Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1954, p. 7

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€69 many friends an cqua nt ancns at the couple were truly like members Mr and Mrs Munros family as they gaihcred at their home last Thursday nun noon and evening to join in their celebration marking 50 years married Him Among lhe guns were many of me members of the congregation of SL Andrews Prmbytcnian Church where both havn been mm active since cmnv 1m in Barrie on Sam 29 1926 In he evening the entire chair in which Mrs Munm has sun or 13 years arrived nick name nfiter practice with the new organ ist and chair leader Dlomas Crawford to extend particular congraluhfions to the bride 01 50 years ago and her husband Barrie Will Always Be Home To Couple Wed in Scotland Fifly Years Ago Came Here in 1926 Mr and Mn Jame Munro of 14 Ferd 51 have bved On um side at we ocean or nu but five year at their march me Ind on the zoldm anniversary their IDN weddinl day they lei that hty were their me home In Barrie in town is Just Uke hu own home says Mrs Munm who was mlscd In Skranraer nglawn shtre an the west coast 01 5mg lgnd about hundred mils mm Im Just mu was In the old country 1120 buy and alL rmnblcs home and it always will be home In us And Lhe peepl are Just like one big family In e3 Mrs Mixnmnrsz joined Ihc chair the late Edmund Hardy was Ms dlrmlnr andr Mrs Haltdg was one of Ihu mends wlw called during the allexnoun Lately Mrs Mumo has not been singing 1n the choir so regularly but she sang conllnuuusly at both morning and cvmlng scrvlfis for any years and her tantrum value has often been heard ln solos 5L An drews She has always been and at singing and used to sing duels with her minislcr in lilllc town In the Unilcd Slates when they llvfd before coming lo Canada Both Mr and Mrs Munm in familiar figures at the Sunday morning service at Ihcir church here and she ls always there In the evcnmg too He is Just as Intended ln nhurchwurk as his wife and prcsonl is envelope secretary the church IL was not only friends rum their church who called on the couple an their anniversary how ever when thby llrsl Came to Barrio lhcy lived on Maple Av trluc mavlnl than on March 25 1921 and resided them 25 year gvlng In their prawn home nnly two ymrs ago Farmer nnghburs of those years wch on hand or lhu occasion Om old Mend Mrs Ken Car michac nee Helene Junclosl now living in Albuquerque Now Mexico telephoned Mr and Mr Munro the cvcnflng before and an was anc the his thrills olhclr anniversary Cclcbrafinn or them OLhCr friends ram the United Slates sent gm and flowers and lrlcnd In town prcsenlcd them WHh many luvcly Kins Th0 even received gin frumn3 nIccc chs was marvellous day and we will never forget says Mrs Munro They were parflcularly plmscd by the letter sent by tu Scmum St Andrews Chunh We had other lcllcrs but lhnl nnt mnnl in much Rev nnd Mrs James Icrgulon 1hr mlnlslcr of St Andrews and Inn wllv were amungdhe guest nl he rccupllun held bolwten Hm noun two and We oclock in llrn up hr lully unmIIII IIIII Illnioll Ind nun hum 1r muttqu nl Ilia wulhfl IHru nu hum mluul In mu lllllulll ntllln Ill III II qullllyl as me Arionunc when Mom Illl IIWlly aces Gills you llnd in our WELLERS DIAMOND MRRUIMNTH the uman and seven And In ck the evuunl Mn human pr td the tea able 1n the mernoom along mu Mn John Crawlnnt Mn Fulani who I150 assisted with the serving and Mn Bella Miller In the evening Mn ILLeGear