CanUnued ram pug on Ruse wuhad out and impassable and Ive or ï¬x concrele struclum pretty badly mnthed up to the Win when perhaps live would have to b4 raplgccd 1n the we at law hours we 101 enough or more 1111 In thin mwmhlp than we would have put In in 10 or 12 nanma sprlna Mods had hken between 000 and 1500 yards 01 gravel to ill some places Mam 15 bridges that next momlng were impassable and about three tcmpomry jobs have been done Just In gut peoqu out WE built three wooden structures right from the bottom to get over the winlcr and give some sem blance at decent winter with mowplows Pcssley we are going have to dn something about an other one this week Jll Was out at an quesuon to do gram dml about ma mumetc Jobs at the nwmml and im pussible dmw up plans lender and buildbridgcs Lhis IalL few jobs the road supervisor had In mind might be replaced with steel but Ihe engineer was shl work ing on what was goan to bedonc Cost chiacement 1101 over $2000 had been spent on repairing laud damagc up the end 01 Dciobcr and Mr Trunx IcLL he was sale say that another 52000 had been spent in November The Engineers estimate almost 5143000 in bridgedamage inciudcd repairs to commie bridges with $138500 the dimmed cost replacing No Elections In Essa Township The supervlsor felt that the Iowmhlp could possibly gut along with what had been done this all or year or two 51x night BILLY GRAHAM HamIa hymn mm tarwhim Engum 259 INNISFII ST Nrw LOOK 21 tnnlaln II III luhlanJllM xrl an lvr Italy nu yuur Ivudlll lonl Ilhh alum nulllluny Illmdc llnlnll UIIAII aavp lV Rummy 34995 CODIHNGTON scnoon AUDITOIIIUM THURSDAY Dub 745 pm N0 SATURDAY YJXC RALLY THIS WEEK 1mm TORONTO AYF LADIES Tmo GEORGE SELKmK fllCllVAlE PREACHER IIECENTLY IN HEADLINES in its entirety see TWO BIG NAMES IN TELEVISIIIN Mum MK ATUlllIll BELOW COOP Md rlzhl so We wen hampmd by wet wenu er and everyflhl we went lo an we did In Wm only three weeks 01 ball decent work Xna weather wehavn got1hmuzh nlmnsNd the ï¬rst at Dumber We were clmtercd up with work andalong came Hazel and dealt us pretty rusted blow col Ihe township has been very Modest It hasnt wugh publlcm anywhere It mid have Men in worse It dldn Inlo vur names loo Ln but Lhere were some mew severe Losses Insure you dml they will Ian are In Iha beat possible manner in department will no let down Alum Ill we can no Imp for the best Thu been In enormous ymr and hard your to deal Awflh hints were Gminn Bridge aid 701 Bia Creek Bridgfl had been complfled and upward 01 two mil mid Reeve Wllklnson Reeve Wilkinson lermcd lh season just my very dlulcnll in his report In he ratepayers The weather had been very unInv omblc both In the men and lo the work at he munlclpallly and them was lot 01 planned work that council had nol been able to do Farmers Essa had had hard time saving Lhelr harvnsts wthh had not been complete when the hurricane came along Most farmers had suiteer heavy loss 01 amps tencuutc new bridle nut nu wen his mum MW the antenna the whale thin wn very much In mm It the pram me he remindad Illa Kikuyu am the maturity loss calmed were in bridal which azuw down an 80 per cent mbddy Before the master Mute 1di m3 qcnmm 73mg me He ruponcd on the formailnn at wmmmen lo assist with the hur BIG LOOK MOTOROLA FOR I955 Where Pavking Is No Problem AND School Board In his npnrt in am muoLlng me 1353 