Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1954, p. 4

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flTRE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DEC 1954 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED Salesmcn tr for Ford and litonarchtdeaicr Appl Bradford Sales Services Brno 0rd llZEIJII UNDERGRADUATE or experi enced practlenl nurse general duty lnnlrwuod Lodge phone Barrie 4200 MIL Breakwell llfiiillfl FEMALE ioi Junior oiiiec posi tion Musl have timing and some knowledge oi boo coping Short hanti preicrred but not essential Phone Ken Robertson 5917 for Interview l130130 OWN Your own DusinesgsjAggres hive man wnntcd to set up dis iribulorshlp tor well known trite chi company with an allied line confections Exclusive rights to the area Sinall Invest nlent needed Send luil informa tion sales experience marital sta tus etc to Box 16 Barrie Exam iner llsil WITHOUT investing dime In merchandise you can own good paying business selling nationally advertised Watkins Products In nearby locality Previous experi encc unnecessary Ambitious mph between 25 and 55 preterrcd For information write today Dept 0D The Watkins Com pany 350 St Roch St Montreal POSITIONS WANTED DUTCH Womall wants to do housework an Thompson Street Barrie zlfitt iltlisN desire work cutting wood by the cord GarnerenRli Cookstown 2isttio HAVE purchased 3ton combin ation dump truck also have trac tor with front end loader Would appreciate any kind of work lind gcr Urockweil Siayncr 520r23 Zl37130 AN ACTIVE widower pensioner would like part or tlllitinie em ployment Have been tailoring all my life but will consider any thing reasonable for change test at reicrcnces Ilnx Barrie Examiner 37430 WANTED Pa 8331 Ph 6437 HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BAIIERIES We also sell pipes beams angles channels and reinforcing rods INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlop St Ferndale Phone 6331 or 6481 37 Barrie Metal Salvage DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS PURE RIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our trucks will call Highest priced paid Special prices paid lie llverrd Phone Barrio Stayncr 3933 DMZWIS MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Oliice 204 Tiiiln St 3151 SAND Fill rtlniill Ior Ilarrlc Rub ber Job Jultn Site Contact nuti Avery at site not it John Phone 4100 salsatin USiID eltetilt slave aarl rlillntra tor vaiitrtt Must be in uppti can dltluli Apply Illix lit llarrir EX nailntr 4mm DAILY Transportation wanieu lliim name to Iulilutn proper aiaauay to Friday Illlinc 6tl7 tiller run IlIJillfiil BUILDING TRADES HOMES NllAVLA cannons COITAOES Enquiries invllatl Catalogues tree ll Wlill Ilnx liti OrlIIIa Phone 272i collect 35704 Approved Iot Accommodation Wanted OFFICER Wlil ami IIIIIIIIII ll nuira Ilililirillsillll inutw tII apart intut nturpauhlt tale lluiuu iiilil lafli in 17 lIr talill Oil ROOM iiiuit nr nparlmrllt wallitli Iii ltlil Iii IIJIIIt ll Alltr Inn Irtli SSlzl ltthmtnetz RITE til Camp Ilurilrtl IIIl7l31l ARMY Duriur will run rrqillio glint still Iliulsti iIlliI or purlhaw It tittwn payttlvlti intui ttuil Iilllir limllll Aili School Camp IIIIVlIlII llrlilllfll == AUTOMOBILES HONEST JOE women Highest