vs Reeve 1mm Evans of Bradford who has been in iawor oi sircngth throughout the disaster and one at the moquiliinz worker In aiding uu Iiricken Duich immigrnnu and othar midcnts in the mnrm ex plnincd that with cihcr arrange menis nnw having boon made to house the new here was rm lnnxcr lhn need or providing 4hr menu Id1113mm mmmkwmsm novim 195 there is no heavy ram 01 snoww1thlnrthe next rew weeks there 15 good chance that the Holland Marsh can be complefgly drained that time at thefloud waters which left 850 1amllles homfless and caused minions of dollars worth at damage tremendous mount no work hnrzonc on lime the disastrous flood hi the area the mm Friday on 15 The emergency relic cammmce which was armed Elimalclthai something like 73000 meal have been Acrvcd lo he stricken people of the marsh These muxsv lorvcd In the Bradford town hall saw over 100 people all down at time Is the fwd was served 1n relays Lat Wednesday however the last mm was xcrvcd The work In the mushnrea 7100 L9 desperate Jacc against Um the pumplnzmnohl cry dLllvcu million galle lcr cachday la Msï¬rmeby way of the Holland Rivar Work Pmmn The cumn section my Mum in the Bradford nren ll preuy well pumped clLar now and mulch hnw Kn proves clenrlnz the WA ler out the land 1yan wesvol Highway 400 R¢¢3ifliiflHï¬llï¬ï¬‚dsmarShELaIldf Proiecfls Before WinterrWeiatherArrives lhcpcapic whnwcre living in the town hall he nld have now been moved inin mum and flu housca trotted by he Hydro Cam mluioni Ali lhc Angie men have eilher iound chair nwn accom modation or are twin pui up in in large hui he lair pounds Those wha are working In new ceding thmuclm but than who DIMINING WATER out of Holland Minn at me mm at 200000 gallons minute vm pumnmg mm mvmly reducing the Inn of the Hood wnlcra IL La nuclpnlcd mm It lhcrc are no hcnvy mm or snow all wllm on few weeks wlll bc poulbln to completely mm mm mu m1 1m mmmmov housing mm whlrh was up nudlord to hen the homelm mm the ol Maumn gag uflng camp lean me The Hon Club iindcr Glenn Boyd prclldenl 15 making 1451 respomelc or flanking after all suppllu at load are unable 011 work it the present time are buntiwismd un lil such timcl as they receive oom Mmmionjar their Hopi Senioe Dlnhnnelpi Some 90 amines arnnuw living It the mobile home camp which ha been located at the ball park and is being superviscd at the pretenlLIme by the Rotary Club Bradford Hydro haw made ovnllable 30 Wnbrlcméd house and acme of these are already occupbd It rimmed that they wlll be crcmdnnd occupied by the end M¢hlsweck In the mobile home camp there are ovemw mum and lhm are already occupied In response to an appeal by the Emma Rotary Club the Rotary Club at Willowdale have Just an nounced Ihnt my will dunatra trailer help ease Lhe accommo dnuon problem Reeve Evnns puInch out the Llam Club have 100de after he nuppllcn comInz In and those IzoIng 7uI IovIlhe needy famlllcs They have dune Ircmendous Job us has thu Rotary Club Brad Walker Rainy president and cochaIrmnn or the emcrgency rend cammIIIac has put In much work on the nousc In problem Thou clubs have done wonderful cummunIIy l0 vIce mm uuuuxnuul Inc mum nm how we are wing mum mu But the womonfalk Imm Med WK are ye sum Bradford particularly who an be In neknnwlcdard the unsung Pumnlnt Opentyom hcrou of lhe Holland Marsh Un At the present lime In addition der the chnlmamhip Mm 4a the regular eationnry pump Evans whosa hulhand Jl wall knuwn as farmer warden Simmecdumy wnrhcri liaVebbmu In mm manually evnyy com munity If the county wflmn 30 mlln radius of Emdmrd is onlynow Réévu rEvnn explained hatWe nre beginnlng Vlo rmlize Just Mm vital can mhuuun hese women have mac may Ieflflmlrown work at hem and came down here and tolled lonz Weary hours scelnd that there was food ready forILhc flood flag llms when they first startedhey were serving somemlng like 3000 Damiinuslo Fund Oliicials in the HoiinndMuislr asumaic that danaiions to thevflnl land Marsh division 4h On inrin Hurricane Relan Fund have amounted to something like $16000 and this money is being used or immediate emergency welfare purposc great necessary work hmalw been done In the area by tho Public UlHchs Cmmlsslon in Dmdford under hcdlrccllon supervisor Edefly addmnn to hclr regular waxk commented Reeve liven they have bccn working day and night necessary lnsmllallnm scrvlce the place um these people are now living in the ball park they had to put In un derground wiring la service the trailers locnled them Although the summon is how Ing mmcihlng of