school area board chalnnan TruLmun Fla shnwcd that Edu cation was costing good deal macthan had cum years ago In um um year he ownship went ink 1chy there were 408 children nlknding township schools and this had risen unlfl 1n Stplcmbcr 1054 hue weI 770 enrolled and at the pnscm lme nearly 735 won nucndlnu EVE1 Township mtht 11c he was sale In mm mm by smlumbu 1055 cnmlmcnl would have dou bled the HO ï¬gure barley nnJ pigs this year In pay he taxes Lo 01 people large that Lnxm an up because they makd he demands It you make demands theyve gm be paid on Don mnkc 00 many of them and WI be 1m easier Ilan mm In Immed My 1112 Ihe lam with In rows of Wmmur Adkll Wm Ind Benton un on the Many mum to 11 la look mar poop wecwn duflnl Him hue 105 had been In household mmnm luck brd Mu clmhlnt etc and flu cum ming had triad to look after hm people once in Anzul Ilmod $400 In ï¬nancial help had been Ivyl om immediately He remarked with pride an the ï¬ne exhibm mm F45 ln lhll year1 Royal Winter Mr partial ulaurly In the Hnlsleln class and remand on he agreeman be twecn he Departmm National Meme and the townships Essa and mam0mm whereby the red eml government we paying $30 000 Slmcoe County toward the oven of mvï¬na one and six Lenghs of mile road The county had nksu done good an on the road mm flwrnton Isms to Baxter Deputy have Peacock Allah in Cnunty Cuunéll were aka reviewed by Dcpuly Reeve WUUam Pmcock and Mervyn Denny who last xmr became me youmcst member ever to sit an the Inmep council presented the ï¬nancial SlammerV with particular refermcoJo mad and bridgts The Jenncu Emidgc fln lshcd this year he rcmmkcd Is one of the biggest shucturm in tho county ever undcmken by mwnnhlp lot snnw had fallen lam ynar and snow plowing haul been big expense with mchlnas musy 24 hnurs day Almost Lhmmnd dollars had also been spenmm Lhe cradlmtlun weeds Candidam smnley Applcgnlc had mlhing but pulse 101 last years count which he felt had done whaic Job in hard year He had some criucism make at the ratepayers however as belicvcr In keeping Luvs Cnunculor Stewarkpcrmon ported to me meeting that the ting tax had extended lhc amount 10 by livestock and praised me and job um had been me by the township evaluators Sanford Page speaking as an athcr mmincc to council rc marked that council had bcen wise to raise the wall bounty and also referred to the problem in he northwest wrnei of the township created by the village outside village at Angus Strth lights garbage wilccuon and sidewalks were soon going in be demanded them he warnod The biggest pmblm In the next three or mlr years wauld be the an that cnmlmcnl would con llnuc wing up but lhc number 1055 MODI ALUMIN PICTURE TUIIH takes 101 at an pig this yea SUPER ilflNT 101 of whcnl p115 mg 19 pay MUDHL TZJOZ FEATURED BELOW 21 ADMIRAL mom 2429 Route Route nnutc 1n and8 guru out would tux1n vuy mil he ntw mumm m1 ladbeen him when In AMI what 135411 CV21 the In non In the WMWWMmflwpm mum The extra $104000 nun receivtd from the departmtnz ol education uh yur wn proving some Nuance but cduoaflon wan null coaflnz mu deal Home Run ald Jamel hare iull Ind ovaio crvwded Ioday Ina mo Accom Won wouldpe nwdcd In Sm mum 001a up nor reélecflon reviewed the ï¬nancial plnum Ind Wllmn Wflxhkn mndma member uLsa xenontad the nu paym me other amidirw mem per Lloyd Malachlan spoke ol the various