Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1954, p. 1

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3w 112 fin Musl Praclise Proper Methods In Agricullure Mngislmle Kenneth Cameron will be the spoakcl Iortodays dinner mceung of the Klwards Club of Barrie Communuy House His mic 15 Crusade For Traffic Safely last week the speaker was Gmrgu Henry 01 Oriole and his subject was timely as the guests were members of Mimsinx 4H all Club and their dads It was oulh In Agriculturel We cannot have rising econ omy in industry and ialling Monomy in alriculiurc Mr chry stated without running into difliculticsi We cannot have on the one hand rising wages Ind on the other dccmasing in come H2 commended the Royal Win ter Fair as the showpiece in Can4 Eda Dr Igricullure and asked that cvcryone give it supporti To youth he advised specialization in agriculture Farmers should gain in thorough knowledge opemtc heir business soundly study and improve methnds introduce new ideas in soil and livestock This way you can he sure 01 rccnivlng maximum return on your Investment Mr Henry assermi Canada primarlly an exporting nation and so we must produce the bust and sell it at cumpeliflvc price on the world marketii 90th YearNo 37 This Is challcngc lo all young Canadian armors The worlds made at living is changing So 15 trade because of air lmnspo rom firm yuu can Kiln wealth 01 happynuss In rcndcrina mum v1 mw scrvlcc In all pcnple even if you do not become wealthy Our nnlural resources bclnnz and cxlsl or he bent at alL Bu would caulion ynu no to over your arming methods such uvcrplnw ovalcut clr We Ir nol jus owners ol the land bu merely temporary custodians or shun lcrm at years The land bclungs lo huge amily many millions yet to be born bclungs lo huge amily many millions yet to be born with much the world hungry there Is great new or pmpcr use the soil We must pmclisc conservaunn and see um scriws loading does not occur This has been caused by lack bushland dams lncorrucl sail mnnngcmnnl TWO HOMES HERE BROKEN INTO OVER WEEKEND Two hrlilkhls were rcpurlcd In Darrin luran hv weekend wllh the thlcvc pickinfl houses which were Inoccuplud at the me The nm of lhuc rcporlcd Sal urdny murnlnm was at the home at ll MLan 75 Owen Slrccl mm which hum of money and cwcllcry was lnkln The other hmno broken inlu was lhul of Thomas lkllf 05 Mike hc other hmno broken inlu was Hull of Thomas Bell 06 Mike Sh where promMy mulnly jewellcry and anutd ul nruund 3115 was rn mnvcd mm The rs mm 13 bclnx Inwle unlrd hy Cpl mcm um chh und he mm by PC Iuv mu mu erl Chmhlnck Early um nmrnlllx um um qu nw sumu vlcw burly um murnlnx lhluvu vlcw me mu nw sumu numm mm mm puma by Duncan McArnuu undrmlund lhnl Hm hirvrn Izul uwny wnh only 12 TM mrlsr uw cxpluxlun wImh mumd lulwun uml am nwnka mnlunu nmmy An un mnnnum mm mm Hm um hy hlrw luund Min 1er Nnhhlnxh lly Thur unhrd llu mall wv wkn mm hmulflully gram luvllaIJun lnr Hm nunx lnl flllhrr l0 111ml lln Irapun