Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 6

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cTlle manna EXAMINER HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED salesmen want cd or Ford and Monarch dealer Apply Bradford Sales Ac Services BradInrd 1130130 UNDERGRADUATE or experi enced practical nurse general duty Innlswootl Lodge pliant Dorrie 42011 Miss Bltflkwtll 1130140 55 N0 11 TINY at Wycvalc rc qulres Protestant teacher tor tnc junior room Grades to Duties to commence Jan 19 Apply to Victor Slott Sec Trees Wycvalc Ont POSITIONS WANTED DAY Care or one or two child ren Monday to rridny Phone 6502 2139140 MEN desire work cutting wood by the cord Gnmeren RR Coukslown 21381le RELIABLE woman will do baby sitting during the day or even lngs Fond oi children Apply at 52 Sophia St apartment 11311140 FRIDAY DECEMBER 1954 FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACNR LOAqu Septic Tanks Pimpcd DENNIS MORAN PHONE 20M BARN 74 Life is lot easier with these Home Aids IFILTER QUEEN IIEALTII UNIT JUNO FLOOR POLISHER IELNA SEWING MACHINE It you would like demonstrations or Iurthci details call ROY TRACY 117 Maple Avenue IIIONE aAnnla siliz 7135 WANTED Barrie Metal C1 Salvage DEALERS IN sonar IRON METALS was moss RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest priced paid Special prices paid dc llvcred Phone Barrie Stayncr 3983 98120th MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and OIIICE 204 Titiln St 3150 ORDER TODAYI SUPERIOR TEX1C0 STOVE EURNACE OILS Meter Tank Truck delivery with Tipkct Printer SIMCOE PETROLEUM boson WICE proprietor Phone 2563 Jim Bruce Drlvrr Salesman 7130111 SECOND Hand Organ wanted Must be in good condition8 Cum berland St 3130 SAND Fill wanted or Barrie Rub bar 1011 John Street Contact Bull Avery at 5116 Iooi John Phone 41110 31311110 useo electric stove and retrigrra tul Wanted Must be Ill utlntl con dition Apply Ililx Ill Dorrie Ex aminer 3130130 COAL and Wood 11c Illrnaec wanted Slate price on condition Ihoncchald MacKenzlc 124r33 Ailiston iisa ==== ROOM BOARD noon and Board my cclltlal np thlulcy sr Phillie 317 lzlailio noon ur noom and board rom Iiirtahle single hrrls plenty 01 hnnrl Iuoii mnirnlly lounieri Geh iltrnon only nonrnonhlo rules Iilune illln 111130141 =4 Accommodation Wanted SOLDIER wile and children require illlnished apartment Phone 69113 Saturday or SUllldlaayg ltOOIlIED Apartment wanted by couple with one child Apply Woods JADC School Camp Bur den 11139 OFFICER who and rhihlrrn re quire noiinnianrl innni nr utirlll nlrnt llinrnnnhie lllte Illliiie ntLs saue in llllltiti AllMY lintti iit rnn nul rennin noon silt homo Item in pnrehnsn it innn lillyllltllt nonl crate lint llrnhn lieisle elliinl Ctlinl linnhn itliltlIilil SHOOTING MATCHES FOII TOM Turkeys Wednesday Dec 11 130 111 Ileii ys Turkey Ranch nlllt ltntIh Illltlic Highway 27 111130142 ion lltrait Dre it ma pm rorpr liults Highway 21 mil mil Thornton IZ Rnttuc shotgun Shells supplied ritics artiucs 311133139 VitlmisllAv Iiie ll Shooting match or your nt It Knee Ihaws 10120 Well Gwllllnillllry nrlntlr l2 gauge Illitiitlllli Allililunltiou rnpplli fill SIIOOTING Match Ior dressed