Prices NR CLEAN AUTOMOBILE Liens paid DIIdIIIII we will tnda own CROSSTOWN MOTORS Dredlord UL ltlonq M30 ll IIlll 130 MtHlillEl llitlltl low illn iIIlIlIl ItI IlI Tmrlt with power will mil wln None 5500 ll 19 PH an ua I250 ll Icrl ttl itariit min or IJA all fail MERCURY oadtn twoinn INil lillltlfiblllllrvl In ll tr tuttm LI libHILL MU EDI IRlJt with only it mllet condition In now many FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACTOR IDADINO Septic Tanks Pumped DENNIS MORAN PHONE 2W BARRIE 745tt Life is lot easier with these Home Aids 0mm QUEEN HEALTH err owuo FLOOR POLISIIER ELNA SEVING MACHINE it you would like demonstrations or filrthcr details call ROY TRACY B7 Maple Avenue iPHONE BARBIE 3482 7135tl SPECIALS notions MAJESTIC CONSOLE RADIO ALL wnvr $7500 Factory rccondiiioncd and beauti illliy refinished REFRIGERATORS only $9900 DOUBLE Doort UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATOR Semi Commercial wonderiul condition $13500 USliD ELECTRIC RANGES Ready to do good working too smart at $4000 usso RANGEITE $2650 Tor NOTCH COAL Er WOOD RANGE wlth warming closet reservoir pupil uvlll $6500 Used DuoTherm SPACE HEATIER 50000 DTUu only $5950 See these and many other bargains tor yau at COOP WHERE PARKING IS NO PROBLEM 250 INNISFIL STREET Phone 2429 7l38tt u5lD SKATES Urrys so lay iielti st 7iasiiii NO POTATOES 50c bag In your bag at the farm tnnna Balrll 7IlillI3Ii LARGE number oi used window sash and names Itione Vttltcy Taxi 2433 7IZiltI TRADE In your old skating ollllll on llcw CCM oliillt Urr til DaYIIelli St Itii LARGE Quaker space llraitT nearly new ltny lilcklliitl pllune tom 7IItl MEDIUM sinll Quaker spare illfllll working well price $30 Itlone Strolld Mill IulllIIJD CHRISTMAS Trcls Scotch IiIll IIrIlI Fprilcr lhnnn ilz in call at itiltlt SI Ilarrlc No IIIIV cry 7Iaosit5 HUDSON Seal Coat slli fl over aituu new velvet xittper sire ill tutti cllalrs IZII Ittliry lilnlll 0002 Clllelilii ll an7 Clarinet llohn nyslirtn uxtrliral condition Sacrinrc no ellxtl Phone 4060 at apply til Coti rhnuaa ht llrtll anoan Mariilncs Mill Typ rit era rialss rentals Npalnl Slintnd Illliltlrtt liarhlurt to Toronto lit phone III llfldtl UAVIINIOIIT Ilrll new condition wilie lrpp lliix lutltls hrtllilun $71 aim titular atuvc loud Iiallrr til it Iilullo 3000 10 SIDEWALK Illcyrlc 20 ritiewtlh ear lllcyrlt tin ihpna tiar rlc tlittllt Illiin Mrl Spark lrrtlvl lnuu lllc Ililvr Relying rillltlltllillr refrigerator licrille stltvo truth in pout rtmilitlliil nun ury molt slutc In lair rollllitimi Phone 122 Mlllrslllu or tIlIrll Staymr ill muzclcluti or routine wt mar tpr mu uni putt Ivnilmlllrliln lu cacrllrilt clvrlillllull Apply lat llcllry at all pr pan ml lurlll III IllI39 MAHiI Ulswasli rllillliit Iweallr II Iaile neatly new Hi Aim will ilfl tur clillrlrrn wtilin mo ther will it Whitl Towels Mitlri llarllc 7Ill1 MODEL liailrivall on In Inillf American er til1 Latu cltml thin willli Intntto Ill ctr Irrilill 55 Int Islll tllrk let rim Ulnlrltl panel rtmrlueten turtle llIIlllri with station water tower elcltacilrlll new pen tert 1th or gar troll Very rel tnnaitn altltewatt nlvd tru lannwlr cum etc IIlvme inst alter pm lalwm Camp Bastien evenlnu FOR SALE BPIECE kitchen suite table cunts ehlnu coolneL