III TUYOIIJ lxll Frlday or he nll 5h lirullml plllyrrl whu wrlr In Ilcrlvr Cunmllnll iiduuhyuwlnlh Urquh ulnmt prrrmllo un lurkw fllll mllnll Ulllll lornl unl lnSlInnlm hr ml nu unu In mrxvl lhln Upwlhmlly In no mm and nl Um mllw lluu mril Mn III lllnv mril lhl an Ilnynn wlm mkn pull in Um Maxh lolluwlnu day in Urey Ile lnhlnx fur nnlmu framn In Ulr ymmc lwuqnulnlllm nu mmlmmll quva mu marl by mun II II wuh lrlv 11w Hlmll mmung Mum um kllvmy Wu mmln mm Imv pm mr aw lho hlnlln lulv Thu hnnvwmyd lllu wnl all pvhmml by Mllnr Imavr vay mi mm by uuhwuy Mu nl lllr Unlml Nallun pl ull nolemnkl am No ml vlw Imama by rluln Im lluw Over It dhhfl qulln Inn um um Tum 10 pan wvw We 0wuo Thiofinl Column GREY CUP HYSTERIA Serving THE TOWN OF BABE AND COUNTY 5131003 Since 1864 um IMulc Im llw Urey Sup mum Ahd What Do You Want for Christmas Santa Claus Asks Young Fan Winter weather held on long enough or Harries Santa Claus Fumde to wcnd its way through town Sumrdny mom lug although the bright autumn day eventually brought snow There was 11 chhl 1n the Mr but no Chrlslm ask to add In mu mu the cstlve atmosphere as silentnters erowded the mnln streets Lo extend warm welcome to the nnnunl Vlsltor mm the North Pole and his splendld cortege storybook figures on Imuglnnttvcly gecornted llont mm nnnnun numbqu The Barrie Chamber of Commerce sixth annual pageant was the most colorful yet produced with 10an and costumes more elnburale lhun In my previous yenr Improvements were cvldem 1n beveml of Inst yenrs favorite tnlryurle cree Lluns run every section of the purude hnd the same shhrlng new look or the Intesl addition to the Spectnch IllDiddle Dhldle the CM and the fiddle SNOIN HOLDS OFF IINTIL SANTA RIDES THROUGH TOWN NORTH POLE VISITOR WARMLY HIIILEO Thuv but hand In lurlu Illl zvlu ILmd Um Ihrlic lljll will mu llnyul Cunndhln Army Scr vln Cm numl mm nor dcn wru ml lu hull hr Man ll Yulrlldr Mann nml whm lllr mum nuny nunlrlmn hrnko mu llu mull Hmtlr Hum th yuumzc pmle vmwm hunmc my mund my Snnw um nlnl lhrn 51m HHI Ills llvhulrlr huvv hun Vva 0h hm hp hm 0w Wm whul ym lunrd nlum hum sum whcu lw hm llml In nu parlull mlur 1mm ulul mm NM rlulcklcd uml wnv m3 yulmu my lllc cllllllml ll luwll lmll llll vrll mum llulll In vlrw ulm HuJvnlmh wlm lluy Wlul In tho Am Gmullll lu Ulr lrr lull wlmr 5mm llrslllld lu nrl Ill yullllu mlnmm lmd wnmv m5 my lulu wurllm llml lum lI muly nlnl an nwlr 1m with nl llu ymmuulm ll lqu llw lmmln ul lfuummrn llnlwr luLu llllnhlll Hp nu llm km llm Ilmk lulu Illl lwlllkllnx null nll null lhilllcr lu mwl lllr mull mm In wmul ull lrvmlunn Tlu llm mlum hull llllwlll run lll lllllllhru lllwluzl mm mm mm Ill ml lmnl pnlllr and mmmm TAMI umlrll lllih nl Um Illnu IIH lhf Ilml mulv nml wulllld lll way lluuuall uwll nllulluu In Alllm Iflll ml gummung Illmu Inll tunl ml llunlup HerI ml lmk mm Hu Tllwn Hull lml JULfl lmk lu lllr Allnl Wnlklnu lwlwrrn llw llnnll erl lhum mnurruru Ramas mum luluhl nrm muumu Jul Muullllrl um mm In