TOTTENHAM WOMENS INSTITUTE sponsored the recent course in hat mnklng at the communitys town hall Those who tank the course were seated left to right Mrs William Elliott Mrs Hurlbert Mrs che Miss Nora Creyke Mrs Graham Mrs Malllnn with her daugh ter Marla and Mrs Wllllam Stitson RADIOACTIVE ORE Gmadas Port Rudle plant but below the Anch Circle an endless rubbcr bull carries coal lkc lumps 01 urgniumhoarinz up nncmzn stung SAMPLES 0F MILLINERY made at threeday course In hat mnklng conducted 4mm in th mu mm luv Hum Wm 1mm nu umnl mm 7W Ivl Iur Il INHIH Hrmmn hHI Invmlnl II llm mm mm ImInI mm mul mmmlpifl mu llunl rwulml 1m llmLn mm nminlllhl rawhw mm mm Why mm Hm Wm unï¬lrnluï¬y manna unwary mlduu IASV VIM MINI MAN 1047A noun IAcx ounumu The new Iubeess 3lrgnsislor ROYALM SUCH CQNVENIENCEI mm luludln 1NOW1 lhelsmdllesr Iighiast hearing aid in Zeniths history Ax pomrulasmme healinzaids ml mic llulz mallet llun nuny Marin aids selling mic ils winMe Iiny JIwnxislor RoyalM Ix anolher Zrnilh maslcvpicch 1nd SUCH comm SUCH CLARITY TH HEARING Inns CALDWELL 1mm 5mm all um mm want only mm Indvdlnj nut humy Iammhhll duplh 0nd uulllm In mm llml hi4 vll lmw fMquvl Iv um Irrmmvk km Vmulu uphuu Inum mi yum in llm Inulhlrylmll ur Huu mm llw muuy In um um lummli In mnk wanr Hwalu Jurl um Imp 11ml qwva sum my Mum Inmh llnn Hm wmhr mul Inu lmuuunl ITALIAN om mm mine to mm Kenn cycd spulm hold doubflul chunks hulurc Gcinnr coumnr suspended from lhc coiling flashing Ugh ccnllrms radioactivity Anxl HuiWW mm In llnxnll ml mnv HIV mull Mill J2 mu MnHmI um il it um MW Mul Hm standing Mrs Baxter Mrs Slnclafr Mrs Mule Mrs Keogh Mrs Morrow Mrs Kant Mrs Beth Dale Mrs 1111 Mrs Wmlam Wood Mme Fleur M155 Watson Mlss Bryan mm Scltson Mrs Bryan Mrs William Prest Mrs JFeehely Mrs Walsh and Mrs Thompson lurl cum Taneumm at Tottenham by Miss Nora Creyke the Ontario Department of Agriculture hr II md cmu Tnuenmm TDiomonds spaleing Mo slots in mduigh sly IO bving special Um k1 somnonodoar onou IhisUuislmas Sue IIIO baaulllul sclochon omvidul Boll diamond vlnm now on dis lay your Juwallms ouch one node In style quullly and vuluo Im podch Cluislmm nu 1mm now on In luy your if Vh lets ouch one and In style and vuluo Im podch Cluislmm 31 Ark CAL L16 f+l€ IAIAnuh xauccr as 10km ox khakiElation for the many extras she had given the class The mllllnery course hold in the lown Hill Ind Iponmrod by Womens lmutute Ind cnnv Jucltd by Miss Nora Creyke at the napmum nl Axrlcullura as denidrd lumen On Wed Ieidly morning 24 ladle regis leml The sclccllnx at form to all lha lndlvldual cauud much nerrimznt 5mm and ncmllcs nlnlled with nu small amount of hmer and all wzre Iway to and mrt on coume which is ad three days the hats were nade lrom velvcls labric and wool when complel therewen in all Ind ma lpicndid Array of calors At lhe close on rlday aiicmoon lea wns scrvnn luring which Ihc president Mrs Illce called the class In order mm of thanks was tendered Mm 9hiiilps and Mrs Hullnn who so rlhdly had charge of the lunch nn also Mrs Feehley the score nry who spent so much time in he bookkeoplng deparlmnnl of he class nnd Fred Cnmey lncnl shotographer whn look plcturcs Mrs che spoke briefly to the lnss commenting on the pleas mlry and also ovaoperation given luring the three days and Q0 Miss treyke for her umlrlng ellurls md parlance The honorary pres donl Mrs Morrow was then skcd Io read an address and the licepresident Mrs Kant present Miss Creylrc with cnp and Enlexlalns ï¬lends Mrs Gordon Malllnn cnlerlaim ed the members at Fraser Presby terian Church WMS on Friday Evening lasL llolne Flom Pakistan Mr and Mm Harry Woodard 1nd lamfly Torunlo visllcd re cnfly wlih Mr Wuudard aunt Mrs Williams Mr Wood News of manhunt Sneeudnl Cantu we ncxvpmo mme YOUR PRESCRIPTIONy Your Friendly IDA Drug Store BAY LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE 56 Bayfleld Nut to Loblaws BRIDAL BELL lVI munn uome Mrs Margaret Munroe 01 St Paul USA has returned her home alter two week visit with her brnlhcr John Marun and othet friend Ynunu birds consume more than ahnir own weight in nod each day during mcir period maximum grawm art has just returned mm Pnkli Ian whtre he spent the pm two year Wanna Visual Mr and Mrs Georg Lake 01 Richmondlï¬ll spam Sundly with Mr and Mn Harry £1an 12 59 USA Hum Fran Trip Mr and Mn Gunrge Butt accompanied by her daughter Ruth and bann Mr and Mrs EH Agnew Toronto havé re turned mm three week visit with their daughter Doris Mrs Peter Fehelste 01 Houston Texas In Brampton Mr and Mrs Wice Mrs Kelman and children were in Brampton on Sunday last Mn Jack Colléyja The ru lden¢nl flangnhnm Vlilled klenda Mr and Mrs 111 by motor on spend the winter Calltornia Fun To Ill Mather Mrs Herb McKay Inez at Calgary came by plane an May be at me bedside 01 her mother Mn 11 McLeaï¬ who is scri nusly ill vmu Grandparents Mrs Doreen Hams Weston spent the weekend at the home of her grandparcnls Mr and Mrs McLean nn Maxgcï¬y 1m Dial 3537 ï¬gmljuu For Vng Mnglnughlan Sunnay nut to In Texas and ungM