Pilutle7nll931fi CHESTERFIELD sets daveii nrt sea klichcn acts odd chester eld chairs and many other uselul Tum lstvl Furniture Clappcrton titttli Essa Rd 021 7I1Iill30 LINCOLN Weldeliler new and used welders electrodes accessor lus Arc welding taught day or night Andrnde and Soul Phone IDrI Stroud RR ND Stroud 711520 POULTRY 120 PUREDRED Goslings Bulls and Pilgrims 14 to iii pounds or sale Easy to raise lhone filial alter pin or all day Saturday 1413542 == PROPERTY FOR RENT ROOM House Apply l5 Sampson St 151374 LARGE furnished housekeeping room Iii Maple Ava 15138139 UNFURNISHED raams upstairs No children Phone 5342 29 Camp hell Avc isuli APARTMENT ground floor Ap ply 105 Duckworth St Phone 2631 15137l3f FURNISHED rooms for qule couple Abstainers Phone 0043 15138130 filial turulslleil bedroom suit Very central Phone tile or eastf l5I3 FURNISHED rooms Suitable for light housekeeping Central Phonl 6208 l5lfiiiI3i FURNISHED Bedroom céntral Business man prelerrcd Phonr 4403 15437 i3£ FURNISHED warm bedroom cen tral Breakfast optional Phonr 2724 lSIEIIHI LIGHT Housekeeping room lum ished close to downtown Phone llfitti ISleldi INTERIZED Cottages oil heats ed and tutrushed Pahqunna Camp Shanty Day isisuitl LARGE Front Furnished house keeping room rangetie oil heated Phone aim islaaia UNFURNISIIED rooms sink ll kitchen Cantral Second Iloor Phone 4953 I5I3013i LIGHT Housekeeping rooms furnished close to downtown Phont 6500 lSlBlligli FURNISHED room on bus rautr housekeeping privileges It desired Phone 6912 ISISIHSI OFFICES or sample rooms on bus station and new Post ntiice Collier St lSddt UNFURNISIIED rooms ennvcn Icnces close to town Adults us one elllltl Evenings phone 3433 IfiICIIIISI COMFORTABLE Bedroom avail able Iur husinesspftirl Meals up iinnal Central one 6070 15430 IIOUSEKEEIING rooms heated hot and cold water separate en trance Phone 2442 Friday tSIBIlIIIII LARGE heated unturnlshea rooms with sink hot and cold wa ter Apply 57 Campbell Ave l5lllii ROOMED iurnislled apartment kitchen and bedsitting room available lit once l27 llllrtonAve 151384 SIIANTY llay or rnoln iilrn Islieii apartment warm llII con Venlellees Good location IIlonc 20h Ora ISIIIIIJIIII ROOM iurnishcd apartment healed also room lurnlshcd cab Ill winterized sill Alfred Street Phone 3067 ISIJB IIOOMED house with bath II Sophia St treat 05 monthly Possession Dec la Apply oax l7 narrle Examiner loiatlilo UNFURNISIIED Rooms sillk nnit runueite lli klteilln share hath Alllllis One small child llltllii flllifi all utn lSICILIltii ROOM liilillrillslicll apartment also ruom liyttru and running water miles IlUlII Ciililp Ilurlirll llllille Crrtliiure 40h lbIIIMCIII CHOICE room apartment with batil Adults ii room house Others Also nlirnulsl Downtown Phone 272 lTiIilflIJII ROOMS lilliumishrd bed rooms IIVIIler kitchen and llvllui mum tiiwnxtillil Nu cllililrclt lln tier it years lltllIlt 5572i IJIJIIIJE IIUOM IilulsiI with all ctillvciil cares iiillnttllaio oiscisilill Al Lily Mr Slillmllll uititip SI VI irlliilllt Ituall alter I15lJflsI30 quiet heated NicrlY itiralrhrti blinttalow ramp and bath lllllntlry all iloe trio till liralril Inil to May Ithuaium ltloiic mt lflIMItO lith lllftllldt to large room anmii mum uivate bath uu main