lmnuhlul VIXVM mIHIlA lull undullnm null lun Hug Illa Hir LITTLE LINDA SCHELL climbed right up onto Santas knee to tell him what she wanted or Christmas when she mecnlm at the Arena Ice Palace after Saturday morn ings annual Enrric Chamber 01 Commerce pursue sur rounding Saint Nick who rode into town with his red sleigh nnd reindequ preceded by procession or story qu IIIIIqu np Inr IIm Innk lnlII Illl lwlnkllnx um um nll hm Ihilllu In nan IIIr Elul mm In Innuqu UH mun lnulr IHmlunn TIn um nnwn hml ulnmuI run III Immlwu III Hl lnwwzl Lqul nmn unnn Ih uh nI lmnl pnlur and mnnlnu nl llu TAMI HEIIHIII rum nr Hm llhnu nn Ihr Ilml Inuh InnI wnmnI lll way Hunuah Inwn IUIIllIIu In MIMI Ilnln nInI IIvamllIlg Illmu IIIII qu mII lInnInn mrm mul lmk mm ann Hull Iml QHNIII Imk In nu AllM WnlklIIu lwlwrrn llw llnnll wrlv lVuVIl mnnrruru Ramas lwlnm III luluhl IIIMI mlumu Jul Muullllrl um pun In Innnullhll VIXVM mIHIlA null NHIIHNL IHKI Innmm awn mm In Im Ill Wurh III III CUE mdn Mud Ind uvullcd an Ivy IIer uwn Ymnm nlul IIlII IIHkr IIIIIII Hm Ivavan Inur In In rmn mu nmmInn mm mva by lml Hm mun mnml 1I uIhu lluull III llnl Work lnr qu nmnm nl nIn Inrrrr ml 1va numhmm and mm nrunwn wlm Innnrmnl In Mr FNIIIH VF nIInIInI flmw nvuIIl wrll Imnnl uI IIIlr IHnlll Whvlv on nw lllr Hulls nn JUHINII Ihn Inwl wmk InmImI In In Inul vulIIIIluu wu wluirm In Hw Im nl IIIInrluwn Imulurl mad nymanmr Mm III while Annnnz Inw In lw nmIIquI lvmlml In Ihlv rIIIIlwrlhIn my fimvly Tnulll MIII HIrm llutknyI mrmlmn Ir thr Ill run pawl nunmlllrv ul In CIIuIMMr III Hummus who 11m Inuth II wulk In cunnuuou Am and and an no nu ome mrunnc onu Eh Tfiéarrit hammer Hid IH $2 £562 £5202 ozuoxzo eéé wIlh HIE varadc Always bchlnd lhn planning or lhe event every year Is Reg Wclhnm sccrclnry manager the Chamber of Colnv mercc who with Mrs Wclhnm has wurkcd very hard ln pas ycnm In make no rcsanl Barrie pnrndn he wondcrfu sputtacln lhnl ll has grown l0 be Mr Wllhnm plny czl Im lmporlant role In complex nrrnngcmcnls book floats uresome of his alrytnle attendants includ lng Cinderella and the Snow Queen and one her cour nurse The 1054 parade was considered the best hometown product yet produced bythe Chamber 01 Commerce was the slxth nnnunl Hu lnumlllul Ilnmrl nlul nu um bulll hm yrnr ml lvwkUu mu Imm luplrmlrnl rm ml Tm luulllllml mun um wumlvrlully tun Imvklnn 111 mp Tm wkknl um wmh and gum Ilmurl lulhnlnl hI Ml tar and NH In Mr mum pmmu tuhlnw mmlr our no Mal ru rhumlnu mluun ur Hm Ill Anrr Ihmul nml lrrlrl Hun hvlvlllmku wnn nunpaulum The Ihvrr rm ulul um mm wun lmwh p4qu 01 um tum In all mumm whlll vllh lhhy um pnlr hlur my mm man Mama um um gum ml Inpa Hm mu luvw UlI Mlnl lnlu um Mmlullu mm ul lmnw ulnvnun mman um um um rum 1mm mmlnuny Mum th 11mm mum wan un Itlerrnl mluum wnlhrl nlnnl hrMr Ir nml dnmvmu IN nn um In In um mm puma 0M Khnu ml mu mam nun lu lvrnutllnlly unrultvl pur munm n1 mm mer yllylnu nu ler lhltllu Imn anqu HIII Un hlt unlvlm lluulw Nu yrnr mu mu nun