Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1954, p. 6

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No Eitictiontiiere All Acclamalion Barrie Council Continued lrom page one quired or new capital necessities to meet the expansion ol our town which IIvcry Ipparent to all at us or the two departments will by the end ol the year be not lar at 00000 will by the end at next month have completed to years as member at your Public Utilities Commission dix ycars in my cap acity as Mayor and nine years as Chairman have had the opportunity oi witnessing very extensive growth during those years our average monthly purchase at pow br tram the Hydro has Increased 356 per cent since my first Year on the Commission That year our total cost at power was 370000 Ltist year it was 5261000 Since my first yeah1033 nil yearly domestic consumption has Increasedvlrom three million to 21 rnlllion killnwntt hours coinv mercial consumption irom 1600 090 8400000 and power con odrnplonlrom just under WI million tochcn and halt mlli Ion kiliowatlhours fOur combined revenue to both departments inilSSd was 24000 and in 1933 71000 anc our total combined assets 17 yearl ago amounted to $5000 as against $2052000 today John Dobson Mr Dobson who received an acclamatlon to another term on lhe Public School Board said it had been his intention nut to stand but as no one else had beer vslominatcd he felt obligated to accept oihcc oncemore He hac completed six years as publi sphoolJrustcc and in that tilnt had seen considerable growth In the number 0i children attend ing the schools hire Clemnlcns ln brief address Mm Cle meat who also received an no ciamatlon or another tclm oi piles on the schoolboard said she was disappointed to ilnd that in town this size of Barrie thert hhd not been some other citizens coming torward to run or ollicc Personally she cnioycd the work and felt as mother that it was aEgood thing to the one woman on the board ltalph Snelgrove Mr Sneigrovc who will also re tdrn to the school board with on clamction said that the inth ct of the community which in cluded pupilstaxpaycrs and tell chcrs was always considered be lore the board ever came to ll decision During the two ycars hp had served on the board he had seen the mcmbemdo good job at work Since the end at tile war the board had built three ncw schools and had completed major renovations to two others The town was not through with growing and the next ycurs will also see lurthcr school expansion llarry lilirhic lAid Michlc returned to ward live by acclamation paid tribute to the town oiilcc stall tor the help he had received from them during the past year More street lights In the town were needed he statcd and tilch would have to be more rigid lratllc control The town was growing rapidly and it would be csscntlal to have zoning areas laid out properly to meet the nccds that would arise Mrs lllrnllilm hcturncd by acclanlation to the cr seat In Word llvc Aid Mrs lllmlltnn anlll sllc iiall worked closely during tllc past year with lid Micllle In attending to the needs at their word Due to the industrial setup sho considcrcd that Ward llvc was the most im ortnnt tclltm in the lawn Mrs inmillun said that In alitlitlnn to being one ol the aldcrmtn In Word live Ihc liked to consider liursuli Is lilo womens reprtilnlatlve on council and she wlu only too Ilap py to bring any piublcnl lrum the women in ctluncil ll laddlwn Mr Palililsllli lliilllltll to ward lollr by ilcclflliltillllil rclnlndtd the audience that he ililll kclvttl in council lnr tour yrllrl nllli this was the second time he had in erived an arrhluumlluu llo lmlllt ti out that nlthtulitll lilo tuwli had grown ctillillitlllliiy in this past eight yearn the tire liltinrlmtnt iilIli not kfllt llltt with this growth nuthut the pint year the lire cnmmlttee llilll brrn able to add one lllilil member Ill the dc partmclll lllrtnulil but thr lulillrn tli council in llulli wltli illl coin mlllre hrut meant they wtrr ntit llllt in It llllliiilrr in truck which they felt was nevtlcd lillllI