Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 1

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our MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND coum or swoon and RIDAY Uitciltarrir Exam SincelB single copy hm 90m YearNo 139 new at first BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY DECEMBER i954 mm 54 337113 15 PagesTwo Sam Baby48itters Serious Problem iiniess Given instruction in OT Eire COLDWATER To Dutch People Establish Ovvn Church in Barrie ELECT REEVE vAND TRUSTEES Reeve Andrew Dunlop is stand lnz on Till record in the contest for the reevesth with Lawrence Devine 1354 councillor Mr De vine Is staking his election chances on promise to hold up procedure on the now public school The school issue is the big tac tor In the cvidwalor campaign ac cording to comments or candidates and others No it councillors dropped out of the race this election Three at is years trustees Whose terms ex Election Ear Council Trustees At Port McNicoll An election will he occu ury in Port McNichl to rill the seat on council and aim on the nubile ochcol board The election date is Monday Dec Reeve Albert Calvert has been returned tor another tern oi Dtiicc by acelanutian Six candidates were nomin ated for tho four lollI and council rat the nomination meeting on Wednesday and by last night they hadaiiqnall nope With Outbreaks Parents who employ babysitters are asked to make cer ttiill that they know the address of the house in which they are looking after children so that in the event of tire on immediate and accurate call can be put through to the tire department hired refused to stand again on the grounds of obstructive tactics and alleged unwarranted abuse They are chairman Frank Wil liams and trustees Mrs Gladys Hall and Mrs Hazel Tipping The sccrciaryIreasurcr of the board has resigned Tenders have been cali ed for the new schnoil Only three qualified tor tour seats on council out of nine nom inaled Thomas Seymour coun etilor this year Victor Turner dormer councillor and newcomer Charles Wadgc received acclama tion second nomination for the council vacancywiil be held Dec Six arn contesting thc tour seals on the school board They are Frank Buchanan George Kingsbor ough Ralph Altciiison Cecil ita Ibinson Melville Wyley and Harry Kllloran Mr Killuran resigned mm the 1954 board last weekend and stat ed at the nomination meeting he was the only rcnter on this years board and indicated dissatisfaction with some or the boards operations Ralph Aitchison and Cecil Robinson are former trustees Coidwater cloc lions llre Dec Ancient Cantata WiII AgainBe Staged by Choir This Sunday and Monday evcn ings Dec and the choir ol Collier Street Unith Church will carry on tradition that it estab lished seven years ago with pres entaiion oi lilaunders wellloved cantata Bethlehem The Sun day evening presentation begins at 730 oclock in the church audi torium and the Monday evening presentation begins at eight oclock Tile lucul lruducilun brings the Christmas story to its audience much in the same manner as the mediach mystery plays in vivid dramatic form with the whole church stage Special lighting and scenery and costumes in tra oltlonal style drawn trom mag nlliccnt wardrobe that has been cmnplcicd over it numbcr oi ycars by the choir members ihemsclvts odd beauty to the Composers great music Thc entire production is under the direction oi the church organ tst and lhUlimmlLJ Lluyd Tul ford The choir and organist combine in present the llortrylil or the story of the Nativiiy ll Christ with the assistance at the minister deacon ss ond many lillllliul workers among the collizrttzatillii rhrouxli seven years the cantata has dc vcltlpcd lnlll ti triidiiiult wlill the local cllthll The regular soloists til the choir assisted by mrmy irom the till grognllon untold the story in three Ronni Till Shrplltrlld Gills illu Kings ditto iiltil Our Gifts Vlloilllr tile citllliltu has been viewed Ill