gymsan EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 10 195 MaiGen MacklinRelires Adjulanl General Canadian Army Succeeded by Former Borden 0C1 MaJoDGLnumi Wilfred Harold Stevenson Macklim CBE CD 55 Adjutant Generalmt The Canadian Army since 1019 mined mm the Army the end of October His decision mum in civilian life Ends diylinguishcd career of 33 years in uniiorm in the service of his country The new Adjutant General BrigIdler Michael Leo Ercnna DEE CD1 50 armor Director Gen nxal of Army Pcmnnnl who was pmmmcd to the Punk 01 Major Gcncml on assuming his new du lies ide arï¬ved REFRESHED by bus MajorGenera Mack nn burn 1n the Township of Scar bum Sun 1x99 and whn al lcndud nigh Schoul at Markham was nm quuu 15 when the Gram War hmke out but by April at 1917 he was in England he ranks uth 193m Buttnlinn cm and ycur Inm In France with the lozh unumiun He survcd lhoru until April 1919 and than an being demobilizcd In Canada enlcrcd Univcmty at Toronto from which he graduated in 1923 mm duger in electrical engineering MALGEN IL MAUKLIN CHE CD bumu Chung NIIW ml ANS MIAMI 05 AN HI wna apfmxnma Mme Perm You may no no in or wuler akiing bul you will col and rclvcshod lo uny uclivilim up your fa voriln resovl if you go by bus Mom noémjnnuihn mum Auk your Anon lor dqulll ml or all Vuckuuo lourl 12 Dgylf$1l730 LOW ROUND IRIP FARES muunwanu nnz FLORIDA Clrclo Your hom mom mum Mn $5230 $0511 30505 annnt Force as lieutenant In the Roanflanadlan CorpsVoI SIgnnIs an May 1975 He served mm 1921 to 1931 mhnIcaI Instructor In Signal at Camp Borden and was man mm to the ofï¬ce the DIrcowr SIznaIs In Omnwn In 193334 ht unende Lbn Stall Col Inge In Queue India and an grad untIon was uppolmcd Instruomr at the School of Army mmmtlon He served as staff chor in he Operationsnircotornlc In Ot tawa 1mm January 193 until May IND when hc was appointed Gcncral SL111 omccr at HQ 2nd Canadian Division then proceeding overseas In November 1940 he was prmnokd to the rank of Hau lcnamcflloml and appoinlcd a1 sislant ndjulann and quarlcrmnslcr general Canadian Base Units In the 11mm Kingdom HL roturncd Capada in June 1941 and was promoted lo lhe rank colonel and nptpoinlcd Director of Suï¬ Duties In February 1942 he Was pmnwled to the rank brigadicr and oak ovnr the ap polplmcnl ol deputy adJutam gen Lrnl Xn February 10 me look comA mand of the 13m warmy Brigade and took it overseas In May He rclmncd command until August 1944 at which time he was ap pointed Dcpuiy Chic 1hu Gen cral Slat at Canadian Military Headquarters London England He rmnlncd his appolnhncm un til the end he war moving he admlnflslralivc side 0mm more in 0mm 1945 as deputy ndJul am general CMHQ IdL In September m4 he WED1M Vancouver as adxnlrï¬slrauva ol flcur rank bf brigadlcr at Pacific Ccmmand and on year later became Brigadier Gumml Slnfl at the same HQ He look over me post of Vice Adjutant General at Army Hend qunnturs Ottawa in March mm In 1918 he attended H10 anional Dulcncn Collage and In August 1945 was promoted 10 me rank of majorgeneral and appointed ad uun general of The Canadian Army In 1930 he married Marzarul Janet Rodgers cldcsx daughter Major and Mrs nodgus Barrie They have one son Rob ert born 1937 and one daugMcr Margaret Janet boln l939 The family lives at Rockcllfle lh wax pmmulrd the rank ml mm In July mo mm nu mk of anm Irhnmry um He wmu over the luluwlnn Nunmm In unmunml he IV lemlul TrmpsCmmmy IICASC 5m Cuundlnn Immurud nlvlslmh um munnuy huld Mnlor viu Cum nmmlnlnwnu wllh the 1m mmumn Anny Tank Hrlmulp um mm Cumqu Ammuml Invan In nu Unllul Klnmlmn mul Nunth