impmwhamenu made In schools or the ar¢annd yobs still In be done Duh Mercer nom lncc landxced hlmsw lo the meoflnz butnncllher MM Batty TarBush nominee no Thoma Winchsun trusteepr or re clmlon were hm ed on vnrlnty grim sled In sveclnl toldrAlmady Slan Icy WIKZV 209 Bnyflfld Street Wayne HIll 27McDonad Slreelv and Larry Bibby 31 McDonald Slrccl have cashed 182 polnu each payment for nhandy practical metal cuIn chnnzf Follnwlng 119i appoints ms Nov fléulé flle scï¬izol bgam mercury trcasum Norman Oaxwmth who as clerk méwwmlup prodded at the nomhmuon meeuni Dre sented review at the financial almanan Prank Hlninwn um townshlps rcpteseane on the Barrie District Collegiate Insulutc Board presidedtor the school board report the mlcpqynrs and present complma report in Lhc lowmhlp as chairman at the management wmmlttec at the co Iegiate board Several wenksnln The Barrie Examlncr started new hpnus polnl sysicm whereby each barrier by cnmplellnz gmfl deiivery oh ialning new Businmer and BMW aisv has an opportunity in incrcasc his numbclf 91 points can week EXaminei Lists Carrier Points null 1qu0 nulu cute lnek Lamont Warren Master llmmy Bunrdls Bllly Whne vï¬lymond Thompson Jlmmy Geark Judy Anderson Bernard Belcxkcy Donald Burmn Douglas Parker Stanley ngz Calhcd 192 Gerald Dunn WIynoHlu Cashed 192 Larry Elhby cashed 192 Barry Lanny Garry Lynn Charles Seidon Jon Plrkcr Larry Wrixhl Tyson 5mm lohn Hudson Douglas Fraser Barry Bayes llonnld Cmvln Edward Elllulso Bruce Powell John Daugherty Dorolhy Saunders Bobby Whlle Teddy Barron Sheryn BanllM Paul Marlin Larry Emmcrlck 775 140 130 1120 155 120 210 123 140 165 l75 l55 125 120 District conference Here Tomorrow Continued lrom page one very busy person much ought Iiier or her undurstandinl help Ii aiwIyr In honor to be able In chierkin our provincial pmideni and no ii is hoyed home and school member in Barrie and district will come nut to usure Mrs Sherk 01 their rupport other cdcmlan omeen win at tend to help with he camerence program Due lo lhe lnng dlslance some pcnplc will be lravclllng or the conference 1M sessan wlll bcgln promptly at pm and everyone should bl on lhclr way home by an pm Succes of the canlurcncc wlll dcpcnd to great exlcnl on the people attending Barrie and Di Irlct Councll Commlllcc ls depend In on the support all home and rschnnl member in me dlslrlcl II The afternoon will be used In discussion groum on progmm planning parent educnllon leader ship training Ind rural schnols These four mules ltyls on will provide help and inspiration or ill associations Each melailnn is asked to consider it duty in have delugaws in each group he hlghllghls the cv nnlng program will be short ad drflss by Mrs Shcrk However the main part the program will be panel dlscusslon an Haw can home and school conlrlbutc to hul ler homes schowls and commun me During tllls panel dlscus slnns resume of he allemnon groups will be given Views home Ind schunl will also be pre scmed nn Ihc panel by Bell principal Hillcrest School and Gable chalrman of Barrlc Puhllc School Board Ample lime will be spent 1n nnswcrlng and dlscusslng questions presented by lhc audlLncc The evening session will also he held In Hlllcrcst nuditnrium be ginning prDmplly oclock The King Edward Ladgcs Choir will 3mg cw selections This choir Is Well known In the district and real treat 55 assured those