Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1954, p. 2

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arm have carefully qunstloned cvcryexvcnsc qr gram made by he coundl and do not agree to We have an upkeep problem unire which Is hnnvy and we nrc mulled to one county mad he slated HE thanked hc commiuee which 1ch In the luls at Ihn mm of the lownshlp building utter lhuy were used or storage during the flood rend He would be 11 candidate again Upklep Problem Councillor Percy Reynolds full 11ml an altar should be made have one the roads loading to 211mm taken over by hc county Wu floated one 50100 wooden brldge back In place and have ll opumllun at cost of about $4100 he told he mecllng any of you have gum gravel pll it is polcnllnl gold mlnu as lhla is scarce thng ln lhe ownshlp Many holes were drlllod and very mun found available Hardware Chinu Gills Toys 4Where You Buy More For Less Hull Joli Councillor Robert Westlake 2H mm lhc hardest job the year was the nomination speech He also rcvlewud Ihe roads and me needs nppnrcnl on mcm Includ lngughu washout and bridges suggcsuzd mm light lruck or HIV rend supervlsor would be an asset The mads appropriations were cut by $3000 this year by urn department hlghways sothny simply cut back the mill rate to reduce the laxns by Hm amounL ilo slnlcd that lime was still haul 4000 yams oi crushed grqvul to £0 on bul thesan canditlan the roads prevenlcd this being ap Ruifid Ho 01x1 thf Childrens Aid Sncicly otthe cpunly being short 01 funds and the rising cosl These costs are incremng nnnunlly and they would have In get some Env crnmunl nssislancc with it will be In hu llcld for some thmg us soon as we know there is be an elccllnn and hope thm here is will be lgught on clean grcunds he concluded Seiéral Named For Posts In Gwillimbqry Ben Slnerx deputy recv2 in 1954 gaven summary 91 the work done on hr roads csncnlnlly mcnxlon lnnwged spraying which had been completed by the county weed in spgctur am not think gvcrynne wm Mains me unlll the new assessor name back after he had made some qt his round and told me that everyone was against council and was to blame for everything wlll be In the running it then Is election and will my here ynu put me out he conclude 1Conllnund rum page one 01 lbs provlnce he said Your muncll wurkcd hard Inllowinl the flood and believe we are In position to nvu the ralepaym confidflfable expo TWO STQRES FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE 9804 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 280i 691l DUNLOP WEST PHONE 4946 Gm Wrapping Pup Ribbon Saull Genuine Revere Stainless Wave BY THE PIECE OR THE BET In for 59¢ mu 24 lot Mu INDIVIDUAL CARDS 250 50 10 lo 25 Cold GREAT VARIETY T0 QUIT YOU ALL SUPER HEALTH COOKWARE llUY Il HINGLY IN HER ELECTRIC RAZORS THE FAMOUS SUNBEAM 11m PHILISHAVE pouch $2195 We believe these to be the two best rnzoni to be hnd In spite of all the bullyhno to be heard about many other brands BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS JOHN ROOMS Speclnl 4130 IIOUHH ROOM 3115 lo 32 IUIKLING IIIKOOMB $215 $250 83 3125 CHRISTMAS CAKE TINS W750 and We Sets 013 Round or Squnrc DART llOMlDS Lam Elle METAL WIIEIZLIIMIIIOWS 4198 RRRRY ind RRRRLR RRMSTRRRR MAGIC SUITES THE GREEN FRONT STORES TOYS TOYS TOYS CHRISTMAS ALWAYS COMES WITH RUSH AT LAST BE WISE OOH AHEAD OO YOUR SHOPPING TODAY LET US REPLACE THOSE