JAMES PARKER Barries heavyweight contender works on the explosive power oi his dynamite ilsts during training sessions In hopes that timing will enable him to lion Believes lie Has it Champion With ParkerBrimsiein Hookup lmliier Whitey Brimsteln could be riding another cham pion The most noted trainer in bowling has already ridden 16 world champions such as Gene Tunney Lou Ambers Rocky Graziano Benny Leonard to ame iew This time hes tn the saddle or James Parker Barries candidate tor Hrimsteln in position on any boxer other than tge most coveted crown in boxing Add it up where he doesnt have to take prospective champion and it any person can Jockey Parker to the top its Brimstetn llven Parkers manager Bill Dilly Is dyeing crack at the worlds heavyweight title None are mak Ing him think otherwise Place the potential with the knowhow and it mukcs good bet only bclicvcs he has it good bet with Parker and lirirnstcln Irhimigtnltcznncs np Tuesday night Lil Maple Dc Gardens when Shifted to NOHA ltllULMt CENTIIE irom liar lil rnlrior llliks Danny ililnntl littn rhiilrti tn the Stllili Marlc flrtyhotlrids oi the NOIIA lliliiir row IIOIXI Ol Ilthl Senators oi the Qilthcc llmkry Lrauur llr will not be ihh to play iorltilu Greyhounds until he Illls Iittll uitlclaily ltIll rliitiil Ilom pitiitniolini to Milit tour riinkl lilc nnnnny oi Titr IrItIll anio imnir Iollinli IIlII IIyrli Willi illlrhllrflh Iiilrlllln licrilty iiclIrI II the tilliiIr tnrl Illlflut null 0t Willilllt ninth ltiiil inin pio niniu innn an to iiizirllmror oi the MM juiilor tlrrlill Foil liXililtT ltEIAHt WOIIK FRENCH MllTlIlIS IOllll DtIDlIli dc DIHI0 DIIALIEII Iii lirndiord lit lliiiNlJ IlDll Parkertackles Earl Willis over 12 rounds ior the Canadian heavy weight championship Neither figh lttr has worked 12 rounds in their careers but both worked harder at condition man iai any previous blitltt lqueris in excellent shape the best bvcrlicsnut alter the big one and liicrt arc plenty oi iaiis who think hell get it Hes not the same gent who departed irom amateur rankslnfloronto to pro icssiolial company In Unlltd Stalcs instctld at mere straightrighl that exploded wilh dyntimilc he possesses variety of punches that can make him it Ilillii or boxer Daly worked Ilim with Lee Savold and James learned the Icit hook that look Savior to the lringc of boxing tame Parker has developed speed and ilnlshod movement In the ring too Hes not the awkward kill who used to paw and slumblc ailcr his opponents llcs hitting hard and wcli in incl hard enough to ilatten grab the Canadian title irom Earl Walls Tuesday night in their 12ronnd bout at Maple Lent Gardens Jimmy Slade with lcit hook dur lng hlsrtralning sessions in New Jersey Parker has not entered the com pctltive ring since March his last encounter with heavyweights num ber one contender Nlno Valdes But he has battled the best in pre paratloa ior this title match with walls Hurricane Jackson third ranking heavyweight Charlie Nor kus who has reached the ninth position in the top it and Jinuny Slade leading lighthedvyrwclght now crusading as heavyweight llert Whitehurst very inst muvlng quickpuncher horn Eslti more scheduled for the smiiinul trout in Parkers stable as spurring male and Iscrcdlltd With dcvcloplng Jimmys speed lurkcrs oiiicial protostionai rc cord stands at 22 knockouts in 33 Ilouis nnc draw and thrcLI losses Actually Jamcs has dropped our bout but he erased one do tent with win in return match izins 1mm Barrie and district will pour into Maple Lcai Gardens for this Importat engagement to lend moral support to Parkers bid tor the Canadian tllic Thc local agency ior