Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 5

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PROUD POSSESSOR of the Barrie Ro tary Club Trophy emblematic of the Ear rie Public and Separate School track and field championship is King Edward School IETER NOltTIlpVEIt left was presented withfin award for placing first in the town and seventh in the County of Simcoe during the Wood Essay contests sponsored by the Weed Inspectors and County Council lohn Lamont displays the trophy awarded for first place in the Barrie Oral speak ing coptcsls and he finished second in the County of Stmcoe WEDl Worship Maulsiraie ii JAY NOV 23 iii losler nrtslliiii ii Cruwii Attorney It Living nclctt for the pltrsecilliml illld on cutlrl dlltlcs wvrc Sgt Morley Wright Municipal iiict Oll and Clll Ii Andrew tit ilislrlct liq LCA Cases Qllliu ntnnhnr nf cam came up this ntllitin liul lilcllpitti lnnst nt tin illnrlllliu Cpl Met rick iii the llCAl Siliiitlll lltliti rtnitll that lit ltnti Illtll tlrtvlliu from name in Catnn nn Nnv anti hilti Silll it cllr liVliitilllili iili two nnllllrtx stamina by ii and title Wllt lluitiirlg httiiie lltlllllil his Illlt lic lIllwuiti iirliv lliullii VriLl lilti ll illii llll Irlv rn lIl lilVlillil iitiiiilottrl was given TONES cense suspended at today term the car was im polindcd for two months and il fur six muhlhs The charge was laid by PC llugors The same officer laid charges at intoxication in public place against into other soldiers Charles Cameron and John Morrison who both pleaded guilty They in were convicted and lined $20 each plus costs of slo Danny lhcrricn was Convicted untilr Ilii samr secllun and filled $15 pills $3 or i0 day till charge iilrs lllltl by floutrs liuillliilg utility to supplying bccr in two others bolh undrr 2i lm Nriv lD ln Vexlrn James Kells vrll wits null 535 plus ellsla of Adjourned HTA Case lhlilin If carelws driving lilid by PC MtCitlill aunlnxi Edward lillllilflll nil find ill iltljrillrlllii tilltil INC 19 as ll Crown williisx it tilli lii llnspllal lnodeduote Brakes lullilwlrlu an accident on Nov is in lillrilr llilitvan Mason was 10 DUNLOP Extra Grip Mull Snow iiilES lllryll take you whom you want to go TIRE SERVICE to alarm ave District Governor Frank Sloiivis Who Highly Praised WorkDone The presentation of the trophy was made recently to team captains Brian Wiles left and Eleanor Corbett with school prin mith looking on convicted and fined $10 plus $1450 on charge laid by PC Bra man for having inadequate brakes illegal Consumption Pleading guilty to consuming beer while on the lnterdicl list uh Nov iii in Barrie Philip Holt was convicted and fined $30 plus costs at $1450 on charge laid by PC Ecaman Drove While intoxicated Apprehcnded by PC Hill mcr on Nov 22 in Barrie Chester Marshall pleaded guilty to driv ing motor vehicle while lfiioXl catcd Evidcnce was given by Sill Wright that he had come uut OI parking lot near the municipal building on that date at Ihreepan but Marshalls driving was so cr ralic that he was asked to get out or the car and it was round by the sergeant that he was intoxicated He had one previous conviction and was convicted and given it days his car impounded for two months and license suspended Clever Trickery Defended by Gordon Mclurk un dcr Legal Aid Victor Wollens and Michael Moral Toronto were in4 voived in two thefts ThI latter for theft mm the car sales office of Douglas Smith Highway 27 of $I0 cash and Wnllclls for theft of $5 from Mrs Mary Martin on the some day Evidence of PC Scragg was that both then had been worked by clover manipula lions of small bills changed back and forth and in Mrs Martins case she had become aware of the scheme but there were three men together at the lime and they had been drinking so she took the number of their car and called poilcc Both man have long menu and were convicth and held in custody for sentence Dec MELTINO lOlNT Aluminum melts at 0507 degrees ccntlgmde