IIIthll Milli nu nl nod nw man wllll me mun Tum lu we mm glam Irkl Wilh the uxccpllnn 01 Inc dc pu1y rccvrshlp and the PUC sent every other civic post will be com lcslcd 1n Alllslon III the forthcom lng blccUonl ELECTION DUE TO BE HELD IN ALLISTON The maymny wlll be conlcslcd between Mayor wnuum Humor and Huwm whllc nucvc Macken zlc ucuule will be umosed or 91 rcevcsmnpy Lullmcr Williams Ls he deputy rcijvc by ncclamallun The allowing caudldatcs wlll run or Inn slx seals on council Hnrry Thumu Iluwcn Slcphcn nklns Suruy Mc lib Donuld Mackcnllc Juhu IV Taylor and Malcolm Tho lhrrc schml board soul will be cuntchlul by Mclvlllc Mrs Phyllis Andtnml Mrs Audrcy Mnckcntlc mm Robbins lluyd mm nu mlnjm nllnn lo me we Church Group Purchase Home Permanent Use Folluwmu liqnullullum Mmm wvru mnuy cmnplrhxl hr cm vnry Frlluwnhlp mum1 Inn nuw bvcmnl ubllshvd In Ilm pmpvrly ill llu lurlur VI llunlup Shut Ella nml mu sum nmumy owned by nmmm QC mm llm mmmlnu your mu munn 1m hm upmum In lln mum1 nululwr mm fulluw um um vulchum he Iunncr MurLunn lmlnr mvlm wcn mm llurl he um mm on Sunday NW lrr ll nnkr1nlmnl HH noun ul nmnnum wvlnlrd yul um Il dmuh which maer In own mrmlmu wllh nw um my uhn 1y rpvrull mlnldxy mund ml llthnhvlhvvlm rvmmrlll llc umrrpl In mlullllnll In llw leM hrlvl mi Sumlnyl II Mn and pm mm meuk mn ll le uu lelwwmyl Ill I1 lfllmk Hrunvnnuul luv lmn rnrrINI mu vvarly lrnuulurmluu mu lwu InnIn Inva on Um munml llrmr mm Ulr HumII nmmmmm Ihn mum mum mu qullml In mm quv and Sunday Mmm lulumu l1w rlnluh mm ller Nils nvrr Ilw Ilnnlv um Mlnl 10 VMANI nmlln wlnnwllrll my mum In lmru lnllw plum nu Duulnp WuL Hm MI TtInulwm hu MWI Inlmrv Hlvylnllnnrll va mu vwll that the rail Ind ll ll llllnl uul lnr fill ofllzn Mn uml by lhr ylnnl wn HIM WUHMH Tu Livyd Ind mum hmlml Juumm In mmnlluv All oddlllnn wllLM bu In the vlum anem Reeve Wilbur Nash previously rcccivcd an acclamauon or anolh cr term office Vulcrs In Wnsuga Beach wcnlto the polls on Saturday lo elect our members lo council HOLD ELECTION WASAGA BEACH COUNCIL SEATS Ircd Alklnson lapped lhc pull or the council seats with mm or votes Runnerup was An Hul chlsan whh 112 Stan Boyd wnnam gel 589 and Earl xiéncock 39 Constitution OF Counci School Boarcl and PUC ALLISTON 500BUSHEL CLUB POTATO GROWERS IN COUNTY ATTEND ANNUAI BANQUET new king was crowned the banquet 01 he Aluslon 500 Dushcl Club an Thursday cvcnlng at A1 Uston when Lth club which slal ed about 12 ers 320 held Lhtlr annual dlnncr and awards even lnuv Thclollowlnt the em slllullon of Town Camel Publlc School Board and Pub lIc Ulllmes Commission 01 1955 lawn Cguncll Mum Greer Beave Ghdwood Deputy Reeve Kinda Wnrd One Ald Gordon Mc Turk Am in Hersey Wlnl Na Ald Hams AIIL Peirlmonlx Ward Thxen Md IL Goldl Ald lVIornwrI Wml Font Md IL Paddlson All Mlqu erd Flve Md Mrs Hamilton Md Mldlle Ward SlxAl¢ Johnson Ald Lulerrcooie llumer Mdliann who arms on the 4th concesion ol Essa Thwn slILp wnn K01 watch which had been awarded by lie