Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1954, p. 9

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553 11 hday banquet was ir every instance joint venture 01 both branches with members 01 each Insmula noting on n11 com mmgns Fillysewn were present lot the delightful evening with Mrs Hnr ry Dawson president Centre Vesprn brunch ncllng as chairman Mm Nuwson Crown Hill was at the piano or singsnng play Xng songs mm hnd bean popular 25 years ago Sprlngllmc In The Rockies etc Area President In Mr address Mrs Milier spake oi the enjoyment that cele brations marking anniversaries could bring into everyday um All anniversaries should be made the most or to give people ioni ing or pleasure in mnrking the passing of the years she felt in her humorous nik she traced the story of the different anni versaries that could bclnil an in diviuuni duxing iiiclime Chris mns mum to and Santa Claus to children but in mluiL it re caiis the Birth at Christ and this true running at Christmas shnuld be emphasized more than ever she dcciprcd The membcm had special guts on the occasion In lb per son of Mrs Charles Mind 01 Grnvnnhurst halter knuwn As Mayor Wanda Miller In her humt communily MfsuMillcr was In sxillcd us prcsfldont the Wom ens luspmms b1 Slmcne County at the rccCMurca convention In Ban1e An annvemury cake was cut In special cucmony by the oldest charter members or each grnup Mrs Malkin nl Cundlcs and Mrs Murphy 01 Comm Vcspra The cake had been made by Mrs ElmerWiggins and Seed by Mrs Hubbert Mrs John Pattersnn had made attractive place cards for the banquet assisted by Mrs Haroldfilming In swimmgpmm sonu use ext anniversary the yen Is SL Vulunllnes Day and she lold the story of SL Valen tine who began he custom of scnning Her messages nut on dayn cusmm gradually ndoph by young lovers and xhcn by chil dren On St Palrlck my cum mcnlcd he Gravcnhursl mayor she and her amny had always followed the custom of having shumrhck In their home und hmi wom flamelhlng green in host lrlxh lmdmnm Undles Centre Vespra Womens Inslilules Hold Joinl Celebration 0lBranches Silver AnniVersaiies Last Wednesday evening in Midhurst Relorestry Haii the Womens Institute branches Centre Vespra and Cundles held 10th banquet and celebration mark the 25th an niversaries at the two Institutes The program theme re called che period 01 the late 1920s when the branches were orgnniied With women or bothcommunities recalling events or the past years mm mm Al Alka CCUV II On to Clint INN MCI mumu WW CW1m Inna with aplc who lay donx borrow money nnleu yuu mun mwucn when you do hth Io borrow money hlnk In he klnd of lcln company youll mu Ila Ilulmul with Hm lomc mum youll mm wlun you borrow Ynull mo unlu hl on your ll weu lure Al Nln we do um We nolhlnk wenpmmpl lam loln Ire mud In 20 mlnulu And politeour compn7 bu an dulxnrll um our cunumml Almnu uny nne run borrow money ll NIAGARA when 1qu IBM our plum Ire lluihlc Inll on many Imounu 14 month plymrm pulml run he uml rummm will In lmpmmu to you loo Our bullncn mmd In ellnml nmlh our 15 yuu up Wen Inclml whh he Imlumlll Accemlnu Corpomlon who Mull lIn huhrcn um by hundreds of hou nnd nl Cmulinm Iu lmy nu Ippllmrh uc Wer In Clnullln Ccmlvlny with our no brunchn mm comtown And Imc In hm ulnllllnml pnlnu Ibom Nllxln 1mm Rmuuoluwuunnun Imuunll nyou umou far your mt Loan In 1500 no mun At no dun mu to you when you In MI Ilmlly piolrfllon why dn wllhnm It anl mu mom for my good nonjun drop or yhnnrunylm JOHN NIAGARA talks about Why Niagara maybo good placq foryou to bofiow MONEY we wusoflifiiffi mmumdmmwll Chum Menflmn The minute at the nnhmecflnz lhc two branches were read by the present mercuric nnm Cun chs and Ccmrc Vesprn Mrs wiz xlns and Mrs John Wallwlnwwhu mm culled hc rnll of charter members Addrel Veleomé Banquet guests were welcomed to the gathering by the president of Cundles Womenx insiitule Mrs Fenis She commented that he Imtilute had done great deal to broaden the interests and horizons at women ailvuver Cant adn In the beginning the inter 25s of Womens Institute memi mrs had