Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1954, p. 13

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Wfifi Barn AI Bunk Ilalplhl mnzratulndons to Mr Ind Mn Alastair Mchllan nee Beuy Damn nn lhc birth 01 son Dfln ald James on Tucsday Nov 16 I954 utlhc Royal Vicwfln H0 pimL Barrie Mrs Smith Barrie was nun guest or few days with Mr and Mrs Arnold Miss Bessie Ferguson Toranlo spcnl Several days in mm last week visiflng 01d Hands and ncwing acquaintance Mr and Mrs Joseph Davis and baby daugmcr at mom spam the weekend with he laMms flhlr George McDonald Mr and Mrs Arnold spent Sunday in Toronto News of WEE Saw Football Ind Ilnckcy Mr and Mrs Harold McKHlican spam the wackcnd Toronto and mlcndm lhc big netball game and nhc hockey game night at the Gardens uelwccn an York and Toronto Mr and Mrs Gwrge Maya spent he weekend In Toronto vis fling relatives mnw mum Wignsmv Inc 1305 Miss Hertha Cowan spam Friday in Taranm Mm James Miller spam Friday in Turuniu vxsmng In run lope Mrs Nulllc Sleeper £5 spending law days visihng Mrs David sun at Port Hope Visitors From Sasknlzhewan Mr and Mrs Neil Hamilton 1mm Glen Bain Saskatchewan were callus an Saturday wm ML and MrsmSJndy Sutherland and Mrs Hughm Weekend visucrs of Mrs Gra ham were hcr daughlcr Violet rum Tumnio Mrs Wilda Wright 1mm Vcslon and Thnyer nl Guelph Transferred To Northern Alberta Cpl Duulcun Bakuv whn has brrn stauunnd Trenmn RCAF 1m last work or Cnld lake hlrlu vhuxc she will be stationed lnr somc limo mwu weekend mums with ML and Mrs Sutherland wcrn Mr and Mn rIicld Nixun and or Aglncourt Visitors with Mr and Mrs N0r man Bakvr Salurday were Mr m1 Mrs IlLnnir Wang and daugh krs ol Buanunun Iluccnl Sunday gucsls work Mr and Mrs Herman Baker llama Home Fur The Weakeml Miss Muriel McMillan at To rurrn ilh hcr mnthcr Mrs McMillan also mm Velma Sim xrnns Tu n1 Willi hur parcms Mr and Mrs Edward Simmons Vlsllurl In Town Mrs Smith Barrie 1v Imullulom Amunu umsu who hnvc insmlkd ulr ms nu pm week are 11 Wow um Armsmmg Myer Archie McLean Mrs mu Mm McCulsh lanc rmm Alllslon llosplul lhmnus Williams rcturncd hamu nu TmleIy from Sluvcnsnn Mun rial Hnspllul Allismn where he had mn mum or 10 days Mons mm mm Sunnn Immune Euchre Wxdmukly owning Nov 24 hr Wumcns 11lulu sponsored llm mm cuchrcs In lhv lnuu lull whvn 12 tables mm pm pm Mumrs wcru LIMA5 Mr Ilnnu um Mm sum srmml Emma McDonald um An Knhl Nmnd Scum mu hr mu um um ml at um wwm vhrn umml film will be Inwly mm mnd wuhrI mkv mm mm mm uu rm mm an Inn mum llu um rum will he 50an mm Jamil mm 1m glvcn 11m Ilu mm ll Iklmt witklr 11w human lunkollulnr lhA Mum karrllIK Hr WM ill Ixrmylrrlnli lmnh nu luM dnmh uu Flilll rvlllihfl Huv wllh ma mm mm mum Wu 9ch owing lo lho usual heavy Chrislmus da livcriu Dec will bu the Ian dale for receiving livo poultry unlil OHM Chvlnmas lnniIHI Shoal MARKET All lIVE POULTRY BEFORE DEC 10 W9 offer high compolilivo prices on all dressed poullry FIRST COOPEHHTWE PACKERS 0F UNTMIO llMITED Hm muman ll llu PBULTRY PRODUCERS lnllu£e Mecllnl MIMI nuhwwn lhv Hum Club nrr lmkry nnd Uu luwll mm uu Hlflll liars were rent to Alliston Beulah