attend Kng the confluence It also hoped to he am In give home and meal mcmburs nn opportunhy to hear lhcsmdcnt who will Iepresenl 51mm Coun In oratuflcal contest In To rnnto Ext Easter Pelcr King student in Madame school near Elmvaleh was he winner 1n the contest recently held by the Slmv can County Trustees and le paycrs Assnciatlon This project worthy of support by all parents and so It was ullthal hnmc and school members would welcome the oppnrlunhy hear us Pclcr ng givn his prize winning oral essay on Rural wonlmaygrg THOUSANDS MORE T00 NUMEROUS TO MENTION Illrllllril lhlrlnllnr Ill4 Ilvr nlmlu III Ml In IIL NI DI All UH rim Quallly muck ral mu Him NML Iuwllrr pry navy 1mm 495 Allurllvr Hrukh pnllh Mm xix 199 Mm maï¬a um SPORT SHIRTS Indulu wéixlirlmed 70 80 ILANNEL REGULAR 595 USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY AWAY PLAN Blankets SLEEVELESS SWEATERS SAVE ON IllililllvAlt LID 288 SKIRTS 233 349 MliNH hlur Roy Watson spent few dzyl huflunulng ferry Eound Mr and 1m George smmem Ind tnmny Mm Brzssu Orlllla and Jamel Slnton were recent v1 will be an opportunity to get ac qullmed with dislrlctnclghbnn Ind lo Iccclve lendenhlp and In spanon from federalion per tunnel CRAIGHURST Sanfnrlxed lnxld mm nul 3mm vurkcls 51m liar nun man um prak 15 Ilb Nylnll lrlnlunnl Intel and Inn lrlmlun lmvuhldv Mum lrm mm mun1 mm mm mm Iulhu cum lawn ma llllllllll Lined Jeans Hue ynu nl Bombay Juéknls by public demand have now expanded their business to include complete laundly ser vice as an added feature We feel this will save you time arid money FREE PICKUP 288 novéwu mm IT WORK SOX Mrnl lully Hind SHOP AND SAVE AT SAVE ON REGULAR 370 Mrnn Ilnl Tau IllillIIK 1W REGULAR 123 SKI CAPS Cottys Cleaners Cottys Cleaners Launderers 2188 cmnmin summon LADIES MENS CHILDENS WEAR LINENS WW l39 DUNLOP ST Bullxlgnllun lunrlnlcul nr Money Chcctlully llrlundni NIFTYDTO BE THRIFTY IM 139 DUNLOP ST Next To Eplctts Electric COME IN LOOKAROUND NO OBLIGATION BARGAIN CENTRE THE MIME EXAMINER WEDNESDAY DIX Sim Ilon In Toronto Mr Ind Mn Cull Ind Max spent Tuuday In Toronla wine 311 at Vishnu so called on Em Canon during the week Mri Hodnon 5pm last week In Toronto anl Flood Vlcflm Lewis Tatum via lxi Tax5m on Phone 2885 Ellnnllm lully um um nu mu pmll llllUULAIl lIJJI large Ill 38 Cello phane wnppcd flux and blue Tlny elmk Min nu mmuu mum Itlecllnn um wumnl um Inldnn nun Ilylu can mm thmlmu um xlvlnx mm mm mm mum calumbh Vlluor KIDDIES FLANNEL ERNIES Iunnumn 500 Ill lllllllllllll SNOW SUITS Take advantage of this added service to have your dry cleaning and laundry picked up otfhe some time Because of the laundry addition Cottys Cleaners will now be known as Blankets lhllflnuu Ikcl SAVE ON CellIlene REGULAR 79 Mlurllva llll SWEATERS BRIEFS 799 BARGAIN CENTRE PHONE 463 Mr and Mrs John Mum and sum McCaulcy were in Tor onto an chnmlay lrldly to Attend hh Iunli tun erll flood victim Born Royl Victoria HDIpI a1 Barrie Monday Nov 22 son In Mr and Mrs 84 Grange Best whhcs llullvn dawn Hunt Dul mm Ilrcva While yellow blue And green Lid sins Nylnll lrlnlomll hul Illll Ine ldnl flulllmn Wm Ilylnn rrlnlmrnl ml mum Wm my uul mm unlufllnl yokr wnm um BRUSHED NYLON HUI SLIPPER SOX 168 SAVE ON Blouses DRESS SOX HEUIJLMK 299 IKIIHIILMK 11M IHJIUIJHI PYJAMAS Son Born Al Barrio 118 149 IIrery llulml AND DELIVERY LADIIZN my llll Il77l Iw