centred on their own famiiics nnd immediate neighborsu She had readminum meet ing held about 50 years ago which laid about one her bunchs first pro edsbuying It net of cur tain st tchers for the members Joint use She contrasted this with recent prolect of the Fed crflicd Womens institutes n1 On larinbuyinl cooking units 10 fmmen qt Ceyion Chmer membun present ram Cundlus branch were Mrs And rew Cumming Mn Hurry Oun wny Mrs Mnlkin Mn Cnrruthers Mm Murray Mm Ru Smith and Mrs Ucmrose Charter member prosth lrom Contra Vespra brunch were Mn Roy Hickllng Mn Garfield Win flrovc Mm Murphy Mrl Lloyd Thompson and Mrs Elmer Caldwell lier ialk was particularly witty as she began In deal with the un nlversnries that cum during mar fled liinflm puper annlvcr snry then wood AI married iii goes on to lDih anniversary silver ruby and gold anniversary he symbolic iiis indimielnrrcm ing prosperity rather than the hard times of early marriage with husband and wile living and growing together in ionunn She stressm enjoyment each day nfIlfe nnd Edolng unm oth an us you would have thcmdo mlo you musical sclccunn wxn played by Mrs Dobsan at Centre Vesprm filmd njlnp or 1929 Bhe pnydd chcml papa sclecuons 01 that vintazc Followlng the toast to the Queen toast to the lnstltule was proposed by Mrs Flouk ol Cundle Womens Imlltute Mrs Damon replled stnllng that Womens Institute work was of great Importance Both Cundles and Centre Vesprl branches had ln common thelr closeness to Bar rlo she polntcd out which causes must at the people in these two small communltlo to spend good deal of their tlme 1n the town ll the Womens lnatltute that hnu held these small nelghbur hoods logether she declared ions to me charlcr members was propnscd by Mrs Fauner at Centre Vespra who lauded the wisdom these older members in siarling he Inslitulc in their dim1c 25 yam ago She huped they would be wilh the branches for many mare years lo come Mrs Murray 01 Cundlcs who replied tn the mast Envc most amusing inik reminiscing about he past and reading lillic poem about the valuq Insiliulc work nSmenll nilcnco wax ab mm dhursl WA wns thanked for catcflnx Inr Hm dcilcluus man swm qu Among the upcclnl xurils nl he dlnncr unlmlnu wrre Mn McCIunu Wyrbrlduc dlnlrlcl ruldcnl who was inlruduwcd by in Charm Ncwlnn and lhnnkzd lur hcr address xnMlnm by Mm Ntwlon Mn MUMr urea pmldcnl Introduced by Mrs Onnwny nunnked nr her tnlnynhle by wmwm brinquui third with lumlllnr Innlllulu Odo pn ucrvcd In honor or dcccascd mem bcrs bull Inslilchl Pnsl pfesldcnu the Inslllute Inuoduccd lhc bnnqucl were Mrs Fisher Mrs ll way MrsXRtfl Smith Mn Mnlkln MIL IL Bnldwick M13 Canulhcrs Mrs Charles New lun Mn Gilmore nnd Mrs IL Cummlmz n1 Cundlcs and Mrs Pnusck Murphy Mn George Lawrence Walorduwn Mr Gurfmd Wlnkmvu Mrs flay ck Hnl Mrs Wllbur Dobsun Mrs NewJon Crown Hlll nnd Mrs John Wallwln at Ccnln Vu Dec Programs North Simcoe WI Have Yule Theme Christmas programs hluhllghtcd by exchange mm slnglng unr Dls dunonslrauuns ol dtcnrmlun are Economies convlnhnl hovplhblc ham In hurl flu would umlm any Nnr hmaus dlpulmunv IlondM Id 250 amlmhblo moim mom olluhflul ONE OF THE COMEDY SITUATIONS in Here We Come Gathering the Blimé Theatre oulldSflrst production of tha 195455 season which plhyed last week at St JosephAudtorlum Left to right In zheh var lous roles are Stanleyfiaynes lnthe role or George Hawkins Jenn Gremo who plays thé part of Shirm lay cockney girl Iriend otone or the characters RoyFmser in the role Gray Meredith an actor nncl JUNEJGRAHAM as schoolglrljin 9112 We come Satherlngsucceeds 1n annoying the members of thc cast In fihls scenentrdrb bhe phiy distweekfat fitsJosephsEudmmmN Len to right are Eater Nay llieafre Guild Production Provés Outstanding Sum FourDays mid nlk he GrcnnrdDcc at Mr Mwnl home all call requlru Chmlmnl poem nnd prnumu In Minds and Wrappan inchnlques 101mm firograms of North 51mm District Womens lnsmutc tar Dbcnmbcl lumen ln change ware arranged allows RudyDec Dril Minl home all ml will be suulfilun 101 homcmnde Christ mas um qllu Io be cxchnnuml am not In