pure iron at 1535 dc grctr Centigrade it alvett you On Thursday night Nov 25 the regular slipper meeting of the Lions Club of Barrie It Commun ity Home was kneell event be cauxe of the visit of District Gov ernor Frank Stokvll whose home is near Pickering He succeeded Barrieh Bltl Garner who intro duced him to ipeei Lions Tribute to Put Governor The visiting governor paid tri bulc to his predecessor that he had done good Job and was difficult man to follow He brought up Ipian suggest ed by thcbofird oi governors to raise funds plan which seemed almost fantastic but was explain ed by the fact that it was spon sored by awealthy business firm and was worked by group of 39 clubs at iirst but where tricd had been handled last by over 100 This was on budget of 90000 was on ticket selling plan with ysuggestcd tourtlnys operation at MINESING Mrs Jr Johnston Gravenhursl spent couple of days at the home of her nephew OllverWiison Mr rid Mrs Cecil Moore and WayneI of Braccbridgc Camp bell and Mrs Cartier spent Surl day at George Dostos student Teachers Here There were four student leach crs the school last week Miss Clearry and Miss Kurd in the lun lnr room Mr Dates and Mr Brown from Toronto in the sen ior room Several Social Gatherings There have been several get togcthers during the past Couple of weeks Mr and Mrs Maw attended shower at Elni voie for their daughter Lois and rowanlaw Dori Graham The home of Mrond Mrs John stun was the stating for presentation of gifts by the village folks to Mr and Mrs Robert Ma Euire and Mr and Mrs Frank Vunclccf Games of cards short program under the direction of Fred Tracy and lunch served by the ladies The lllh line met if Mr and Mrs llcrry Adams aisu ncwlywcdu to present gift All the brides are from other com munities and their neighbors were glad of the opportunity to wel come them On Saturday after noon the friends at Mrs McEvoy lnec Helcn McLean met at the United Church Sunday School moms and cntoytxl social time with her She was the recipient of table floor lamp and boudolr lumps Auron Visit ML and Mrs George John sion Vtsltcd relatives In Aurora on Sunday SI Pctern Young lcoplc St Peters Young People met at the home of Corbett Adams on Thursday night with members and three visitors prescrii craee Pearson presided and opened the meeting with the usual hymns prayers and xripturc Arrange ments were made our the next two mottine and committees named Tim next meeting will he rectum lion in thtl hall with George Grace and Shirley Pearson host and hostess All Mlncsing young people are invited to come Dec Marion lrallck had plcndld dc votlonal program armngcd Cur bclt Adamo gave rt poem Dont Katharine Frailrk gave Spoils lfllUMN There are pnscnlly only fourteen lo year League player In the National Hockey And oomidcring the high speed and hravybodlly conuctn of hockey in wondc that so many have survived l0 or more ye of Ice wnrare lilitl itseven nluro rurprlllng that in the present season the nnnt amazing player campaigning tntiny is getting closer in the tiny when in can tray he broke into major hockey in yearn null ior ilil llilllllll 20 ycars since the name of liililrlrl Conrad Sclliliitii fillil ilmuarrd ill liosltnl cltllll llnovup it was loll Ill iiilili Ir early lDJT that he was called lip ill relieve some llllllll Kiltlililull rilitl llilyctl elluugii ualnu lo bag couple of utlnll Kriimlili Mrlghv around to today but he WM aklnny ll yeIrlilil when lit llrni piayrd for llrulm No new furl and lrarnctl lust lltml Mllltfl ll nitnee from the major league hurlle tlnnl Ilillri hr wnre an air force uniform dldnl hall erirnltita horer arm The hull of the Kraut Linc mine back in into Amt in 1047 he enjoyed his hiuul leaving amon rt rests ntnnnp ilinyirl tilrrllllly active in liia lllu run nnty rill llltli rturiti Lllfi ulillln ilr Illtllt wllcil Iilt trtllill calllyalgli lltlrllli Sillmttli ll nt nnnse nna nl these with all to ill unlit when the iinxlrtl