Mn Cecfl North and Mrs Warren Wflur poured ten and nulan were Mrs Edwud Green Men Thwdoro Lawson Mm Lorne Carter and Miss Dorothy la£nsn The Lamson tamuy old neigh bor 01 the Mummi had presented the couple with lovely golden weddan cake made by Mrs m1 son and the ca Mb was gunned mm Ion1y arrangement llarge and small golden mums wkh tapers silt from Mr and Mrs Qarmicbael also old friends 01 the couple Mr and Mrs Munro have never beenr back to the old country which they iOIAt tew years afler thcir wedding Born and raised in the smc part Scotland they mat About three years bellore their wedding The bride who is the ianncr Elizabeth Di and her husband were both working in Giasgow but they met when they were both holidaying at her home He had lived in Glasgow all his iiln and following their wedding at hLl home they lived there for live ywrs Mr Mumo worked in shoe warehouse bebore leaving iar the United States in be foi lnwed year his wlln Tney chd in the Unllcd sum for 17 mm in Kanms and Oklla hom bdan commg to Canada on Sopl 1926 On atrival hue Ihey slaycd with cousins in Crec more coming to Barrie on SepL 29 to llvu or Mme with number cousin Mr Munro worked In Fishers Flour MU later Mchs Flour Mill which burncd down in re cent years before his retirement cw years agn Miss McGregor Welcomed Into SoropTimisf Club The Barrie branch or Samp imlst Internauunal welcomed an other new member at Its Novem bcr muting Miss Flora McGregor was inlm duccd man mingly by Misc Kay Webb and inducted by Miss Rulh Shaver Miss McGrcgor responded by saying she fell highly honored to have been asked 10 bitan member or such line organiza tion The mu mung of HM Busy Fingers and Fancy Doers was held at the hump of at Nells or Thursday Nov 25 at 700 pm The mccflng was upcan with he club creed allowed by HIE minuks of Lhc L151 meeting 01 call was tansh far my dress Some he girl bdsmd up their dresses and some cul mu mg nunn dalrntywlurnch was served by the haste Fifth Meeting Of Homemaking Club is Held Tim mceuhg was closed wilh Lhc Institute Odo Ami wick me by Popular St Andrews Chord Members Fifty Years Wed ny JEAN CABLE The Barrie Horticultural and Iown Improvement Sofie held xls first banquet in the nearly 50 years of us existence at Commun ity House on Tuesday evening Nov 23 It was huge success and judging mm the enthusiasm of the guests 15 Mkcly to become an annual alfnir Leading Ontario HorticUlturist Speaker at First Banquet In 50 Year Histqry Local Society sévéhtyiwo guests sat down In dnuuous turkey dinner with all trimming The meeting opened with sink in 0K Canada wflh Angus Ross the piano ML Russ also dcngmed everyone with appropsl ale dlnncr music throughout lhl mm Hand lab guests were CockburnquS Kane Bracebridge mercury Horllcul Lurnl Dislrict N0 10 and Mr Kbl ue Clark speaker pmy Bacon of Orlllia No 10 dislricl director and ML and Mrsr Taylor Mr Tnykk was he soci clys Judge for the home beau Iicallon carries In 1054 other outcmuwr gucsLs wort Mr and Mrs Kirby An gus andMr and Mrs Duxllr Mr and Mrsr Johnson of Mlncslng Mr and Mrs nyll Jackson and Coutls W15 han secretary at he Orlllia Hurt lcullural Sacicly and Mrs Penman ml Mrs Mu Jamlcson 01 On llorllculluml Soc and lnlrodwccd head table gums and those 1mm visillnx wdlufl Ml olhcr member hen 1mm ducnd lhcmschls musical program allowzd mm mm 5mm 01 mm play lnu he mandolin ncmmpankd by Garry mm wuu n1 Spanish mm Fohlowinz Hll5 Junclh Mc Mullcn Angus