Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 2

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zmz BABEIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DEEMED 195 MENS TOWN LEAGUE GROUP Deluxe Taxi 48 $0Vcnup45 CCE 18 CIIII Brow 37 Barrie Tanning No 34 Orphans 29 HEPC 28 Webb Bros 27 Super terz 25 Ccpaco 25 Bell Tele phone 23 Brass Glenn 18 High single Fred Pearson shymm 235 high three Sillvcrthern PC 772 Rtsulls al Nov 29 C613 Webb Harry Hobbs 217 651 Mar tin 217 591 Tanning Deluxe Bakogcorge 223 Kit Bob Mallion 230 I75 HEPC Bras Silvethorn 2N neate 264i 716 Supertesn Orphans Osborne 250 613 Vern Sharpe 261 C73 Cameo Clitf Brown Dunnett 215 568 Fergu Sun 220 not Sevenup Telephone Fred Pearson 233 653 Mc Gibbon 186 541 GROUP 13 Wrights Cleaners 541 CM Tele graphs 50 Tanning No 42 at 41 Auto Wreckersii Edgar Toppers 29 Rebels 28 Smith EJtm Du ry 27 Comm AFL 21 Union Ca penttrs 19 Jackson Motors 19 Duncan Plasterers 14 High single Greenside Tan ning 324 high three Frank Ex cll Duncan 7C2 Results of Nov 10 Toppers Rebels Schart 187 517 George Scarlon 236 712 of Wrights Pat Garrity 255 806 Ross Pea cock i217 £37 Farm Dairy Copaco Smith 20L 510 Pcelcr 1234 020 Carpenters Telegraph 10an 224 583 George Le Gcar 751 081 Tanning Wreckers Greenslde 321 5711 Iriles 210 595 Jackson Duncan Mason 731 595 Frank Exell 275 m2 GROUP Kenwtlls 49 Wrstons 41 Frost ed Foods 41 Boltzlrs fill llCAFlCIX 110 Finlays IllA 32 Bullock Motors 32 Barrie Exam inur 29 Chryslers 28 Kurt Con miners 23 Barbers 14 BA Dairy 13 High single 1301 Hodges BAA Dairy 2172 high Ihréc Carter IA Isl Dakars 691 liesqu 01 Nov 29 CAP13X Chrysler Dutka 237 607 Crosery 252 580 Keilwclh Bullock 11 Kenwcll 244 Ball ONeill 1221 559 IlA Dairy Knit Bob Hodges 132 580 Gull 217 617 Examiner Frosted Foods Jack Kearney 182 470 Turner 1230 597 Wootan Finlays Adcl7Darber30 Clouulllcy 223 632 0qu 200 WI Frank Carter 11 coil Dry ran 1131 till 53 CHE chCH Wu Inna nun brand new tlrn 772 900 GENERAL MOTORS MfllflRIlMIl of 1955 IIIIIII CNE ABMIIHOM FREE call llangcrtleld Motors LIMITED lhch IIIll ullliu Lhlv Truth USED CAR DIVIdlofI IIIIADFOIII 81 11111 EDI LADIEBAP1EBNO0N IEAGUE Merl 40 Marigolda as For getMeditate $5 Petunia Mums 26 Dandelion 13 High single Alice Eldridgt Dandelion 246 high thrc Ella Swain ForgetMcNotr and Gmce Graves Aston 1174 lieudil of Nov Hum 11 ForgetMeNoia Marl Partridge 162 530 Ella Swain 199 57 Dandelion Marlgolds Alice Eldridge 243 561 Pat McGuire 229 550 Aster Petunia Gm Graves m2 574 Muriel Greene 189 LADIES TOWN LEAGUE Coop Lakeside Cabins Vlau Motors Peggys Beauty Salon Clarke andCkirkc Queeneltcs Propane Gas Webb 52 Son Culligan tacksons Grill Robinson Hardware ltlgh single Doris Garwn PCEEYS 323 iiIflhl three Doris Garvin 709 Results at Nov 10 Camp Viau Lydc Davis 255 681Ev Palmer 1243 653 Lakeside Queenettes Skip Mallton 158 612 Mary McFadden 2271 Alice Coupland I581 Peggys Culllgans Doris Garvln 321 709 Olive LeGear 190 496 lPA Propane Mary Stephens 223029 Joan Hunter 253 545 Clarke dz Clarke Jaeksons Mary Carrier 2881 Agnes Fer Zuson G72 Estella Math 219 399 Webb Robinson Mar IlatheriLl 201 Ruth Har ris 558 Maria DoSilva 214 Marg Kenny 530 DeVILILISS HOUSE LEAGUE Compressors 23 Booth 21 Flock Uuns 21 Transtornlers ls illstcrs 19 Spratops 13 Fans Iii Spray Guns 18 Voporlzers 15 tanks 15 Atomlzers 11 Perfum izcrs 13 High singie Sid Woodward Compressors 32+ high three Sid Woodward 727 lllgh team single Fans 919 hlgh team three Spray Guns 2601 IleIIIlis of Dec Tanks Booths Groh 221 569 Itl Edwards 1267 572 Transformers Spratops Wood 241 577 Burt Popp 200 565 Dusters Comprmrs McCartney 160 4713 Sid Woodward 727 Fans Atomlzcrs Moorhousc 210 Wagner 505 Danny Gefuela 233 502 