BROKEN WINDOW FANES FOR YOU Layaway your Chvhlmal PuvchunIWu hold them luv you nccvc Hughes rcpllcd to ml by saying may for mm years past mum EXAWNEILIO lhey had mulmalncd lhcsc wads nmnNo mom 2m If the marsh 15 mn lrentcd npan of the 1ownshlp and their roads nkcn ovcr we will lose that valuable part of he munlclpnmy when they have linlshcd paying lhoir debenture he warned cuun cil Nominated or Council Fred Duane nommahd for councH Clt 11m more the young men should be out for coun cil Hflhnd done his blt on the school board and did not consider running You dont want to remember Mr Brown answered The flnan cial statement does not say where the money ls spent 11 woutd nppcnx that the leg the ratepayers know Lhn batten ma not expected to be nominated for Iceve and had no notes ready he concludetL without saying he intended to run or ofllce met he told us that he would not be runninus loo many others had wilhdrawn Uwe had surplus why Is this nut shown on the aletfiunt he asked Dirccung question to Reeve Hughes he Iskcd 11 was um true that there was surplus 1mm last your ul $3900 Your auditors told ybu hat you had thin surplus and that you might not want to 1011 the mu paynrs nbuut it did Ihoy no he asked Rccvv Hughes said he dtd nul remember Pun Waste Thomas Brown fiarmor lax éol ldcmrv who lost that posiuon when counc decided that lhwwfluld do the mummy lhcivfllce was candidate for bolh rccvc and dc pmy mm Hedlsplfiyéd new type of lnxblllnndtult flu the dupflcnuon was fiuu waste lh hall was thrown away 86 also found mull with he manner in which things had not been exh lzed on flnnnciusxalemtnh Janeen yllnwuflp he Ml that fab could not I1me continue Theyjcam out well on the warm fly Lmnmgm and hop ed that time would prove that min was worthwhile pmjcct there have beef dulergncu nnddhcsx will remain lullcve In clccflons and mleh an will be In me running he aoncludcd Percy Selby naminnlcd or cauncll slngud that felt that then wtu enough 01 Lb blue wilhoul him and asked mahhis name be wlmdmwn Dalton Moher nléo nominated was not presenL during he ycmj but Im sure are not we worst council yel he marked AMhouzh axe hpve lhem until Am nthfl out they are warnnltd you tel um am unable tm ynur councu nuln will be undid or next year Counclllarfilshn GFIMy nu lunlnr number was glad to have served on gm roupclL 350 Am wuhdnwnl 5109 $135 05 GRAND GIFT FOR MOTHER HUNHEAM AUTOMATIC FILY lAN CONTROLLED HEAT WITH LID THE PRICE Iflc IMO $125 50 Mid up lo $550 WOMAN lMRELY AS 100 MANY OF THE DINNERWARE STARTER SETS rwmn Pmcm IN mam JAanIIEP SIECIM sm YELLOW mm mm For Men Women nnd Children Blnck nnd wmm Boots Plain and Figure Bkntca Prices as law as $550 $750 95 $1050 $1295 nnd DELUXE FIRE TRUCKS ICE SKATING OUTFITS FANFAIIH rad yellow green up DELUXE HOCKEY GAMES CHINA CUPS SAUCERS ms and mo Thevrcpml or me board Ewan was rend and reculvvd wllhmll quesilon Mr Cairns was nominnled as was omnc Hughes James Gordon and Mr Duncan Unltm mm was an electlon In the council there would not be one on the school board was the understanding The chairman the board and mhm members dlscussed the Igdu cnlionnl mane first In xhc meet lng as Stanley Cairns had leave Carly They had hum an addl anal mom lhe Bond Head school at 0051 $11400 and he debenture had sold at profit of $10200 whlch was the first dcbcn Iura men was In the Iownsh or education Schunl Board With two to be returned