Toucnham lhmubury with the Andcan Ind Unlch Chard member of the WMS 01 Cooks tbwn The presidan Mrs Pat ton presided and gave hearty welcome to elL The service open ed with hymn lollnwcd by the scripture lesson taken mm Psalm 145 read by Mrs Smith and prayer The aliering was taken and dedicated number the boys Ind girl mm the Mission Band look partin chums Tell Me The Stories oi Jesus which was very Luvely Mrs William Mcrhchem from Odilia who is president oi the Barrie Presbyter iai inimducud the special speaker Miss Beatrice Scott retired missionary irom india Miss Scoth am an interesting and an in formative talk on the living con dition and customs of the indians PApedaily was this talk iniurcsting Is there will he number 01 study books on lndia ioriho coming year Mrs Paiinn Limnkcd Miss Semi and inviicd ihc gutjis to the lawn hall where delicious lunch was servedl The meeting dosed with hymn and Rev Moore pronounced the benediction the iowrr hail Mia Scott showed sovcral Indiian cosmmcs slides on India and also sang hymn in the indian language which ended very enjoyable evening non Socizl Group 3053 Social Group mm on Thursday Nov 25 at Mrs Bert Murphys for their regular work morning The meeting was opened by the presidcm with prayer lol iowod by The Lords Prayer in unison lioli call was answered wilh iii members and two visitors present The rninuiis which were road by the secretary showed moo had been given to ihc flood Vioiims in TocumscLh home arm The correspondence was read in cluding an irwiiaiion in members and their families in aiiondl the Com Form Forum meoilng in Hunters lioll Alliskm for Nov 29 The annual poi luck supper put on by the families oi the Ross Group at iho town hall on Doc One quill was completed iar Mrs Mciniyru and seven more orders be quiiicd The ncx mcoiing will be at tho homo or Mrs Ramsay Doc No further bus iness and the meeting closed Lunch was served by he nnsinss assjsicd by Mrs Novila Mrs Ivan WrighL Mrs David Wares Mrs fildoy and Mer Der m0 Toronto Vlsltnn Mr and Mrs William Thclsson and Bruce Campbell vlsltcd Lhclr paunnlsv Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell during the weekend Wedding AI Eaton Church Mrs Tl Wllllam nnd son Dun ald allrndcd the wedding of Miss H6101 Wllllams of Tarcnl0 to Wal or mum of Maple on Thurs day Nov 25 at Ellen Memorial Church and later lhc rcccpllon the church hall nowun League llepnfl Lloyd Hughes llaysccds ll Don Monknun Hoollgans 32 Shirley llllty Tryhnrds 32 Katy Gllroy Glow Worms 32 Jlm Smllh Imwoes 32 Darla MC Kllllcan Wlldllrcs 21 lllzh lrl plLL Llano Downcy 602 Ann mekman 528 Illlgh slpzlcs Ll oncl Downcy 290 Shlrlcy lllll 210 llgh nvcragca Jack Eccslun lfll Knly Gllroy 166 Team score hlgh slnxlcs Trylmrds 1162 high lrlplca Tryhnrds 3205 Vlsllan From lilmvxle Mr and Mrs Mlll Truce and Humor 13me wcrc Sunday vlsll or lllc lfllllrs pirclzls DI and Mrs Harry Lemmy Nine Table Euchre Nlnu mm TlmrMLIy rnlnyml the weekly tumu and lunch hour Prize were won by Mrs John Duckwurfll Lndlrs high James Full and Gmrxn StillH Hwnlc wood were Ucd or lnlna hllh which went Mr Sdmll Archie