Vaporizers PcrIumizcrs Gronrnan 211 527 Dan verslZSi 505 Spray Guns Flock Guns CI Scandrett 227 0517 Camp bell 1195 Fisher 195 52E KOthlAllWILCKENS HOUSE LEAGUE Cream 42 Llpstiek Iltl Ware house Powder 30 Cologne 25 mice 23 High single Foster Arnott Cream M0 hlch threc Foster Arnou 1129 ltuultl of Dec Oltlce Lipstick Waltzr Hitch 200 530 Elm1 McMillan 200 llud Lee 516 Cologne Powder Jim Jacquis 1711 Austin Franriden 19 5m Warehouse Cream Ken Gooddilld 1135 Mex Christie bill Footer Arnott 20 629 Collier Mens Club Debate Said Draw The ddmlt at Coliicr Slreet Un ltrd mens club Wednesday was eallrd draw by Vlctor Knnx judge The subject was llr solved that the hunting lemon of more danger to the hunter than to tho hunted Parsons and Newton Mm tor the ardnnallvo while the negative wal Iile upheld by Iturge Cllld wcll and Fred MtCullltryIinll oilirrl hurncd into the lxrturlnal tiring About to Ittendctl the dlnncr which vml reportII by mine of the church nuuilntllng mlllt eul lnary cxvtrtn dimly Cantu chairman DI II vtncllll study group at the churchs Ilellltlu and nrrtlt rr Wrtedron the lequloition DI the Wildman property next door 11 Wild nrerunry to have additional mice for the Bunduy School and the chlirchl rvclllng program Over 400 Ire attendth lhe church school on $50 to moo ni No4 moody lav down paytom gtluau Ill autole uv dun paymmouo Loam alumnuwa NWMMMIMImhI auto Iy mi Itmpl El MENtrawl not who IAIII slag ntuatm tnltun locuuduUHodaItmmam KILLED OUTRIGHT An Orillla man Murray Lewir 28 van killed instantly lut night when the ice cream truck he was driving mined curve and hit it tree on the 01d Darrin Road about 10 mllersouthwest of Orlllla Lewis was rclurnlng to Orllllii when the accident happened Nor man Foster llll bmthcrlnlow fol lowing about halt mllo behind discovered the accident Lewis was pinned in the cab ol the truck COMMUNITY TV PROJECT LINE BEING PLACED Line vision Ltd Toronto who are working in the Barrle area on community TV prolecthave announced that the contract haw been let tor the runrdng of thtl line to serve subscribers Following the inrtallatlon of the master receiving aerial near the DriveIn Theatre continuous testing has been carried out Sig nals which are received will be piped down the line which lKDE lug Installed rand distributed to Individual subscribers In its ini tial stages the scheme will provide three channels two from Buffalo and one from Toronto sit lsvnn ticipated that the Ilrstot the1lnc work which is belnglnld tovbe gin with in ward six will he ready or operation around Chrlsb mas ab tln The llit Waves By FED FRASER Tonight the Barrie Fliers who showed tremendous amount at hustle in their contest laEt Wed nesday against the Hamilton Cubs are on the road heading farthe Guelph Memorial Arena where theyll be entertained by the Mad hatters ln what should be hum dinger or hockey game The Emmsmcn who electrified local fans un Wednesday with last sce Dnd win otter 10 minutes oi over time will boom to continue it winning streak when they meet the BULtnores tonight Both teams move back to the Barrie Arena to morrow night for the second at their twogame home and home series 130111 nights at 1315th writer will be In the random with play by play account of the games Thats hockey on theair tonight and tomorrow night at 915 tecause DI the hockey game to night the White Rose Show which is usually heard them nine to ten will he moved back to 815 and will continue through until 915 The thew makes for good Friday evening lleenirIg enter lainmcnl and revolves around VON CAMPAIGN ONLY SHORT OF TARGET BY $157 The Victorian Order at Nur ul drive Ior Iundl now only 51 short ol Ill objective at um WIII IIIdIey clmpllln etaIr mn lnnflllnud thll