horr Monday llit 11 pin Illilllry Eriirir north halt Lot 11 Con i0 Writ Ilwillitnltury 11 unttle alltlluilns only slltllll sitti IIIIttI 4311162 SHOOTING inr hnlu onn Inul ll llllvtl Illlv irrtl iilallbll lell Ilayllelti Iii Nitttli Lillrrlll on Wednesday Ilrt 11 hi tlln llhoniinr will take pirno Irolll in stile lliatrli biilllllllt linrlli sitti pllrli 304311140 SPECIALS ROGERS MAJESTIC CONSOLE RADIO ALL WAVE $7500 Factory reconditioned and beauti Iltlly refinished REFRIGERATORS only $9900 nourlLr noon UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR Ieml Commercial wonttcriili ttllliililtln $13500 USED ELECTRIC RANGES Ready to do good working lob smart or $4000 USED RANGETTE $2650 TOP NOICII COAL WOOD RANGE willl nnrrnlntl closet goon oven $6500 reservoir Used DuoTherm SPACE HEATER 50000 mun only $5950 See these llnil nlnny olhrr bargains inr ynn ni COOP IAIIKING 15 Ni lltOlllIiI 2510 INNISIIL Illltli Phone 2429 71301 NEW IIIIt extririlnn latlllcr Vlltllil rstllllllgo Iilr ill1 latltlcr WIIEIlF II Stewart ItIrny thtltlo HI 7170140 RAILS FOR ADIEI COLUMNS Deadline for Copy510 pm week day preceding iuua Alinm MAY or TELEPIIONEI 10 OFFICE 4c word mlnlmum 80c IIINII 101 Following consecutive insertions no word minimum 100 CASH RATE it word minimum 60 20 word minimum the IIIUIII Int IAII wml ilnnl BOX Ntllltltlilttl or replies directed I0IIIII attlco no extra COMING EVENTH LOCALS AUCTION BALE NOTICEH to ward mlnlmum 00 word minimum 00 allowing consecutive insertions 30 word minimum 760 IN MKMOIIIAM OM 07 TIIANKB IN APPRECIATION It word mlnlmum I100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES 00 lain and 171 in nutItal ell11E my to obtain lb myMIIWI MOI WWW laminar udmtIlnl lowland Mutwmmk WMmWMyIm FOR SALE ALL METAL lighter box Phone 5402 71311 USED SKATES in Bay Aeld St 7135140 CCM PROLITE skates with guards Phone 4650 130 Urrys A1 condition Phone 4154 7139 CHILDS Sleigh with railing like newt Pnanc 34ri4 Sérouudi NO POTATOES 500 bag In your bag at the farm Phone 031 7133130 excellent condition Best otter Phone 5612 1139 TRADE in your old skating outfit on new CCM outfit UIX 3411 Bayfleld SI 351413 QUANTITY good used building material Apply Pedwell Pains wick Ont 713 MEDIUM sized uultflrl space heater working wci price 30 Phone Stroud 53r21 7130139 TELEVISION Antigua Kits with instructions Erect your own and have Slnlth Electric phanc74211313 LARGE Kenmore space heater Can be seen at Cooke Storage $80 Phone 0300 Camp Bordon 7130140 CHRISTMAS Trees Scotch pine and unruce Phone 44112 or call at 13 Poyntz St Barrie No deliv ery 1133145 HUDSON Seal Coat sire 10 over shocs new vclvei zipper size it Oak chairs 120 Henry 5t phone 0002 7130130 12 GAUGE Remington pump gun with iuli choke Also 12 gauge double barrel 150 Essa Ild Phone lain 1139 WALNUT CuIIcc Table with re movable glass serving tray matching end tables hone 3707 after 7139 IOSSDERG shot 22 r1110 like new $25 Apply llcrb Fosters Service Station Bradtnrd and John Sis 7139 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ors Sales rentals repaint Slmcos Business Machines 68 Toronto 51 phone 4024 7130 LADYS Brown coat Oppossum trim Chamois lined good