excccd 35c vlluc Thtrc wlll be ti demaMtrMIon gm wramflnz by Mn Wllsun tumoursDoc mum will bl MrL IIrkcr and cunvmrr Mn Wood There will hr nn cxchnnac of mu and women lluh of lextmm luhlc cnnlrcnv Lunch curnmlncr Mrs Tnrktr Mn Hutll Mrs W001v Mr ll Manley Cpldwntur Seniarllomss Mrs Clarence Ward Roll call asks Chrlsunnscnrd for mshuk IL ex change 25¢ gltls Than Hl be carols lurid camest And lunch CuulsonMu Pam wlll bo hows 11 can will be verse of Scrlplum Members are asked to wnlrlbulc gm for Slck Chil drens Hospital There will be cxchungt skll nml palluck sunvclj commuice will be Mrs hank Gill and Mr Gordon Dunlvp Coldwnm JrDLc 28 lfoslcsfl Mm Clcll Blunt Rnll cullrThu nIcLst Chrbunas um ever colvcdf Thaic will social cvcnlnz cxchnnuc am and canleslfi Institutes cludcs carul slnglhg and exchange HumbleDec 28 Hostess Mrs Gantnn Roll call bring 11 51mph your favorite Chm nh ruipe Pmuumaall undarr directlnn Mrs Turner Mrs Drcnnan will vrovldc sand wiches and all members an my Christmasukc Mrs Ausun Beard Rnllcnll asks Ch sums verse There Will he pn cmn Chrmmns by Mrs Jack Nuh nnd cxghangu All g1 oonsluntDec limes Mm Wllllmh Boyd Mum Mm Art Boyd Rnll call any somclhlnx nlco nbnut Ihe person on your right mpzr wlll be xlvun by Mn Swallc Gllu will be chnnxrd nnh River0nd lluslan Mn James Dniyca Thcrc will be ruhnngo elm and program ur xnnfied by Mu Monkey and Mg Shim vmyDcc mm Mm mm stuwm nun Sume tDeq Hanan Mrs Frank flumncy Roll call wll cun sLfi of exchange at ngH There wlll be dnmonstrman on Chrlsl mu lnblc dncnrauons by Denhu Rummy Chxhlmu story will he rand by Mg orb numncy mm 15 no cum run ms 5mm flvofingiacey Smiley prnes Jenn Grgmo Roy Fraser and Maureen Bullbck Vlhis is the 1mm production or thequrle Theatre Guilt playwrlght Maureen Bullock n5 Anne Kclleway How nrd Lécey as Phllllp 11 rather any lnlellectunl type ol youngrmnn who ls perpetually belng browbcaten by hls mother Yvonne Lacey 115 Hnnlev Fellnwny domlneer lng obnoxlous motherlnlnw PeterNoy and Jung Gm hum plnylng the pm of bratty Engllsh school girl who ls ublqultonsly elllclent In from ls Don Thompson trump ln the productlon VALLEY TAXI 2433 EXAMINER LATE WAIT UNTII pm and if your carrier boy has not arrived then AND COPY WILL BE DELIVERED to Your Home By MI Hull call requires Chnstmma card and whne cm In Chrlslmn boxes CarnigwmA be sung hingll Remembersd ofj hristmns as child The wll be ex chflgxge pl phrighasglf mm mum The mccflnu was in chum 01 Mn Duurnn hmorlcal rc Iernch mnvmvr The mom Friemkhlp In the olden Ihrud Ihal Llrs 1h hmrls of all lht work was klvtn by Mu vmiun new Cumm evrnts wue rcvlcwed by Mm ll Dickinson aubnus cne no 15 at In stitute Hall There will be ex chunszJf gins paper on home economics Christmas rcadlnz and carols Commlllcc Miss Dun cllfle IndMn Harald Wobb WI Emerféined By Description Of Western Trip The momth mcellnxmt Oalns Corners Womens Inslllme was held UK home at Mrs Norman NLvlls on Thuudny Nov 18 The metHun optnod wllh the with Odo followcd by the nrvalcwnn 0011ch Roll mLL Name national food another century was nmwrrnd by mvrmbcn and sovcn vlslum The reasurnra report was Ivan by Mrs IKchklnmn4 Marketing Retommendafions Highlight of Brief Presentéd By Federation of Agriculfwe Recommendlion with rum ia mnrktunx highuxhind1he briei Presented in the premier and ub inel Ontario hy xheOnimn deenlion ui Agriculture 61 day Na only were chann in the hm product mukctinput re cmmnendgd but it wu Inflated but Inew cabinet pomaiio marketing and cooperation be umbiisiied Olhnr recommend Hum concerned exprapriaiion prp ecuclings cducnilom nimi assess ment and seveml oiher items The presentation was made by Jack Ferguson president of the Onlafln Federaflon olAzflculture Ihe rApld ndvahce In cummud lty marketlng In Ontailn was not ed with 15 pruducts now bclng sold under marketing plans Mr Ferguson told the cahlnat th ganlutlonlendorsus the new sys lem qtflagency mnrkctlnz which has been employed In markctlng hogs peaches beans chEeSe nnd other products In vlcw 01 thls development It was urged that In new or amended