these light tickets Is Jacksons Grill on Dunx lop Strcct across irom the Brrie Iost Oiilcc Proprietor Frank Tayl or announch that more tickets In the blue section had been orwud cd from Toronto and are now ay nilalllc With 140 Wednesday niteriioon with Vtilnlul ltlllI Sallilrct IriitIINI Vt ll nnnnn in Wltilllltirly and will again iry lo tillilit ii Wilillti oll MiriiIiy Ailislon Ionk in lie tho liilllrlclr lilll iunn in on inn in mm on ili tiir llliiloilblrdiy Tilliililir co ltli iii tiiillnl lrIuIIIIHYL Illnlrm Memorial IIUIIXNlI illitfi iii lhiir track at uliiuisi rwry turn Writ iuniny nliti Ilirii mint up Willi vuxlcly oi iliiriilt Iimt hail the Iotlli urinaldancing on yoyo liill iairntn in liarrlc IIWY wtio iiimvvn only nnn tiny mt Irrtwrvii llirlr unnni chumpltililliip IIJIIIO Willi riigutil Orlllin Coilcltlr air and llir tIlririrt playoll Anti tirry Irilii Million In slim Ili irail or ID llprlliitfl Ml Ilihitlits Hill the strain Iii illllillllllI play oil llillliiiI Imril rrVtnictl liltil when live thnII took the Iicltl tor IIIV Frtlillll hiIII MIIIhti Lllliiriilictl the trail nnnt hi the woy Mill ni lilliston oust Blilil FromCOSSII Playoiis Victory sharp Wciidriilctl senior iootball team irom limiting Memorial lllrzh School captured the district COSSA crown very impressive 140 victory over llarrie Collegiate it Alliston it marked the tirst tluie Banting Memorial seniors won the right to represent tlilti district In the bracket oi the COSSA liiitytiOWlIil They will meet the wliliier oi the Wel lnutlSnltiicet suddendeath game next Thursday afternoon at Allisluii starting at two oclock titlill tiili liarlio look like they unniii seriously nnnirntn the well kllll drirncc it was no disgrace to he Iiciiiln Million Iookrii slitle niiil urr Illnrp liiry llulll II trick along sirl lrclc iooiliali Imd rariy out unsign liitltll wilii wellliriiirrL tililhorily it illll Iitlll it long time Iliao tin Nlnllarll dililitl wilillrr IIII incl krcn opposition irom int Icclliin llntl iiicy could lie in tor IiirpriIc thll lrnlou liic nniy point oi the opening hail cnnu lnu In the lotvllli quarter when quarter lllllrrl Sailotlrln pliitctl Million In Iltnil on iiiyard IIIiIII or shrill whil liarric were III III the running when tin nnnth nnnnu rolled around us llantlng Memorial llIiI Iiini Mi margin The IilIli nnl III lIit lhlrd utmrtcr wnl lilo ilil ax oi 42yard burst through right tackle by Carlton Wadllng who caught BDCis secondary defence popping ile carried in the Barrie 40 irom where Sabourin iadcd to strike Alvin llughcn with pcricct pass at the 20 Barries wlnglinc held we run ning thrusts but very wlscly Sa bourin hud mnncouvrcd plays that in case oi TD allure his team Would be in pcricct position to boot iicld goal liughcn didnt let him down scnding three polntcr through the uprights that would have done credit to Tip Lo gan Allistans wingilnc can take the bows ior two unconverted majors in the louth chapter that sailed the victory They broke through to twice block Ron Bcatiys third down kick which placed just 17 yards irom pay dirt They bucked to the three irom where Sabourin pushed ovcr tor 90 lead That major seemed to kill any spirit Barrio had icit in tho XiitIlt or district honors Their tired and and the tracks with the exception oi quIrter Mike McCann lost their drive bad snap to Deatiy on third down kick although rccovcrcd didnt allow enough time to boot and Aillston Imolhcrcd him In his trucks at the 15 yard line Barrie brnkl through to nail Subaurin on his iirsl pass attempt but even while he was surrounded on sec ond down blmd pcricct strike in Alvin llughcn In the end zonc