condi tion Reasonable tor quick sale Phone 181111 7139 MANS lightweight English bicy cie speed dynu and accessories new condition 535 01 High Sl busrmelll apartment 1130140 LAIIGE size Dominion Clrculator burns chili or wood used years excellent condition Going ver ronsnonlilo llhnoe Sim lir2 7lscllo VIIOUGIIT Iron eliIIlt tables Ire citens outdoor barbecues fll tons and bliskvln Atlgly Iiarrlt Itiln Works ll lllgh Phone 7010 703 NUMBER 01 dresses suitable tor business or hlfh school tall 10 shorile cool an Item wln tcr cont lilrs Ken Campbell Palnswlck 7139 VIIECKING 30 Pontiac with me tor rear end nnd transmission lll excellent condition Apply 11111 illnry Sl atlcrii or phone 3330 tillrllltt day 74311130 ROOMS ilI furniture Includes trim lllnt machine and ranf ellt to be sold In one lot Alxy Airs Wiltlick Ill PAIQ Comp Iltllden 7130111 QUEII IIcllttrit Iatc box slow lily lit goo stove pipor in drive riled tD Aplily Vi Kirby Angus Sacra Ullleil Cllllrcll Board 71110 CHESTERFIELD Evil tlnvettiort sttlv kitehrtt 5th will cltuslalleid chitin nnn rnnny nilnr usctlll items lilllcs Uscil FIIIIIIIIItl 17 Clntltlcrilln 0105 155111111 11101 71311110 1le CU FT ihllco ltelrl orator like new used ycaru hill llct Dlatchlilld organ good conlitlun 5131 Nicholas Grieg 110mg 507 Illix I11 IICAF Camp llilrt1e7n1cm Its OIIDEII you Turkey now nonring ehrlnmni Flavor Inhu nrnl nor any lhr bul Nolan nnn Murray lrallt New Lowell till Phillip iiiri Cm mule llialil LINCOLN Wrirlrnler nrw and haul wrhlm rlettmtlll nrcrnnr Its An willllllu lrnnrhi In or night Andlnilc and ullnllc inrli Slrtltlll 1111 No lrilutl 7115211 TIPIZWIIIIlIIIH UIIICe marlllncl ltlrtabltl liiltIIlIK machines all realtars Mtlnl Allll strvlre II Quincy 17 Frances Sl Iiarrla phone ill 10x 117 Smith enrorni rtprctrlital ve IUtltti lUlillC Arlllrm Syrlrnl cuntlll 111 Ill large 1min llmvllIIlf nrtilll playrr ill excriltnl candl lllltl lilrrll tor any illyc 01 oiililoilr llltueittllllt lrlra 11 Apply tvy in Ilatlillti lsll NEW AND llsilzll lrrlltlilltlilllell tilnlint llrniilunhly iiilcril live year lthrntiltl lllsllllrtlolsl linw in PM in ItuIItI hy mile Tamil miml lint vvrnrr lieloll lire tile rinvu Itcllturralols wolilnr Winner nliii dew new Frank rniloilv llltltlllttfl ltlllll north on 21 highway one in mi utt 11ml tun Fins liitnnl aril him vnlo 1nlnnr LOST FOUND LOSTDouble slulilt petite im Dunn lit vlcllilty Lottm on llaillr ny during llcntu Clam pap NIP newalii llluilc llllll iIJlMIfl LOSTWont containing mm at money Idmtlltcation tawn wlilrh no hunt to dupiirlto up till money but plan Uta III thoaural not up and mu lhrm into IN ml at 11 Allen Mira Oat LADYS coney iur coat size zlll FINDLAY Space Iieatcr with tan it solid brick and masonr PROPERTY roa sate LACEY REAL ESTATE 00 prileld St Pll 5290 MondayFriday am pm Saturday 11 am pm REPRESENTATIVES RUSS CARSON AL ROSE SPECIALIZING IN REAL ESTATE 100 YOUR LISTING APPRECIATED 16min WllY PAY RENT WHEN you can own your own home or as little as $1500 to $1000 down payment and the balance onvONE easy NHA mortgage at 516 ln terest and payments as low as $55 per month These hamcs are construc tion all have thrcc be room afid are