In Improvement in me stricken am there are 51111 many 13 moms to be laced leave Evans nxplalned 1901 mm sure that we have between 100 and 150 ammo here who wnl rmulrc nrcummodnunn in be pro vldcd throukhoul the wimer Jllsl how we are going men mu need we are not yet sure lundx 1n 111M time In this photozrnph can be new name or the water which In being tnkcn from the custom arm or the Marsh nnd pqurcd Into the llollnnd Blvm ram where will mnkc way Io Luke Blmcoc DO nmlllu bélng camp hLbclng Aupï¬f when are 13 mayan mum than lt annular pumps In opfliflnn and at these mind are ppmplw on We 200000 gallons mm per mm Hydro encinurlexplnlnqj thu lhh mtam lha my tan take one too of wfler oflonc acre land evm mlnule However to Map the mumps apexMinx necmury to hnve Hidden held Waterund now as the wnterls well drillned rqgn he 3mgrn Wm ial the marsh Engineers have ncd the large cuLver under mg way 500 This allows the water In Ihe Nah 6m $20314 to flow dmvh he pumpliuaxurvfhich lé bcaled near Highway 11 Dunw the tor mï¬ï¬uh of the land the wnlu in thgeamyn scctlnn L9 moving ann mm centre 3qu ol land From here 111 runs to the puzï¬pavï¬nd is than niscdnnd lmnsferred tn the Holland Evergevehlually making its way Imoï¬qke Simcou In the mwdry secuahstal lhe marsh people once Ihcy have been clnrea by me healmammrluu are moving back lamtheir homo and buglnninz kw worrot buildlng nnd rclorganlzing And as the work yeclnlmlng the landot m1 famous vngélahle mwlng area continues great con sidbrauonjs being given to the matter at the dyklng in he marsh Some of the man why nrc acuvely warklnz on thfls project pre Rezve Herberl Hughes and Dcfluty Re Ben Steers at West GWlllebury Tawrwshlp and Reeve Ehun Arm smng at King Towruhtp great burdcnls being shoul durcd by the members 91m Brad ordJire dwamam and the Sal vatianArmy who in codmernllon are looking monhe nlolhmz heads the people Bradlurd flmnen will never be forgounn or the Mark they did They were he ï¬rst ï¬n to help when the flood muck and In nddann lo warklng long hours Laying sandbags below dykcs went they xcscucd many pcwple Tremendous 1005 rcsuucd from the flood but In he Hunnnd Marsh arm the people Whu with wind the rlch black so and their nelghbura are only talking one thnglhc Mum or which they are building Exch or Mum and vdlluml wlld geese livn longer than any other blrda Their 1112 Span nome urnas 70 year1 GEEEE LONGEViTY Ftnene mum nndthu ry Cl Urndlot not unlnfl hyvlum an 1Conllimed fmn pazé la than our IdeaLbut mould give them more thought Agri cultureAnhm unly aJuurce ox Plan but an economic stabil ZGI Oqtaripl Dairy Commissioner Spgaks lidns ruca Brawn extended lnwe thunk to the speaker on behalf ollhe éluh and mm In In nul Lulllnjll supply bushes an be half llhimself or ideas gleaned AwanlLlreunled flhe prestmauon dwarda was thenmnde to the wlnnem ln the Cal Clubhi 1954 110 OX $3 lniprlzelnoney donated by lh Llnnll They warmï¬rst George Caldwell wllh score at 921 olnls 5220M Jlm Cameron llhUlZ $65 Elem more each won RuhyLcAch with no Mel Six9th 389 Brut Chnpbull Ivan Slraclmn 8787 Lloyd Cnldwtll 811 Jdlmnna Anderson 883 Jim Kenny 339 and Lloyd Squlrcylfl Earth Llhhs Cluh spnclalrwm grand chamnlun bee ahowmnn Mel Slrnchnn $3 reserve chump lun heel shnwmnn Llnyd Cnld wall $2 grand chumpan dalry shawmnn George Caldwell 53 reshrve champlnn dalry showman Ruby Beach 32 For19534 Iln calves George Caldwell ms flu nqd ljny Caldwcll scc rim General Kurt Meyer has be saying right along that he niwnya knew he would be re icnbcd in fight communism and Judging by he steadily increasing flvnrr being granied hirn perhaps evcn this can be arranged But is only in he hoped that our main with Cnmmunllm will never ILdome so desperate to require the services 01 German Storm Tmapor Meyer King Couniy Sussex NB Rccnrdi and with $4 FNoipcclnllwnré Sh rkhorns Lloyd Caidwnll pm at hunkyand Hereford M21 chunnnd Ivan Slmchan each wlnlng nresu GENBIML VIEW the custom sectlon or the Holland Marsh phobournphcd 1mm lhepumplng men ncnr mun wny looking was towards Highway 400 An engineer with tho Hydro catimntgd last week that they were nblc take one root or water one acre cvery mlnuw uslng It HHIIJKNTH 0P IIOLI cvcrytnlnnn um mum tl provldo allonuntely or mm 111 than loud and dc MEYIEg RELEASE f4 Ln luul NH tn1xui41t rm the vast pumping ayalcm thin has been instnlled to méep the emergency Altogether nuxnlnry pumps are blan used In addition to the stationary pumps which umpr at the normal qrnlnngo system USING THE WRONG SIGHTS 15