delluhlld lhv nudlrncmwllh lhrcc sclccllnn nn hrr accurdlun dcllrhltul rund Inn was ulvnn by the Farm am My Cumllrx Wllh Mr Farris Nayilu hls vlulllu hln dmmhm Mnrhm he piano John he lrnnwul and Gurdun UH vlulm Fulluwln Im muslcnl pmumm IL Cockhurn Inlmduud by hlcCaxroll xhuwcd Mime OK hla IJIUM slhln lznnlvns In 1111116 nlvlm runnan commcnmy nu rmva HHIIL AA umuL Mr IIKlelrfll plcllnrs mrl Wllh Xmld ic president Mrs NGabe nnddld 11 he metling and lul Xuvgiq dlqncrvnlcqqu Acvuyonc Hairy Mornu lnlrmlurtd Walk Htrululy he Olllflrln lhnlkulluull Awwlnumh who or yum 1m mu our mp mm nulnmn tnlhuslnsllu ulmlllbh and lnuvmnu lluum In llm hurllcul Inml Hle In Unlnlkn The wllhr Ilnrs Iul Ira Aha L1H Iu IuIIcc In IIII mm In Ilm ulvlll hy Mr Clnlk huvlnu HIMn lln lIDlIEI ulul UHFum unly lmmmy wan thrqurnl IlnnkIr rmmnnndlnu llw yum ullrnIIun III nIIIIlrnrc lIlId por JInylmg va Iumny um 0th hrlp InII lm lrll ule ml Imn wm nu mmk llml we cum Onlunu Hvr III mm III Um maul lvuullhll plum In wurld we mm In Inkr luv HIIII In ll Ind IIU my lllllr Imung nlmul IIr PINTO PONY summonmama rm no nu cammu DI Ivnu uunmuw Bl IIAHDN M70 C0 47 COIIOINI IOIONIO ONI Munnu ml AI In my Mun IIII III III In Ill ML Annual III VIAII II IIIIV mm mm in mu rm um on my 14 van mm In nun Cu IwI ll nu mu III IIOII IlIIlI II In hm Iln out IvI II man mm tumAm mu In In an VohnhJaa BRANDED ON m1 mnunucnlm roNr NUGHS AS vou mom We mm ll Ind vlu nlmul llr commsmd Onlarin cillzcns with Texanshwho nevu ire of bootl lng Texas and really mean what lhcy say Yet we Kn Ontario havl uvcrthinx and more than me Texan In eloquent Icrms he went on paint word plcturc 01 Ontario Having Misscrossed the prnvlncu from Earner In corner into 11 UN nooks and cranmcs or 25 years with his work Among the 200 hurl Lculurql sodnfics of the province Mr Clark knew whnrcol he spoke However he mentioned that us he went 1mm villagev Wu and oily he 51w Lhc mflnvmarle scars and blemishes that Had the natura picture Hm hat cultural soclctlcs had come and done much lohclp omnmwfllm scars by beautLficalJon une means or unolher He went on to discuss the people who Iain such societies and lhc bcncltu they derive from llns work rrmnrklnn that czdtng pcnologist had said he never got gardener as criminal Me slrrsscd the VIIIUL ofhurtlwllurll work to the Individual the num munuy and the countryandxulll It was every mans privilege to Walk In his gman in the cool of the evening Enor In Date 5L Goovgos WA Bazaar Advertisement Mr Clark was thanked by M15 Anastasia Hughes Mrs Clark was unable to accompany her nus band as she I11 In hospilal 50 Mrs Gable expressed Lhe but wlsllw l0 Mr Clark and cavi hlm box of flowers to late 10 hrr Mrs Gable announced the dale name soclclys annual mm lnL un DN pm In mery Hull when Dr lvu Smyncr will be spcakcr Ind wlLl show his colored slides Several numlcnl srlmllons by um Fcrrla lamlly mought close manomblp cvcnlnv On mm Fridays Enumlncr lhu llnll II Um FA umrucn WA Huier Wm Nuan chnudny Doc Thu conwl lair mould clmlM he Wednesday Dcccmbu MIL AND MRS JhMES MUNRO Moderate Today With Showers Cooler Later Trmnfrnlulrl luv Irmilllrd Illmm murh VIIIInn IlIllIrll us put wreln wlIII unuloml rln Ilnl wet Imuw whlch mellrd II It lrll Humlly wn nwn pluunl pm numly Today ennumm moana wlu Ilrut nlll Ind cooler lo Illdl HIIM Tnnyulluru one Nov Nov Nov Nev Nov Nov Nnv Nnv XMAS SPECIAI 5300 inn Importance Of Young Peoples Work Stressed Thu munlhly mccung Daxlnr Home and