complete in every detail not drop in and get the lull de tails rcpardinglhcsc homm They are now under construction and will be ready for Occupancy January SPECIAL CODRINGTON SCHOOL AhaA Stucco bungalow bedrooms Iuli basement laundry tubs gnrnflc good lot Asking price 00500 with Stigoo down payment Only years EAST END Rug BrickBungalov bedrooms large combination living room and dining room ready to move in roll price 512800 with down pay ment arranged Tilli home Is rcal 1y worthwhile investigating roar SERVICE AND SATISFACTION IN BUYING OR SELLING CALL THE OFFICE WHERE REAL ESTATE ISA BUSINESS N01A SIDELINE II LACEY REALTOR 08 Bayllcld St 111 52011 BARRIE ONT 101311 MODEL HOME NOW OPEN APPLEIREE ACRES Oan House till pm Come up and Visit GRANT Builder DAIIIIIE ill131M GORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estate Broker Aurora Barrio Oahtlll M111 GI DISTRICT REP GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Barrio 41100 or 11311 150 Dunlap St tack Member Darrin 11¢ District lull Its Board 13431 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR MOOAttractive rmtn lnnla bungalow on gentrier lol Vac lnl IIIItIWtKMI Ilollrl tllroti litlul Largo llVIltl main anti tlllilil mum tonibinllliltl Hilly Ietlm ur ranurri Allnlldnie Everett Ilrick tItI ltl only Illt Inlch Iltltn Camp itirtietl Iiilly mltrd rooms In each spart lntni niL liflrrlrly rays 30 oil lltll Imlllllllll Fill price only 1700 with 11000 down payable Irtlln the null llalnlirt Ilvilrotiln lulllle close 111 Hill uni school Now in IllIrttl air iiil ltentlnr itnll 111ml bathroom LIr till my morn tttnln imln lillcion rind pantry on it mil Ilnor tilIIIIIlllal tnwn lvuymni qlllm We have numtlcr btlnultlwl III III lit rou Itructlon tvr Into hnr paw homes no in nlltmnl Iotatlutts hi the town 0116 may be the th that you lmrkln lur Contlrt us or In uppoln mult Listings or III typn 01 property Ivlitltlfl CLIFF anovtn ALTON l1 Illlh BL It manta val first oils III but one am 101 new tirirlt 01 TM Sunday pm to pm raorsnrr roll silt RICHARD FADDEN REAL ESTATE BROKER ltl Francis St Phone 4141 SALES LISTINGS ArrnAISALs litlat APPLEIREE Ashes 2111 SECTION WELLINGTON ST EAST Now ready or Sale Full Grooms Plus breaktast room Ranch Bungalows $14755total down payment $5433 per rnonthiplus taxes Eullvprlceswalillo Includes llle bath the sink nir conditioned oil 14 acre lliLt oak floors lull rug brick max mulll NHN Open tnr lnSpectian Saturday and GRANT Builder Phone 3468 Evenings 2230 Ill1111 DAYSTOL CONSTRUCTION BARRIE STRABANE AVE Cook Napier District EXCELLENT ROOM BU NGALOWS only 510600 2rln1y 511500 Down ymcnt Dn510800 Is $1500 approx matcly Down payment on other two $1300 Law carrying charges NliA 5121 mortgage Brick veneer forced air condition Ing with all colored tile and tour piece bath arborltc kitchen tups steel bcam construction soddcd iront gravel driveway oak hard wood ilootlng linoleum tile in kitchennnd bathroom stainless steel kitchen sink PHONES 3186 6487 DAYSTOL CONSTRUCTION 18138139 nsltnv 13thch meme FOR $2500 DOWN 151s roam solid brick bun alaw with attached garage orced air all heating large lot west end Five room brick bungalow east end