+vSeiling Starts 730pm tillliirticies the Said anodiai 240 Give theparty who dfharticle listed on this sheet and LINES TO SERVE YOU NATIONS lho Alucrlrnu itolrl Cimada ltnllway News Stun iixrll and Sons il ltoward Crown Llie Harris tendon tun JiIu Nrshltt litlaudnltI nh 70 Iloako ltrai lZstaln Art lowrli it llarrls LA it ilowmau il Itood Streklry ll leunrtt ltmployrcs Allalulale The Iiaton Co Ltd Dainos Massage ltork tllrnm llntil nrrnihrrs urtagc rllrnthrlcc Transport lllhys Seagrnms lllttlilcries iluy Hutchinson Insulation ilTllllY panic seems 149 Gal AntiFreeze Graves Bros 150 liamper ot Apples Cancilla Fruit Co 151 Book at Taxi Tickets Deluxe Taxi 152 Vaccination against distemper dog Dr Fleming 153 Cases 7up 7Up Ont Ltd 154 Coal oilstove oven Simeoe Ioop 155 Chryeo Car Battery French Motors 150 Westclox Trayalarm clock Jackman Electric 157 Wiser tront door lock set Dents Sheard Ltd 158 Roasted lb chicken delivered anywhere in Barrie on 24 hour notice llart House 159 10 tons crushed stone tor driveway Varcoe Bros 100 5500 Food Voucher Dominion Stores 101 Dry Cleaning Voucher Waggs Laundr 162 Electric Vaporizer tor slckroom DeVllbtss Canada Ltd 103 Westeiox Travalarm Sun Lite 104 Leather Dilliold Harold ll Dtirch London Lite 105 Chicken Dinners Graves Restaurant 100 Wrought tron Brass Table lomp displayed at Clarks llome Furnishings ll L1teld CLU 107 Passes tor home hockey games Flyers Barrie Flyers 16s Load of gravel Alt Dyer 100 $500 Dry Cleaning Vouohcr11uronla Cleaners 170 $500 Gitt Certlttcate Gord Boaeh lltens Wear 171 Sport Shirt Ernies Bargain House 172 Reason Lightcr Barrie Wholesale Ltd 113 Lamp George Lawn Chair lllulhoiland 175 Lubrications Elgln liarrls Slrelllstation llti Grocery Voucher Dutehers Grocery 77 10 Gui Sunoco GasThe Maples ns qts Electrolux sellpolishing tloorwax Ted Scott 170 Grocery voucher Wes Gallinger 11111 100 yd Crushed Gravel delivered ln Barrie Allan Cook Ltd 181 Box White Owl Cigars Variety Store Lunch Bar Bradiord St 182 Grocery Voucher Knowles Grocery 133 English ltair Brush Clemmens Hairdressing tilt Sheatter Crattsman Pen Allaudale Drugs 185 Sport Shirt won Son lttti 10 Local Taxi Calls Al Taxi 107 Food Voucher lloy Christie Grocery tail Bottle Vitalis Bottle Booster halr tanle Nels lttagec harbcr use Chrismas Cake in Tln Wonder Bakeries 100 set Spark Plugs ltrcuuan Auto Electric 101 Hardball Launom Wellingcr Hit Case lure Spring llngcr Alc 30 01 Collins lleveruges Ltd 103 Steak Dinners Jcanues Coiiee hhup it Set tlelglau tumhlers it Novelty Shop Hoitballlauuom amt Welilugcr 100 Case iurc Spring asstd 10 02 Collins leverages Lid 107 ommerclal type hlock llcatcmnslalled to ilt any hcv to am Itarris Auto lIicctrle Ltd illil Sougster bird cage Brown and Co Ltd 100 Cold Wave ttuys lirauty Salon 200 Wash Joins for ear Corlictls luprrtrst htattou htrips ilillk llekcts Norris llniry 20vpiroe thrtrr set at Carnival vnrc dishes tour colors Arm strongs liardwnrc Camera ouittt size I20 ruse ill Ir ltrrlrs illlns it all lullhs Camera Crutt tilits ltcar vision unto mirror any model or make at car Jackson Motors Ltd lolo cigarette lighter ilixlcs hmokc lthop 200 Combination Tractor llrivlng Tail Light lea Montgomery 207 Ilux ot mired ehocoluirs Laura Hrcord Z0ll lloglaxe paint voucher it latte 200 lixrnvntc one rrllar 510 50 Vern Adams 2l0 llrrorntrd Cllrlstmal trult rake Corner Cupboard Zii Ottawa Valley pure wool motor rug 50 72 lrnimm Fitmin 212 ltcnr vision mirror any make oi car 11 Jon Motors ZlJ IJruamontal Iron worlr Johnson Engineering zit Womens llilpperw Moore Show 215 lingers lilairstlc radio Barkant lusumuco Agency anmneaxumv £umtm ll 00000000 216 linekey set tor to 10 year oldboy gloves knee and shoulder pads helmet stick and pack Can Tire Corpn Associate Store 1121 217 piece Bareato open end wrench Set 35 to Torgts Automotive Ltd 500 2l8 