Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 10

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um um mamas nacznmm 1954 An enthusiasm group 01 young tamer met in me Orange Hall Elmvale Inst Mnnduy evening and formed hr North Slmcoc Farm Mdnagomem Association with Hugh Ritchie as presidcnl Earl Elliut as vicepresident and mu McClung fiecrcla rcasurcr The objective glvc Geninns sludy farm business manage mcm Membership 15 mainly made up n1 young armors of Elmvale arga but not exmmy The acma area rcprcscnlcd reached 1mm Mfinnsing to Vmcy Fhc meetings will be held be lwcen now and the beginning seeding next spring to sludy me keeping of farm records and the planning 01 farm husinmsAnd each member will set up records hr his own arm Durlng the summer Prat Rob ertson will visit the farm 01 cach member lcr oflzr suggestions and assistance in anything nuw that has been undertaken Anothcrjn tormtlng manure will be Inur possibly durfing June when each member willVisIt the furmso IhL nther members to observe what they are dulng and hnw they are doing it Then ln Ihu wlnlur 01 195556 nuolhcr series at mcellngs wlll held make study the to cards 01 he Various members Thls study is expeclcd to reveal lhe managcmcnl practlccs that are good and lhosc Hm are not so good One member may bu par Sunday Vlnllmrlv Sunday vlsllors and 0211ch eluded Mr and Mrs Darmos and chudrcn Willowdnle Mr and Mls Thurnlun and children Newmnrkcl Mr and Mrs Krcmbcl Ncwlunbmok Mrs Wight Toronto nu vilh mamas Sunni nanny cm Ann Murray Carsun sullend pain Nlaccldcnl on Sunday anemonn when he ripped ln he wondshud at hls homcl falllng on gallon jar nvarby which broke under his Weight culllnz lhrough hls cloth In and scvcrlng nln and muscle In his lull tormrm Bizmung pra usvly wurnlqucl was appllcd the arm and he was rushed fluyal Vlctcrlzl llusplull Darrin Anncslhvtlc was adminlslmd and doctors wnrkrd hard lur some llmB to dalch the veins and rljml Inrlslons II will be some weeks brmm Murray wlll have the USP ol hls hand and tlmc wrillnu ht ls sllll ccnIlnld lo hospilzll Clanme KIIIlI Injund We were sorry llrar thnl Clar tncc zmls whn waxk5 mlnl faclory ln Toronlo us injured when one It cauuhl ln the Large lnflchlne he Olmmlcs Had he uses not blown ll mluhl have btcn munh mum scrlaus lull Clarcncc wn ruxlml hnxpllnl where he L1 sultrrlnz from shock Imd unddlrmlmd lru lnlurlcs Wr have his Nlidlllon mny soon be lmpmvul Hls parlnlx Mr and Mrs IL Knnls wrnl luwn Hr Mm mic LIy fills wxTk In HANCOCK Found New farm Organization In North Simcoe MEASURE YOUR FLOOR AND SEE HOW LITTLE IT REALLY COSTS 56 ELLEN STREET MEN We Will Measure Your Floor Hnd Give You Free Esllmulo BEAVER LUMBER Kilchen ox Bulhxoom TILE Floor TilUl NEW APTO YOU 305T IS THE NSWIZIL IS ONLY children Mrs Mrs rclalivcs ll YOU NIZlIl IS YARDHTICK ls generally assumed mm It requires about Iwo and onehalf acres to supply adequate nulrl llon for one person Wllh pnpuln tinn rising and land rusourccs dwlndllng it becomes ohvluus that more and more landwlll have to be impuxlcd