Alla returned to tliiki by ac clIluntioll wile ltltlrnnnn Mitr rat Mills to ward Itiur whn Ialll till they hml inul vrry glioll yr In ctlllnril during mi llc ii been lmutllltttl willl the till aura cutnlnitlre wrilllre runlmll tr sewage disposal cotnmlttrc niul llad btflll fllllluilltlll ill the Triton Picturing llonul iir llllllcr stood that all It lilt lllnlnllictu were going In nnlilh the year within their budgrll Arthur lllnrnm tuvrn uerlnnnnnn to warll thm Arthur hinnnw mhl hc wat llllticllllrti nl illlll lllllu as to Will tht he would qlinllly or not ll he did make up his mind to run he vlsbedto fiveIn Inclance ttlIt he would work in the inter ests oi the town think pcoplcr who live in town and am proud ot it should accept some at the rcupnnsibllities ol citizenship and work tor the town he Commented have been resilient hero tar at years like Barrie and like to act it progress William in vcly bllul ilddrcsi Aid Williams who was also given an Icclnmalion ln ward two said that during the past year he had been halrman ol the trultlc committee Gordon ltlcTurk newcomer to council Gordon Mcnlrk wellknown local ldw who received an acclamallun ward one said that he appre slated thc opportllnlty ut sitting an council lit would do his ut nost to look alter the allnirs at its ward and the general opcra l0l1 oi the town business He avc an assurance that he would nuke up in zeal and enthusiasm what he lacked in experience Hersey Aid liéihuy who galn returned to ward uric by eclamation Icicllcd to the know dgu he had gained lulingthc last year through being on coun There were certain things vnlch would be needed ill the billing year he said These in Iudcd mnru protection ior child on on the speedways in town in ciiort to prevent any increase it themlll rdtt and start made providing storm sewers In ceessury areas at the town citi xml he said Shnultl inicicst hemselves In municipal govern ncnt and should talk over town li rs with their Irlcnds and llbors so that interest could maintained try Klnzio Mr Klnzic member of conn in word one last year was well an reclamation as deputy reeve In his talk he rclerred naillly to the question or new In iustry coming to Barrie This was phase oi the town work with villcll he had been actively en agctl through council and hrouglt the industrial committee it the Chamber of Commerce in iustry did not Just came to own The men concerned had to so convinced that ihc sites that were available were those that hcy required Mr Kinlic relerring to the re ent purchase oi the industrial and near lligllway tDOfsald he cli this was one at the best movcxi ho town had cvc made and It nlghl well one day prove in be Sarllts golden mile ll Glrdwa Mr Glrdwood the deliuty reeve in the 195 council was one at three candidates nominated or he rccvrship alld he gave re lluw oi the work which had boon tone in the dcpartmcnl of public works at which commitch he is chairlnn llc pointed out that it llad been his ambition In start work on drainage system in the parts at town which ncedcd thid nost In the CunlberlandCodringA ionPenctangBerczy streets areas However In the large amount ot tvarkrlirmt the department hail on books ior the year it hall lilil bccll possible to have all this work done but it was pro llrcsslnl ill the present time Dur ing the year they had had Dnc illlllfllliili miles ot new titrccts illititd II the town imtl tiltso llnd to be opened up and graticti Tilc town employees also lalll oneand sixtcllths miles at slrlcwdlks and 200 house connections were made lur sanitary sewers roughly about twonndahalt mllw ol connec tions to llousrs largely They had also laid oncandthrceequartcr miles of sanitary solvers James llari Exlllllyor JamLs llait who was also nominated lor the rccvc ship disculscd the question at city cloths and he said that tllu incoming conncll should certainly give grant lcal til consideration It all the aspccts ut uuoh change He said It would hi guild lillllL Ill his estimation ii the appropri ate members hunt in civic lunch with the Urban iilllyurs and netvet