location all heating oak Ilours three to choose trom ll Four room trame bungalow Atlandale hot air heating lot 50 110 toxrr $120 IIcItInK cost only $100 Six room one and halt storey home combination llv tng and dining room close to park large lot paraxe imme diate possmslon FOR $1500 DOWN Five roam brick bungalow with torced air heatinl tiled bathroom oak iluurs 1mmedl atc possession Four room bungalow ncal Iiarrlc hot air heating large lot close to new sflIODI two In choose from INCOME PROPERTIES We have duplexes priced from 30500 to 3121100 showing devil revenue on the invest ment double house at 312500 and another II 32100 ttultolJle to convert into our apart menu See our ItI ntlnullie page llrnry Elrlck and Mlchlr motor Owen St Phnlu 3111 101 UNIT Allotment house No ulltt Itll Adxlttl Excellent lntlntte lnvulnlent properly Home 110 31111 1100 Cilllnite with garage and workshop in Qnrrn Park Irrl prlcrd at 51100 Imnurtllltr vacant hiltration Chltill 011 Ilullor Starling Trollsmltldsn stilt Iloolnrtl modern home with oil Iltrnllce and attached IIIII IIII llullitlrll at town 300 wth trollinhlllc rmh payment and lrrlnl Phone 03117 Charles 1101 Iicallur Htrrllnu TIttIlmlililo LOOKING 1hr small modern home with no extra laise llvllill nmnil We have remitliable le your old bungalow willi uh tathell may on Tumult StrNl Illreti lie 0000 tango with quick llln lhnlls 01111 litltltl lltirle liralltit Illrh llllx Ti 11 ill lllall THORNTON Vrll detlilnrli lwu tirtilotltn bungalow lnlltln lili IIllfl llntllllIlln coll nilll linll WI in on tap Iilll hlsrlnrnl hilt wa tor nil hinting lilrce lots uni Ilrlte sun Other Ullrlll prnptvp llrs avail1 Apply Mu sliul lteyrrrcntntlye tfnulti lira tor Mal MOIILIIAII llIltfli IirIrii bnnlr Iv wllll Illrre btutnmmll amt nlhuolhut ware tour tllcrs lulllt ceramic tile lltiiVlIliIIlill 11v 111 rwrm riilnn kltilllrll nhhlm rmivnllflttri llnvttt Ir tillt tlomthl rt humuL pi line lg 1111 It AI nunlliy lots And ytlpwl clnu orino Ulher illnubFWI ht rtItlvrrn tillnlllnl may be run Minimum tlown pay MM 1m in HMO 1111mm un IVIMIIIEE wt manta ill trot onlllct 51 live cunttire Coulis Inttni Own Blml Dial 1177 10119 amuse Owen litttet till 7171 PROPERTY FOR SALE ROOM rug brick bungalow all eooaltlooeo oil heated builtin garage Phone 4034 litm NEW Bungalow all conveniences Low down payment and easy terms 20 Caroline St Phnno Percy Ford roars 1513915 ltt STOREY rug brick home liv ing and dining area combined about 12 24 cct well planned kitchen our plccc bath three iiith bedrooms ample closet lice excellent bosonlent forced oll heating This Is Splendid lamiiy home Marshall Rep resentlittvc Coutts Realtor Owen Street Dial 2377 181311 THORNTON Area Brick dwell ing it rooms Iuily modem 00 furnace 3piece bath everything note the minute New roomsd cottage on acres chaicc land lull sized basement hard and son walerhcavy duty wiring $2000 cashubniance terms chray arch new aroomcd cottage with water and dro also complete tarnish lilps Lootirdown balance terrns still selling arms to larmcrs tor larlnlnit Boake Broker 53117 51333 167139 POULTRY LIVE Gccseiorsaie $5 each Baldwlck phone 00114 141110 130 llEAvY White Rock Cockar