Duckwmlh nnd Mrs lallm Alums Each hm nlx Inuu hands wllh Mr Durkwollh kindly wardan th prim In llu Indy as hall won uvml prlm rc unlly Mr nml Mrn Mnuxlcv MHInr nwl Mr null Mm Ulu Tnmx WLYt hr rummluru In Tnmx In lunle muny Mm Donald Cuqu nu hmch lurmc mummymu nwmh In plcmm wrrkn lelduy In lkunlr wlh rnlmlvm 1qu uwinnuunn nuw IHLWL 000 MA Ilnuhlrd llfl Ilncc UHl mm llw mmuy NATION illOWl UTOPIA Ilanlo Christmas Gelflng Close Quflc number 01 children along wuhLhdr parcma mended lhl Barrie Snnia Claus parade all brought mind Sum how clnse Chrismns is School Concert Dec 20 Keep Monday Dec 20 open or lhc chlldrcns Christmas concert Visitors at Jack Wallwins on Sunday wcrc Mr and Mrs Reynolds 01 Pcnehng Sandy Wallwln and ricnds of Bellcvmu Mr and Mrs Jack Wauyvln and Mr and Mrs Ran Stewart and Donna Barrie Inss No Mr and Mr Dnnahl Cameron Mary and Nancy were gums he HandyHcmhfl wedding at Dolslun on Nuv 20 Mr and Mrs Ross Wallwin were sucsls Kn Bnrrlu nmNov 20 the CoulsanJoncs wedding Miss Mary Cameron reiurncfl In Hamlllon nflcr spending the wcck end with her lamlly Mr and Mrs Wham of Kcmplvillc visited recently Donald Camerons All whn wonder he chlckea inncr ln Trlnlly Parish Hall day cvcnlng lastrcporlcd luvan grand supper While the ladlus vmshed dishes Rev Allan flcnd gaLhcrcd up large Iamlly of chlldrcn and took lhcm on tan loc church and gmunds and rc lurncd when the work was Ill done However Mr Road had two lllrru wonderlul plclurcl tth he gnawed Thompson thanked Mr Head or Ill nhowlnl 01 such lnc film ALI were in ch vlcascd in have Mrs Hobcru ol Orlllla proscnt Confined To Bed We were sorry hr that 110 Wnllwln conflncd l0 hcd with very sore mm and all hop or pucdy rccnvcry Mr inuMra my chkllnl san Sunday Roy mckunr Illmall lo Campbelll Irlday cvcninxbmuzm largo number frlnnds and nrlghlxm to lo humc or Wallwln wbld nrowtll 10 Mr and Mrs Jack Cnmplmll Mm cw round of cards 1m Um who may the rut low massive divided grille and Chrysler Corporations New Horizon full wraparound windshield are We hith of the new For ward book styling To ge Crusader Regent and Mayfair models in 1955 All three series CENTRE VESPRA IIlnlty cnméu NM HORIZON WINDSHIEIDSTYIING FEATURE I955 DODGE nelnrns an nunmon MEASURE YOUR FLOOR AND SEE HOW LITTLE IT REALLY COSTS MEN IN Dzlslon Weddlnl 56 ELLEN STREET Barrie anlllli Kcmptvllle lellor HIMUTIFUL NEW Kilchen or Bulhxoom TILE Floor We Will Measure Your lloor And Give You Im Eslimulo Sunday Vlsunn BEAVER LUMBER YOU COST IS Tllli ANSWER IH ONLY Dlnmr All YOU NI YARDSTIUIL caught up an the went at thp communlty Reevu Ray Hickllm called Mr and Mrs Campbell to the front and ln ll cw well chosen words told 01 how Mr and Mn Campbell were nulng lo he missed mm the communlty alter many ycars mt wnh Lu It was then that ML and Mrs Campbell were presentud with padded arm chair and tray or whlch they thanked the communlty The ev enlng closed wlth baunteou lunnh Annull lllertln Chrlst Church Ilherc were 17 present at Mr and Mrs John Wallwlns or the annual meeting at Christ murch Vespra ll OpenCd with prayer by Rev Allan Read Mlnute were read by the