not be providqd comlblnlng B1111 desirable Ica turcs the old arm praducw markellng act wllh those features the nm at other provlnccs whlch nre rcqulred to glve strength Jo the mnrkellng prnlram In On lnrla Thls It was stntcd would 3ch Ontario producers confidence and help them to carry thrnugh Lthr markmlng plan wlth mln lmumol government assistance In making the suggtslion that new portfolio be established ML Fergusun palmed to the ever growlmz dunnhds In Qhelvflcld markeung These cpupled with the otherhanygnd zrnwlng de mandrnn the mlnlster nl agricul ture made it vmquly lmwulblc to cunllnc the mspumlbume the pcwnment ollone pomailp The arm canvanflon report was given by Mrs Arnoldmwwscr 60 mi Mrs Harry Prusser gave very Interesting lalk on her trip hmugh Western Canada The metUH closed Wflhk God Saye VQuonrn HUGE SIIMKK Lincs type or shark he whhle shark me lndlan and Pacific 3mg mucth lcnmh 50 or Mr Ferguson sluléd Ihe ledera 1an was gmtnlul fur the govern nmni action in enacting the milk lnduslry 22 bur requested early lmplumeniatlon ihe marketing principles involved Sirenglhenlng and eninrcemcni theEdlble on Am was also requc rl deudous lunch was served by he hostesses Mrs Legato Mrs Kane Mrs Hmvcrson Mrs Eovrscr Mrs Pmsscr and Mrs McIntyre The mum at education was con sldcrcd mm two vluwpolnts federation recommended that hm full capiln cost alLschoois he Plagnm by Fm Enulhu Ill yhuloxnpher Hall you In lhll IIEWIDIMI Iullnhla In xlouyprlnu hr all lnlnmhtlon than plctnn you wlnl WESLEY SYMES 321mm Imam NOTE The Barrie Examiner Phone 2414 0PM NEW In IN IMPROVID RKEPTIONI cums MASTERS 47 rfnChamplon 10 Chum lonlAleOW on nnnu MI any pmvtdn mml blllflanl IV Mum pollbh lode In hladt an whln an all Igonm hm when you an role at Ihll mm unmma wlll bvlnq you Muhkm In MI 010 no um mum Ina youm lo bvlohlm clean dlulpm plduru yaw MA dcllvmd and In philz iggdy FOKOR la lol irfiuh an nl Mam Champlon INNIOW yew hom Cuu iodayl borne by tin pmvlnclal and or federal government On the IlllI the department agricul ture swamHam txwa pointed out NH hill of thue men or educational purposes such an the Ontario Alrlcultural College Ind other ugrlcultunl school nnd ex temlon cducallnn Educatlonal needs at other sectlans the tummy are covered by sutulnry unnu to schools and college far tuchnlcal tralnlng The cdcrnlinn ntked that the mroprlntlons be Increased to cover thue educallom nl responxlhllltles and sllll enable the department to employ the shaft needed ta meet the lncrcaslng de mands ln the lleldz qt research and markellng On the matter cwroprlauun of arm lands torhydro highwnys scnwny hnusing and pipe lines Mr Ferguson said he edcnflinn recommended that Lhe pruperly ownér should be least as well at nller mm the land as he was bclnrc both linancinuy and lather vvjac Itwus furthpr urged that payments or cxproprinlad lands shnuid be made promptly It was also suggeslud that price negotia llnns should be on Joint basis with all the runners concerned nthcr han in whole sgrlc Individual negotiations other recommendations includ ed iunhcr nileniion to conserva tion ihe Establishment of provin ciniJnuscum nr pioneer village at Ihc silc near Dean in Waterloo County the use oi as much On inriowroduci as possible incldd ing bullet in all insiiluiians fln ahead by provincial binds Icar cnd crash guards on trucks r2 maving mmoons mm the protect ed list and iurlhcr nilnnlion io previous rccommendniions on rural usessmem FOB WITH inmasing hazards of highway linvcl xhcru may big matkzl uhud for new lixhlheighl alumlnum crash hel Incl developcd in Europe II not only Ink unnecémry Might all your mind lcsu proved that it nlw exhibits lcu dcm dcplh when objccu are drop ped on it wilh m7 one under Malh should udd Sounds Him stnsibic cha peau for conslruclion worker loci Cminiy lol of aluminum Iniclu dmiuped for one use have been ill ckly adopted for olhm Lopes which im hcipcd heavy demand for Canadian niuminum bolh home and in forclgn nurle Aluminum Company of Com nda Lid Mean Ph 5310

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