morning that to this theyhave rollert ed MT TWir have never donation lllll to come In and we nre Iron lnr that lame penple might slilzly re thelrnvay to mak lrig our fund come right up to the target wt he added ir Church League Schedule Games Saturday Marning Games in the Barrie Church Hockey League were postponed last weekdue to the Santa Claus Parade but league president John Dobsonannounced that the sche dule for Nov 27would be played this Saturday morning at Barrie Arena The schedule is as follows Bantam 800 Colllcr at Combines 830 CentralTrinity at St Marys Poewee 900 Collier zit St Andrews v25 Trinity at Essa Road 950 Durton Ave at Si Marys Squirts 1015 South vs North Alums 11745 Trinity at Central 1110 St Andrew at Essa Road 1135 Burton Ave at St Marys Paul Kenny Gets Main Bout Noel At Palace Pier Three members of Barrie Boxlng Club will see action on the ama teur card at Palace Pier Toronto on Monday nlght Paul Kenny who has never look ed better than he does now In his ring career will meet highlytout ed lcrry Durrclte of Toronto AC in th fiveround main haul Lyle Parker the local knockout specialist will oppose Walter Stud ney of St Marys Club Toronto In threenround prulimtnary while Andre Bauld will make his iaurth amateur start against an opponent Ionnat music in variety not yet named CKBB PROGRAMS MAI 1230 In LI 130 Nun aw um monon county Em Burt 610 Neil In nulltin Board 700 llurt out In short 705 Carol for The DIY 710 Emit Calendar 15 Ehowcln has am 5Io nevn 31 dv oi Hit 15 Ma ano oo Nu IDs tiirhlivhu In no Trimu 315 Whit Non trout v15 noun nmmurt to ID Nauru spam IIJD nu Hulahlfll Touch 1200 hm sport dean rna Wartth Inulonv as him on an Eltrnrtn 1111 till my nm an Mun Clock chow rlomn 11 Nm Mum man intuni Ilulonll wuer II run 00 Ituvr Ina Illi laradn mm Tm mu luv 11 00 In And Ieriur IAYUIDAV II no luncheon Dru omm Iain nmru nimt 1215 mtw OI 111 Vrltr la la use 110 Wellfln Hit Parade 1I1 ltatllnd cuilnr tau no loo lonll an him In tun um SIEIIIIII oocmr 11 an no vau rum do hound 00 New Itndllhn In Dune rnna rm Watt lunrnv all rain oi Illuvr Indira own too wmamul Word Dramrt no Choral 1qu Ina ludlo initial lo to null rumin Itmunv tat 1m Ituboud um um rrwum multila Inc an wartn no church Dalendu nos IIl nmhhav 1111 County Clippinn us rantr out no um To The ulnltll Itour too Dilly anhrm no Coilingodd Bantu or tn In Cllul rum 500 At llinril now no Dunny Ilymn rim aoonls Week In lrrur community wanna spam Roundnu Us The Pratt 01 5t Nichol no nu lo Iltrhiirhtn Ia thalhlv 000 rlni IlIDtlrt churn llbPlddlvllvolltu uo novum And no story 113m Man will no In III Itm loo rnvorlta alarm LID Murder at manual loco mu Iiutillnu iuoo rn nlm uuuuur arm loam urnamt Ind wuihu uonnAv slut on Jo Htrrnlln for to my clock on ldllnu mt nanott ul Wuuur In otarv re lruhr °sssssssss azzqzswnzx udlnl rut Imi HIID uupIqeqlb asnrz lose 41 not mnv ermuv Ii no Clllmrl of cmlrlmr Tina on holnl SIEClill 10 Discount on CIIrlatmnn lattes ordered betwrtn now and December 11 can bthtd In Ilirrclively tint Ilrrl lnrd In tlnt In paunllr sorted GIFT SUGGESTIONS DelchouI Dutch to Ircnl1 In It Ilonl IIIIII Inndlrs Irom Ilhllnntl Tasty Dutch Chechen full of flavour amt love 1y to ut FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN BY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY N0 DILWKIIII MINEDIIAY AFTERNOON 107mnlop at vomit them noun Phone 09 mid natty hm but an tinaunt Tatum AM nmdin In Club Town 9nd County MOVE To EUDDUBY Mr and Mn Kan Taylor and two children have moved from Sault Ste Marlo to Sudbury Where Mr Taylor recently tolned the rtaff Df John Bomr Jewellery Limited native of England Mr Tyler has resided in Canada since the ole oI four and was with Reeve Jeweller