Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 4

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WEEKLY SPORTS EALENDAR my Tn say ml was good game would be an undorslalcmcn By country In this was the Flycr best Awoway performance 01 the mum Th hlnzed mm or so shots at Riggin phenomenal cage guanflan with all the car marks 17 becoming mndom Nafionachagucr ll wasnt Riggln hm cranked when He had Smlths sha mm slx cot out labeled all the way Bud the shm carcde on xhesuck 91 ddcnccmnn Guy James Danny Pouzlanl and Bob Barlow boln parked on he doorslei swlpcd 1M puck and me sudden drop gave mggln no chance Referee Jack Shropshire awarded the wlnncr to Barlnw gran climax prolific crowdphasing contest mahshould have junior fans returning to the link with enthusiasm and de sire mu the smalles gather Jngs In Mic hlsuny oI thé Flycrs witnessed the amalr through loy alty It muldgm be anyhfing else as the local squad had prescptcd very LimXcJo become enLhusod over But Bub Barlow recelvemcrerut mr deflectlongl Arnold Bmlths shot nt the doorstep with just three seconds léft to play In overtime deflectmn that dropped pastZnggln or the winning goal and 32 triumph over Hammon Cubs Riggin Cub Backbone Against Thrilling Offensive Punch But this gameis any Indica inn the worm has turned The Flych an nnw dendlnckcd vnh Hamilton or slxlh and last play 011 posmon Coach Hap Immls can be counted upon to give he old college try from here In Emma ha Ahe tools wilh whlch to work against the Cubs The Flyers were an insplrcd team They checked the visitors to siandsull detp in hclr awn and which gave goalie Harry Smith whsmufinz for R055 Brooks only shULS to handle over the 70 minmcs Hamillcn behind lhu wizardry mggin took 20 land and it looked large enough in win despfln he Flycrs mrrld mack Excq mum couldnt be nhcn omcnal and magician mo lnlo 1n Um sccund period two moldcs pol 1hc Flycrs on even term Gordon Luvcday just rc MllnLd mm Iraclurcd lug cradl ed Pollzianls was from the corncr and with Jamcs covering like blanket spun to backhand Ihl lamecu crudur mom the Ice It didnt look like goalie Dennis Riggin was going to crack He had survived overwhelming offensive power item the Fiyers for three regulation periods His exceptional net mindlng was the key to great thrillpeeked OlIA Junior game at Barrie Arena Wednesday night FlYERS BLAZE WINNER xlN FINAL SECONDS 0F OVERTIME Friday Burrlc at Guelph Saturday Guelph Dnrrlc Wed Kitchener Dunla Frldny Dnrrlc Mnrlboros Monday Slmcuc Motors vs Mlucslnx Wonder Valley Mmuluy ME YOU SEEN THE 55 DUDEE TURN TO PAGE FOBDETHILSH mums paewmo COMPANY llMllED Elmvnlc vs Thornton nt Uunlc Arum uluy OWLH Suund nt Burrlu Dchlblw UDCI 5m Mercantile llnynus Junior lhwkcllmll HOCKEY The Flycrs held wxdccdm in play Lhmughout Bu was the Cubs who um um score sheet 1st Barry SmiLh had no chance on Um only gum ll opening scam Cummy Burtons shut mm the right berm19 rammed on Ranch skate Less than two minqu later de femcman Iany Stacey bnuncud blazer mm the point past IUggin Lo km the count 22 was in Mg um great climax sizzling pace The teams battled through scorelem thrd period although was only the acrobatic mave menu Riggln that sent the gamc into overtime H15 greatest save was umbilny on PollLianl who flrcd what looked like sure K021 from 10 feet out Ru teams were fairly even the overtime session both can centratlng on dclcnm But it didnt detmct from the excite ment The pace still silzlcd faccnlt ln Hamiltons endwith 28 seconds rumlnlng gave me Flynn an cpportunlty for an allout IL breaking cllorl Before the flmion 01010 wlnnlng final Lg gln had literally 51010 blazer all the mick 01 George mnrl Hzmluun survived two sdcccs sivc