Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Dec 1954, p. 11

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Women Tuml nml crcch mul mill hrnnndux muck and blues 51ml 10 In 2252 WA Fun Fair At Collier Street Most Successful Last weeks mus Sucrussml Fun Falr n1 Colhcr Street Unllml Church held under me nllsplccs It annns Axmcinllon wns arranged lo nld he Iund smrlcd mmc years apu buy carpet ur 11mm Hth ur lmk mu 815520 52250 SKIRTS Baby Bunling Hag 995 LA Collfier Street Church Womens Association Spohsors Upiqye FunFéir SEASON IREN£99ILINs ESSA ROAD IIINULINII SKIRTS Will ll OIMIIK $298 SEE THESE ho church The expected cost at his prujccl £5 be nbuu $3000 and the money has now bncn cum Ilululy mm by lhc church we Fun Fair was Mg success with mums mos imprrssvd by ur my nuvclly booms and me var July of auracuons In all the mm ILmod around $500 durlng he nflurnunn and cvcnlng Canvcnu H12 nrmrwn Mrs urucc May workan wllh com mmvcmndc up rcprcsunlallvu Iy lullclzls brow rs and so wools some Cnnp ntcldll nml slccvclcss xllsu hluhcr uch llm vlth pushup alccvcn full or pcnclllluc skirts xuul llllnfllld wllh xllstcnlnx rhlncslox slu 11 In dlml ml blues charcoal gold aunl black Ladlu and Chlldnml Wear DATE TIME FASHIONS FOR GAY HOLIDAY SEASON 81500 to 82950 uul wmI rvrulnu punts LInll nlul $2198 to LOVELY CALF BAGS ALLANDALE product Inmuuny Ls ycrbn mm or Pnrnuuuy lea whlch consumrd all uvtr Sunni Amurlcn UN Fun Falr rnvldcd rnlcnaln mom well us varlcly 01 pm be houghl by mums as lhey mm from scrllnn sccllon me church hullding w1m nus lnlllal won such succcu lhu WA hnplnu to make allnlr an annual uvan um mm navy DWI ISNT TEA runmm rmm mm so Im numm mum Iml Ilnllnu Aulnnunr human Ilnr llm ulmla Mum Joly tumnun on pm ul lulllrm lluflrr Iml lluw Mm mnvlflu In Ilurrrnn mum mm In 1lry wmlmu lnulry IIEIZI mum mznmN In you um quul mm Imllln 1mm Ilnrl mm mm mlm may IlnllOul Mun Hqurrn 1qu Vlrr llIllln 11 erImHr Ir lml FIIllldll Mm mum lulIIVIIllh llnllrrlulllllrl Yllnprr nlHln lnlrllur lellnl fifisflfinfi lllmmllnn hellllt You Save $10000 CUSTOM AUTOMATIC c05 Cublc Foot Capacity cnosm 3W SHELVADOR uldlll MU dellll 19 More Space Mom Features Convenience HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP STREET DELUXE AUTOMATIC CROSLEY 3W SHELVHDUB Children are noon ready to tie ten to rhort Iimple storiu expec illl it they are mornpmied by pictures This in the time It which parenu begin to enioy the read ing Blane or the best ehildrenl picture book have Iriixlry wit and sometime rplce at Btire which is lost on children but not on their parenu Parent ntten complain that children wlnt to near the um picture bonlu over end over egaln Ind there is no doubt tint lnr Either Ind Mother the enjoyable eiementx wear little thin under this treatment rhey shduld remember that we child with his luck at experience and undevelopedmind dues not graEp the whole thin at first reading or mnember what he does grasp Furthermuré childs world changes with bewildering almnst trightcnlng rapidity and any pleasant element in it which remaim constantly the same must alten represent security and san ity in the midst of cuntusion He soon nbandans nne point at security ior another little farther ad named as mountain climber pro cedsnom nne hold to another ttle higher up the mountain 15¢ 1n books mawlcdge and mmdous expeh lance they can glve 15 sun at in Idvancc of hu nbilny to read for himself It is In be huped also hal his parean are not In hurry to abandon llghuy the pleasure they share with the child WMan cmfd begins read there Iurlhol pleasure In 510 at everyone tor now adlng July shared pleasure Now he sn read Mother and Falhen Ells ilu eflorts will be inept and mumbling no doubt but hls prlde and pleasure will be buundless and so wlll that at any rlght hlnklng parenl 15 SUN neces my read mhlm 0r hls inter Parents should not let feeling inadequacy keep them rum reading aloud to ihuir children Anybody who can read and has ihe nurmni vncal equipment can read aloud and practice brings improvement It is not necessary to possess the voice and genius Giclzud to satisiy your own children Read him the story and his own unluilered lmazinaliur will supply every nuance of drum alic lnlcrprctaiian to his own iik in What is important is xh choice bucks Reading aloud is an acid Inst of writers mastery ol hE craft tor nothing will show up clumsy scnlcnce structure care less and unimaginalivc use oi words and Violaliun Di lhe naturai rhythms ma spoken lan man lmmcdizluly man an attempt to read them aloud Every spoknn languagnha L1 own rhylhm an the best Written works In an Language huwcvcr lormnl in style retain their rhythm The best books to mad aloud arc hexMore me best