tor the games ilnai motor This Sabourin is as neat quar icr produced In this area since Mll lct Salter was directing lraille tor DDCI low years back lit use his team to the best advantage and can tire pcricct strike irom any place on the ileld whether it be short or long Dontlng Memorial iieldcd Iome good Ihiity carriers on the hall line with Wadllng Jarrett iioill hnurr Paul McKenzie and Wayne Mollett Centre lion Smith and guard Grant Walker and Don Lul lrncr appear to tie the workhorrcl along the poweriul wlngllne The win markcd Aiiiltnnl iiilh In many sIarlI but iolt Barrio gave them the roughest struggle to into DDCI dlrcclor Dnit thAiIiI loll iiil team was tired but IIIo tiiat some oi the playerl didnt give their IJcll Iluiinlng and passing Ilar Dob Oiiiiii Smog HEATER WORK Wl LT BRISOW PLUMBIIISJIS HEATING a4 DUNLOI sinttrwisi OYIsmc 31 70 ORNAMENTAL httlcrcd wingiine became porous Flyers Draw increased Gate oiildxl putt Mam tor the Ian In Darrin Anna Boundy 0d 80 lIym VI Gnelpb Biltmoreo Il 1101 mm typo error this given in the Mona paper II 1031 in II dlihmu Attendance or aint Junior hockey Mitchel Io hr link you bu been running about at Int which my Inc prlte dams people The Satur day rim ram bit lower than the opening game slut hit alightty higher this the mldwveek flxtm with Morl bom STRIKES MENS rowu LEAGUE snoop Wright Clcnncrs Dom Auto Wreckers ON Telegraph Edgar Toppers Smith Farm Dairy Duncan Plasterers Rebels Copaco an Union Caracnters Jaciï¬ï¬‚n Motors ngh single Hill Auto Wreck ers cm high three Ross Pcocock Wright Cleaners 77B Remit of Nov Wrights powers admin Ross Peacock 272 719i Telegraph Jackeom George Legeur 273 730 Richardson 196v 533 Smith Carpenters Hannah 21D Everton 473 Korianty 212 limit KoiC7Copacoo Murphy 210 094i Beau ooucl 193 pooh Duncan Dominion Frank Excll M9 848 334 754 Tanning N0 Rcb Is JLm Orr 207 148 Bowncss 317 0301 LADIEB AHEWNOON LEAGUE ForgmMcNots Aslcrd Petunia Marigold Dandelion DandyI Mums ll High single Put McGuire Marl goids 250 high three Lilian Gracey ForgetMotion 8M itesulls Nov Amen2 Pctuniuo Muriel York no 57 Pearl Filmnon laz sari ForgetMcNots Mums Lilian Gmcey 230 M5 Drake 1180 453i Marigold Dandelion Pat McGuire 1250 560i Vi Spence 235 530 Hill Clare Thompson was handicapped with an injured ltg but Aillslon had little trouble stopping the big icilowl ramps around the ends Ncflill ststcd McCann should have direct cd more lrntiic through the cen lrc oi AllistonI dcience Every time he hit in there yards would be gaincd But then he would run the ends or pass Instud or tourist rntly pounding It tho weak ol Ncraltt commented Iny unpstd taxes dm BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY Moms Emms ParadesReliampe ii Against Teepees Here Tonight lots can be accomplished tonight when the Flyers tackle deiending Memorial Cup champions St Catharines Teepees at Barrie Arena tonight victory can move the Flyers Into deadlock with the reaps on the current third rung and bring their seasonal record over the 500 mark Tlfen in the individual it artment centre Bob Barlow at he Flyers will attempt to pass Teepees Hank Ciesla in the scoring race Clelsa holds onepoint lead ovEr Barlow who has played less games Tonights meeting Is the opener oi hamcoadhome wcdrcnd series with the same Wo eiubs back It it again Saturday night in SL Cath Irincs Address on Air Forces Memorial Dr Gilbert 0rd Light Angiicnn Archdeacon at Rev oourn Simone and rector oi Oro Parish was the speaker It the regular nonthly meeting at St Andrewh Presbyterian Church Mens Club in Wedncrdnyevcninl The speaker who was intro iuced by the Rev James Fergu ion