Association willcil lliiti btcll lurin ed There was mucll llsrlul In lnrmntllin which could lie linincli trrim this group Mr llart lllull rtiLrml bill to the ullcstllnl otrunnllreu n4 rrssmcnt within the county nlld rclclnd in the position oi Barrie and Orllllil tlllnk we arr paying prctly good uhnre to the county he rt marked Williams All nominated inr the rccvm shill Mr Williams rcttrrltl llllllll ly in the work which lliltl hreu done In tho Wclilre ttnnlnlitcl oi which he had bccn chairman timing the pntt two years nl our he hntl spent lll council The run dltlntr gave his nurllcnce ll rum parlslm oi hnw tilc wrliIrc buli get had been rriltittd over the years In rmwimilnll Mr Williams alh tlllunccll that he would Hill up than Mr Olrtiwooll itir tllc rtcvr llllD ll ll arm Mr Greer acid that Ilr liIlillllNl to lot lilI haml ntnnll illl mlynr AI tillllile chairman this ycnr one it the lust lot was Ill lulllgrt lur Wilt Our lilitlgrl was livrr the onclnilllunulullnr mark and when you hit that llttllrr it Is my bllslncu ilc Ilill Mr ilrrvr went sin in ptiint nllt iRADlO TELEVISION iSERVICE REPAIRS courts illhl tulnod technicians are tally qualified to service my radio or television set guaranteed to In you utterelicit Ind tun you monuy CO evltion Experts boulel 259 iNlilSili ST OF PHONE 2420 was lllia Quartet in Barrie Cililzens Tllc roan CANARIES mm the OrIl lla Chapter of SPEBSQSA was one of the tour quartets at Sunday evenings band concert in the Barrie Roxy Theatre ThéSe soy Hell and old songs tour gentlemen placed third in the Ontario Ba my all Concert Li regional contest recently in Toronto Mas with the Orilllo Chapter chor us brought back landmerpories with their that through negotiations Central Mortgage and llousing the money whichtlle town Willi now receiving In licu oi taxes was clasc to the amount received by the town irrim thosullnlllls pri valcly owned and charged under the regular tax rate After giving an outline at now oiiicc equipment which had been purchased during the year Mr Greenwent on to rcicr to the population increase In the town over the past 12 months He went on to explain that wards one and tour had grown to such an cxlcnt that they were al most twice as large at any at the other wards In town and it was possible that they might have to be split to make two additional wards in the iuillic Mr Greer also dealt with the question oi city statusanll equal lud asswsment in the county saying he itll that Earric did not gct lair equalized assessment last year lor county purposes Mr Grccr said that his only hope was that Ii he were Dchtcd mayor that the representation in county council next year by the rccve and deputy rccvri would be ulrong lleber Smith Mayor Smith at the outset ol his address said that he was not going to contest the mayoralty this year ills reasons or doing slvwcrc purely personal as during the lost two yours he had spent gcat tlcal oi time on Iown busi ness Private allalrs need my aliens tion For that reason and node other am not running tor mayor this year he explained Mayor Smith said lie was grate lui or the chance having serv ed on council lit llad gillncd great deal iron the cxpcricncc blitll lrnm the ltiini oi municipal lnlv illlli nllllllcllill utivrrnniflni Tnis yea countll has been guild count llo allllcd it has bccn delight to work with them Committees have worked well and carried lull sliilrc oi rcspomlbil lty which has tlll many hours irnm councils time Every mem ber In council has sued ill the Dust inltrcsis oi tow Mayor Slnltll llltii went on to explain that it would be nuccss ary to carry out changes lvllcrcby lilo imvn olilcu siaiil would have lnore space in which to work The ptlltre dcpartnlcnl would also nttli lntirc llpacc Referring to trnlllc salcty ltlayur Smith said Llliil the Coun cil llall nut llvlll lllimllidilil it this need ilnll next year from hilly lilllil Octnlicr tiicru would be two trillllcll llltiitircyrlc hollcc uuu lllillchlti in nu ttiwn police torre Lillrly sillll lilaylir Smith thrrc hall lift lot oi criticism oi the