Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 11

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121111 BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 195 Whflever New York may lack of the joy of country living it mike up ior with same 01 iha most distinguished and varied night 111 imaginableand enter tainment of highest calibre is not an confined to the beam ofl Broadway Not so many evenings ago we were doing the lawn and although we sinned out reinlively 13 in ihe evening even of New York we managed in crowd in dinner and dancing to he cumpanimem of one and half times through wonderiui Latin Ameri cah fluni show allowed by nice 01 £2 Eula Dolivovy Dial 5959 cudcflenel Mummy Luxuries for the Bath in June Geramum The bcIovcd garden froshnmq of Elizabeth Arden fnmouxl June Geranium in rosepink hathlime luxuries or lovely ladys Christmas WELLINGTON nouzL BLOCK IIHIIMHK KM phololrnvh If pltlurt lortihrlulnnu 11ml Ml our nrlrcllnu nt nppmprlnlc It next or all lypu pictures Theyrc not uprmlvu nud mm lo much In llle gl Awning rmunras CA ES AROUND TOWN nmm may and 1m Cumiv lam am 3110 MNII 82 Dhnlop Sf PICTURE FRAMING long stay Nlckl down In the Village whm Pee Wee Irwins bngd wax mm the dusk um ch nce to settle anywhere In the word at the New Yorker mun The next nlzht of two slatted of wlth our to the Vlllage Vnnzuard scemrw meWhuh that was when our New York nlght club lllu started all several years back The little man who l5 backl there nowhe was here couple of summers back when he was appearlng on Broadwayls the elluw who endeared himsell to mllllons ot llm tans In the verslon evue New Faces llttle Robert Clary The last time we saw hlrh was in 52 nt course because the shuwwas then known as Lmnard Slllmans New Faces 1951I Hes now helm billed as Pogo stlck with mlracu luusly mobile lace and volce at tached doing merry hopskip nndsongyact all over the placc Aclually all he has to do ls to cxxlde sum nl hls own particular brand of plxlmlsh Galllc charm and were aatlsned The vmund has quite night comlng up thls month when lt celebrates Us Nunticlh annivcrv sary with show that willreKn reduce some of the famous 1110 plc who had their first prolessionn New ank spul thereEartha Kltlv Mr Clary and some even butter knnwn facts mm ll ham expected tnbe quite xhow Eccn sold out only two years This favorite lime club can be Just he sum of an evening in New York and to have tnsic oi nnolhcr iavarite Joint we lodnlcd over 00 the Hon $01 which must make lhose who knew Paris in the mad Ncnlies migth hnmnsickr The host himself Jim mlu Danicls that lushlite singer who survives the yearsin fact gasses them byMae Barnes an incxhausiihic sicnm cailinpo who currently slapping the show By ihc Beautiful Sea you have nt lived unlil youve huard hur lcar into why DU Have Tu Be T011534 the Three Flames Tony and Eddie that pair at iunnymen who make rowdy fun out Di everything and everybody pan iomiming to recordsmndcbyuuth men or song Maria Lnnz and the stars 01 grand opera and musi cai cnmcdy and Marion anm one the most bcauiitui girls imamnabic who happens in lending her lovely voice to me cast The Pajama Game right nowits coniinuous show in Parisian radliion T6 Iml um my wax so short Thnl first evening was quite an mm because or the Hm me In severailrlps to New Yurk we deserted the small supper club or Vlllagc hanguu and won ync the bl citys morn amnus the bl citys morn amhus spnls he Cotilllun Room the Hold Ham and lndulgcd In pheasant whllc watching an In comparable floor show headllncd by handsome 28yearold Mexi cnn hullllghlcr Manuel Cnpelilln 1H5 crlflc my lat he may nut be the hm singer who ever ap puucd at he Collllion Room 1n ccnlly doserlcd by lllldcgarde mm he must he the lurgcsl und Knud cs 11 Slgnnr Capclnla rnlscd Ms Volm In the bulking the bull would pmbably drop dead rum mum was one cnmmcnt Th MK hindsomc Mcxlcan mnkrs hls nil npprarancc In cum nlclcmnlndur wnnlla swiman In mm In axeuh Kcslum lhc drnmnuc music he urclus Km whllc Ils amlicncn Dr maybe it was recordings broke lnlu pcrlndlc Olrs Surmundrd he was by Inlllhmnlrc Snulh Axucrl emu at all me rlnwue lnhlus uqu