Ilnnr near II No ttitirrtltnt to 1y lipiin 177 Naplrr lit Illtlll Contalnrll apartment llllgn rtuilul mill illluirrlt ltfllll rump nll tilalrtl tmlumuhru pr iIllilIIlIrtl elltllll lhpua nine cvritlttfll lftvvllllslfiil nounnow iminmmi ilvlug will ilituIllII Iiiirllril llnlhrolull till Illinois llIwly tittprpttti titrpunttnu illIIls put at nint tillI mile ililllli ll Illfllthflv tilt Illtilll art ltlllsilvlt ltAIJlIltfl HEATED lillillmixilrti repaint amtunpi hath null all lilivvnla rtl imti mint amt null titliv cry Tram Irnliillniill mili Illitlli iii AIInltiIalc IIIiliWny 17 ilrItlnlI mu eliilti truly urar allllml lilllne 2m in run mm Apnllllltlil new IllirlliI and bathroom llrIItltlllllitril niiltitlnrnll till irlllitl unililuluil toli water atmtlry Inil inrlur iatl lilrr rata pielcly lurllisilrtl llnillmlslteil lilIullr Illttnc nartle Hill lal3ttlttl Wen Its better in have your button atiiuticti than have your est le tnuttelli 7llTIubullt racism FOR sstct MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS LACEY REAL ESTATE 98 Baytleld 8t Ph 5293 Manda Fritilly am pan urday am prn REPRESENTATIVES RUSS CARSON AL ROSE srocsnmzma IN REAL ESTATE 100 YOUR LISTING APPRECIATE 161234 WHY PAY RENT WHEN you can own your ownh0mu or as little as 31500 to $1300 down paymenLand thcbalance on ONE artsy NIIA mortgage at Elliot in terest and payments as low as $55 Per month These hoines are solid brick and masonry construc tion nilhave three bedrooms and are complete in every detail Why not drop in and got the lull de tails regarding these honlei They are now under construction and will be rtfady tar occupaneyln January SPECIAL CODRINGTON SCHOOL AREA Stucco bungalow bedrooms full basement laundry tubs garage good lot Asking price $0500 with $300 down payment Only years WELLINGTON 51 EAST storey solid brick rooms mod ern kitchen garage Full pricc 2000 Large modern bowling alleys ully equi ped large ensh pay ment rcqu red Service station epmplettav etIulp 30d and modern on main road 5500 down will handle EAST END tug Erick Bungalow bedrooms arge combination living room and lining mom ready to move in Full price sizioo with down pay nent arranged This home is real worthwhile investigating BEFORE YOU PURCHASE HOME CALL IN AND DIS SUSS YOUR HOUSING PROBLEM WITH US WE MAY HAVE LISTING 0N JUST WHAT YOU ARE SCORING FOR NO OBLIG IIION OF COURSE 10131 MODEL HOME NOW OPEN APPLEIREE ACRES Open House till pm Come up and Visit GRANT Builder HARRIE mlaltt SORDON sTautT LTD Real Estate Brokers aurora Barrio Oahllll mania or DISTRICT GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Barrie 4800 or mail isa DunlopISL an Idembcr Harris District Real Esth Board Iii45H STRABANE AVE Cook Napier District EXCELLENT ROOM BUNGALOWS only 0000 only 311500 Dowli aymtltl on 510000 ls $1500 approx malely Down payment on other two $1000 an carrying rllaiycs NIIA Sfili mortgage Brick vcncrr turcco air condition int with oil colored III and tutti piece bath nriiorlle hitchtn iupt steel brnm construction sodllllt iront gravul driveway uak horti wood flooring linoleum tile In kitchen anti bathroom stainless steel kitchen sink PHONES 3l86 6487 lfliililIilfl UNITApaiment house No lone Iitt delufi iersIlrul rcvrllut Ill Investment properly