Niagara Spray Campany or year pasL This ymr however the winner was required not onlyw lap the yield but also in have the but average oi poinu or quauLy ex hibit and stoma immunn Mn lilLMnnn won lhl wiLh hi Ontario brand potatoes hnvlnz yield in 73 bushels per Mm Folluwlnu lllm wcrc Clarence Latch with 730 bushel nvuagc nos While mldc wllh 668 bushels Wnrnsn Mc Kvnllc 503 Jack Wilson 561 Jim MtUngur 544 Willard ColE M31 llunll McLean 5218 nnd Willilm all with ll total 502 bushzl ane NevIon IL Mmuren Mn Clemmm Ralph Snelxrnve and John Doblpn Mr Glble MI NcMun und Mr Macblnn sflll luv one yaar heir iwoyear term omcc to serve Commission Robertson Ind Dr Edwin Wllson Dr Wilson has also nnolher year of two yenr lerm to serve Ill Wor shlp the Mayor the other member on the PUG per nun All rxumkd In 500 mutual per acre whlch was lho run which suulnl Nu club and which lu moat 01 H1 nvcrlze uruwcn is an nutxlundlng ylnld Nal Ilttrnlnl lnlnhnm An Nn Fllltnlnu ml that hmds mmzrnph In mu he Dmmllmcnl Alrlcul lure rnclpn bulk which In avall nhk Tim dlrUcluu hf lhr dcparb IIKI has unlw lnlo We oonlcnllnn Kind clnlxm um Um pulnln which In MIme nm In in Ihc IX whru 11M lulnrmrd II nuL rrmumblc um um will In crrnsu cmlllul lo mun TM yrnr wth puunm Munan Ivy lho him In nirvle 00 Ind liker 1m ner lhnn lwia um berm lhv nvw crnp In In Mm wlll nul IN mr4l encouran me we lulnlum wnn clnlmnl by rrmumblc cvnlllul yrnr wth pub lho ham III nbvu mm mmiuim Uu luv mm lam ycnr ru llw ncrrun Ind um um Hue wct wmlhrr made Lnnhlvy rlmml Amlrullmv mud Im hvrmrr Al RH nl Ahlvhlnfiwlm wax leflm m1 wake hrlvIIy mm mm In kurw sllUuI nmr Mm who hall I10 Icrrs Wlwn nun IVVIHIIVI um mu mo lmnllnln and Ihrn unml an pa in umoln rm an um pvma dnl Induda the at other vmhblm ll llml lhv lumen had Mr munum Ilmlhr Hum mu In mm an we nlllL mw lurlln wundvr why Hwy would rm um um pm mum mum Mu mum ll wn Invll ml be ulnulII Ur luull knm In mum wllh flu Mllfluu nmlrl Humllh Hm Mal pawn Mnluln mud Iwnlu lmwlll wn mm In nut lmy runhllIan mllhl Ina Inmxl It Mlly Iur um lhllll um would lw huvn In flu lull IIIIDINHNIII whlrll rnr udnmmml lhll ym um 19 mmym mu By ms MIGHT BE UNPARAllElED HERE 19 CANDIDAIES INEO OEEICE WITHOUE CONEESTED SEAT In sltuatlon whlch may well be unparalleled in Battles municipal hlstory because the number at persons involved there will beno clvlc electlons here this year as total l9 candldates for vnflous posltlorls will go into olflce here In 1955 by acclamauon Uuw knld In Hm Ac be uslonox the nomination meeung held In the BDGI audiwrigin on Thursday cvenlng there was possibility than there mlghc be an election Iotthe reeveshlpnnd or the two aldermnnlc posts In ward two Deputy Reeve RGirdwond Ald Williams and cxMnyor James Hart were all nominated for the reevesth In ward we Md Willlarm AM Byrnc and newcomer Ernest Pemmoulx Who is member the Devnbiss staff were nomlnn ted Fultd By Acclamallon All the rcmalnlng teats on coun cil had been ruled by acclama Ilbn