llrevluua yturs if It being teen lilr the llrhl time it it lllvllItMlvo lll lllitll and milk the CilrlJlnlIs tiilry wry mil stimuli the suit parLs in the llru duciiult till your will Mill John Smith Ml llrllcc Sarirllni MIMI Vera Ilflldwltl Allrtii Shetl llrrd Willlillll Illlilitil lllltttil Millzlnll Vlriur Knilx anti Juli Frll This it lelllilly the silnlr rust nl ill other yrmn Ovrriltlw Lnlllttl TillVI been truth on Ilwny rutll ylnr till im thi lttlfitlll llll mllinlll lidItll till it cvrlllnljrl Mrlniieli ill the unti leltcu lilt lilVtrllllllil llthlLlll ill arrive early muh illulll lltdlillllllli is ill llll llrililll llillllil ill lilttlltit ltlllt liig lilo reverel mnl ivltltcrliy with Wllirll the iiiviii tllltitli prrirnnuii tin inhuman Mys tory lour brim rho lily when the lrgriiil nl iialllu round in who urnnrnnni in thi nlhlirr mtrui The practice It llrillg lir glimlll mmr mnl nnnr today in it moving my in Illllily illll wlnn titmil rlnnno Ill iiiiltiilaa All Three Carior Scholarships Won By BDCI Students lt wu nnlnrmrni yllltvlilay lly lrillrltlal it Iiuwlllali hi llarrlc lhrlrivi lllvglniv lllliiilllil tllotnli Trncnre tiewright DUTCH TAMIiIES REAiIZE EARiY AMBITION TO HAVE OWN CHURCH FORMED Recently dediéotéd the First Christian Reformed Church located on St Vincent Street is dream which has been cherished by hundreds or Dutch people living in the Barrie district for several years and which reality the establishment of their own permanent place of worship Back In the all of lot there were only seven Dutch tarnilles living in panic and Eimvalc and it was not very long before they lavrrrlwe ltcrrh ilad originated onceweekly ovlenlng church gathering in Him va However with new arrivals mining Into the area the original group soon decided that the most ccnlml location Tor their services would bc liarric Through the Cniricsy oi The lcihickSmilh Funeral Home the early services in the town Wtrc held in the chapel on those premises Later the Prtlsbyitrloli Clutch author ities niluwcd lht Dutch lainllics the use of St Andrews Cilurdl here All time went by and the congregation expanded the church members brain hulrlinll lllLir ser vices in the Oddielltiws Temple Collier Street The Dutch congregation in those lyd Tutti lillillsiel provided in take their rcrvice lhruligii iir rilnucmellu made by this Ctlrlirllltll lillurm Chillch in tile Ulilttul ililils This nrgallimlitlii sent ntlllialtrs to Hell places on To llrtL Clulliy ill Silncue Calilr scliolarshlpl have been awarded to liilrlie stutlrlix This is the lirsi little that oil lilt neiluliirhlillll llils rd oil on llllliiilttll ill lllL lliiie bust luluu luluii in one year have ltlillotil lllliill since 120 The winners are llrry Seawrlllill Wllil llll won ll llillt Fltilllilillllil Vitltiltl lti Jim lvllwltlltt llNtll Wlilllti iii hivllllil hcilllliirslliil lilr Will and Jacqueline liiit Wltilllr ill the tillrii Itiluliiihlllll lur H0 rry itnwrluili Wllll lzilvu lht viilrditlilliail illldlin ui till ttllllillllltiillllll rxlrlises lust Fri iIIy evening was illu Wlilllti til the Norrie ilillillail liirlltlllo Clll irlllllni Award llll your tile ll Cmlillllril irirllliy lllr illail tray and the Antlluw Tilly llllprr tilltltll llrlle ill llilllllllllnllCl lrthItlllt licrrli will llln prliicirlnln nmiul tur lilo Irmlinli rlilmi nl iln Flliiiiil In llllt ii liillillilirii by the slllll 1n Alhlhuni ttltilnlntlnn lnlrrnry nlnl tltr ltlwnillr Iill illlillrltldllil ennui literature and rnmrnnit lun llilil lth iiiiillltllllllltl mini Iln lillltllltll nrlmiig ilu lnrlrr mlmlnr llllil rlitlllrll llle ilnrn uiullar shill are olillllril ullllllally lllr rmn rloilllnn lit the rullllly Wltliltrlt ill tlll llllrl wlmlnlIrllu on year min ert ArlllIlr llui Milml Clliltlame llintls Mltl Myrier liiilll Jlrnmlinc Tull iDiSTRi has now finally become ronlo Sarnia Chatham Lindsay and throughout lefltll generally to meet the needs of the people The Rev