number til liltllkllu lll till town Now itillnwllltl lllslushlun with tllt Oll it illlll bllll nrralllttld tllnt pillliltclntillu olllrcr would uprrall on llll town lltililliiilll next year llllppln to knth who he II nllll he is 0th Hi till illicit Oil utilltll ill lllt artll llL llmnrkcd Mnynr Smith Illlll rtlrrrcli to tile iillltlcpllltnllnl in the town which lie lllllii II Is an ex rrlllllt briunlic tillulitli thorn any town at comparable also that gets nearly the file printe illln lur tlit nllillly Ipeni lilllt Iinrrlc flora Ills Wnuhlp Wert on to llny that during the yrllr till depart mrnt llnli Willltrtl quite number it things lltll llnllil1llnotely they had nut bcrll able to get every with The First Column lContinued rum page one way as matter at tact he got Into Wnrd SIX by 730 The day below the Grey Cup game will long remain In mind Now its to this Schenley gathcr ing it was really something First it all twoculoriully garbcd guards with plumcd hats anti tances checked incoming cre dentials to eliminate ciashcrs The big young man at reddish hair dlrecdyahead oi the editor had torgotten his card But he got in having bccnablc to prove wlh little tmublc that he actually as the assistant coacholtllc Edmon tun Eskimos Mr Spccgie Upstairs in the Granite Club was the reception room and at the door lovely rcdhcad rcuueslcd all guests to sign the register But there was more to come in side the doartllete were two tables set up To the right love ly blonde was presiding To the lelt lovely bruncttc was prcSld lng Guests were politely asked to declare themselves This was problem The hiondc was pin ninx orl boutonnlercs with minia lurc footballs green and gold the Edmonton Eskimo colors The brunette was doing the same or the guests only lhcy were In red and white the Montreal Alotlcitc colors Which colon to wear That was the problem Allcr giving the subjects considerable inspection theI cditor decided to become all Eskimo The next two hours passed quickly There was very im pressive ceremony in which pres entations were made to 5am Etch cvcrry Clcrry units Alex ch star and Rallllilililcs The dec orations were cctacuiariy color tul the hospitality was excellent As in the script carclully plannll ahead thLI editor leii the Granite Club by live otlock Early and bright Subway trip as planned Out Royal York In plenty ol time Iar train but theres usually it mistake illlnlt titty wanted llcicrrillg tn industrial sites Mayor Smith null lnany proplt llatl asked how much llic Tuwr oi Dnillc had had it do in gel the llarrlc ilubbtr Collipany come htrl Wt lltlll tll hi it llil iii talking and it lot of working he stated in dollars and critic we lllld lL runpiy along the ride at their property on rightinch vntll main sanitary newer ltttirm lewcl nlld road liir roll tli this war approximately lllbilll which will be solnlvtlling loss than the plum tlpal tllxcs tilly will pay in two years Mnynr Smith llllll wrnt on to talk llblllll llan lulllllliiic llililil wu Ill rlllnrtl Lil villhlliylnrnt in tho tuwli ltllll IIllll nlollltll tlltil was it population at 20000 it ilit prvslllt limo llllre Wltl unprint lnltitcly 200 within tirnwlnu unenl pltiynllnt illrllrlltlcr Tilnt Is one Mr cunt oi the plipulntllill nilll unu Li remark nliiy lnw tiltltrc llc nllliull Not ilrlent It number ol the rnnllltlulrs who were nlnnlnnloll during the cvcll in were llll irlxrlil tu Ilcak nl lllc rlllctlnyern nitrilllu which iollllwcli llllllilllntllillI roulrln phononii We regret owing to the usual heavy Christmas do llvorlos Doc will be the last ddto for receiving ilvo poultry until altar Christmas MARKET ALL BEFORE LIVE POULTRY DEC 10 We offer high competitive prices on all dressed poultry rinsr cotiPlIililllllE PACKERS or Illlllllllll llunrn lnnlilll Slmt Bani The editor admitted his He had lots at timcto catch his trainto Allandnlle so decided to enter the Royal York and look over the progame excitement in lobby That did it Viewed igloo Listcn ed towmtern hoerdpwn band with little cnthuslasm Watched curl lns mob ot rugby enthusiasts