Hurupv llv was Imuwlul l0 lhr rnnk ur Hvulmnnb uInlwl In llnxvmbrr um ml to um ynnk cmme In Nnvrmbvr IDH when Im tmk mlnnulml NH IKMKJ lxninlm Cum nl Cnmp mmn Mm he war Mu 1n nun nu wnn nwnlnlrd mm uwnm mu Inmswfl Army llrdquullvrn In Uuuwn mm In Hm rank rnlmlrl ermlrd nnmllnn Army mu Cunm In xmn ml at Um Nu um mr mu HQ vnlml onme mum mum mum at mhmmmnum In wmlmHnn IN Link of Ixrlumllrr mu an OMS 0g IXAMILII or LOAN mm HID454er on flflf 0M quld hm About you nll an phonm Upon vanzvl aml In Io ut um ynuf my 1nd lull mom or lvml In will or loan by Interment AI Cruighunl Mrs Robert Johnson Resident Of Banie The dearh ol mulse IAdelaide Goddard beloved wile cl Foben Johnson occurred suddenly II her late rcddcncc 155 Bradlord Si Barrie Born in Cralzhurst July 1879 dauzhur ol the lam John and Hanna GQddarcL she had re dded 1n Barrie since her mnmaze on June 19 She was mem ber Idnfly Anglican Church and Illa member 01 the WA Altonman Auxlllary Besides hnr husband lhe lemm 10 mourn her passtv two sons Nurmon Sloncy Creek Robert Emma and one dnuxhlcr Mrs Miller Mary Winnipeg and qur grandchildren also two 5mm Mrs Frnd Comes Bez nice of New Weslmlnsur BC Mrs Frcd Boumgnrdcn PLml of Spirit River Alberta two bro thers John of Brulhaur and Fred Funeral service was held Fri day Nov 1mm the Junncu Fun cml Home he Rev Allin mad umciaung Injuth was at St Johns Anglican Cemetery Craig hurs Double Funeral Held At Cookslown For Mr and Mrs Haugh lllllsdalc The dlsaslrous hurricane n1 Gal wilh its torrential ruin and following floods lclt no only wrecked homes but also brought unumcly dealh or many in Rs wake It was In the early mornlng ol Del 10 lhnl tragedy near Bec lun resulted in the drowning ï¬ve people lhruugh the unpreced ented overflowan nt hc stream which passes under County Road No Two at Ihcsc were Mr and Mn Charles OWJ Hugh Egbcn whose car was swept Into the current Particularly sad was 1th double funeral held on Tuesday Oct 19 rum the Hughes Home In Cnoks town where the service was con duclnd by Rev Martin of Thurman whn was their pnslor at Egbert Unilcd Church Then was large attendance of rclalivcs trlcnds and nnlghbum from Midland Nohlcton Toronto Glcncalrn Angus Barrio Strand Ccnksvlllc and also from half home dlslrlcl In Essa Tuwnshlpl The dauch lnlcrmnnl was in Allislon Cemetery Casket bearers or Mrs Haugh were Scull Sharpe Clnrcncc Munro Ray mond McMaslcr Arllc Green Wllllarn Greenacc and Clmord Slurucss Those mum IInuxh were Charles Mooney Cmford Mooney Howard Blakcly Frank Ingham Buy all and Wnlsnn Bcaulllul flowers expressed lhc loving memory 0relntlvn5 Handl and nclghhorx and were 1150 mm Egbert Unllcd Church where both will be missed mm their usual place and tom the Womens As snclallon and the LOBL The Late ouo mun Charlm ouu Hnugh was burn on March 11 mm In Essa Town ship sun 01 Charles linugh and the former Mngnlc McFadden hnd llvcd in Egbert and attended Bax SchuuL souowea arming lhruughuut was on Due 15 HHS that his murrknnu to Bertha Loulsu not crldgc was sulcmnlzfld Thum lon Mr Hugh lcnvus our nlccc nnd um nephew Mrs Errol unnl Ins Marie Hurrlc Mu lefllll Cnlllnghnm Blunrhcl Coukxvlllc Mrs Ru Luch Merle Evenll Mls Tuur UlnssumL anonlu nnd Ednnr 1er ul Wuudbrldue nclnllvus Mrs mum nurvIv hut are Mr mower Mu Heller lduc Thomhm alchr Mrs le lluwh Alrwul Dnrrll Mid duur brulhurx Mlllon Elmum fhnrlrs um Jnmos lullcrlduc Thurnlun llvu nluva Nuvlnc JLnll Juycr Vm mm Shhlcv Huwll ul Darrle rm In weni Cccll Hr wlu Humy Wulkom Vln an knm Wflllnm McFadden mum McMnnlur nnd Dunnld MrMulur me we Mm llulh Mn llmum burn un Junn mm In