Itaiph Bog who had his own diurch in Owen Sound normally look the Barrie service but ircquently he was unable in get dthn to Barrie uceause of having to minister to his own and other oongrcgntions in the Owen Sound area On such occasions members of the congregation took tiic service the sermons previous ly having betn compiled by ministtr for their use in addition to holding these regular Sunday services the Dutch Ianlllllx organized thrlr own Yilullti Peoples gmup and sinned Sunday School clot1 Combillo ttoll illcotlllm with the YPU oi St Andrews Church wrrc fre quently heirl and the young Dutch children were given every omisi once wlill unfit liliicuilics try nilklil licotllllci lilek lit the summer oPJUSZ however It was ltll that some lliinu titulle he done To establish iltnllulltnt place or worship Thc Dilltll ploplt led by the principal tldrin ltl their cllllidl Jan Mtl tliltl Waller Schaly br gnli lilllily mtlcitlerllig the luliiltllllty ill inlillllnit tlltlr own eiulicii rntti ilovinl littlt own min litter As Hmllt ill oli lltt planning fllltl ilintltuiiiilo wlilrh lillltlwed Mirth ilnaliy llttall ml tilt erer tlilil ill Uli ltlW tlillitll on Si Vin illlt Etllitl llixlllt llllt your IN The lililtir was Dick Verllrlldanl lll iilrillil illlt lillltll ill the Work on iln building was iiino by tho lllliliiltiw Ill Illi rillltzrignllull who ilrllinlni llllli limo nllil llitor lrrtiy Ull Wtilliiulily Nov 17 The lulllillillll lvtlVlCt vmil held In the lllilttll itlllilliciril by tile itov ii ii lllvtlltiuwiln minister who came lltil irrliil T4lililll0 inrlniod by littlilselllalilvrll til till lLiilln lilll llinllirt Miltllliirinl Amcltliiilil Al ollniilillu thr service were rcprmrnillilvtrl til thr rnnrrrrrn lltlil llllln illi llrliillliltl fillllth til lllllin nllil Allllvlllli These uln gligailtlilu wmn nl mn time part oi ihr iturtu lilliiltitllllllill liw llirl nrlllnl mvlroln tho tliltllli was bold llil lilo lint tilin riy in Club ninl inlay on new TIIIIITI ll illllllslrlilig T4 the mir thnli Illrtlll or ntllilt llll Tilliilllrll Ill lllll nllrl Vllllilly TL Nil MA NltiVllE lll riw ill in trslllran ill tllt tlllltllMl1 llllln ill Icllcictllg llay will have vlllsil ralllrr illail service in tho illll lm iilinlll lulurn nioiil William lllllllllrilll Ml lllr illlllrtle Tiai Tile ylnliliilli ill innnrmnln till mvlrr originally nrrnnlril try him Alum lltu met with lotwllvllile llsllilllllii Till Illnllllsllll Milt Illll tlil Iml lil tirn lluynlllilrlil la llillv mtikllld mi II inlanrrmrnl til nmlrr in mm ilir itll WES TUDHOPE HONORED ON 35 YEARS SERVICE There were 154 official and others with their wives at the tcstirnlmial dinner in Wesley llttdhgpc clerktreasurer ol Orc townshirl for the past it years Thl suppcrand program took place in Oro Town ilall onchnesday cv cning ivlLTudhopC has lolinwcd his other and gmndlathcr in lhe clerkshlp of Om providing nearly iDtl years or uninterrupted service Councillors George McKay and Andrew Bartholomew presented Mr Tudhope with wrist watch and scroll Mrs Tudhope was presented with bouquet of American Beauty loses in thanking those present the rrrvgnitlon given himsctt and tnmiiy Mr Tudhopc reviewed progms of Oro and provided name at those who had served the township in past yuan In Oma curly dayl the tourist trade was almost nonrxkdent There were no women Voters no women llimre no hydm no nro vlncinl highway Ind no high school deiricts The rat clerk wasGeoruc Tud ttopr grandfather or Tud hope lie was succeeded by his Don ilcnry Tudhnpe who Witt fol lowed by tile prysent clerk In Win When Wesley Tudllope took over his duller the assessment was $llil00i Tile assessment roll io dny totals $181700 on 2th ae rcrsnnoni parcrls rulnrnrori to ate in lull The iuwrcdiip has become oili ttarltilngly popular with tourists There are it subdivision thing now reitiitcrcd oiitl seven oddl tlunul belnmpruclsscd The num ber ll quallllrd voltrs hos ln Cllilllll