn Elev Imon and MIA Maud Mun Mr Mncuinr number Mulde ID Mil XUH WM Mum mi um munnu dam Thry low The mum 01 me 0mm 0r dm MI dlflflfl NM Iervlcv 1m Bum min In 11m Panel of Du mum bomb INA wllmm onuv ml with munywmng MANSFIELD numb BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DENISE Allandale 01 No 432 Celebrales 100 Years Since Issue Warranl own evening at Monday Nov 29 nearly 80 includinz members their wives and distinguished vi itors sat dawn to must deiic ious turkey dinner prepared and served by the ladies at Crystal Chapter No 50 to celelmiie the 100th anniversary oi the Istuinq at the original warranty Loyal Orange Lodge No 432 Alinndaie Grace was offered by lodge ehnplaln Rev Newtonsmith rector Si Georges Anglican Church and was iuiiuwed by toasts iio Her Multsty the Queen and to the hedge The distinguished visitors were introduced by Fast Master wil linm Crnvdont assisted by Harold Tompkins WM Grectings were extended to the Lodge from the Grand Lodge of Ontario West by RW Past Grand Master Monre ln ronto lram the County at Simeon South by Won County Muster Wil liam Bradley and from the Innis til District by Wor District Mas ter Edgar from Baxter Inspiring Address The special wanker else rm DOL member Rev Downer MW of Duntroon gave most inspiring address upon the origin and growth at the Loyal Orange Order and the important part it played in the early days and on therole played in the cnunty be are and slime Oaniederation the lives 01 iorclnthers and tuday and in Protestantism in general It was just 100 years ago that LOX 432 was first instiiudcd The line penmnnship the chariur is now barely discernible and those whose nnmernrc inscribed there on have long since passed on to their great rewardl Mr and Mrs menng Earle vishcd Mr nnd Mrs Charles Campbell on Sunday Mr ahd Mrs Bentley spent Thursday Nov 25 in Toronto Under Dnclpll Care We are sorry to report Ken wall and Nelson are under the WA To Med Dec Dont target the WA will meet Mm Grahams Wedncs day Dec at pm Valler Sada Although Saturday was cold and snowy we are pleased to say that the variety social in the church basemt was ml success The talcm was good and everyone on laycd 0w evening Sunday School Concert Dont target the Sunday Stth comm on Saturday Dec II at pm in Holly church basmnem and Mr Elwood Fisher and mmuy Shanty Bay 1151124 on Sunday wiIh his brother and Inm uy Mr and Mn mm Mr nndle Mum Thorn ton vlshcd the home of hnlr son Mr and Mrs nudge re bonny coromunn Ilfllnlz LIMcs 1111 Coronation Womcng Institute will sponsor euchrc and cmldnole party Mr and Mrs Grahams on Salurdny oven lnt Dec odocb Mr and Mrs neg Kenwcll at New Tomnw Span Ihc weekend WW1 the Immers parcnls Mr and Mrs Kcnwcll nuclved Medical lrulmcm Mr and Mrs Kcnwnll Bobby and Dllly 5pm scvcrnl du Toronto List wcck visnlng with relauvcs Mr Kcnwull rlmnlnld here he wcck lo rctrlvc medical lrcalmcnt and returned home FrL Mr Mrs Poole and Johnny Cooknawn vIerd nn Sunday wuh Mr nnd mm Downlnm Dame Mrs Dawning relurnsd 1m Lhcm or hollllny Sandi School Cancer Do not form he Unlhd Church Sunday School mncm Saturday DM at um ln Holly Gmrch basemenl wul dn ly npvrrdalnl by AIIO lumlly he flowers wcre bumm ul nnd ltflllkd to flu luvu all whn lulrur Mr MthxlncL Ihfl rvmainl wm lnld rrsk 1n Prus pccl Ccmolrry Fumen Unlon mm ouqu Murmur anms Unlun hrld Hulr med1n Ind rlmhm ur 0b can on Saturday ovvnln we MIL They had an rankvr Mm vkupnddvnl Um 0n lmio ï¬nnvn Unltm 11w nrw onlch arr lnnlllrm 11 Inl hufhlf VltoyrwldrnL mum We mundrummer Im 111T wirydrummer 1m Ill Ill TNI IUOHH Illllll Min MMIL1 In Illmllll Mulmur lilmlwn Mulmur Imnllnwtlnu or munrll wan mm on mm at annm ï¬lm will he nn elmhm Im yenrv Coule wlll lw llNw nrmfln Mull mnclllum Ilnhm Vhl Mlllurd leld llrI llrrll and ll wuw Mr Ind Mix le IlmlMIn rollbrand on 251w mmlvrmry 0er