sir months old IorJaie Taylor phone Ora 515 14139 120 PUREBIIED Goslings Bulls and Pilgrims 11 to 10 pounds for sale Easy to raise Phone 5062 alter pm or all day Saturday 14135130 CHICKS HUNTERS Canadian Apgrovcd Chicks now available arred Rocks liamp flock and 3way Cross Also ior something new and better In livability and EH production we flIIer rDcknlb Chicks Iiuntcrlt Poultry Farm Sttoud phone 53r5 24120114 LONG Time Layers IIyLincs all like good hybrld cornusu ly lay lol 12 to It months longer They start laying early usually lay steadily through subzero and extremely tit weather Order 11y Llne chicks now tor high egg pro llls nno cash In on our special or dcr discount Flt chicks arc avail able now For particulars wrltc Gllmnrcs Iiatchcry or phone 2735 Barrie zilatlmtr AUTOMOBILES 515 it HONESTJOE WILLPAY Highest Prices NR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paid all and we will trade dawn CROSSTOWN MOTORS 220 Bradford St Phone 11130 131540 lleres Where You Get AQRE CAR FOR YOUR MONEY every car driving bargain 1052 CHEVROLET lnvrly deluxe coach inadcrl with extras 1051 CHEVROLET strlklny tour door sedan cxceplonal value In used car All 1011 105 PONTIAC smart lnllkinit sedan equipped with radio 1051 MERCURY This beauty ucrtan Itnulo wllllc wall int overllr Vc loaded with extras lohl MORRIS smart Inllklnl Itiic you mil lrnttsptlitatlltn 1019 ILYMOUTII my ttlllllt iirtvrn nnly 111000 mllu 1040 CHEVROLET deluxe unlit INIIIIEII with tit trot lnryntlr tllIVIlltt plrasurr iaill rono excellent coach It It brand new IOIUI INT lolltllt Illttlllle Coach 1010 Cllcvllllrt IltlIIXl Sellnn 1913 lllrtl Iiitun dlrklltt tItIvrlt niily 7000 miles 1073 INC lLinn Ilrklip tlrlven only 110 ltllltV IIIH ltraltr and litllltln lhtlln DOWNTOWN MOTORS 75 Dllnlop Street TOW Tlurir with power winch I1 wlllth Ililitlp 0300 IJIDII PONTIAC Ilelllxo Ctiarll lI Ieel ill llanie even IJrlfltlolfw IIY listen Imtom rum now ltibtirltliitl 10ml cnnllltlnn An Ilnanutl MI 171 M11 IIEU 10s with rmly miles condition In now than lur thlluullr mvrr ctr Phone 11751 Illrr Din 1011043 AilnAIN it To true Armv awl nullno nr ulrnp or Innwttltlw leni Inti lrtltlt wt nttllllntt Tllll pliee 1150 IlAne U711 1P1 conch tllnI will lit rcirllnnllelil 12511 PROPERTY ton asN ROOM House Apply 15 Sam son Si 1513 139 FURNISHED Bedroom Phone 40411 LARGE turntshed housekeeping room 50 biopic Ave Iii13114311 FURNISHED rooms or ilillcl caupic Phone 1018 151381311 Knee 131mm tlat heated 71 Donald St Phone 2621 15130 LARGE unturnished rooms and kitcllencttcPllohe 0327 15130 LARGE tarnished bedroom suit Very centrist Phone 4710 or 21156 151111 WARM Cumlorthble bedsitting mom in reilncd home Phone 8130 litlaaiil romance rooms Suitaqu tor light housekeeping Central Eh111g Central 3295 FURNISHED warm bedroom ceri trai Breaklast optinnal Phone 2724 15130140 LiciII Housekeeping rborn Iurn lahed close to downtown Phone 0360 13130130 ILARGE Rooms piece bath healed private entrance Phone 5107 15130140 AT MINETS PointtCoItago twin terlzcd unturnitihed Phone Ilrlol Stroud 15139 WINT RIZED Cottages nil heat ed an lurnished Fahquana Camp Shanty Bay 15138110 LARGE Front Furnished hduse