Thumlun Inmml Tuwn ship lhl humhlcr Mrl mun MW and llw um wnnnm Heller ldut rhumnm and mm wu rnlml mumr mm Uullml hurclL the nlsu numlwr ho Womunl Am rlulhln Lived 52 Years In Flo Mrs McGInnil Palm At Her Home On Oct 22 Fnr 51 yrnrl rmldcnl nl Flo Tuwluhlp Ml Julxn MLGIHMI mumd nwlly Ivn illllny OCL 12 um hcr Imxm 1m L1 run whru 51w crum nx Inhlr lullnw hm ILI myran 4le Julia II 1002 mmva nl Ulvrvlnr cnvrnl III My Irwmlul llllm In Mly 1031 Selling of the average mnlmum price or he H154 crap of flu curcd tobacco has been indeï¬nite Iy deterred due to failure gr er and buyer members 16 inch rm accord ILwil he recalled that Iasl year the dcllbcraliuns wont Into the second week belore settlu mam was teamed This yoar 1he delay may be more serious wllh lhc posslbmly that nxbllrnlï¬m may be necessary to arrive prlec when lhe MELkequ Boqrd ad When lhc Markuung Board ad ourncd on Thursday the vm parqu were evidently cnnlsa pound apart wllh neither sldu Showing any sign ylcldlng The buyers had ollcrcd 41 cents pound and the grnwcrswuru hold mg nu for 13 cents per pnund he same ï¬gure as Ins year to John McCXnnls her home city Sun Sm Marie Mlchl gnn and was the farmer Hanmh June Currie Wilh me exception of residan Eady for time the rust of her llle was spam on lhn home arm Mu McGlnnls mm in Prcs bylcrlan and Mlendcd Knnx ChurehuElmvnle white me wusr 150 active in Ihc Lndlcs Md and had been sccrclnryMnsurcr the assoclallun when yuungcr Her husband died some tlmc no and survlvlng are one daugmen Mrs William Bell Helm of Cross lnnd undlwo sans Malcolm at home and Lqighton Mnrmara Thorn are six grandchildren am one greatgrandchild also three slslcrs Mrs Hugh McLean Mrs Ruben Armmonx nnu Mrs nob erl quuruvc nll at Saul Slc Marie and wo brothers Wllllam and James Currie all lucntcd in the same border my Norm Mlchhznn Thu funeral tender in Knux lrcsbylurmn Church on Monday Del 25 was conducted by lhc mmlslcr Rev Coupur and lulurmunl was In Elmvnlc Cornu lcry with he allowan pnllbcnr PH mm Usher Lloyd Aruuo Al vln lllscy Elmer Lord John An Xcrsun and Ruben Hulh Sumo the rclallvcx uuondlnu mm dlslnncu wure Mr and Mn wnnum Currk Mn nnum Anmhunn Mr and Mn Fumrnchflm Hum Mcwnmm lLln Armslrong Mrs Mullln nnd dam rfn 19ml SnulLSkx Marie Utaulllul lluwun fluch Um c1 lcvm In which Mrs MuGlnnL wxu hcln Olhcr lrlcnd nltlmllnu llle uncrul wore ano Insoul rnlu lho Sm mm mm Ccmngwood Cvulson Ollllm and he lurnruml dislrch Trip to Sweden is in store foruc Tran 37 of Clnrcmonl 0m result of his vicmryin Canadian championship computition for £550 Silver Plow held by Ontario Plowmcns Association at Ballantrnc Ont Ho and runncrup Ivan McLaughlin 50 at Slnuflvillc Ont will trnvclto Sweden ncxt your as guests of Imperial Oil to compete against plowmcn from olhcr countries in the third annual world championship plowing match The Tobacco Price Deadlock aa Dunlap 51 THIS WINTER V7 PIIIITEIT WITHA lrqnm your home nmv lmlll Illsllle luul lllll or lllu loll uclxe Illll wrxllhrr that Hr nlmul Minam nurmm Iurrmuza nmmonu Slmcoe Rclormcr Sunworlhy and Sunlesled WALLPAPERS DATES 1103 THE COMPLETE RANGE 01 EW PAIIEIINU AND comm It ls generally acknowledged that the 105 crop ls II ï¬ne ylcld good quallly tobacco Them 1y usuncatlun whlch the bu ng companlus could have far falling Io equal last years prlcu the fact that production amount an alllime record vnlume of nbyut IBIMOJMJD pqun But there is no indication that the buying cumpanics dn not want all this tobacco They showed little interest in the suggestion that the Marketan Board minhl take up any surplus protest and store it