for seventh yean prior to becomingmanager at the Sally Shops Barrie store From here hewas transferred to the 500 Mrs Taylor 15 the armor Helen Lambert AT MIDLAND CA5 MEETING Mrs Laurie of Barrie will address the annual meeting at Mid land brunch DI the Chtldaens Aid Society of Simcoe County at the YMCA on Dec on The Poslbllo ity at Clothing Depot for Midland and District SAFE FOILS RODDEIIB The safe in Lafonlalne Cowper otive successfully withstood ot templs ef wouldbe thlovcs who tried in open It some time Friday night or early Saturday morning JI last week The breakIn was discovered by manager Urbain Maurice when he opened thebuild mg WRONG IICIUILE In recent advance story on the Barrie District Collegiate lnstltutc annual commencement exercises the wrong picture was inserted In the place or the picture of one hi the top award winning students Joan Murison Apologies are ex tended by The Examiner to the prize winning graduate HEADS MIDLAND KIWANLS Stan Brookcs proprietor of Mid land Bowling Alley has been elected president of the Klwanls Club at Midland tor 15155 Tohmas Batty is vlceprepident Directors are Robins Al Perkins 11 Cranston Harvey White Dave Hair Walter Zaplctal and Maydr Charles Parker The WCIU will meet at the home of Mrs Fetch 317Codring ton St Barrie on Monday Dec II at It pm good program iind Christmat carols Everyone very heartily welcome WW Following Wednesday evenings meeting of the Womens Canndlun uuo the Iptakcr Dr ltoy Me chn Wiles members of the ext eculivr and other guests were on tertained at cutter party at the home oflhe club president Mrs Hugh Wallace Mary Street Gordon Jamlcron Baton Rouge Ln has been visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Jamlcsan hurrlson Uxbrldge Mm Gor don Inmiesona mother is accomp anying Mr Jnmlcson home to spend the winter with them Dr Agnes Jumlcron Mlnden was visiting in town on Sunday BALL TIER mum POI PRINTING PHONE 2t llECEPTlONS Wedding receptions banquets parties PHONE FOR INFORMATION ROBINDALE INN 51 LAKE STREET PHONE 3741 in MEMORIAM BAKER1n loving memory at Betty Baker who parsed away Dec 1m Mly the toys you mined on 1112 highway De tound in Godr Garden of love Ever remembered by Dad bro ther and Elston 139 NEELYIn ever loving memory at beloved husband George III andcr Neely who war gllllcgdfl home so ruddenly Doc Memorial are treaxure no one can rtcal Death leaves heartache nothing can heal It happened to suddenly andtyou were gone But will remember no matter how long Sldiy mlsred by his wile chma 139 IAYDOIIln ever loving memory of our dear dauglller Mary Margaret Taylor who leit us Dec 19521 All to myself think of you Think of the thin youused to do Think otthe th nlts you used to say Think at you lnevcr way Only we who love you dearly know Jth what we lost two years ago None know the depth of our deep regret But we remember when other reritct Alwnys lovingly remembered by Mother Dad slstchoycu and brothel11 139 TAYLOR1n loving memory ot dear sister Mary Taylor who left us Dec 1952 Every dayIn some small way Memories at you Come our way Though absent you are very near 51111 missed stll loved and ever dear Levlngly remembered by ter Kay Fred Ind children 179 LAINSONAt the Greater Niag ara General Hospital on Wed nesdny Doc 19M Leonard Erltton Lalnsnn of 2559 Orchard Ave Niagara Falls Ontario He loved husband at Eva May Pel crman Iather of Theodore Barrie Alfred Hamilton and Mrs Sidney Bishop St Calh orlnes Resting at the Morse and Son Chapel Niagara Falls where services will be held on Saturday Dec at 11 am In torment Prospe Cemetery Tor onto approxl atclyimn pm Saturday RITCHIEAt her hdma 15 Cold wnter Road Orillla on Satur day Nov 27 1954 Mary Ritchie daughter at Mrs and