School Association was held on Monday Nov 72 in Baxter School wilh lhc president Mrs Walkom presiding During Ihc business period men tion was mad Young Canada Book Week held each year In No vember and very allracllvu bunk display had been sol up as an ex ample 01 good boulu or children at all ages read was announce that the De cember mncllng would be in he form of Christmas puny fur the childrenon the evening at Dec under the leadership or Mia Louise Culley Slmcoe County rc crnauon director The cglnnal conference lo be held In Barrie on Dec was also announced The program was In charge ha parent cducann and religious educauon cnnvcners Mrs Gnulcy and Mrs ManLhlnn The Speaker or lhc evenan was Revr Mufir canvencr 01 the committee nr Chrlstlan edu cation in Barrie Presbyury Mr Muir Wns Introduced by fluddlck and spoke on Why Wl Should Have Young Proplcx Society He was Iccompnnlcd by lwo members IN Allundnlc Slroud YPU who Ipokc bricfly on what YIS had meant lo them The minister illusunlcd In very lnrcclul manner the nlms and pur poses young peoples soclcllr and he buncliu be derived 1mm lhum Mrs Manchlan Lhnnkvd Mr Mulr for M1 very fine address and hand mm mm cnouuh com munlly Innth could be anuScdia Wm YPS ln Baxler church It was pointed out that pur pose or Home and Schnol upon 50 warlhy colnmunfl mum and Umlu Ihcm Gnulcy Immduccd hn players In sllnll unrnnl cducnnun plnylcl enzlfltd Chum Un lluea pack jun cnmtr of Wnlku Mom woudcthll Toyllm lekcllon Every youupm In your lmmn will bu will lhll Chrhtmu with lop mm Wutur mom John Illa mny wlu ppople mopping aw Wnlkor Morel pufiuc opinioniéwnms At Canadian Club COLUNGWOOD ARENA Wlllham th Mchrmem MBE has tendered his ruslznaUun 10 Town Council as manager nl Collinnwood Communfly MenAerial Arcnl eUchlvc Dec has occuch this position since 1h arena was opened In 1948 ENFOHCE OIULLIA CUMEW Orllllas Curlew bylaw Inna un cnlonccd will be brought xmo ac tion again Police Chlel Mc Intyre mmd Saturday to curb Juvenile unzs unnlng mm ugh Ind damaging town and bus Incss property TOBY GREGGS NEW JOB Tory Greg Wingham pms Idem he Onlarla Hockey Am cinuon and Wm known in Barrie an oman It harness horse was has xuslznud posian as bushes Mona the Wacm Ontarlu Athletic Amoulnlllm bccumc salt mprcsenuuve Mounns WABAGA POPULATION wuh many culLIzce at Wasaga Beach Oakvlcw and Brockn In me Genman Bay area vlntmtcd Lhe winter poyumlon the com bincd beaches hnlbccn osllrnalcd n1 L500 Many are occupied by army and nlr lnrcc tumult mm Camp Borden Two and chm bedroom wllh runnlng wnm nrc done The Hut lamlly was por unynd by ML Ind Mn 1ch Gar doll and Lloyd Ind Janet Gordan The other anally was played by Mr and Mn George lloblmun and Eddie Ihblnson Bruce Edgar ndcd me part Dr lhillp 5910 mon nolc rhlld psycholoum pointln out error and corrccl proud ol the parent hc Ilumlon Illur the Audience had vurllulpalcd In xcncrnl dIsCuJ nun Thu mnclln closed with the ulnglng of God Save lhc Queen and mill hour 29 195 3988 EXAMINER MONDAY Allision Potato Club Has Banquet To Honor Growers Continued mm pan out min in Onhrlo and make ma even 11 nun VI chflnzngor lhcm lnpflcg vqul Bmweu Ind the handler mar Kln profit The In shauld be on equalized but New Vlflcky Nudzd Helelt that Omarlo varlfly which has become prominent needed math nu this need 01 lam potatoes and lo also be scub rmnl and be better tunable 105mm Grower should pay manllnn to quality and cleanliness as Um wu mcn at today are