of his fivcman board Eric Duncan who had been nominated as new candidalc withdrew as hr claimed lhnthe cnutd not 110551ny See eye to eye win the present hoard Whn hired the cheapest teachers lhny could get and that hls and olhcr children were going back In huh work as result Unless you pay decent salaries and get good teachers you will not havn guod scth ho sgntnd Hegqa Questioned by Mr ergh about nraad and culverts that had been placed near his mm He admitted that he had same responslbmty in putting culvert which ML Wright claimed would need sypth the water lhrough Three vncnnclu or school trus lee received sevcn nflmlnallom Alvln Minn Ben Bruy Norman Mthan Donaxd Stewart Wllllnm Thurman StanleyWnrd and Dnvld Wnlmnan Nofillnaled or the three council sent were Reg Grczll Elmer Johnme Wlllnrl Jervch Frank Soules Wllbur need Thomas Jo In Edward While and All Nich on 14 does not need loo smart imn put allow who 1hlnk3 he 19 smart In his place he stated wish there were few more lfllgger Brown Dcpilly Recve Ciliionf Hawk wax nominated or anoihcrtcrm ai oince undlanoihcr nomlnniinn for In denuly relvcshiv wax ihni OLEhnLr luhnsun who has served for our year on council mm like to see an clé Uon but have nnt the lime to glvu he smed fleeve Hughes smed lhat the ending at Mr Ilrnwns sLrvlces was hmtu change cl policy and nom 1m pexsann Hmhndanud an plllvule¢a make me change Nominationan Drillia Township Could Be Election In omur Township Reeve Miniond Home bu received nn acclnmnllon or nnmhgr cm In owes TOYS 3890 55150 3095 17405 $7415 Table Fingers LoblaWS Supermarket 52 BflYlIELD ST BARBIE Park and Shop in Comfort Encyclopedia 73411 uneeh Anne Chocolqlgs Weslons swimsm 35 XOIUME NOW RN $AE NEW PICIOIIM minim OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Chopped Suel Selecl Oysters PROSED SEA FOODSPAN READY CHOICE IIIIIIIlllCII IIIIEIS mum us CIIIIIIEI FISII STICKS wuummmv fiéfi SPECIAL mum Nutmom umucuu awnJvn ll Hlvfll ll tumors SPECIALI lean Shoulder Roasts lean Rousis mum ll III MD JMI AVEI SPECIAL lean SPECIALI lEAN PEAMEALED moms Husk Baconuvmmmu IINTN 900 pm EON YININ SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Weslons Sullines Cruckelles mum wzswits AVAIlAIlEViN $5007 alum cmmcfiu ECIAU WESYDNS CNOCO SPECIAU AN IDEAL CHRISYMAS GIFT Loanqu iii terminates lEAN lOIN PORK ROASTS 10mm olocnnm co uwm FRESH PORK CUIS Am 990 NIH OUMIIV Elllo IN HIS 01 ll JAI 59° 27c CINIII cuu 5ND SIICH tux liquid Detergent Blue Interrlsznfxiryc luxToileif Soup Old Dulch Cleanser Old Dulch Cleanser 215 Kleenex Tissues Auxvnlcuumz 39¢ punnmcs AND MINCEMEATS Plum Pudding Ta 39 Banquet Tomato Juice mm Snows Pigs Feat snows Pork Hoks IuNnm 59= 35c 45° 69° 25c 69° 37= 49 IN MO loluw MAIKHS Plum puddingscgig 53ml asc Choice Cnnunls uqu mum Plum Pudding 5M8 Illmimd Pusle Monarch Flour in Mixed Peel Culrfiilron Peel Choitéliiiiiihs Mlncemeul Mincemenl Mincemfll Aunuum molm CHAN Clo CKWIII lOIlAVfl mum AYlMll IOWU WilHiVS III Cherries Bomesllc Shoxlening Monarch Margarine IID MLIAKNINO Tangerine Green Beans MIG CRIS llOMUA ROSEBUD nan 333 LAIUK LUlilOllfl EXTRA FANCY le NEW CROP MY 10 Pm Not SNAP SIRN01S$ Iceberg lblluco Anlou Pears lll FRUITS and VEGETABLES 01 erl JAR LIL MR qurmcnw me m1 13 ll 01 25 01 ll 01 ll PKG ll Ill UN Ill 1n 29c 28c 41c 41c savanna sumu IAIGI II II 5m35 OUHI BOX 29c 19c 19c 19c

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