mumu lllrlr hnmu nu thumb evening wllh 11er Im muQ0 nhdvm warm In Mun Nmylha FNth Irwin Myihv willow 01 the late Iluwm Bluyflu pul 47 11mm Mllll on Mun and the mud wu de It Bdrmme MnnMy For Nlldm Coup Wu IIIld II he lull my wenlu In bmmr IM Mn Ilolml Inland nnw uh wn mumd mm fE 0K Iu Coronlllnn WI Ell HOLLY IHInr Weddan um um omcm The ï¬rst otflcen or Allandnk 10110 located in the Disiflct 011 Innlsfll County or Shnco Snulh Upper Canada ware Wunhlptul Master Lm Deputy Mas cr John Rnblnso Treasurer John Huggnrd Secretary Robert Wilson Committee Treasurer Charles Pulling First Commlue yman George Moore Second Rob ert Hamel Arthur Lime youngest mm at he ï¬rst Mnstcr still member the lodge as were I11 his bro thers Lnlle was also the ï¬rst representauve rum Simcoe South to Miami the IAglslMlvfl Assembly Charlm Palllnï¬ Sn was also very well known or his Interns ln ucal pnliflullnflaus Another ran Enco Sriglcy has held all at the local and district omcchn young er days and was use member of Grand Lodge Pint candid The ï¬rst candidate in beypre scnied in initiation in thenew indge was Richard Ripley The dues were one shilling and three pence per mnnth This was at Lime when the Crimean War was being vaqu that umo even the village Allandaic was not yet in exist ence or abluast was not men unncd inthe ï¬rst minutes of the meeting In less 1han 100 year Lhal village has swelled or merg ed inln the Tawn Barriel Before the lodge wnmml have passed many chnngesfrom mean mllroads lo highways but the warrant nor the things which its conslituunn stands for does not changenamely one mg one school one language Ireednm to all and special privneges 19 none An official courier system slatted In I72 between Quebec and Montreal carried private leh lcrs as well us government dis patches 29 HIGH STREET Pentecostal Assemblies pt Canada 20 Mulcaster BL Barrie 119V 11 Burgess Pastor WHY GO TO CHURCH Special Evangelislic Services COMMENCING TUES inc pm Rev Eldon Ford Youll Be lld Ynu ClllB TOWN BUS SERVICE EARLY MAILMEN Sunday II Im pm SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES 100 am ALL ARE WELCOME smvxcas pm CANARY FELLOWSHIP Ellllflflll Trumprl Balm EACH NIGHT EXCEPT SATURDAY Epull lmml Bolol um um lnplrlnl lolptl lnuhlnz mm mnnmmmn co christian Sciénbé Services 10m mun BLUE 1mm BETHEI PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 010 sun to 900 mm MO mm to 000 Im 000 mm to 10 mm mu mm to 110 hm 130 mm In 400 pm 400 pm to 030 pm $30 pm to 1130 van pm to 1130 pm ALL WELCOME MONTREAL Bflfllllï¬ï¬‚llflflllfllï¬ ROUTE DAILY Cér SPEAKERMr Les Cooke EVERYONE wnnboym INDEPENDENT BERCIY ml DUNLOP STE 11 LnWORSHIP pm PHONE 594 HOLIDAY mm mm 52L Ind Mn Charla Caman Ind family Edgar rpm Sunday with Mnrnnd Mn Clmord bï¬ckwnnm Mrs Dnvld Marten Gmunqulm France and Rnben Coulson Bar rk mind an Mend in Angus on Sunday Mrs Morlell nee Delores Coul wn armcny Angus and Ann Brian AVM called home from France owing the uddcn 1n ness her LnLher Cecil Coulsnn Cecil returned home 1mm Smrgeon Falls hqspnnl Saturday mes llrllospllal Dcepcs sympathy amended to Allan Edwards and Row and Mrs Cruvrgls and family in um sudden vming 01 Mrs Allnn Edward flee Helen May Guergis who died In Tumma Western HosbnaL Wednesday Congratulatiors to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Butler on the birth of daughterxn Royal Victoria Hospi tal Battle on NovE 15 Sunday Visitors Mr gnu Mrs Robm Lacey and 50h Tomima £1727 Sundaywlth Mr and Mrs Ernest Hammond Mn nnd Mrs Bernard Tgrnush md daughter spent Sunday in To ronla VH9 Dnlxluer Mn and Mrs Gordon Bush span fa week at anle vgflh their sun1n and daughter Mr and Mrs cqrgc Brfdgcr Wetland VIslllnl Mr and Mrs Oscar Llnlnn spent Sgt yfnd Mango lnï¬rargmo M55cvl13rloy Sï¬roule Slrnud my theweekgnd with Miss BM Ginni Taraush Mrs Euiamn Gibson anonlo