wing tuxy and they want evqryzrdng Lucy buy to be the best In both lhtse requirements He recommended the Savngu varlnly as one whlch would be best for January sales lrgm slomgc Those at the head table in cluded Mr and Mrs Good wln Mm McLean and her son Hugh Mr and Mn Walt Lloyd chairman the Crop Improve ménl Association under whose auspficca he club is operated Hon Presldunt Nicol Wilson nnd Mrs Wflso Pralch W11 lard and Mrs 60h Sccmlary and Mm Harvey Whltcslde Mrv and Mrs Kdm McRueI Mr Ind Mrs Frank swnc ngricullural rep resentatives and the Rev ML Jacks speaker the evening he Introduced from lhc floor wuc Roy melding county council represenmuve auricul lum CcdlCMppcll secretary at the Federation of Agriculture and Mr and Mrs gamma the Consarv Mon Sons 5011 and Society and read mm the lather should encourage and sac rflicn for their sons to enable thcm lo chuqsc vocwod new Jack mknhter Unn ed Church at smyrgcrL spoke on The machine nzc had reduced rural populmnns and 111 mumhes ln lhu rural area were sullenmg as consequence The soils were only pmdudng about 50 per cent 01 the crop they formerly did he clnlmcd and his also ended to reduce Lhe men nccdcd on he soils Saciuy needs conservafiun we are not ta be changed to some other mode of ulvng he said We must be bound together keep on the right mad or we will be Iurcnd int way 01 lile whlch tends to take our random We need the deathch imperialism at Godflnms uAau times 51 ed uouumn Clarence Gununanv who spoke nn varlcuw urged me flower Kc experimental plan in upen Hon so that wrlcly potatoes would be dcvciopcd Irom seeds at other nations which wouhi be scab pronl hav div prupcr momma content Ind wmukmd file case so that In latcrmarkm wouid rcnlcd at $35 ADJALA BMIN BURNED When lantern overturned while Thomu Fcnn was muldnl rcpaln In swam repairer re cently hls ham cauzhl fire was ruled with nu mm mm wn nchu plll one call threshing macmnu llnd the Susans crop were la The mm In lamlcdnn Dan Adjzla Tawnshlp ROBINDALE INN Weddlng receptions hnnqucls pallles PHONE F0 INFORMATION mum emur PHONE 374 Mn Fred Slewme Inn today or human when she 15 man up residence with her mathu Mn ladflan McLean Lynne Walls l2 sullered rang lure of me right wrist Sunday at ternoon when the lell while xkat mg at the Family Hour session at Barrie Skating Club be lakvn advantage al 11 some the container funds were used or Ihls purpose there could be dnvcb opulch made 9which would on sure hcucr mnrkau and prlccs Mrs Thomas 151 Shanty Bay Road received word on Sat urday nflght he death he lather James Sczlun 80 at Pix lochry Scotland nflcr weeks Illness Mrs Thomas had but re cently returned la Canada nflcl vislllngtor two month with her caincldence ML McRuer had menfionnd was the fact that hls secretary was the daughter of the lop winner Home McMann so In ordm to keep the name of Ihe wlnncr secret unfll the meeting he 50 Mrs MnRunr to type he nama alter the anion closed tamuylHScéuimd HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA AT HOME nouns mm mm mmva ummn ALL IOOK lunuln Iona Your um um Ad Will um nu huanund na eru AMERICAN SCHOOL 8qu 302 Best of Luck Anna St Ph 4504 AGENT FOR upnn II receul opcnlng at CUMMINGS FEED MILL FIRES OUT IN SECONDS The new llrellzhlln chlorobrumomethnnn Cll ha been opted by ha Um GuvL Ind U3 Alr Force low Chcmlcu Product When huyln polulna nemmbu IIH cun MINGH rotnous nicnmim hnnll

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