have mm mm Then ly Cum hack ultflln Hill llmt in black and sllvtr uulfll upped by huge whle inmhrcm wlth Canadian flrlisls Series ma Yéik Chrislmus Cards Caficer Sociéiy Spéaker Visits Senior Citizens 0n Wednexdny Nov 24 the Senior Cltuenx Club held in regular mucunl with hue numbu prcunL The zalhcrlng wax favored wlth the company of Mn wuum Brennan is weaker repmenuau the cancer society She read rcport outlining the details of the societys work In demonstrated with samplas Ihe kind of dressing used with In struciium on how they nhauid he made The élub was also happy to wel come as guest Mm Alma Lea prusldenfi LheSomptlmlsl Club who is always sauce of inspira tion the membem Thunksjnd appreciation were extenued to Mrs Brennan or the time spent In describing he worthy project Ontario Girls Work Secretary To Visit Anggs Miss Iris Daly Ghls Wurk Sccv Mary for Onmrln will arrive at Angus on Sunday aflcrnonn Dec In brlngn mnsage to the Can adlnn Girls in Training at Angus on of their Chflslmas Vesper Scrvlcc The girls are In charge of the regular seven oclock scvlcn Roberta West president will conduct the service assisted by Mrs Donald Scull om the leaders who wlll lcll the Christ mas ry The Young 53an Francis Lola Holland Jean Neal and Janet McMullcn wlll 12kt the parts of the three candlelighters Sally Lewis and PM Websjcr wlll read me scripmn passages and Helen Glunn Ihc pucm The choir under the lundcrshflp of Mrs Hammond with Mrsr Allason the organ le sing Christmas carolsr Norma Hearhcntn and band of eight mariachis Mexi can hillbillies and may cut loose and just about take lhcmni on me Pierre wuh all the Latin Am crlcan songs yuu have ever heard But far all hls lambayanm Slg nor Capetillo was outshone and by mere mile of lad one the worlds Gmallcsl and finest flamenco dnnncrs loycarnld Ra Incl Rufil whose footwork and slunnlng vitamy and dramatic artistry la the guitar accompani men of masler in the person Carlos Montnyn Is pmltlvcly breathtaking The youngster was discovered InSpaln and he makes olher dancers scum pale and ligh ty Just how hard he goes at it Is shown by the complete circle flinging persnlmuon that flies at his brow as he splns 1n the Aflcr 11 that Lnunlsm we had to get up and lry Who who And ynu dont knuw hovfln do lt get up on one hose New York dance floors when hu whale crowd in heaving wilh rhylhm thats the way you go 1n the mamboup and downson 01 kc samba with bit he wallz and Hm palka lhfuwn slice ux m2 um Youll nnd yourscll doing reasonable facsimile And here ml here youll cc few rclallvcly ramous cluzcm tryan to do me same Samebody just pulmcdhoul Power 3210 ox emu and mum Vlvlan Blaln over lhc comer hnvlnz spot nlght me bolero mm on to Hollywood in slnrl the movie vmlun 01 Guy nnu Dolls And heres the Mnharv up of You dont have nu nuywhcru the wurld but New York whcxl comcs mm duwn you wait long enough uvuyunng gou mm Hn Inn my rum New ank but lnmurmw allcrnmm lhcrn unlnn qunc an mm in Barrie no The Cnnmllnn er Hide and Hmwnlc bake 5112 bdp mu will be mm Trln lly Inrlsh mu mm mm Ive nclnck In tho nnmmun cm lhlnk nl lmncr place to he Choose from alsovlmon of colovful our wldo MISS VERNA SHANNON daughter at Mr and Mrs Barber Shannon RE Thommn grad male 01 the lovmnmh nursing us sislanl course Toronto Miss Shannon attended Barrie Diglrlct Collegian Insumm and Barrie Buslnms College bcloru taking her nursing course Anne sham have other spoken parts In the service Climax the service will he the Act of Dedlcallon whcnthe girls will Ugh their candles and the church wfll be flooded wllh candlelighL The three candle Ughtcrs symbolizing the Wurk at our Handgy Friendship and World Brnlhnrhood will load In lhis tableau Miss Daly will mman wilh the girls and their leaders who are Mrs Shnrfl Mrs Scott and Rev Florence Hunlcr for he Monng evening CGIT meeting Mrs Gennipgs Heads Allandale Scout Auxiliary The Scam and Cub Mothers the FIrs Mlandalc Auxlillary have been quHO active this null umn with the October mcntlng held at the harm Mrs Robert Scrulml Timn Street End the Nuvcmbcr gathering Ihé name at Mrs Dalxus Lac Marcus sued non were won ab lfndcd Mrs Howard