far later Baler lt is ac knowledgcd that in stock at Canadian Companius need replan ishing particularly with the sharp upward trend in domestic ulnar etic consumption The British market is prepared to ubsnrb lrom ii in 40 mililnn pounds from this years crop well above the aver age recent years Now lhc companlc wnnL Io buy hs years crop at lure at 119 cents unand mozhnu cent per puund luwur man 1th yenrl mlntmum average and nearly Iwa ccnu puund lower lhnn the ac tual sale price 01 the 1053 crop The cumpanlc nrc nppnrmlly has In their argument nn lhc conlcn Hon mat mm 01 41 cent puund wuuld ulvc he grower per new rclurn npproxlmnlcly the same nmuunl as last year Lets have lnuk lhu incl nnd flgurcs true lhnl the average ylcld his year 143 pounds per acre which old 4W cum pound would lvu the grower 3505 per ncrc This ï¬gure almost iden Hcéll wllh hut 1053 Whrn hc ylcld was romcwhnl lower nl LJM puund per acre nnd lhn nvurnuu mlnlmum rlcu was 41 THIS let pound yuldlnfl $595 per ncm Du UH incl ml flu crop nclunlly salt at $1L70 pcr ncrc murc Moreover the buying companies were rmponsibic earlier this ycar ioninducinn the Markeiinz Assu ciziion iln ihc acreage cu en iirciy and in permit it memhérs lo grow in bilSE ncrcazc The nniural assumplion was Mint in companies were ready to purchme irrgc crpp oi Huecured iabncc The cumpunlux nru unlnu the urn numnfll llml they are pruuur hn umul mumnunl nqu why was III HIM uppllld In 1051 up when um perum rrlutn umwcr wnx pmuillcrl In In wh Mnnllully 0qu lhnl hl 1321 In Hm lnltvf ymr Hm nvcrnxo ncru pmluciluu umémiod Lm puunm nml Um nvurnuu minimum mice was llxud nl ma culls pur In MIML lzr ncmrrflurns in gluy duh 151 1M Phone 3270 Wright NR Public Relalions lash Assislanl to Presidenl Gomon chllnnln 1nd ymhicnt the Carnaln Nurmal Rall wnyl tady annnunced the up pnlnuncnll I01 George Herbert Lash in Amman to rument and nlwllllam yenx51 fungther coun or public influxu Th ap palnlmenkl Income euuuve Nnv lormcr newspaper man Herb Lash brings to hll new put wide and Inlhnlle knuwludxe at Cannibali mm Born In St Johns heinljr Johns Nfldin mu he Inter rupted luurnallsflc career in To rank to serve with the Princess Patricks CInndInn Light Infantry and went over52a In 1915 where he won his commission in lhmflcld nnd was awarded he Mullery Crns and Bar He was with the 47m Battalion of Erhlsh Colum bia when hoslllluc ceased nnd returned to Tomnto where bn cnmc managing minor 01 the Sun dal quld joined the Cnnadlnn National Railway at Montreal In June 1923 He was puhllclly rcp rcsunmlve or thu company Sn Winnipeg from 1923 to 1930 and then went to New York In slm ILCAPICHY In 1933 he wax namch mum director publi city for the salcmnnd In October W50 xuccecded Walter Thomp ad in Ottawa as executive assis unt tn the censorship nnordinut In committee and In mo became Director at Publtc Inlnrmnllonlfar Canada to orunnize and dnvclup pound yielding revenue at $64341 per note an Inn basLs or the agreed price Thus the Brow er received about 48 per acre lcss in 1953 than In 1352 The same thing would happen this year the grnwar nccapled the 41V cenlsapound one made by the cognpanllv In the light of these ï¬gures there scams lmle basl or the companies argument unless their lngnuon to emblllh perman cnuy lower average mlnlmum price and per acre lflum or me grower Moreover on the basis grade prlccl so by he Market lng Eonrdu Ipprallal thls years crop even It the prlcc 43 mm per pound lhc buyer would be purchasing the 1054 lcal av an Ivarate 50 per hundred pounds cal than they pald fur Inst yell crpp The situauon In