to meet our needs Some lhlnking people an suggest ing ll ii lime provincial author flies developed plan an lncmlng mum lnduslrlnl developments on land not suitable for and produr on Mr and Mrs Johnston find children Mincsing were Sun dny mm mm Mn and Mrs Wesley Johnslon Mr and Mrs Fred mphcr Darrin SgDon Johnsmn OPP and Miss Helm Johnston were visitors with Mr and Mrs Harvey Johnston llcululy good In me future an other in somethlnltlie Mutual Dunnfl will mun 1mm lradlng dcnl Prnl flobnrlson polntcd nut that farm well managed should in our lhlngs It should pay Apcratlnz expenses lncludlnz dc rcclnllmL It should provld rclurn an the capllal lnvcstcd It should provlde good llvlng or the larmcr and hls Inmlly It should malnlnln sallslnclory cvul ul lenllily The group was organized under the dhccdcn 1110 Ontario Dc pnnmem Agricullun Owen supervlsor ls encouraglng the prnjcnt tor the benefit at mung famers under VLA lure neellngs will be held in Eimvaic Mére Péople But Fewer Acres Clcarcd farmland In Ontariu menus to nbuu 14350000 acres nr slightly under three acme per person Durlng the last 10 years seven per can has been taken ovn or numagrlcullural purposes such as Iown sites Industrial sites and new highways Second Line Flos Al Royal Wlnie Fllr Quuc avnumbtr from vicin WONBEfllNE WHAT TO GIVE Yllllll WIPE FOR CHRISTMAS Call 2517 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE $228 B0RR0W$20559 Ccl up In 1000 on acmlhlc mman yaurv awn Ilgnllurc Requirements In any lo mecl Fall out day nice Call llFC lodnyl Dvnlop sawn Iunnl Ila phon 5529 IARRII 0N1 emu sumo mm mammal mm Repay In 15 monlhly instalment of only $1600 each LINOLEUM TILE Il NNW 13 AVE MANY Fl ms INA AND 7m mm mum LAlmlm DO IT YOURSELF T0 fllOOHH PRU hy mum 1h Boyd Winter Eur Including Mr And Mrs George mum Ind Mr I114 Mn Ruperl M06110 Miss Blacksmw and Min Buc lcy ol Tomnlo nudenl teachers who were the school 1m mm wmk have returned to Daronm In 0mm llnlpllal Mr Ind Mu Herb White and Mr and Mn Robot Martin are In 0mm qnu day last wqfls Mr imd Mrs Russell Turner and girls were visitors 1n Oshawa wnh MJs Turners sisler sz Andmw fmet Mrs Harvchohnslons Nov 21 Sunday Vlsum yxsuors wuh Mr and mm lcy Johpston on Sunday were Mr and Mrs HosklnMr and Mn Laurre llosldn ntTrcnmn Miss Nellie mm mm Mm E11qu Cafrulhqrs Claflnc and Clear and John Johnston Wye briflguer and Mrs ncdy and boys ol Mincslnn in and Mrs ll lioskin and boys or Smyncr who aL0 vlsllld with M11 and Mrs Johnston Blrlhday anerley er and Mrs Wesley Junnskm nllendcd me blthdny parly men or Mrs Fred Elliott WaVCHLy on Nov 23 to Robert 75431115 wile ls quglefil In Rospllal Mn and Mrs Herb Goddlmd spent the weekend In Tarunw wlthflrs Coward mother Mrs Brawn Miss Irenc McFaddendad tonsils fmnnvcd last week In Roy ulcorlg liqsp Bank SUGAR CALORIES recent survey ound Amev leans messing that teaspoon sugar contained anywhcm mm so to 800 calories Acmany there are only 18 calmjcs per spoonIuL IBROKEN GLASS Gamer small piecesof broken glass safely and easily by pauing them up wnh