summarytreasurer Mrs Wallwln and adopted an mutton ot Lloyd Thompsnn sec ondod by Mrs llelph Mr Redd spoke of the happy tlme he has hadat thls llttle church and he had got to knaw the small group so well Mrs Wallwln then gave report on the colloctlnn 1953 which was $7108 10 ll Sundays and In 1054 which anMd June 27 contlnulng unLll Nov total 19 Sundays wth collectlnn of 520501 Expense tanhe Dan1c Extimlncl for church calendar was $1545 aned by Lloyd Thatth and seconded by Fred Dobwn thul box chncnlatcs be presented to Mr Wallwln for the very emclmt way ln which she handled her rc ports Mrs Wellwln mnved that box of uhocolates be obtained or Lloyd Th rL theolrzanlstz on be ng nut wary Sunday as vcryone knnw that Mr and Mrs Thompson aIp ways attend 11 oclock service In Central United 100 This motion was seconded by Cecll Campan It was moved by Mr Orrock and seconded by Mrs Onock that suitable tin be obtained for Mrs Rnbcrts who hfild so andIy brought some member Trinity cholr and helped on scvcml occa sions The comnlory trust mm was rcporlcd on by Mrs Orrock nnd nfl wclc pleased to hear Ihnrc flmdtord Sales and Survléc has openings or two exper lcnm car unksmcn In Bradford or Ford and Monarch dculcrs wlh the best at working luclllllcs Excrllent op portunlly or hlgh rcmuncmllon WONDEBING WHAT Tl GIVE YOUR WIFElllll CHRISTMAS Bull 2517 $228 SALES OPPORTUNITY LINOLEUM TILE olfer new power through impmqed PowerFlow and Power Flow Special six cylinder engincgnnd the Dodge Mayfair sari our door sedan is shown also offers the completely new 157 horsepoWer HyFire V8 engine LY LIHIOII AND mm mm ANY lflldflfl NEW COLON DO IT YOURSELF TO CHOOSE IKUM undflr much persuasion dhl was still $41050 available It Wfl moved by Mrs Wallwln and sec onded by Mrs Harrls that ha collection 01 the cemetery scrvlcr be turned over 10 Mrs Orrock to be put Into the cometmy trust undr It had bgcn the custom slncc the rbopcnlng that the rat tor be given 55 each Sunday or hls servlccs However Mr Read rclusnd to acccpt suchjnd only Vu accept $50 that he sald he would use to publish the monthly church new hulletln and lhc rcmalnlnu $50 that should have been MI was movcd by Cccll Campbell and seconded by Mrs0rrock to be given to lrinlty Bulldlnu Fund The Sunday Schnol report was read by the treasurer Doul llur rls Ind ltwas cncauraglnu to know they had $1310 even though lt was slnce the last Sunday at August that the childrens mllcc lion was taken up wllh that at he congregatlon The report was seconded by Clarence Money Mr Read suggested that cnlckcn he obtained as trmt or Mr und Mrs Orrock reminder at all the hard work they had out In Mrs Orrock sald thnnlu was sul flclcnt but us the moLon came up berm lhc floor Mr Orrock was also In favor ol lt Tho matter al not hoarlnu qullc clearl soch tlmcs causes zood smlc Mn Thompwn Informed the mm mm llttlc tune was nccdcd rm the chicken dlnnerr Audrey Maury movud that the mentlnz be Ill journcd secnndcd by Wayne nu rls Mrs Money had sugzuslnd bolorchand that Mr Read hrma mme illch that were enjoyed by all Many rccognlled mumm clthcr ln church gmups or at tho