mlnur pnnalflcs 1o dclnnh mun Barry Haylan early in the second Rigaln agaln sensational and men mukin B111 Binnie r0112 0d some at the but as he brake In to the c1mr at the blucl1nc to provlde 20 mm The Flynrs never qult trying They had me Cubs bulfalnnd arcund mggln And It waan un til lab in UN srmnd lhnl Lovcday and Stacey could brquk thmggh the annnr Rnlcmc Shropshire lcl the tum lake ll from them Only nnccssary penalties were assessed 1mm and nbnc wen given in he nvorlimc Shrop shire oak no hackmlkV huwnvcr as he banished Gnry Sharpe ur ID minutes when he prolvrtcd highsflcldng penauy And huruy anor Cub mlncr Wailcr Yuuuk was ordered out he box Uvr pointed remarks Slde Shots Pulizlnnl nursed sore rim 1hmuglmuL Hm umnn sporting yards lane nmund mu chest110 wukyan accidLnul 51K in 1h slurhadi on 104 this bu came back lu spuathd Hm rc peaked mum Barry Smuh wasgivon munsized chore In keeping pace with Illgain AL llululh lhc Cubs mmllrcd nnly 18 511015 cw wurc mmh and Smllu Suarde IIIC lwlnc with warm caution Lop llclcnclnmn on either shit was Larry SUIcoy the gem who looks like he bclungcd In junflor company before MS This Stacey is tough cuswmur hard 10 pull cm or xnsilion and real lhrm on Lho uflcnso Hell be big help Emma sen lux ward Chuck Shunt back Kllclh cncr launch lolIuwing Uncut mmo IrIal He dldnl lhlnk he GIRLS lo LAMP $800 $1050 mum 103 mva YOU TAKEN NEW FIGURE MAY LI URRYS CCMJ BAUER SKATES 5an SNJJG $1005 $2195 OllA Junlar Danie Arum Ute HAMEUION GouL Riggin dc cnce Hillmnn Hflylun Jamss Mc Key Icndricksun tnrwnrds Bur ton McNeil Brian Smith Sulllvan Robinso Slcnlund Sharpe Kil rcu Binni Milchcll Nurman BARR Goal Barry Smllh dcrcnce nope MucQucnn succy Rancid forwards Barlow Mac donnld Polizialll llavudzly Arnold 5mm nan Kane Glover Gyn ham Vaughan graduate from Dranuard junior company was worth the price asked 3mm Jack Shropshire Weston lulmauir 41mm Slaccy lKnnc aos lunalllics mylun 407 Haylnn 925 Thlnl IIvlml Hamillun Eurlon lKiIrm XcnanDs Sharpe A59 Eur on 60 Hamilton Binnie Bgrrjo Lovuduy lxSuccy 1mm lerlod Icnullizs MucQucnn 51 3mm mhiur miscunducl Lm Gmluun 325 Smnlund me Overllmn Barrie nnrluw Smith MacQuccm lcnalllcs nnnc flczuluuuns gUVlmlng xhe Mol sun bawllng lournnmcnl whlch pro vcd su pupulnr 115 year wlm local bowlers wen nnnounctll this work INHth Bruce Reynolds dhmur or mum raglan Ml lluwlorn Jn me man may vnlcr bnwl qualityan mum 01 mum any at tho umva dus1umm uuwum mm mm on mum nrnvunhursl Midland Or nvmrvillu mul CulngwomL mum 1mm um be mm me uhun mm nr brluru Dvcrxnhur qu mp qmnnynm mm will be xl Number ll Deadline Iur mens puma 9mm and Iurs win he bowled 1km brr num will by no mm lrir n9 lam your nll mum wll ur mum nu mrmburnhlu mud rmulrnl um um will rmry Announce Rules Molson Tourney um 30 mwlm uullukm lhvquulflylm muml wm mlvnnce llw rruiunul mel mu Ulllllu nu hhrunry 12 mm mm 1me mwlor mm Um lulml mm wlu uurcsonl Hu Null um 5nnrlumrlfn Shaw Tumulu In Muxrh nu Mulsnna Sllmlm rmmmmuu The flvu MM ulnulllnx Inunmnuuw luw umuml Chumplnn MN uHmr lmln upnrnt nu wuwn mm mnwlilhm mum Unwl In mun ml Numb1 LUNH TUNNEL hlm Immnm nummImn Aumlmu ruuuurrr mm In dr gmd lhwklyu mldwn herud wuu mun HAMILTONS DENNIS RIGGIN was given real work out by the Flyers Wednesday night handling 50 shots be fore iaiiing to 32 overtime defeat Rookie centr Gordon Loveday having just returned to the club ioilowi leg fracture gave the brilliant Cub custodian real test from Benin Hamilton Steam Jerlod Flnl Perlnd 1951 Burrie Flycrs have an impurhnt weekend series wilh Guelph mm mores starting luniuhy in It Royal City The two cums reluru Bur rie Arena Saturday night Biltmores Here Saturday In Weekend Set wm Hun nuw muklnu rvrry