and party cxeuslasts roaming about as hotel custodians also wattiled anxious about property Thcn what should happen Ran into old lriend lrom Montreal Well wlnt could chtor do Turn down Invitation to ride up to 8th lloor to old friends room lor hrch visith Anyway there was still is minutes to train time But the elevator service on the way down must have been slower than on way up Editor arrived at slailon to find doorman just closing door to tmck Train had lust lclt he said And oi all Lhings on time What next to no was the quand ary Just had to be in Barrie by sight Editors rink was expect him to curl The old school tie and all that Sudden decision Rmh to Front St Ind summon irs cab To 5tClnir station as an as you can Trying to catch the train asks he driver Well it just crawls to Parkdale says he we can brat it here But trallir is terrible as me roulpl imagine day belore Grey Cup game and cab arrives at Farkdalcns Na 45 Is clearing sritlge ovcr QuecnSt Okay okay ayls driver well make it at St 31a By this time editor is solncwhal ircd by reason ol much editing In previous week not to mention urllng skating and rchcarslnrl with town band so dcddes tn iosc eyes and rest on trip to St Clair Station Awake several minutes later and llnds himseu at St Clair stalJon Driver happy says got you here bol Editor hcn ilnds Its the Canadian Pacllic lotion on St Clair Avenue So away we go again Two min ltrs later and six blocks cast the ab lands at the Canadian Nil lonalstatlon on St Clair Avenue And what do you think There was No 45 Just moving oll up he track to Anandale Well anyway the editor arrived Aliandale ahead of the train Niscr toll Curird that night Illltl lvlm tor chantte out doesnt ELECTION WILL BE NECESSARY MIDLAND POSTS Voters in Midland will go to the polls on Dec to choose rceve and two aldermcn lotiowinl the nomination meeting which was held In the town on Friday Mayor Charles PIrker has been returned to ollice by re clarnallon Deputy Reeve Mel Holden has also been given an acclamation For the reeveship thc millit Snow Holds Off Until Santa llhrough Barrie lOanIinued trom page one at the brave black cat and the cow lumping high over moon Cinderella came next riding on her huge glass slipper and accom panied byhcr handsome Prince Charmingshe In an ermine wrap and her prince in handsome vc vet jacketand plumcd hat Walking tlgurcs in lovely pu plc velvet page costumes lnrmod thocscort behind this lloat which was lollnwcd by the Old Woman In the shoe high upln hcr strange abodc and surrounded by her many children In tabled costumes Clown Float clownon madly carccnlng bicycle ushered in the clown band on their big wagon lioat pcrlorm in traditionIl clown antics to the vast enjoyment ol the young spectators Humpty Dumpty perched men rily on his wall and all the Kings Men in their red brassbuttoned coats stood by to help put him to gothcr again and the Three Men in Tub were back this year one at them bcspectaclcd candle stick maker draping ol iishncl adorned the attractive litllc iluat which was icilowcd by Jackin theBox with his Shetland pony team prancing In mm as he pop pcd up out at his but to startle the children One ol the most benutllul oi the local parade floatsls Mary1 Mary Quite Contrary with her pretty maids all standing in row ina lovcly garden setting their charming and quaint costumes making them look as It they had lust stepped out oi alryland in deed Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater rc mnlns stunning Iloat with Peters brilliant green costume creating picture citect as he stands in lront at his strange pumpkin home with his wile peaking out the dour Santas Plait The strains oi Jingle Bells warned that Santa was near and as the bystanders saw the lrtisty beautltul show Qllecn ride into view on her truren blllcvwhllc throne surrounded by her two lootmen In beautiful satin costumes at wlrlleahd shocxlng pinnamey knew that the Visitor mm the North Pole was here Santas sleigh splendid crea tion in bright red with said run ncls with Salli Nick himself wav Ing lrom