the late Mr Richie oi Elmvale In her lath year Funeral trom the home of her sister Mrs Fleming Elmvale to Elmvule Presbyterian Church on Monday Nov 29 Interment Elmvall Cemetery SERVlCESudde an result of accident on esdoy Nov 30 1054 Harold Service 01 Button beloved husband at Iealt Dermn all in his 47th year also thclr dcar son Dwight in his 4th year nesting at Thomai Funeral Cha pol Allistnn ull noon Saturday Dec then to Dcctun United Church for service at 210 pnl Interment Allistun Union Ceme lcry Service under direction if the Orange Order Caskels will be open tintll tlme of scvice BORN COOKAt the Royal Victoria lins Hlnl liarrie on Dec lI 1054 to and Mrs Mervyn Cook nee Dora Patterson 32 Granville St son thttrey Dou lfll KNUIPAt Private Pot cull Iov llan Toronto General Hospital on Nov 29 195 to Dr and Mrs Ornyden Knupp nee Sally Bowman id Swanwlck Ave Toronto daughter Nola Marie LAVALLEEAl the lloyal Vic Iurln llospltal Barrio on Dec 1054 to Cpl and Mrs It Lav allcu Ferndale Road son MclNNlfiwAt the Royal Victoria llospllal Darric on Dec wit lu Gin and Mrl John McIn nli Illt 2Elmvhle daunhter Ellen Patricio Edinburghs Iamous Ilural clock on Irinccu Street uses 25000 lower annually VI Immu Irhr In Suntan n7l mildg 11 tutu too inn It nullmivtnnt mingl vinyl ventingme link Iltludul ABItOIACK zzllo OVEIINIGIIT CASE 11100 IIIAIN CASE IMO musllSC0lJll by mm It thl ll lit Cdrihlll1l III Sltllll GIFT TWO 5111er am COMPANION CAST at CRAIG soll ISIII 194 The Store That Quality Built Ian ind Euchre In Orange Hell Allan dale LOL 31 Saturday Nov 17 tumint 1115 pm Adminion 35c IIBUF Christmas and other baking on Saturday Dec at the Market under the auspices at St James Anglican WA Crown Hill 138139 Mlxml dancing evEry Friday and Saturday Pine Crest miles north aI Barrio on Highway 21 or miles south of Elmvale Mutlc by Hcptonm Admission 50C MtIWF Annual Firemen Ball Euchre and dance sponsored by the Vol unteer Firemans Association in Stroud Community Hall Friday Doc Turkey door prize lucky Lang May Your mm neck CLlllISMIllIS LODGE BIG DAY POINT Reserve your dates or BANQUETS CHRISTMAS PARTIES CLUB MEETINGS Spend the evening dancing No extra charle CALI 58r121 STROUD Cool Sunn Possible Snow Tempentum were Nov Nov 19 I1 Nov 30 cc re 29 on early spots tree lunch good music Ad mkslon 5100 138139 Dance Thornton 1111 Dec Auspchs LOL No 16 Music by Bealtyl Orchestra Lunch counter Admission 50c 139 11 AN EXAMINER WANT AD Report From Town Hall JlIlIltlll CIIIIIVIBEII OF CIIIVIIIIIEIICE Elllllllll SUNDAY630pm Channel coo rm hrln And It llvil ma My Winvd LW Icy lulu no Dowdy mm lugllu ty yrhlola no living nelrctlon at litilrlta ltrrplnr them luth SATURDAY MIMIv Iron1 wit Ill Illak ItIv ourm Inuitearl ILIIiIIl Inlalll CBIITTll Toronto Eplelts Electric your Croslcy TV Distributors are happy to pre sent this schedule oi CELT Programs three times weekly for the convenience or viewer In Barrie and nlstrlct FRIDAY DECEMBER no Ind lultanl luNlCl Mat It start at Iho mum 00 Full film For ctnltimu what could 1m better than brand new lass Motorola Ielevltlon 1m In the mo Loon Illuttntea II populiir their remote model lint airch the complete lllnturoil IV the limit vontlfllul thing you can have III your home Ilul Its IIIo thr Inmt complicated Wu tin2w train our happy tultomcrn that ur cmnplvtr ruvlru farillllcl play very Important part In DECEMBER loo on Cm mt lullu nu NHL Nodal III my line In It IrllY it wanna Vw Lin II tumult 1m SUNDAY DECEMBER comm Amwayml Annwnrtl Int in TIIIS HHItVICI Ill lllltlmllll TO YOU IIY EPLETTS ELECTRIC 145147 Dunlap St Phone Barrio 8442 tn0rlllil It Welt lit South Ihonu In Midiml at 101 In llnot null III

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