lump Ilny un Iuml Inr mu ml 1am playful mum Twnluhln umxn Wfll NSlhldllllll SI Culhurllll WU urluhmlly nlnl In men GIIIlph lull nunme chnluzc and Flynn muvcd ghe llvc lI cunksl nlumL HOURS OF PLAY ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS BILL GRAHAM PLAYING FEES for the Season s200 IIOII lOllllAN Now Atcrpllnx Mrluhcmlllp Jnnlor lhulmlnlnn llnym or the ALL THIN INIIZIIIINTN IN JUININH IIIF Mun llMllIlNle JUNIOR BADMINTON ARI ANIUZ TU NTAUI BARBIE GHHHISDNJUNIOH MDMINWN CLUB Aulslxmre lu Juulnr Mcmlxcrn wlll be xlvrn by Im Alulrllun lonnrr icorllnn my Illnlrlvt hulmlnlun Champion MRS FRED ANDERTON PHONE 4326 FRIDAYS 330 pm lo pml SATURDAYS am to lo pm They opposed dclcndlng chamlr ion0ri1uq YMCA Tuesday night BDCI gymnasium and put uli rific bank before killing 51 In an excmng Mn DcVJIbiss will group with Or Colllnywood Midland Owen Sound Camp Borden and Edgar Thcir next appearance will he Mo day night when theyopposc Owcn Sound ax mu Coilcglalc Barrie sek up zone deioncc in In Hrs halt agalnst Orillia bu hu sharpshooting champions hum 3123 hauume margin mm Saturdays game here looms as im man They now beam we gamc wmning sneak an thu ice and show evldcnce moving mm lhc thick ha cxcllcmcnl Eurrlc DeVleiss Cagcrs have marked themselves definite hur dln the Georgian Bay intermedi basketball group this spa Grillia Cagers Beat DeViIbiss At Collegiate we maych whn have given Guelph coach Eddlc flush yocman Service Inc Billy Graham and Bob Furhan Graham was mood to make decision bulwcun hockey and foolball Ha wasfl member of flhmlnon TlgchCnls or two na Spns but gave up in favorol hockey Mal séuali swfichca l0 man10 close ln on this thirdperiod assault Delenceman Guy James was completely beaten on the play while team can taln Larry Hlllman was helpless to prevent the shot It was Lovdday who started the Flyers twogoal comeback In the second period wlthhls second goal of the season Iv ohhlln npphrnilon lolml FULL ROOM BUNGALOWS $l037500 TOTAL PRICE TOIAI CASH llliQUlluil mu DOWN PAYMENT sum Sue Full Domils In The Classified Page SEE APPLETREE ACRES This Weekend N36 27 195455 SEASON man Orlllla nnly nulscnrcdthcxr 2013 in the final We quarters 0H1 were paced by Kchocwllh 13 points mlluwcd by Cross with 10 and Childerhosc wflh six weapon or Hnrfle with 12 points Nell Gleason polled 10 for lhe oc als ORILLIA Dbby Smith Cross lo Seymour Page Child crhnsn Bellamy Armour Mc Donald Kchroc lll Rculcr Thumpson 5mm Ncsbill Hlll Kel He 22 llloorhouy ilardncrc Gleason 10 McCann Gmh Gal dlner 542mm Pallersan Recent vtsnm Hcccm vlsiwrs at Herb Shan nona were Mr ind Mrs Mcv Faddcn and family Torunluv Mr and Mrs Gmrue Prince and Ann KJSSDck of Harrie in 10 ml Mr and Mn Arklcy vlsilednl John Cow nns on Sunday ramim um menu The local Farmers Union are huldlnz their annual Kneeling on Monday Dec at oclock In the hall lglluwtd by progressive Charles szimrdhwn Bdgu mm the weckcnd wilh Donald Shan um mu ouchrc EAT and EHIIW YOUNG 10 DUNLO ST 0052 Mlllcl Hrumn Nunflnwer Buds Inpmccsml pure hlnxsom lmncy unpaslurlzcd The Food Bar wlth mm ornnlc Super Foods KNOCK WA Chm Ileana WA menu Wednesday Dec 81 in the church schoolroom cam ma meeting with election flcen and the usual Christina trce mu exchanie at and lood Mme Every member uhauld Lryand numd Home Fran nowlhl Dave Jones returned home mm hospinl and lmpmving nicely aim bi man mess ll Annlvrrury Home and Scth holdinl lhe that year annlvrmnry meellng on Tuesday Dec IL Min Galley and Mrs Page of Barrie will be pres ent also Mlneslnpsfieuun Home and School as guess We hope all members will be mum and cnloy mod evening at mumm dm BARBIE EXAMINER MAEPECEMBEB fig Borden Oldtimer Beecher Conron Dies in