illollc GDIO IdIJllti EW bedroom tlrlrk store with turret Ill oil lltni tllc bathroom and extra wnaittnum Uiltirr NIIA Willi low down pay ment tiliin it llowman Ave Ifll lIlll SIIANTY Iluyl Well located tic lncllrll lululi llnllll Ildl luinlt inii Uilnllltl iiilllriu no It ilru attached garage illti prun crly Ia otItrrlt til it vrr rcaxttn nble tltlre Itii liltlntllnlll inin Illiliio Itlll Ont IIIIMAM DOG AND PET STOCK llitlA1ltN luau nlm tennis till hmue upturn pupil walril titty rl Wtllll lime Cfinkllv Illwll ilflJ JilIIillJ0 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE institution Atvrly neuronti thune 21 la tut Gd llll llarllc llltlli llrllvr with Italicr illi Apply Iilllu llownlnn It liiroud DiJIIIN REIIIIIIEI lirrcinitl ilillllg Ilvirtahil Ir Iittnte Illlll liptmrl lll til REtlItiTlil am inulltils flow wt ti nltmcv Colgall tooe Him hlln HI TI 39 guiltTrust Laue Whtlr F7 pttly In it Vtuhilln llmrl ll em It Is tlaushlar at urol rnbii Imp Josey nu nonstonnumhdm um erId Slwlll stone dql COLLECTIONS Iletio All attribute qt Sirocco County OItIIll Phone 41 50 CRAB THORNTON uoensed Auctioneer Naywasli Street ORILLIA Phonacoiiect on dial sale order to Grilll Mill Terms reasonable 57574 FLOOR COVERING Armstrong Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber slid Asphalt Till Finite Wall ttla Materials Supplied and Installed rm Estimatén AJWOLFENDEN Ecrczy St Phone 5185 agu LOADING GRADING BACKFLLLINO mnvnrma DEMOLmoN or BUILDINGS TOP son on ma STEWART Phone 5002 can Barrie 507 FLOOR SANDERS TO RENT Are your tluors shabby Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and refinish like new Reasonable ratcs All types of floor finishes available BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPEH l9 Clapperton Si Ph 5206 km FERGUSONREID Floor Service TILE Vlnfil Asbestos Asphalt ubbcr Styrn Plastic YARD GOODS UNDERLAY YARD PLYWOOD COUNTER TOPS FLOOR SANDING CARPET SERVICE Material Supplied Installed FREE ESTIMATES 30X 53 BARRIE PHONE 2013 51th Lin aIL SPECIALIZED TRIM WORK mIMMlNO HOUSES COMPLETE BUILTIN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING Porches Shingling MMEDIAIE SERVICE BRUCE CAMERON BUILDER Phone 6382 siiiiiti MiMEOGRAlIIING AND Public Stcnoprnpily Darrle Business Coll Iti 00 Toronto SL Dorrie lllone I024 SICIIIII CORNS Cailuscs Ilnntar Vnrls well as other out disorders expertly treated by Edwin Wil tun graduate in Ostrupatllic Rllll Surgical Intiintry Wikton tIuIlll lng ililrrle Phone 2203 5429 INSULATION Vcuse No rock woolthe biowln method With out Charge or oh Ilntitin we will give an estimate Terms 20 town balance di All work tally guar antied Write or Dilllne Ill Minc llmt collect Scott Muir unite in sulation ROD hIZflNuliutlii or alter DMD STOCK removed Iron your ouLDPiimpueoumnr iiinmriit UDI rdon You united Haw ROOM BOARD ROOM and Board very central SS Wamlcy St Phone 2337 IZISBIRD PROPERTY WANTED 2530 ACRES plowed in Elmvala JIstrIcL ply Hlslop Geneml DELHIQty arrle iiiml Property For Sale or Rent HOUSE ior rent or sale rnnmi ind bath with tut basement oil urnnec automatic washer Phone 5407 or 4870 19130139 wooo roa SALE JRY Body Hardwood hardwood tiabs and rottwnod slabs sawed any length and delivered Dknnls Vioriin phone 2907 0113 30R GEESE