mlnlulcr at St Andrews Ihurch spoke on the unveiling at he war memorial to the common wealth nlr iorccs at Runnymede England Dr nghtbourn went oversea with the RCAF In lIiiO and was Appointed senior Protestant padre here with the rank at Group Captain Thanks to the speaker were pro posed by Howard Livingston ll Leishmnn prcridcnt oi the Iub presided During the even ing Dave McClymont chairman oi the Scout group committee re ported on the activities oi the Cubs Scoutu Ind Hover Crow loe chcll reported that the ipeaker at the December meeting would be the Hon John Mr Potato IC at Toronto onesumo SYSTEM We have always thought It most unlolr that the government can and don slap fine on anyone who Is day late In paying the Ix imposed And whats more the government charges Interest When the shoe Is on the other tool thats totally diitcrent story You can notchIrge the government lntcr est it you overpIy your tgxest And it is oiten you or two he rore you get It back Ponoka tAIta Herald Opening Schedule Church Hockey Darrin Church llockcy boaguo opening scheduled games ior Sla urdny morning It Barrie Arena Is iollows mum 800 Sit Marys at CentrahTrinity 830 Combines at OoilJcr lcawce 300 St Marys at Central 925 Collier It Trinity 950 SI Andrews at Ma lid St Georges Squirts lOIfi NUMII VI South Atoms IDA Collier at Burton Mc ill0 Ccntrli at Em Rd St 5t Gmde 115 St Marys at Trinity iiilCaIVttt SPIIRIS lililliiiii tIEm7mm int at iniiItul biltidcrl have bun lgillled since nature but irtnccton le to tour In New Brunswick NJ Novem ber In And Inliccd It Is moot question will ihcr CanadI wunt year Ihcad oi the Untied StIch In rccognillon Intl produc tion iii iootlmll For In llldli lira Montrcsl Football Club waI Iornlcd bill til train and Ill antecedents are brcluudcd exrcpt lor the loci that in Hill the Club put up trophy ownership oi which itplucnltli CInIdlIn supremacy The illit at that IIrll Anirrlrnn grime Novclnbcr II II lil Ilrlllifll In luilchiliig that imithll lhcn ml for irom IltIlifl Inch 1n overwhelming part at American collogiutc lltc II It later IiII bccontc Auumlly lirc collcgu and pros oi utir tiny wauld lliil wail tor November to bcgin their Iclivltlrs uiiiulni lilg Iour Ind erltrn Cuiiirrcnca Ilililll are at it In July and iiy August lrlvo nut couple of garlic uiionr lhclr brill The coiIigIIilItho pushed back lilo calendar to tilt brplrnibor lor vpruing rumor llul Ilutan Ind lrlrmton oi Is did not rump the gun ThlI wu one or ID tow run In which ionIbIll II rultogs sport yin piltld In It correct Interory oi importnu rcllllva to the matter at Iccurlllg In Murillo tvhleh In the tinny scum tor tho IIIlance or colleges iiiindlsn educationI lnItiliillunI have nrvrr Illuweil Icarii Inn to Licriore seriously with court Willi rtillcgn Iporll have In Ilirr liy wry oi Illilcilt lrilllliillg II tho llroilililllur oi Initia llw rruolrrcoilliilill and spirit twin rilly horn til trillliiII llepcrtlitiitb When coilrlo tum hit the Mid Ill Clllllll where there II no plalmn qulbnll it Is on Ill own In the II III In In his putNIIIIIIIO Illt the Itutleril Emms will parade three now players beiore local inns who de iinitely need progrnm to keep up with evcnts Most recent addi tion to the club Is Doug Vaughan loyeurold lonward irom Kitchen cr Canucks Last season with the Greenshirts he scored eight goal Ind assisted 17 for 25 points in 53 games Vaughan comes as part payment lor Bob Whitewho was tradcd to Kitchener earlier this week Thus the Flyers secured the services oi rightwinger Howie Glover and Doug Vaughanand srdiil amount of cash ior White Dcicnceman Doug lIiby and tar rward Garymtough were