except me mnyorally or which Mayor Hebcr Smflh and Reeve Greer had been num lnatcd However Mayor Smnh told the mlepaycrs meeting which allowed nomlnallnns that he would not wok rcclecllon In adduian to the council seals the three candidcs or the Pub lic School Board Mrs Clemu mems Ralph Snclgrovc and John Dnbscn all 5min mem bers werc returned by acclama tlon as was Robertson to he FUC By qualifying lime mm Fri day evening name Mr Hon nor Mr Williams had qualmed or the rccvcshlp hereby lcnving Mr dewnod moVI up Ald Byme did no qualH In ward two so Md Wlanm nnd Mr Pelrlmoulx will also Into caundl by acclamaunn Nornlmllun nmun Such poor aucndancu poss oration In Lhe Marlumcs Dick Godwin an official at the Potato Brunch at the Dcpamncnl told the audience lIc raid at the urrnnnmenl last year which ambled the growers in New Brunswick dump their him 011 page 9th 1110150 HUME McMANN Con or F5st receives gold watch or 211311ch ylcld nnd averan In 500 nushcl Potato Club Allla ton on Thursday licprcscnlntlve or Nlnguru Brand Bpmy Cu mukcn prcxcnlullon mm mm mm mm McMANN and moms at bun quul 000 Buahul Potato club whon he won Lop law Phololb1M8 At SODBushel Potato Club Banquet tr MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY lingie copy tbly conveys the Idea and rightly so that the people must be pretty well satisfied with their prewnt mum and board members re marked Pum Sinclnlr lame Mayor air Barrie when he mm chaimnn It the homlnnuan meeting held in the BDCI nudi torlum on Thursday evening 19 PngegTwo Sections Mr slnclah paid mbme to lha Junlnt Chnmber Commerce for their umout which he said was boul 25 per cent at the cum ak lcnda cc There were 30 Inycecs audience From the luoks the black board and those who have It thflr namns Maud does not seem chm Ks xolng to be no much mule tor any one posl Mr Sinclalhaddud ll Robcluon The first pcrsun speak at um ralcpayers mncllng whlch all uwcd the nomlnallons was Robertson chalrman at the P110 who had received an acclamauon lorranuther term of ofllne can say at hydra electric and waicrworhs depart ments 1054 has been vary busy year For the am Hm in my experience an the Commission we have lwo shoveis working in an ciiurl to complain the inmllaiion waicr services to new house before the winter wraiher which is hut approaching puts Map to this type of work he saidi Establishlng new penlu In bolh the clam and waterworks de partmcnls has hecnme such cam mon occurrcnce lhnl we hardly pay very much nucmlcn lo Lhcm any mouju xnzcmun in sea tram month to munch ha Harrie lncrcnuc In consumption above he average at Ibout 40 leading munlclpnlme or which musuu an preparad by ihe Hy mmElcctrlc Power ClmmLqun We are very proud of our pre sent distribution sysicm Ind in condition oi our cnllrc lnnL Bum department wi show prom this year nun We have nolhlng to worry about on Iimi scan bui the cash ouiiny raw Tum in page seven picasc 9181 211

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