on high provided suit able grand tlnnlc as he laughed th dccp chuckle and waved to watchers on elthcr side extending his annual proChristmas greetings to the Town oi Barrio This thoroughly local product was viewed with pride by the en tire townone ofth iincst homc town parades in the callnlry and one that grows in magnificence year by year Chlelly lor the youngsters in town It also has visual appeal ior till the adults and almost every citizcn was sthndlng along the parade route or waving out at the windows at their homes as tilt parade paused by in all its glory lecl ball as sorry or himself he tiflis illr his lrienli iroln hiullt rral do you belong with lid group cilail=iil culverts utilitarian situation OW INSUR MICE COSTS Carrlul dlirrn have fewer Ircldcntl Ind have lrwrr cisiini ngaiiul lllrir Inulrancc company At State Farm lime lower rialtm mitt mean lower lnrunnre out ior State Farm policy holderssince Stale Farm Ilml to Insure finial drlvcrl only you II All IAIN ltlwunrl caninl driver you should look Into Illil lowcolt Illlonlobllc Inlunnro planIt may mun big Insurance savings lot you Call ul today to see It you canonlily Is rarelul drlvtr Thu it no obliglllon and you me lave money on your auto Intunnrc Hui lAcM It rm to mt low In In Most Mac Maciliilli 52 DUNLOP ST PHONE ll hurts iilpiilnllli on Clarence Wood member Keller he apposed by Percy Crawford lrl ward one there will be all election with the sitting member Clinton Smith being chllletllcd 17 Robbin to ward two Charleso Dovmcr the IItJnl member ha been nVEfllIn ac climation at has William Milan the present member In ward titres In ward tour William Wilcox wdl oppose the sitting member Charles Onlcy The three sittinzmcmbers on the public school board Mrs Hugh Mclntyrc Dr Dalton Martin and Frank Bray have been turned tor twoyear tclm cl oiilce by aoclamatinn The sitting members on the PUC David Hurrlc and Charles Stcvenwn caoh received an acclamation lur another twoyear term ELECTIONS 13 as HELD FOR STAYNER POSTS There will be an election in Stayncr tttr the post cl mayor recvc and also or the lllx scals on council Nomlllaltd tor the mayoralty nre ABlackburn Lnnd Allbrey form both of whom have quali ed Two have also qualitied lorthc recveshlp Russ Snmmcrville and Sevencandidates have qualified for thc ouncll seats Robert Sharpe1r 11 lves Vern Wil son George Clemente Floyd Ban nerman lvan Daley and David Marshall HarryMathers iloger Watson and AlexCulham all received no clamatlons to the school board while Oehm was givcn an THE hABflIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 29 llslt GREAT WAmWA The Suez canal lining the Medl tcmncan with the Red oea Is lo miles long MARKET PRICES NOVEMBER 29 MI liOGS cams cans POULTRY As quoted by First Ctroperative rackerr oi Ontario Barrie Hag Market Unsctticd EGGS Large Med ium Small CHICKENS Over lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade to lb Special Grade Under lbs Special Grade Grade Grade 23 20 21 iii It finds over lbs 45 lbs acclimation to the PUC W4 Chllnnel convdnlcnce ol viewers in Barrie we Lockina AI AnimIlI us Junior he no truth Takn stand 00 hidden mm no new Doody omlml oair aid 00 00 We FEATURING coo find not all ille not It wutt wun Klvlt an Wovil trth llama IM to lo taucum 40 ottt Urider lbs lii 15 ll Toronto Epletts Electric your Crasley TV Distributors are happy to pre sent this schedule oi CELT Propms three times weekly for the Ind District MOtiDAY NOVEMBER 29 rnvorir Ituy slice run an um It lint vv tioopa The Now l955 Crosloy 2i Inch Deluxe Coflldln Model rozl cowl Handsome Ityllng In re lerled coll Equippedwith utters New rntiry euutrhron piIie trliable In walnut unhappy or timed out vcncrr tinth TUESDAY NOVEMBER 30 BonIIfl OConnor In no UirinI In In luNlcl Iniy Wuhy nutn until II usnoul not Llrl can Yelevltlon rteI mull norm Allnl rum ow vnulr II II Il Vic DMI rhu mum on Ill mm Chuckloch EPLEITS liliililllll itslo motor to mull rt amt orient not likens Barrie 8442 Pboni ms iltttlt rhea

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