illitllill tn plilillwllaking he txrellrtl all bill nne nt llit ennenl tnp mnnes lltvtkri illtlilirll ailirftii lite snnnn with lifli tIttIillv Ililt gilills null 201 usailill iirlllrliiil hall the titralrrt ntnnhnr nt nssntt nt nny nrlivr player Jillu ptlllill Iltiili tlf hill lnlnnint Vtmily illnrnrt Mill iitrlrlly liauar all net of lCIltllrtirl Ont innnine lltuluy pannm rally in lltclr nice at llnstnn They lived ltrgrillcr nlnyni ingvllwr and as tin Kriltii Line littame nnr nt the rrnlnt drummer of all liliu IIlnriuiyllig iiiw wltli tlcilyciuliriil Itvillllit pump in nun llnwn llilJlJt0I they led the ltllltr in Iil enter The KIllll urn tlrnkm up when Iliirr ntlmi In fluIll can In lilttlielwv Iltor ll til01 In thmldl Ind llumul IIHINI on Ilulllut WM It with tin lulu IIII cousin and Illa Ntlimltll line all III in Icon null In their ul rrrI In Nlll hlalory IM tiululrllliy they nil high In the laugh winter pm Your outlook and logoliter for till rolvnm will in vol by llmllfwldn III Noun Ill Ym 3L luau caiVCtt DlSTlLLEltS LIMITED Willlllillfl OMAIIO Mlple leaf Gardens Toronto Decal committch would cover 325000 bond on two signatures Prize would be more trillcr like new model car and other like value No action was considered by the local club at the times Marvellous Job The speaker thought that Bar rie Lions had done marvellous into on the flood relief and went on to tell at situations in other Places He had found one care where with the breaking of doors through the force at the current washing machine had floated away and was never found in making claim tor financial aid the owner was told that the ma chine was closed asa luxury and received no reimbursement Mr Stokvis did noi agree with that decision and explained that the matter olvaluailon in general had been discussed by three reeves and the Lion representativeslion Dana Porter had been interview ed on relief matters and half promise received it is dLifleult to diiburse other peoples money but there is no doubt that broad loom floor wide will not be re placed Direct gifts received by the Lions will he uscd if possible to cover unusual situations aris ing such as the washer lie had met some of the boys fromWiarton who hadmadc an outline of Manuals of Christian Life William Grant read poem Steadfast People and Sam Srlglcy read an article that was much enjoyed Gtnnnyl Family Bible Joyce Wmtherby read Gods Presence Meeting closed with prayer for the par ish hymn goodnight hymn and benediction bunch was served by the Pearson family Toronto Visitor Miss Jessie Foyston Toronto pcnt few days at Henry roy slons Mrs Dust spent couple of any in Toronto and attended the icesCupadcr Bazaar nod Tea St Peters WA held very ruc ycoststul bazaar and tea Wednesday as Glrls Course Underway Cotton can be smart the girls course under the dircction of Mrs Alan Johnsion and Mrs Glenn Bellby is well underway The girls met at Mrs Johnstons Next meeting on Soiurda Dec will be held in the unday School rooms help their stories or experience and hardships loyalty to Offlun The district governor emphasis ed loyalty to officers You put them there he raid and Ibo laid stress upon church munbcnhip and attendance lndittercncc must be guarded against and he remind ed his bearer that or uonl their conduct is watched by others Linan is actually ioundcd upon the ten commandments of the Bible and chamber In vital part oi any community mad if Lions do not attend and support the church of their choice they are letting Lion lsm down Many instances can be quoted as to how the thought at 1hy neighbor as thyself has been carried out in on commun ity baby had never been out of the hospital since birth The only hope was an operation by one specialist across the border and learning this the York Club had in 24 hours arranged for thcbaby to betzken there which was done and in seven weckslit was brought back to the parents and the Amer ican club in the other city sent nurse back with the