lmlll L10 to 2707 Ill 35 youth and hydro rlilllo liltu the in the lllwnrtllll in lOZI Mr Tlllltltlllfl anlil Oril lltill lltrn lllrillnote in tile calibru oi the atoll rrilftlcnllilil It lltcve Stilllh Juillilbril Wilrtlrll ill Sliilctle County the littlltlti til rrrilnillilrs moi tllllrr nlrakllll pftliull Mr Tllilllullu lur Ill Iill llllt strvlfln lrililllvr llltllill lltilllll Hllllfl lllllry tlnlliiy llltriil titnllril lllt llll intlirr was iltt ll ill tlil iJOil wllrli Vrlrley llitlililpnl Tiltilirwus tlrlil lie mill 0m win the Thai irlwlislliv Illll lll tilllllllr fililltly null lurking Iilllall ellllrcl trail riminran nn unrm ll itlllillliirr fled They hrcl Day iuk Fisher It Coughlin Ind three of the sitting membcn George it burns Alex mCut lough and ii tt Zulnmuh In statement which he has lust issued Fire Chief lrwin ol Barrie points out that the number of children burned to death in Canadian homes Ls increasing at Flvo were nominated tor the school board but only four qualified This tour who will contest the three seats are nits Edith Calvert It Bei anger Bruce Duncan and Ar than Bell ll it Walduck was the nominee who did no quality an appalling ratc look at Precautions in almost every instance he adds this condition Is due to the lock ot neeessory precautions be ing taken by responsible peraoru in the home Chlei lrwin says it is vitally im Interesting Discourse on Proverbs And Why They Persistand Program 0i Carols Highlight Club Meeting It Is Dr ltoy Mcchn Wiles low conviction that the many proverbs that have persisted have done so because so many of them are right and easily applied to common and trequcntly occurring situations because they have succinctness or are pielorially vivid or because Marys Lullaby sung to very soil accompaniment What Child is This song to the tune ot the old English sung orron sleeves with great deal of vol ume and power and delicate touch in the sorter passages 17th century German hymn sometimes they are vcrlliableby experience known as rho Echo Caloi with Proverbs can be literally truc but even more helpiuily true in the figurative sense His address to the Womens Can adian Club at its annual Christ mos meeting in the Library lllll on Wednesday evening was filled with sayings adage and maxim Lint have been continued to be heard spoken and sometimes on loyed among English speaking pen tits particular rclcrcncca wcrc mostly in proverbs that are still current in Ontario which he had collected few years ago on the invitation of the chairman oi he American Dialect Society ilo pravnd lobe wrywnty and charming speaker and al though his topic Proverbs that Persist might have seemed tin pramising oi entertainment It proved to be intenscly lnlcresiing and very humorous ile complete ly captured his audience delivering his address in scholarly yet light manner and thoroughly delighting his women listeners by recalling many of the adder sayings that he had included in his collection oi 7000 provclbs of this province prolessor oi English at Mc Mnslcr University Dr Wiles Is member at the Humanities lies scorch Council of Canada and is distinguished scholar ll ii Choral Program The Christina program featured musical interlude in addition to hint itcillrc the member or the King Edward lladlrs Choir under the direction til Mrs John Danton lv Bells played tcndcrncst touch that was mutt pleasing tn the salt passages oi thcancicnt carols and their director was com plimented on her the voices oi Miss Doris Kcarns Mrs Matthew ilenncbry and Mrs ll Downing taming separate trio French carol The iioly hild and the gay Christmas The members ol the choir dis ond delicate exceptionally no training ot the ensemble by the club vicepruldcnt Miss Gwen Fill nrcciotion of the audience as she expressed the op Thcoccompaant was Miss Fred ampbeiL origin at Proverbs Speech habits how way of ngcrlng on through the ages Dr Wilee pointed out to his audience Some are very old indeed being