keeping room rangctte oil heated Phone 3013 131311130 LARGE unturnishcd suitable for business Phone 5717 FURNISHED roomcd apart ment Central Must be abstainers 03 Mary St 15139 UNIUItNISIiED mama slnk in kitchen Central Second floor Phone 4953 15138139 LIGHT Housekeeping rooms furnished close to downtown Phone 0500 15130130 FURNISIIED room on bus route housckce ing privileges ildcslrcd Phone 12 1513111510 FURNISHED light houeckecpln room one block Ircm main street Phone 3060 15139111 OFFICES or sample rooms our bus station and new Post miles It Collier St tsMtt ROOMED Furnished apartment Available Dec No children Phone 4886 15139 LARGE heated uniurnlshea rooms with sink hot and cold wa ter Apply 51 Campbell Ave um 11339 11me Iurnished apartment kitchen and bedsitlinu room avallabicnthnee 127 Burton Ava 15433439 UNEUIINISIIED Rooms heat ed Central Phone 0030 15439440 SUNFUIINISHED rooms central Call at 55 Owen St alter 65 911519 LARGE unturnished rooms lrd llnor sink unheated children Apply Box 21 Barrie Examiner 15110140 ZROOMED tarnished apartment hot water heated rlvate in trancc Adults only thong 1001 15130140 HEATED Apartments in desir able downtown location Apply Ilax ll Barrie Examlncr IS130141 WAIUII Iurnlsilcd housekeeping room with ranpetto and link pri vate enhance Central Home 2011 151311 UNFUIINISIIED rooms centen leneu close to town Adults or with one child Evcnlnus phone Jill 15130140 IUIINISIIED round floor lint heated crntra llilttlil to it énzunths $100 her mouth Phone 151110 cosilonTAllLv furnished house keepltlu raum worm and brluiil vcry central Adults Apply mcl sr phone will lklall ItOOlFi hour with bath ll Sotiilln in lirni say ninlitlllv lmrulno Dec is Anny litix ll liirrlo lixnrnlnrr ilk1311440 rooms couple 15139 llooiis portly lurnlshcd heal ttl sink ctlnllnllllirl hot and tlltl water Sillt buslnull rnupl tllilllttn Iho SMALL roimril ratio illlfil or tlnIttIniAIlrII Col Ililu sink hydra titlrnlrco hath AI stllltleitt Phone 011 15Ifll111 Tl UNYUIINIHIIED will Illllt nllli nimettr ill kitchen IllIIII Illitli Adults One 111 chlltl Phone 14111 lliler fl pm 1513040 ltOOllI 111111th wllll lIIl convent cllrrs luimrlllnto iliumlnn An lly Mr illlltmhli 1uliiop St rrndalc itom attrr ll yam NICEer Illvtilslierl but slow humus alill Iintli Inttntlry till ricer tilr oll IIIIINI Jan to May Mlllnltllrl lltllltt 72H oIflIIItll limit loom brick house tilllllflillllr good turn central slit hrr month turmoilts how anion ill in llarllo Ilellllllllllq 1100M nrtnlrnt lflttpynlc For trance iatiy Illllibhllil or tIIlllIr ltisllml not will Apply lel Tiltlmtillttt St nr plitiltr illlii 13470101 urninmle Muted nutritian you with urn pllvtlc inr mhlui Inll slipper oniin or inn intrinm woman Pilot 5111 lillll AiTMTnerT very imn llvirn com with sunny 411111 mu hut room tulllln bu MOON hot wn v1 mum an rhouh Ar ly Lenin lml Fuller Own 11 Dual ml or on InliiIw 15139 55 TIIUHIIMI PROPERTY FOR RENT PRIVATE entrance to large room umailrroom private bath on main floor near bus No objection to by Apply 177 Napier St Phone 15137149 HOUSE for rent or sale charm and bath with lull basement oli lirnacc automatic washer Phone 5407 or 4070 