child who is now normal and hcalthyh Combined Efrem Sonic oi the results of combined eilort in putting over large pro tools are astonishing Onc club in town where more than $1200 could not bl raised for commun ity centre had comeback with swimming poolplnn raised 320000 and in three years 5132000 was made up and the pool in opera tion The Lions spearheaded the proicet lvtr Stokviscommentcd that the bullotl oi the Barrlc club re flcctcciu the splendid spirit of the organization and he has found the regular issue of The Roar an ex cellent thermometer in that way Jokes too are wholesome and if man cannot take joke he is not worthy of Lionism He compli mented the Barrie club by saying that he knew the work here is go ing on like house aiirc and gave him no worry llumhcr Valley Example He spoke ot club one year old in Humbcr Valley with homes of members smashed or washed away and the basement excavations illi cd with mud it was apparently almost dcaih blow to the club also No meeting had been held in five weeks but on investigating he found that the members wcrc too busy helping others to even take care of their books In eight days they had 80 Lions helping others Ioo busy to do anything for themselves the real spirit of Lloniom That club held meeting rc organized eommiltels and lefl just before one am still talking of plans They bounced back Barrie club may feel Justly pmud NYL90Nllilcol Styled By Forsylli of the showing made in the flood disaster he laid and thanked President Macluiey for the tunlty of meeting the club ruin dent Mac in turn thanked him for his visit and commented that was glad to not that the speaker had readjusted his talk to club level after outlining the pruning plan or raising funds it ll estimated China has 211 000000 acres under cultivation for soooooooo people summed to 305900000 com in the United States for onethird of the popula DEAR Stillh gnu humanrm mnmmnn Wm VIN5m AND SOME 3D PICTVRE EELS THESE TIIOUGHTFUL GIFTS ALWAYS APPEEEIATED CIGARETTES PopItiar brands in Fill fwArit ROBIN noon AND 50s cw MD Visits MY 53 SW1 REEIS CIGARS YOURS mum Finest brands In new olu IntiltNY tlo humldols Sicreuscopc CHOCOLATES Famous Neilson quality in cc new exciting packages Mvrnrvas lit luvewolhltllxs AND 10s SWELL Refit 23s 6mm eamfl nuNLor saw PHONE 4271 HAVING It can nceo ICE ouucsl nahmmmmmx aslhlllllllllhll cellulite FEEDMILL ANNE STREET BARBIE CustomChopping Bolling Mixing WI Pickup and Deliver ilt ills Fowltightest Travel ill With mill Shir entllllrh when you use nylon tricut shirts mt wash in mlnutc dry In twenty Styled by Forsyth with fused collar and cuffs that never need ironing to look 015 is healthfuiiy porous lets your skin breathe 995 CHOOSE FROM Regular fused collar Cliffs single Short point fused collar single cuffs Both styles in white sizes 1in to 17 in most sleeve lengths MENS DRESSING IlIlWNS Fine ull wool llaiincli light weight rayons gowns of tailored quality youll give proudly to any man at Christ nlas Thcflunnebl are available in solid tones of wine or blue and the rayons ill blue or green Allll WOOL FLANNlIlti and fresh and thenylon trioot lillSIEllY Ily more at ttnrisnti our oi tile worlds unrest rum in the hoalrrytluliiru Ily till hovt tltc Itliul youre proud to glvr Availahlr in plain rolurir hi my Irlur brilf rrrrli Inll Illrir lulu I0 lo i2 thllll WEIGHT ilAYthN 1595 1595 MENS Til lllEliETS Heres the ilcwcst Hill for the ililili who owtiii television comfortable length coat of nllk rnyoti with tie belt that the mail of your home will CCiIlllll ly appreciate Choose from wine or blue IIiliitlll AT PYJllMllS llllE tilt intiil tillT lyilllllllll pylnlliiin the new POLO STYI llltthltliltlTll Alyltn the new tttllricn give this years Christians nllllppcr Woll tlcrfiil array to choose from ice 595 695 495 1250 our complete selection today 26°n295° Iuli Itriltii 175 all Length 150 STORE FOR MEN liNll BOYS

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