written Slnc they sto lull the best sun15 pays suck out the bestwritten bunks 10 the umily reading from both the acsthnllc Ind the pracflcal pain View lnj nv MOIlAT l05 CUBiC FOOT CAPACITY lHiGULlll 3mm REGULAR 3000 379o hcn mum this amlly rend tnkc mam The Luna and 111 mmzmmu WEDNESDAY DEC 19541 accepted period tor reedinl is that term and quantity on subject at hiatua between bath and sleep By tradition thia in story time and combination at irrelevant circum su cer tend to make it seem an prn rute it not however especially good time or reading to children 11 child is read to only at bed time he eomu to al sociate mdinr with going to sleep thus giving literature the diameter Isnparltic Reading whether by himsei or by others ought to stimulate childs mind not deaden it and bed time is hardly the wipe hour tor men tal stimulation as any parent knowa Parents who complain that fairy tales frighten and over rtlmulate their children have probably read than to the child after he was in bed then left him lying in the darkto thtnk about them the same storiu had been read before supper or even tn the period between the even inr meal and bed and bath time the client wnuld nut he the same for the intervening activities would tone dawn the immediate impression And Sunday atter not are good too have heard at one tamily in which reading aloud at meals is regular cus tom great interest and imyorzaoce to small boy lulqu ai Cats it you have ever chosen one kitten trorn lit ter at three you will appreciate the dilemma of the old man who had to theme ram millions and mil lion and trillions oi cats Growth Up Mr Poppera Penguins Where that should penguin live but in the retrigcrator But 12 pen guins were hit at problem unul Mrr Popper had his wonder lui idear The Doll Lint Came Alive Little 1N took such wonderlul care of the doll the sailor gave her that one day it came alive and led Jyd into wonderful adventures Alphonse nut Bearded One hale of bear that became 501 dier in the army at New France Laughter tor the whole tamiiyr The Wind In the wulnws An imaginative tale oi the small ani mals who live along lite river bank Méie Watcrvral Toad and Otter Humo beauty tenderness writ ylc which Joy Cowboy Small The story of Cowboys life on lhe range giving useful lntormauon In just lhe right ple Iale about Inllhlul toy dier with clever fllustradnn mumer out mm but available at the library The Tale of Pele Rabbit Peter Rabbi was disobedlem he nearly want into Mr MacGregnxs stew pox but all ends won BEEF BOLOGNA 23 lumpmum RINDLESS SIDE BACON was mid RoastingChlckens 317 Jlnl Park Dnuhll Crulk ANGEL FOOD LEMON PIE CHUCKWAGON DINNER Blun LIk Chain Cut AaP GREEN BEANS Far Clku Futry Ind Frying JEWEL SHORTENING Parky MARGARINE Oaldun Np Nuyl Rubin Hand Cakl Mix Bum Mnnmh PIE CRUST MIX Culilernln me nudlan Nm le Crap Fluid Flncy le Gran ORANGES BANANAS TANGERINES CARROTS Bun Mld Centre Cutsor Chops runhllolil Dhynltll Cnllomll Na Fr Lrnl Iunfllll Elllid WALNUT PIECES SEEDLESS RAISINS Manrah FLOUR flu GLACE CHERRIES SlleRRIGIIT MFA IS PORK LOIN ROASTS llul lb Cu lo lb Cull Rib End 43 Fillet End mm hffllmhurnlu nr Mul Ln MINCEDBEEF PURE PORK SAUSAGE Dmul MM Hula Myh PORK snoumsks lly TM PM BEEF BOLOGNA pm to Be Read Aloud Mm IHIIUVI 0M lh Bu II WHITE BREAD 1501 lea DA LV DATEDI JANE PARK EH klITS VEGETABIES sol still SAVE WITH APs LOW LOW PRICES 1111qu al cm you have ever chosen um kmcn Iron lil Ier al are you will apprccinxc lhe dllcmma of the old man who had to them 1mm mllliom and mil uom and lrfluam cats Grown Up Mr rapper Penguhu Wham that should penguin live but In he rctngcmmry But 12 pan zums were hit at problem unul Mn Popper had his wonder lul idea The Doll Hut Cam Alive Lime 1N wok such wonderlul care of the doll the sailor gave her that one day came nlive and led Jyd Into wonderful ndvenlures Herrings cold water fish reach length 17 Inches In part the North Sea Th Arhnsas Bean rollicking tale at an orphan boy afid bear whn join the forces to arm wandering nfinstrnl Icnm with hil nrlous results or cvnryane Treasure Islam Piralcs and bur ch treasure suspense and high adventure This claw advan lure is twice as exciting when read alnud Alphonse 11m Bearded 0n tale of bear that became 501 dier in the ame New Francc Laughter or the whale family The Wlnd In the Wlllnus An lmngimtlve tale the small unl mnls wllo 1ch along the river bank Mala Walcrvral Toad and mm Humor beauty tenderness wrillcn In mstylc which joy to read aloud OClOCK COFFEE Ib105 LII DAG 3309 MILD 6A MELLOW CUSTOM GROUND 5Ib ullo bag 215mm 3c 1401 pkg 49c V17azpkg 3C 24mg cllo 39 2doz45c 801 Ho 745 bag 47 3m23 eazh 39c lb55¢ b49c lbssc 129 lbl9t lb 41

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