and Turkeys Satur lay Dec at pm Behind Reg Lyttans Texaco Service Station Vlidhurst Shells supplied illIIISJIIRJSE TOR GEESE Dec IZJU pm Jeurgc Holis Highway 27 mile iouth Thornton ll gauge shotguns Shells supplied 22 rules on tumor 30138139 CHICKS HUNTERS Canadian Apfiroved Jhlcks now available arred locks Hump Rock and 3way ross Also for something new ind better In livability and egg production we otter Dckalb htcks Hunters Poultry Farm ltroud phone 5Jr5 24l29ltl LOST FOUND LOSTRed licilcr from Lot Son 10 Vespra One piece out oi cit car William Graves phone 1101 Minesing 17130130 LOSTDouble strand pearls on unlo 5L vicinity Loblaws on latur ay durinu Santa Claus por ide Reward Ilione tiltliS 11438130 For Sale or Exchange DEPENDABLE Feed and Mill miness with iully modern ulp ncnt Ideal paved highway ca ion no close opposition include new room dwelling with oil furnace modern bathroom price 523000 overall turnover $000 to 000 weekly Due to III hellILh owner Is forced to sell or will exchange tor good latm stocked ina equipped oup lahaan and son Realtors Owen Sound phone lloo lat PERSONAL Pérmaneni Waving as IT SHOULD BE DONE Haircuts 506 CAMERON 00 IiIapIo Ave Phone 4351 30l27WFtt IF CONSIDERING mllrrln is con suit Marriage Weltlsre Spec nllst by mail Established 1900 Over 0000 clients rich and poor married al ready Scrupulnus accrccy Sim mons lax 7i Dickens Post Ottlcc Winnipeg artind M==t SEED lr FEED LIVE Stock Feeders Secure yollr high quality corn on the cob now Lame or iirniill tirdels accepted Trucks promptly itltldrtl at 15 per it at the farm Write or pliliite II McMillan Airpoli rm Allisinn 274r21 l0 IIUY NO Feed Corn Due Iii hospitalization at owner to ex tietiitc sales and conserve llorflite we lire oiierinu Distrch itCIlLIS Illuhert Quality teed cumynn the rot or role at 51s lll tn at ur irirlu Ii taken llurn next two weeks Dont miss lht upllilrilltv Ity II quality low prleep IICii practically at your itnil For iar Ilculara phone it MchIzin Airport Palm Allisttlii 274 at IDlIIiIIIO PRINT VEGETABLES SPY Apples tor sale Any uanilty liar Morren North Bar rie hone 4510 ZUlaiISIIJMISII NO TABLE Pataioea tor sale will keep Wcll Kltuhdlnl End Cmm Phone 7r5 Ivy 2013343 ossn TOWNSHIP SlillilOl IIIIEII PIIIIIiIlIM REMIIIIIII Tcndcrl will be received by the undersigned to remove platiorrll at Crumble Hill School to build cupboards andreplaee black board Work to be done during Christmat holidays Tenders in close on Dec II iii oclock pm For Iurther information contact Flatt Chairman CODkSLOWflI or NCnxwurth Secretary Thorn lnn 137435 NOTICE T0 RWNEIIS of live cars at Stronaghun Motors Pursuant to the provisions the Mechanics Lien Act IISO 1950 Chapter 227 Section 48 the UndetslgnEd willsell the Iollow mg cars to recover Towing and Storing charges alter they have appeared in Ihrce issues at The Barrie Examiner IND Meteor oatla License Na name owner lir William OCall aphaa at Toronto ms iiudtaafiLleeuseNo zlnti 1N2 Badge License No OBZDS owner Mr GrayToronta 1941 csryrler License No Lms Etllie Sedan Fluid Drive I953 Ford Sedan Quebec Lic cnsc No 193540 All Cars listed to be sold or wrecking purpose only IIIISSEI SlllIINIIIIlIIIN HISISA SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE NOTICE