nutshell Is that the grower have ï¬ne qua fly crop or fluecured tobaccn which he buylnl companies and he export market want and neat They Ihould be prepared lo pay fair price for certaian as much they paid tar laJl years crap The zmwerl mm were hlgh and In lama mu hlghcr than 11 50 of limo lnvnlved ln ar bllrnllnn nrocccdlnl will be sorl ous or Ill parties The flowers win to know when they and In relation tolhulrycmwork and the buying tompnnlcs want to gel on with purchase lhu crop and processlnl apcralluns Dclny will he egp¢mlve lg all puncerncd Especially when men 15 mans posslbflny Ihll Ihe Mnrkutlnu As sociation and ha cnllrc industry may be lubjoclcd to lovcrnmunt lnvcsllznllon undnr the Comblnw Act It sccml pour me for he Assoclmion bnlh buyer nnd nrnw to become Involved in an lonch dlspulc over price Thu next move they win nvnld nrhlrnllon wuuld appear to bc up to the buying companies MW ocr flqullq llurcl wuulflul III wilh pmmnlrnl plunllllu on ma budlcc and umqu llm bullum Chuoxc 1mm Shack Id Uluu Judl WhllB or Burk all rm band mm lx by mum MucKuy Avnllnblv ln IllLl null umlllun um lurun IUHON CUFF BRIEF made Iuvrnklll lrlunl III III Hlnllll mum and luruu We anov 0N wnmuzu mmusfl mule Moon lOll FINI mecum PRETTY LINGERIE MATERNITY Hum mo yr MATIJINITY HlAllN umu um mm mm wllll uylun lrlm Immlm In whlla Duly mcmL orm 43c HITVIM llllllI BRIEFS this branch lhv countrys war won Ho handled prom arrange R33 at my Royal Tnur early In Mr Wright wus burn In Mun lroal In 10 and educnlud Scl wyn House School Wcshnuuul High Schnol and McGlll Univer mly He studied law or two year at McGlll where he won hc gr unlcs prize fur highest stun mg In hls ï¬rst year and unlvcrslly scholarship He Jolncd the Rnyul Canadian Nnval Volunlcer Reserve pro baï¬cnary subllculcnanl and lrnlncd HMCS Royal Roads Subsequently he lurvcd In varl jcus shun cslnbmhmcnls and cor vcuns nnd In Me shlp Algumu nnd Luulxburg He was lhc last 301 he Loulsbc Lumpnny lo bu Cum Wuvlng uur upcclally Lenurc lluuty Salon mm Iap Elsi IMna 2691 In llnor nlmva Vulkwel Shut IIMHIIV Ulllm WINIIZII UNDKHNMII fur Indlrl Man mm In 00 Mr wmvl Vrlll nmulrI uul llvlnhnlllnnl In Imlh knw luulh Ind uvrr Hm hm Ulzu and Vlllllfl WRIGHT ll LASII WW unwed the vale tannin 1m sinking 91 lb shly In Lhn Inledlternnun In 19 and III awndtd ll Dlsllnluhhed Ser vmcrou or conninqu all inny 1nd ludenhlp unr ed executive ofï¬cer HMCS Mmlulm naval dlvmm In Que bec Ind ma oulcer inlnlnx Ital HI Mrl Wright was appain ata secretary to the Minister at National Defence ln m1 and the tollnwinz year was made execu tive Iiilstant to the minister Two years later he became Ii slstant secretary to the Cahlncl He attended the imperial Defence College inlandon Enlllnddur intthe year last and on returm In to Canada in 1952 was ap pointed chiet secretary in the Department olNatlonal Defence During his servlce with National Delence he was closer associated with the public relations activi tlaé at the department Through this mean he established persan al contacts with the parliamen tary press gallery and newspaper editor which he has maintained He luinerl the Canadian National milwaya early this year as spe cial assistant in iha oliiee oi the president He membcr at he Rldenu Club ounwa Royal anr once Yacht Club Naval Ofllccr Club Mnnlrcn Sir Arlhur Currie branch of flu Canadlan Losing nnd um 14ch Gradu rile sway Britain has about 080 special schonl for children mentally or physlcally handicapped While wait HARDWARE 0UGHS 80 Dunlop Se East PHONE 2556 Youcun buy your DEER HUNTINE LICENSES ul Oughs KEYS CUT lllwl om ll Co