sayings odagcs etc that go back turn to page thrcc please Nearly Burned Under Bulldozer While Welding By no5 About two oclock Thursday itle ternonn William Watson of Watson Construction Strand We Working with it welder under his bulldozer hllc over his bend liointd roared from Jodgallon tank of gasoline lie was quite unaware that this sinnlnil RIOUP of beautiful Ind had caught lire until Mm Watson Tor the most part little known cllroia oi rllliclellt ullurles and diilctcni rollilirlcll litany were rung it callcllil willl line elicet The iii lemaic voices were bclIu tilully blended tile nitaian tones ii lAlvrly alluding anti line quality were illirtlrliiiirly cvitirilt ill their rendition Dl the German cilrill 10 How littso Eet lllotlillllllt and the familiar Lutheran ilyilln Itwny in Milli ger and their volcm Cililllillltd with line Vlgilr lit luvrly llth century Swirl illltt Ming Night llllzrilrI Awitkr Willi Illodlng llu tlcellllly excellent in the tire and Tall lll their lltf lliry nound their program witil tile iriniiiill Wlth tiiwl Deck the Iiailll ltle pmgliilil also in Cllilllil Iliiltlllllll ltlll rcllitlry Cilrtll ilniltluril by lililllh Vlttl nluny until it cl it liy thllitll luni hotll uivrh the vote Iil no til tilitt Altrr an ill lltiill of lllltt ltllllltl llie Wiiriilil Eilir ill Cililugo lilo ltl Vililtln lilir liiltl llrtil iilluirlitllrii it will the link tll ill kind lillil llus lliltllilllrtl FliiCl lilllyil llltirltly Mll vi Cultit wntcr ruiflili ul Mr ltllillllpcl rrinrrll ill the line Iervlro tile lnltrr Tlllll given many lrurrrlilnr llitilililu Jock llirlllitll lll lllirtie ltltlilly ilrosillvr ilillllgili girllillgu inlin till tmiilir iniin orplr nl urn lovllicii The llluilrlltc with villnl FIT anl hill if tllllillllll ll linrlln nlirll In plolllxt llillly Willinliil ll iltlliin ltlll ri lliil=tlllil hits Wrl Iry minty lipllrll in the win nl iluillks inn lilo ilnnrr lillvlllril Ily llir Miiillell lnlllilll Witlllrlln Ill til ill to surrounding Wtlh ilrcililipusrrl body or who had Iccn theflamen from the kitchen window now out with It re eatinguuher oild llilicd hiin min under tllc finmlng machine lilnietll lire brigade were soon on the lab and with the old ol the creating rich meloin and hen hint prrurrrc tog system they were aucccudul in smothering the times ilud it not been lilr Mru Wll mn noticing the limos the Hills of the wider which hart prrvcnt cll liiiil lroln hearing the Ilunics unit which he could not Ira tmiil where he wul lying lilr WIilIOVt might have been caught or lillll hll tithing Ignited lhi lnurhille ullllcwilui liamr lltzctl bill the Itsc ill the water krill irtllll rxumlilvo iliai llllti the rinntnrcn may be rrllairailte The lire tltclirrcil within low rm metal garage at tile rear vi llil lllllnr Collingwood iody Police Trying To ocato Car Driver rurtinr light ml the the lnyeteu tilrrovcry illli it Ill tlillilltwnihi runle yrllrl tiny aritlrlilllg in Ilnlrincllt tly tiliri Continua lmwil Eiliiltl nnrltnnlt cowrd Pilnlilnlltmr liiiill Blnyllrr toiri lullirr no law ll llil tliii liliin lilo wlnllil near the rtlol Wltllt the burly wt found it till tried In ling iluvvll llil Till ill Juno Mrtlltul cl poli luly that would be Ibtlltt the ilinll till wllnilli dieil Elilllllltllno lalll illI the hitch portant to call the fire department immediately It is surprising to note Just how many people do not know the proper telephone number to call Still or how to turn in fire alarm he remarks Emergency telepholfe numbers such as those at the fire department the police or doctor should be kept tabu lated near the telephone to avoid looking up the number in an emergency Serlaul Problem Not only should adults and the older children in the home be familiar with these rules and tele phone numbers but the increasing use of babysitters introduces other serious problems Many babysittersdo not even know the address or the home in which they are minding the chil dren