dampcmd absorbent cotton nomad McKay Selll him Donald McKay has said P155 farm and is having sale on PM 1954 Builders Contractors or Farmers Na and No Hemlock Sprnc and Pine Lumbar Rough or messed Dellvuerl 0n the Job by truck INCLUDING RIIZNT Sludenl Tucker lulun Imt Luring Ontnrlp IILHPPEHTOM LUMBER 10 erle tar prlces DARRIE An nuracllve addlllon In any than white porcelgln mmel Inset built or beauty and long mun uumy In Stnlnlcss Steel $H95 Wllh whllemoxulaln lmel Ibove lull finished In deluxb chrome Sure to plume In DcLuxe Chrome $1195 WE HAVE WIDE RANGE OF Pantry Queen Kllchen Accessories To Choose From flapOn Can Lovely as In IIver senlea deurlhu II hemm lul Panlry Queen wm In race he kllcheq of ma mnsl astldiaux housewlh streamllncd mlrror brlght surlncu hath beautiful and pracclcal To cltan lust wipe wllh dump clolh PIECE CANISTER SET Illustrated above STAINLESS STEEL $1750 ROLL TOP BREAD BOX Thlll IlIMIlrIlmrr Imltll II turkey qum jlu Veulllllor run In mm at human or rlmvd In umluln plum ma Illl hum WEAREVER ROASTER nghtwelght MIXMASTEII JUNIOR Vlllpl labflou lul ly In In Inlunl hula crum In full volume In filly prrltflly mlm bah lm or may 10 on mnlllnl nu qulekhrunh mum ed lur lull pawn lhmuxhnul This Powerlul $2495 $795 PROCTOR POPUP TOASTER Accuuuly menure the undue empeuture Will lnnl Ilnlle like or wn mm lupl up lllenl when brmvned layout axle Buy to clun crumb r32195 COPPER PLATED TM Roll Top Bread Box with balm emmel lnlerIur Is Well venullled lI Inn dup aw high $1495 lop qlullly mum lum Iu ml um mm whn urk Wonuun qul Nlhlnl wnd howl Any IINI Ilui Inna And pullMl lo Mn lem WI IN 01 new ll Pfl MI in llllfllvlfl 229 HEATING PAD $040 to NUT WWII Yen Mom wlnll new er Int no don Every Imnltwnud hnmrluper lhey un have II If you lily II ulll lmlule WI Inn lln dllplly Illln Ixrlnlllully midi Ind umuve Huh WI REVERE SKILLET Cr SAUCE FANS COVERED COVERED OVKIIIZD VEIHII $795 Ever paqu ever and on Heres rm um will bring nhln In eyes um CIuhlmu mom Int KKILIJZT In HAUUIJAN IT HAUCIZIAN qI NAUCMIAN qt RKILIIT DELUXE TRICYCLE tnan cm Inijny dnlrcd Illlll It ML Stunu Eng evenly Shh lulomlucllly when uuy In perhclly tanked lncluden llll ponchan dbl Ind card COLOhFUL GG QOOKER $1500 up $995 old Man Vlnter muy here um mow mm be he tnbounm 011 30 MI MN TOBOGGANS 00 Vlnter And wlm Tm hand elmuc drlll 1m flu gm an hm walmnp lluurdly mull mm mm Ihnnl hurl wnlllzlml mnlor lmuulM lrlnu uwlm my jaw hurl DAD WILL WELCOME THIS Hulflllully dullnnl mm Ill Mllh wide thromn culhr umplrtn wllh Id pm mp lu $795 smx Hampton vlll SILEX PERCOLATOR In hp Inm FOR TOYS FOR YOUNG AND OLD GAMES OF ALL KINDS SPORTS EQUIPMENT VISIT YOUR ONE STOP STORE Ali In NOW Ilmu um uuy plll ml lull umnl In ol lurillllu on Io null IliumIn lhll Ihllll nu ma ruleI em 11m huvy um um mm mm mumnnl um wlll mm 1qu me new rank nu hm Inl Ind lulllnx nrlx 20 mu wlll mu In In ENAMEL ROASTER $269 TwiNSLING noun 110mm sm Wheres young lad who 0an wam Holster SM Nu In unrrle vtr lure 5195 to $5110 150

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