originally dated to accompany Glover to the Barrie camp but they rciuscd Vaughan has not played this sea Ioni The Conucks had sold him to Jenqulcre Marquis of the Quebec Junior League but he rciused to report and was suspended Vaughan was contacted at his home In Mll lon and asked it he would play in Barrie There was no hesitation The third new member or the club It centre Bob Garner no stranger to these parts since he rose out oi Flycr bantam ranks Alter three seasons with Weston Dukes eriboro iunlor term club he returns to the local stamp ing grounds and should prove big help In Emms building plans He has three scasonl lelt tn Junior company and scored goal and Is slsted another in his dobut in Kit chcncr Tuesday Coach Hap EmmI has Worked tirelessly in periectlng the clubs deienslvc play Endless praclire oi clearing the puck irom their own end took place Wedncsdly and Thursday in hopes oi cutting down the goals against avcrage 151 MERCURY llililiflil Automatic lrImrnimlnn Ilr conditioning white WIlls Iun vlwrswlndow wIslterI Illp envcrI etc Fully wintIrlIed Ind suIrInlcedi Recombch In brInd new on BULLOCK MOTORS LIMITED Looirlous No to Hwy at Ferndnlc Market Square Barrie Expected to guard the twine to night ll Ross Brooks the stocky little midget graduate irom Torcnto But In expected absentee rent the lineup is lollwinger George Ran clri fluttering irom sweat rash He played nrcsday night against the Canucks but was sidelined irom practises Wednesday and Thursday The Tecpces with such stalwart veterans as Elmer VIsko Nels Bul lockgoaile Mary Edwards and wards Hank Ciesla Cec Hockstra and Barry Cullen will be an easy oer but Gall Marlboro and st Michaels College upsct the cham plans Emms lshopiag for the some OHA Junior Standings St Michaels Cuciph Marlboro Hamilton Kitchener unuor o¢°o=oa cuaqm1 Last Night Hamilton Marlboro Future Tonight St Michaels at Guelph Gait at Kitchener st CIthIrines It Barrie Saturday Kitchener BIrrls It St CItliIrlnes Sunday Guelph at St Mich iicl Hamilton at Marlboros Games at Catt SUPERIOR TEXACO Stove It Furnace OILS Meter TInk Truck Dsllvsry with Ticket lriitlu xSiiiicue PEIlllilEliM ausou wlcc amp PHONE 2563 Jim Drucs Driver dIchmIn are 1011 card law llcll ulilllllilliitmi mat illarty lcstr at tin lilllill liml ihIlUIlGIIN llg lionslcr liltilitltll weanling which nvulgc ti pounds or more It It works ui Igc Try Ililcr llrli iillUIlitiN ilg liomlcr innit the time they old right lilrtlllllil woaulliu liIIlii iiwy Ire I0 wrckl old You will have hog Iiinl will be III to market In rrtoril time on POUNDS Ar WEANING to pounds wrunliugn nrr pruitl producing hogs lloits weaned at inn weight will be nil to mllihrl in in In time nlIlI inu coli unnv In in lord iiiln inni wiilcli oiin wrigh 11 pounds when wrnnril rnII raving in irrd mean In prollt lot the producer IAIN inmt have drrnlirillrllrd Phone 3050 I67 Shanty lioy lid GARRETTS EAST END GRAVEL PIT illliillliil litiNCIlETI IIIAVIlI ItllN CONCRETE IItAVIII lilliitllliD IIOAD IitAVIiii HAND LI LOADED AT Oil DELIVERED Iectl tillliItIAIN llg lloostcr and be late at resultu You cant liiiy it better iced ii ROBINSON cw common owl lent to this tova will be when STEEL FOR sALE iimr ticwon Calvert limo rev19 8L 10min and R5 UM Home lilroutl 52 Collect or Darrin zain 221i HIGH STREET TRON Multirth ammo Ilillrll In gm lnln protmlnml Iaothllli must do without Harmplay Iltrling horn Ihn ranching lIIt Npoll pllyl Ill put In odorcling young men to ho Independent not In II luri It II mt ornhyed nnr mule superior in the ml lanlnlII the mumtun PORCH RAILINGS Free Estimates WI Willi OMDLY CALL AT Ylillll IIOIIII snuwn