is hereby given that the list at lands liable to be sold for arrears taxes In the Cdunty oi Simcoe has been prepared and was published In an ndvcrtismcnt November 1954 in The Ontario Gazette Copies at said list at lands or advertisement can be seen in my ottice or will be mailed upon making application Ior smne In default at pa ment at taxes as shown on sat list on or hetero TUESDAY FEBRUARY ll 1955 at the hour at two oclock in the attcrnoon shall at that time In the Cminril Chamber Court House Barrie Ontario proceed to sell by public auctiort the said lanrl to pay illicit arrears together wllh charges thereon ll land not all sold on February an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday February 22 at two oclock NW II COLEMAN Treasurer County at Slmcpe Treasurers Otllcc Court House Barrie Ontario Dttl day at November inst l2IJIDW itchltch tutti Vt lil IQ of livliitlrll shill Is Ii ii IIrmlplinn paranoia3m nil trsl itililallstd ly nlila Lilli adiplnlletl rliaiilll tlirliiillllttliltiel Linton tum or llill twill ham ntlriy or happy llatt in Ask mrumuutlpritttullmcullvrlna AUCIION slurs fondly Dec Auction sale or term stock Implements hay grain and household elteets at Donald Mithay Lot 57 Con 05 Flo Township IV mlm north west of illllsdalc mllea cost mile north at Forluson vein Sale at i2 noon liharp Term cosh lcrry Coughlin AUCLlelela Saturday Doe II Auction lule iii household furniture Thomas Holmes 43 Ellen Si Sale will be unrtcr cover Building will be ilruml ierms cash Jerry Cough llll Auctioneer HISIto ESSA TOWNSHIP sellout liars rlillilsrolirlirlnll Tenders will he received the undersigned to transport rndes VIit from Colwell in Ivy School not more than pupils Tronspo tatiun to start alter Christmas it itiays Tenders to close at at oclock pm on Dec COXWORTH Secretary FLATT Chairman 3713I TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA Notice to Ratepayers Forms for load damage are avail able at the Township Clerks ollico at 15 Owen Street Notice has been received that un hnrvested crops will not timeou stdcrcd EARL RICHARDSON Clerk 15 Owen St Dorrie APARTMENT FOR RENT Centrally located self eon talncd rooms heated Phone 2395 on RESIDENCE Phone 5322 AFTER pm FOR BETTER USED CAR ETTEII IIY IILIIICII 49 METEOR FORDOR Vileatcr and radio immaculate lhfflflflllfllltr 695 IIIILLOC Morolis LIMITED Phone 6696 LocnrloNs No 90 Hwy at Fcrndllle Market Square Barrie siscroiis or sllilllllillir James Moglll RR No Stayncr nominated for Sunni tlnIc Township Council risks or your wllolchenrtetl sup port ill the coming election Monday December 90¢VIlIdNRIKNflKKNKNIHIKIIRINNRKWKKNHHIKICI 191KlIItNINlNKRIIHNRIINICKIKKUW MOORE SHO JAP KKKKKKXIKII 60F roll rill rillllllil OIIOSITE POST OFFICE Rtlltlllli For the rest of her Iiie Slipped CUII Ii anln ttnltr ailnr ma wills Mach AAA to II FIIIII In Raillt Nilill Itytrt nllir litlri AA is ll lilo thin Well also IIIle and Bull lolll theilu AA la IL IIIE FINEST NIIME IN SLIPIlIIIS FOR WOMEN It is 11 IIIIIhMILIIDIIIIIDIIIIIIIDIIDIIDIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlhllhllhlllllllDIIIHIIIlIhlhlhllhlhllllhhlllhj uilan hrrlr Nailn IllltllP IIIP pm Royal in taut AA iv Luau strcfia

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