Penny prci wdcd The minutes Included items Vol special Inlcrcst such as avrcpon on the success lhc boolhwhich was conducted at the Barrie air the dislrlc dinner in Harrlnwflll Mrs Lee dclrzme tho Sinch County Cunicrcncc in Mldlflhd with Mrs Henry amending and donation $15 towargd and the program the Rover Uycn and letter 01 nppmcinllonltd Mrs Penny The balaar table was iihigh light the evening at lhe meek in causing much lmcrcsLi nc rrcshmunu wen served by iso clal commlllec clan commmcc Mrs Leo welcomed the auxiliary In her home or Ihc nnnuaLinLcl lng whlch was lurkeyormrc put luck suppcr Ngw members were welcomed chanJEIWcre read which proved um thezndx lllary had had Gplcndld Mrs Russellnoblnsnn and Mrs Shepherd were Hm delegates to nucnd the group cummmun in In Iu arrange for he Cubgmnu Scum Chrlslmru party wlflchls planned for mcsday Dec In 51 Genrgoa Hall with Mrs Hnnry as common Recent Graduate The lnlluwinu omcm wertwd Lumld lur lhc New Year Presid cm Mm Gcnnlnns 1n vlce nrcxldenh Mrs Mpslcn 2nd vlccvprcsidcnl Mrs by public demand have now expanded their business lo include complete laundry ser vice us an added lecture We feel this will save you time and money rmw maxim mp COttys Cleaners Cottys Cleaners Launderers Phone 2885 Wedding of Wide Interest Held In Tonawanda wedding at wid interest took pin in the First Mclhodirt Church It TonwndI New York on Siturdly October am 195 when Mi Clroi Ann McDomid dnulhter at Mr Ind Mn Ward McDonald oi Grampiln Pcnnlyi Vania wn marricd to cm lean Airman Third Class oi the United States Air Force wn at Mr Mn Melville Ci Nixon oi Tonawanda The groomu lather is iorrner resident of Dnixtan 1nd Barri nnd the room is nephew Mrs Roy Mnrscliu nl Ban13 711 cfmles inus officiated the wedding short wedciing Mp lo Northern Ontario the coupie spent few days in Tonawanda and in Pennsylvania before me gruam left by plane for Tripoli North Mflca on an assignment Ihat will run mm mmimum of The graum underwent basic training at Sampson Air Force Base campleling the course in August On October 18thhe was graduated from Engineers Schnul Fun Belvoir Virginia Barrie Womens Insululu will huld pat luck supper at 630 pm on Monday Dec the True Blue Hall on High Sttch will be an Exchange of glfls woflh hall dullar umon the members Barrie InsTiTUté Holding PotLuck Supper Monday Bonnllons may be brought or the branch Christmas boxes The Insmulc wm greatly appre cinlc any member donating uh Jam or pickle for recent flood victim HISTORIC AREA The shares Bay at Quinta on Lake Ontario were first settled by the Unlmd Empdrc Inme in 1751 FULLY GUARANTEED FREE INSURANCE Make Your Selection In The Scclusion Our PRIVATE DIAMOND ROOM Specialists in Diamond Setting and Jewellery Resiyling Free Estimates BETTER VALUES REEVES JEWELLERS Tukc cdvunlugc of this added acrvicc l0 have your dry cleaning and laundry picde up at the some lime Because the laundry addition Coltya Cleaners will now be known on Simébe Couhtys Leading Watch and Diamond Merchants ESTABLISHED 1890 of Barrie Every Imhllallon Iupervked by our teghnklan REFRIGERATION CO 118 DUNLOP ST Burlel Local Bxcluslv Furrler who make md lllll urn only DIAL 4868 TORONTO Repairing Rtmodchlnl Cold stung REASONABLE PRICES SATISFACTION GUAKANTEED RADIO TELEVISIIIN WIEEINS PMS SPECIALIZED ML MAKES 0F BRING ALL YOUR LARGE SELECTION PBUFIEMS Phone 2059 SERVICE ANI DELIVERY BABE Cleanlnt 5w CHRETMAS THRIFT SALE Right now at the height of the sbason Walkers of Ier wonderful coats at saving Iheyré all wool with warm lnterllnlng This seasons styles 25 on DRESSESDN SALE FIRST QUALITY NYLONS fit tang 51 lnuuu mm the hcnvlcr 45 mumu hose uulmlly Hold 313 nice mvlng or yml uL mlr low price 1874 REGULAR $2499 EAlUllE CU BARGAIN PRICES Mons Flunnelelle Pyiumns AT BARGAIN SALE PAICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE Many smart this seasons dresses clearing at prlcc lo snvc yuu many dollars on each REGULAR 895 1095 1295 48 HALF PRICE Unud lunklnu boner uuulllyy pylnnum tur qu 1n uncy cnlurml nhlpm liruulnrlflofl You nnvc ml me Uhrlnlmnn Unlc SALE PRICE RAB 99 MB gig

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