plcnlc One at these plclurcs was cl two very lmportant chamctun at the luwndflp 1t wu Wnyur Harris and Clarence Mnnry vllh the church robes taknn lifts the chlldrcna day rervlcc Othcr pl turcs lncludvd lormcr partsth anJ Sprlngwulcr Park Lunch leI came next Mr Roads plntc 1001 cd vcry dccurauvc wlln marsh mallow on top of the squares wllh INCLUDING UlIM Ell YAIH BARRIE log VH1 In In lunch and one pm think that he rerun an 60 most In thin that In be done mun home um In Bad Indeed very lucky womm DWI Hum user m4 laughed flu ladle dim molsnus BOWHM BIASSIG anawsns 3th ma nus In DRUNBWICK6ALKEUOLLENlmIt mum my FOR EASTERN CANADA 5PIN CHAMPIONSHIP BIGGER BETTER THAN EVER More rizc money and allowances cw lslnr team cvcnt finals at pottsmcnsShow allexpenses pnid trip by air to Dominion Championships utWinnipcg for win ncts Its going to be the greatest year in the history of this great annual event Watch for announcements of your Regional Qualifying Round Dale and for the list of nllcys selected This year there will be over $400000 in prizes angl allowances including Living allowance for singles events competitors during Sportsmens Show Allexpense lriplo Winnipeg for Enslern Champions Lndies and Mens Singles Champions nnd Ladies and Mens AllSlnr Tcum Chnmp ions to pluy for Canadian Chumpionshlps PRIZE MONEY AND ALLOWANCES PemhnroughOlhuwu Raglanloan Collinx 55 George 5L Peleybotwnh Tornnlo CoovdlnnlorJack Guenluw 160 Berlrund Am londule PO Windlov RegionDon MFaydon Apr l05 Felinlu 5L Wlndm Tomnlo Wul RaglanGum Gav 94 Royal York Rd Toronto 18 Nollhun Onluvla RaglanCliff Alklmon 272 lloyd 5L Sudbmy Culhurlnu Rculanlrwln out chlon Rd St Colhuylnu Tnvonlo all RegionAb Millor 36 WlnnlhurfAva1oronlu Omer Roglonwah Chambevlm 68 Cooper 5L Ollawu Humlllnn luglonAl Hallow 455 OIIuwu 5L Hamilton Klngllan Rnglonvloo Candy 79 Pvlncm 5L Kingflon london RoglnnDm Black 533 Onlmkl 5L london Klldunu Ronlon Joa Gamer 81 Glenmonh SL Gull Bunlo nylonBruce Reynold 27 Toronlo 5L Bunio CONTACT YOUR REGIONAL TOURNAMENT DIRECTORTODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION DONT DELAYI OPEN TO All nowuns was or A6 on ovm AS or JAN 1955 by nnzwm 3th mo NO ENTRY FEE NO MEMBERSHIP CARD YOU PAYFOR LINEAGE ONLY Sodl Inning 0w SodI evening numday Dec at Mr Ind Mn James slnclalr Iggdmj 1h aunties Jamu CROWN Hlll $1400000 EVENTS Mens singles scratch Lndics singles scratch chiorml AllSlar Teams scratch Ludics and Mens The bowlers finishing immcdillel below he Regional Champions 10 form Regional AllStar Team chionul Filmls will be alloy scleclwl by your Regional Tauma 11mm Dinclan AllStar Tram Preliminary Round OConnw 70w Toranm arc1 51h AllSlur Tramint medu Spam mcux Show Toronto March Ill1 and lZII Lat03 and Mens Emlyn Canada Singlcx Championship 11 Spam Imn Shaw Toronto Mar l4I9II1 Easmn Camulu Champion mm and singles also win an allexpach palzl rip by air In Winnng Ia rman In IIIL DomHIM Cxamplan 51le in April We no pleased in but Ilka Dena Athen May canan her home ulcer ha nun IP pendlx operation in 30711 Victor Hospth Barrie CLOWES

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