Visiting hm bralher and sister mlaw Mr and Mrs Robert Lynn Mr and Mrs GcnrgeMcGrngnx Bramlord spam the weekend with Mrs McGregorl parents ML and Mrs Robert Lynn nonald Dexter Toronto spent the weekend at hls home here lénllcd rem Fume ANGUS In MINlJTI HEIIVICE 12 MINUTE BERVICI I5 MINUTE REEVILR 12 MINUTE HEIIVICI 15 MINUTI HHIWIUH ll MINUTE HEIWICI I5 MINUTE SERVICE MINUTE SERVICE Visits Brother am am Mum Pentecostal Ammblles 0mm 20 MULCASTER ST BARBIE REV BURGESS PASTOE SUNDAY NOVEMBER 28 1954 10 InnSunday School Inrl Blble Class 11 LmFMORNING WORSHIP flmEVENING WORSHIP ALL WELCOME 74 pm OUR FATHERS BUSINESS Film Skip Ihowlnx In Icon ol me work ol ha United Church Cumin Young people taking pnrt 330 1lnY0lnl Peoplbl melting LOYAL TRUE BLUE ML 29 HIGH STREET SUNDAY DFCEIVIBER 1054 ll IntA STUDY IN OLD TESTAMENT CHARACTERS Gideon Inn of In Fllgh NILtummy Prepanlory Servlce Reception new mvmbm Ordlmllan Elder ll LuvTHE CHURCH SCHOOL COME TO CHURCH suridmw Presbytermn Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Mlnlter MIL TIIOS CRAWFORDL MUS BAC EEC0 Orzmm um ChaimM Full Gospel Prayer Group Dunlap and Torunln Sta Ilev Cecil menu ILA lr Wnrnn Mzclezn Orlanm SUNDAY DECEMBER 1954 Im¢Jr mm Sr Church School LYHLE nosz mm amen DREAMS Bellman and Prlmry Church School and Nursery REV Mum ILA nm mANK nmnm omnm SUNDAY DECEMBER HM 905 ILCHURCH RUIIOOL ll IlllNlrlrylnfl Klndcrnrlen Milan Sunday um 0mm Wanderfnl Word Broadcasl Belhel Pentecostal Church pm 2mm Wnnhlp yupYoung reoplon Mulliu Everyunn Welcome Gms the Holy Sphi In operation The Old Time Religlnn All Annm num Rm valon mllh IJIPIIOIA COMMUNION um nanFunny mmumox awn nruom nwssmamn ALL CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH uynela 5L SUNDAY momma mm nnv unmnr Ownn aid Wculcy su vimEV NINO PRAYER EVERYBODY WMOME 51mm pm FREE METHODIST CH RCH COLLIER ST BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP 0F WANGKLIOAL HMTIUFE REV NUILMEYER XALITOR Ml mmplImIY SCHOOL ll mFJWllEltl 18 Jmlm NOW AND WHAT DOING OSTERTAGG INNHum School 1100 1J0 lnuhln SAINT ééonaï¬ ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Speaker ADVENT KIJIMON Mlnlnlrr pimpWIMTD YOUR MOTHE1 CLAPPEETON ST AT WORSLEY HEV LUCK 8A DJ mum MISS CLOUGHLEY Organist and Chair Lender SUNDAY DECEMBER 1954 no tamSUNDAY SOHOOL 11 Im IS IT WORTIIWHILE TRUST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV UNSTEAD Mlnlsler MR mompmpsm SUNDAY DECEMBER 1954 945SUNDIY SCHOOL 11 tinBEGINNEIIS DEPT ll aimMORNING WORSHIP ll LaMul In ï¬ve Trlhnlc l9 Caesar 730 LuvEVENING WORSHIP 215 pmllnlly Eundly School punHolly Church Servch Angllcnn 21 Collier Street Allan End ILA Lfli 11 George shorting 110 VD Mn nohemcm mmtu Helium by rmro lumbar If phmmpllcr IV pear In this newpaper nnlhbu In um prlnu For lull blurmun nboql up plcllm you win ADVENI DECEMBER IDS 3m mmllnly Commnnlnn 910 urnllan Cummunlon Ind Bermnn 1000 MILSunday School 1100 umIlnly Cnmmnnlon Illll Sermon ADVENT THE BIBLE The Illnor wmCadrlnflan Sunday School ynxEvenlon uni Sermon THE REV HOWARD GREEN SUNDAY DECEMBER WM ll Imll0LlNESS SERVICE 210 meEUNDAl SCHOOL mpavanunsuc smlce Wnrm Wulmmc Awalls Ynu The Snlvmlon Army NflTE TI CHURCH ECIIOOL urnJunior Hrnlur Ind lnler mrdllle mpu ll ImNunery Klndcunlrn AI Prlmlry um sminw mzcmnnu my 11 MonNINn sunvm mum on Mum 730 pm Annual prndnrllun nr Hm hrlsh mnl 5her lvy Hm Chulr umlrr illvrcllnn Lloyd Tuffonlnm mluurlul vumnlry ï¬nd Mlumlul bmmnu mmk wlm Ihr Mlylfl tlmrch In mu HUNIMY no pm MONDAY pm The Bmieï¬xuminer The Salvation Amy Cifudel COLLIER 2mm Sr Mljnr Illd MIL Cooper Phone 2414 COLLIER ST UNITED BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Com Ind onhlp wilh Ul TRINITY CHURCH You an cardlnlly welcome EVERYONE WELCOME Mlnllkr ll Lrwh ILL II Orguh Ind Chulnnuur Lloyd Tullord MAUNDERS BETHLEHEM gmaacas mm VENINO SERVICE