Lamp Smith Furniture 1000 210 14 111 Turkey Baylleid Frosted Foods 700 220 Diallite Bed Lamp llenry Eirlck 8c lllichle 695 221 CE Featherweight tron Agnew Electric 1295 222 Set at Spark Plugs Brennans Auto Electric 540 223 Taxi Vouchers Valley Taxi 500 224 Bottles 01 Perfume Pertume Castle Lucy LaLonde Knights Drugs 750 225 cases Canada Dryv Gingerale Canada Dry Ltd Barrio 7426 220 Kitchen waste can deluxe Oughs Hardware 1095 227 gal Frosteop antitreeze it it Frld DA Petroleum Dealer 350 228 Pair mens super cashmere socks Bernitas Wool Shop Collier St 275 220 Botany Wool English Sweater FransLadics wear 28 Dunlop St 695 230 Luikln 50 it steel tape Lutkin Rule 00 ot Canada 450 231 Crystal Glass coltec table top out to tit any table Lake Slmcoe Glass 00 27 Shanty Bay Rd 650 232 Combination cigarette case lighter Jacksons Grill and Smoke Shop 500 233 Jlgger Set Plaza Billiards Dunlop St 298 234 Lamp Zeliers Ltd Barrie 500 235 Kenwood Blanket Walker Stores Ltd 1605 230 Westinghouse electric iron Slmeoe Block Co Ltd 1295 237 230 ounce Jars lavolcne rug cleaner Jar does 12 rug 11 Woods and Co 238 2450 ounce Jars lavnlenc rug cleaner Jar does x12 rug 11 Woods and Co 230 230 auricc Jars lavolene rug cleaner 11 Woods 8L Co 240 loyal Albert English bone china cups and saucers Dick Steele China and Gttt Shoppe 241 Sport Shirt Brass and Glenn Ltd Clothter 242 double theatre passes Roxy and Granada Theatres 2111 Permanent Wave Lenores Beauty Salon Dunlop St 244 12 Bag cleaned Simeoe Bugs Upholstery Cleaners 215 lloyal Albert English bone china cups and saucers Dick Steele China and Gilt Shoppe 210 Vase and Flowers Fendieys Flowers 218 Drycleaulng voucher NuServicc Cleaners 20 Childrens Savage Shoes Pearsons Shoe Store 250 Necklace Stephenson Jewellers 251 Mens or Ladies Slippers Wide Awake Shoe Repair 252 Good Fat Turkey 15 lbs CKBB 253 Westinghouse Electric Iron Wallwln Electric 254 Stainless Steel Sink Bristow Plumbing ll lleatlng 255 One decorated tern pot Brenticlgh 10 high chk Steele Chins amt Gltt Shoppe 250 llecondllloncd 111 Motor Barrlc Electric Motors 257 Male Budgie tllrd Club 70 253 Windsor Toilet Seat llastle McNabb Plumbing 14 lleatlag 250 Gallons trestone Justin tilotors Austin Dealer 200 Food Voucher Slcssurs insurance itcal Estate zot Ilox tarkers English Toiiccs 5t Fruit Centres ltiviera ltestaurant 250 262 llorathy Gray loliet Set Tambiyns Drugs 203 Shampoo Luekys lleauty Salon 201 Gallons at Tractor 011 it 11 Cumming Msey ilarrls Dealer 750 205 Weeks Supply ice llaxter llros lcc 150 200 ialon ltutlllrcese llurus Garage 700 207 llody repairs to car Crowes Body Shop 1500 201 thc lresrrvcr cushion Delaney lloat Lines 550 200 Health and beauty treatments lcggys Beauty Salon 500 270 luc rolling type bedroom ilxturc Alex Mckinuon illcclrtr 350 2H Hassock Lowes tnrnlture Duulop 51 150 272 gallon tluur cnauui or gallon outside while it linrrlc llottor Painters 72 Campbell St 217 tlnc ceiling lmlroom ilstnre Iiert SouthwoudAiulcetrlu 271 ltoyai Allurt tingllslr bone china rups amt duct melt Steclo China and tilt shoppe 275 One Cold Wave Cameron llcnuty Shop itiapic 270 iluthroom Sonics Wolicudcu llumhlug Itcatlug 277 irootor Hr Cushion ell lithrr Oilvrr tractor dc rr Allamlnie 210 150 tiallou Fuel all delivered In town at llarrlr lllll Smith Hitll Oil Distributor 270 lood Voucher Lolylaws lrocetcrias 200 Food Voucher initiates tirucctcrlns Ziti iood Voucher lohlaws tlrocctcrlu Iood Yourher Sanderson illouumelt llurtou Itvr tormerly 70 llaytleid ht 201 tiailou Cit paint Aliandale Hardware 2M Sport ithlrt Iltii tlrown Ltd Mather Wallet ilognrls thll Cillillll Lighter tlradicys Lunch 87 ase No 10 Motor Oil lllllscl Church Till Fish allanty stove Mamy intt Ltd 210 15 White Owl Cigars Irysons ltilt 00 Lubrication and all change tor In car Lon McUounc Metal Door Look on Alexander and Hon