andcould not give the co rect address to the tirc depart ment should fire start in the ltollsc it must also be remembered that babysitter is not as familiar with ahotrse as those who live in it Any outside person given the responsibility at the children white the parents are out should be carc tuliy brloted lo the layout of the house location or all exits lo cation DI the tciephonc the tele phone number oi the nearest tire department and the address and telephone number of the place to which the parents are going if these simple procedures were carried out the everincreasing toll of children burned io death could be cllcckcd and materially lessened Remove llaurds Chicl lrwin states that there are many hazards which the home owner can correct or remove it he would take the limo to learn what iirc hazards are and how to elim lnalc them Thoy include detective wiring accumulations oi oily rags and waste material faulty all time and other heating appli ances use at explosive cleaning fluid matches loit about and in general combination or core iessneas and ignorance of the po tentiol fire hazards about the house in ihe event at any fire the primary objective tor the protec lion or young children is to get them out or the house by the last est and safest route Fire had habit oi using staircases as ohim BARRIE WOMAN WINS CONTEST PRIZE Sill TOR nillllle lillllnlilttc ulr Ilenvo it it nllillllrll Donut ltrnvr ii litnit liltil fillilllllutl Ii ll liilircllie llatilulllulltw null MlllKliy ii ilrnll lollie were Mr and linn llliiry Mr and Mn lJllyil Titlin Mia il imilnnnr lly cli lireve ll Truck and Mt lrllrk limiter lIVVI rawllllll imnnr um WMN lvlw ni Mm Wruullvw WINE it olrlillmll uni Mlu Calm till molt wrie tolilnl II Clnwllllrl and MM hiker nearly turned him ill the Mail Ii bciirvetl that It which was tilliuwillg him may have pick ed up the hitchhiker Clllrl Eliiuil run twin that the driver ut the errand car can be trawl Dr latte provincial Ith oiollli llaid It may tiltic we to tllutlillti cult of death at the girl lie hat tinll ruled out root Mor etMilne bentu all the boiler ore inilci idsniil at to girl who iltrl been waning ii mar urnlet other unit nim lltit ll not known llril him now It ntdhov One report uld that be mm in Tallinn had been mitt Kw we her lnlnn varied lie Kykwflhfiercmmkw lambs rule out won its rug in tilting out Mr luilr no clue SW3 in tin no having gone Amt mote tttog the tie content Flor other it IRWIN ney flue Therclorc this act must be considered in tho pre arranged escape route it the stair case is involved in fire window or rear shod roof would atrord other means of escape Windows and storm windows should be in stalled in such manner as to be readily opened even in cold wea ther ii the children are in bed precious time should not be taken to dress them as blanket or sim ilar wrapping would be sutticiont 000 01 The Lost Column CIVIC APATHY By scorrv TAYLOR This certainly sccms tube year for acclamations Judging by what has happened so far in Simcoo county remember in one case that speaker at one nomination meet ing got up and said that he felt the reason that accioinillions seem ed to be tha order at the day was because the elccturs were happy about those who were running the municipality in question For my money that one wont wnshf Theres only one thing you can put it down to and that Is nothing but apathyi llaylng what urinrlnr ll lust an ordinarysize brain it certainly doesnt make sense to me that the situation we had In Barrie whcra him to page three plse Aii CORRECT CROSSWORD PUZZiE ANSWER lti in our is sworn rile mounted unlli ll leached Inn hm malt Bottlrl may from around noon to use in the suck that Mm Kyle llllifllttdutl tor mi coordination Hulllclt over her will In Kyle nut that the won all on in la sited now with mo curly Christina elutth when one wee presented with her cheque Itch turn to plot Hires pt

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