15130110 SELF Contained apartment large roomsvanii modern bath room 011 heated lllltilrnislled ur Iurnished Central Phone 111110 cvcnlnt 130 BUNOMJOW dreams dining room living combined garage at inched all heated Would con sker one child 16 Toronto St Phone 5373 15130 ROOMED heated uniurnlishcd apartment ground Ileor central iocation Item 555 Suit adults only Phone 03117 Charles line crs Realtor 15137 BUSINESS Girl would like ratio 1110 business girl to share apart meoiAlistalncr only Apply 52 Sophia St EN Apt eveningsp side entrance lslao UNFURNISHED house on 80 Illghuay at nosemont rooms and bulb garage possession Dec Apnly Russell IInlbcrt Itasc moot Phone Alliston 87r22 15130141 BUNGALOW bedrooms living room modern kitchen bathroom oil Iurnacc newly decor throughout miles west oi AI ton mile north tilt Highway in Phone SrIZ Alliston III1304415 LARGE mndcrnly turnished bed room in new brick bungalow Light housekeeping privileges Near bus stop Suitable for one or two business girls Available Innl Phone 3093 aitcr pm 15130141 NEW House partly tarnished near Camp Borden outside con vcnlenees water inside modcr ate rent to couple with one or two small children Apply Millers Slorc13rcntwood Phone Crec rnorc 432r3 INNISWOOD Apartments new modern II rooms and Illithrouin Geitconlalncd apartments all heatlng continuous hot water laundry and ckcr facilities com pletely Iurnis cd or unllirnished Adults Phone Barrie 421m 15 iiitill APARTMEN modern Cl rooms bath heatc instant hot water cllr parking with overnight heat er located one block from WeIi Ington Hotel To per month Adults only Bus nest couple pre ierred Apply Lacey ca Bayheldl St 15130 Propertyfor Sale or cht NEWMOdcrn room huustini highway hear Iiarrlc lmmedlnlcl possession Ihonc 501111 lalaa DOG AND PET STOCK BUDGIES with cages about months old Apply Lacey lhl Hayfield St 3111311 DALMATIAN Pups also Iernalc years old house broken good which dog Ed Webb pllnntiCookltl town 397 EHlatiIJD DACIISIIUND nipples purebred ID and weeks Vill hold tillt Christmas Beesleys nlrkcyl Ranch Mldhtlrsl Ihonc Barr 2102 311139117 CANAIIIES snipers 5795 liens $1113 only ButlgiesCages so piles breedlnfi enhos Airltan 11 olels 50c Irs wlliliiln Agar lioctun phone ill ail Ls LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOUNG linnr no role or will trade ior weaners Ihnnc guru laa SOW anti Plus really to We Apply Iilll Dubsnn phone lilitri 0130 REGISTERED lual ltnlnsc Shuii Ililrn lleiler due Ilec Phone 30111 0430 llOlsinlN Ilclirr wlih iwlior rlllt Apply John Iiowmhn nn Strand REGIST llu tlrtl icrvicmblc alto Ihline Ztlrli va llIJllltt Itotlurt Orroek SIItIh Eli Cowl one lhr nnyl tlynr second one due in It Wttkl harm in Ivy leluilzi Cow yoorr vol nalvu lnrri by Maple Ulill iItie lire Illtltic Slllilill inrinl 1r YOltItillllIl honiof lnno tnttttllt tIltI At llllle limits lhur Murrow Cllirktluwn if l10 30 IIilli II wrrlu illtl also flow with lilttt III two wort lhhll Deckerl Olu Siniltlll Iltttllt ill 57 114110 vounrl no white rclvlcrnllll our slunrl lint turtle mile llllul Irnltrlls 111110 wrnt hnilc Ilrttiltliril mm Il nounhm hnn toninn 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