Toronto Camp Burden Guzm WEecchcr Canton me of BB dens true Mdtimers who hnd long been employed as pump hnuse opcrnmor by 24 Works Com pany RCE died suddenly on NW 24 at hls hnmn In Tomnla Mr Conmns passing will be regreucd by military and civilian personnel alike for he was well known guru about he Camps T9 many soldiers In Camp Dor dcn hewas known more familiar 1y as the old school teacher This appclalion grew out 01 um act um he was always mm in cducaflon and hnlped out during pmSpcond World War by teach ing algebra geomclry and general malhunntlcs In the Knighu of Col umbus Hall now the RCAMC Schnol Sergeanls Moss Hoops who were taklng advnnlgge ol cducnllonal courses Hts leaching uollvlllcs were always an extra to his regular duties on the camp water supply system and he had carried muse cxlracurrlculnr ac llvllics along to he puban lnr lhruughnul the all he had been lhvn the llnponuul lillv IImn yuull mm by alknu lu mm mm ml uur and mlr mvlm dupuunmL wm mm mm willy nun wmng Hum mrclmnlu lmvr Hw Inclhwy nu llw klmw lvnw III like my ulmd uvuur Mvru numm wully wnml llIryll lrll you THE BEST GIFT wlvou CAN GIVE AT cwzlchAs TIME IS SOMETHINGYDU CANT BUY GOOD WILL Tlns um um nvtrlnflnlrd In quickly In mr mmqu at Iw mm Unlicrinlhllun nm mm mvrhmlgxu which runs the mm lnJdu Hm In M1mrnlv All 1m wmy run In mvul by nulhlnx mow mmuuwmn Hum mm yuur llrc prtnsmc Wlun yuuvr um mmmm uluuml Iuwn yrrmm mum he no Inun Imu mm pnunds hm llm mmmclldml rml pnun nll um 1111vale highway llvc mumh uhuw Is all llghl Wundcrmu nml wvuvlnk on the ma Lhn ho nmml hy umlcr mmmn um will lu unr Ildu run vrnnll mm unmuml luHullnn 01 Im 1mm Hm nr mm ml huvmx mnlclml nun Umluln llalrd Hm mm muse Ahlxnlny lw ANTEN MILLS Talu luu 0m lhlnu um make us usplclally mud lhc mme ur pcoplc who my um um um LAlr mm us In us 5mm and men us my muvu up come buck my new cars mm us mm by gum xncclumlcs lhl mm lnumrlunl 51mm hum In Inmrvlng lhc valuv car um um lunch nu nwmr win In lulmsvl gut mum mllcn nxnl mum duum outu nu Two Iona groan Directional lighn alt can dltioning Imam hr simple Illc mnllvr kupnu um Impcrly 1n 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN XLa19LMua leachlnl math to perwnnel 24 Work Com who were nudy inl to Hack ham Foreman Wagkl qualmcguom Mr Conan um came to Clmp Burden In 23 It Lime when there wu wry mu hue bulde cinder ol huu down In the nrca 01 lbs BCASC School pardc squire Beecher Ind his wile rel lled Camp Ind thelr hnhy III was the um baby to be born in the Camp hospflzL which still standing an the west sldc 01 RCASC area This baby Ll new young matron ll marrkd Ind curly this all had presented her Ithcr with new lrandchlld which an Mn Conron was ex £mnely vmud mum Mn Conrnn moved to Hamilton In 192 but In 1940 when the war drum were tinebbing he return ed in Camp Borden where he saw continuous mrvlge until his dcalh labor sulfcrcd heart ultan while on duy and was rushed tathe Barrie hmpilal On Nov he was pemnlucd 10 home and in ms whlle con valesclng in his home at 141 Ron hampwn that death claimed him PORT OF NEW YORK Otlicinlly designated Port 01 New York has frontage 520 miles an navigable waterways and is conan with the West by the Hudson River um Ncw York State Barge Canal and In Grunt Lakes GOING AWAY lflR CHRISTMAS FANCY FLOWER POTS AND AFRICAN VIOLET JARS Specially Irepnred Pot tlng Soils Liquid Fer lillzers Pct Suppllcs for Blrds Cats and Dogs nepnlu And Ainuynls In mm In hnuary STAINLESS STEEL ARDEN 10015 niAKiéKNIcE flnnwyn Kennels GLOXINIA BULBS NOW IN STOCK REGISTERED Phone 5628 Barrie WE WILL CARE F0 YOUR DOG DECEMBER ATTRACTIONS CHRISTMAS GIFT BflllWN 10 Phone 5000 lellerl

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