Mllu Hnulh null on Hwy Ihona ollrct Hlmurl MHZZ That the informed Effort is to be commended wmlch sum510 ex pMn In the people of Canadi what mum evll of Communfsm and he advantages aur mefhod of gavernmcntby constlluuonal mon 60 Hayï¬eld St Unrrlc HI 2490 58 Ellcn St llnrrlc PM 2517 That in resisting Communism nii hysteria is in he deplored and likewise any depanure from the tmditionni safeguards of Canadian justice Beaver Lumber to that pexsons professing Com munIsm or In sympnlhy 1hemwllh not lit to hnld elective or up polnuvc office nor 103mm posts nor positions In labor unions mm Amman Runny Momma Instu Phantom be It resnlved that Canada should conunue Ms uche support of and participation In the activities NATO In order In play H5 part in the Joint Ellen OI the Nee muonsot the Wm Ia mslm Cmnmunlsl uggrcsilon The armCommunist mlullun came from me Mrs Alfred Wall Memorial annns Insmule in Simone West District and rand Wherwdhcdangcr of CommunA in enslave many nations and is constant lhrzm the security of people nd When the danger of Commun 15m In my nation arises not nnly from external nggreï¬sion but ulsn Imthase who seek to betray from within Womens Institute Concerned With Resistance to Communism Resolutiontat Area Convention Almluuon reslst Commun anrmlon by continued mlve luvpom and participation In the Icuvnles NATO was Included In uhe upon of Mrs James BclL RR Goldwater urea Convener of runluuum prmentcd at the un nunl mnvcnflun the Womens Insulate Simcoc Counly here 1M3 week Bull Planing Mill DOUGlAS FIR PlYWOOD llcnis ShUIIId lld NM my 01 4mm paymml o1 pain on In humpIn 01 Am puma on nu wonhy punmu Nnyounnnlllhnznllhpr putuh um Wantan hlnllnl pmol umnl Mm lot Lmnl llu Innmum low 100 on gun balm Am Yuull be proud and your spouse will all you sat ixilclion when you make 1mm modem cabinet lnr your living worm Juxl gel the milylallnwed Free Plan lrom yqu lumber vflulempend low annian with FunATakaWilh Sylvaply No special skills or innls required Ample one space in table linens glaman and cul lary You can euily tum our many ollier altvaclive items do remndclling lnd building pwjectx with Canadas mm vmalilu building material But whallm you OmitYum knll or call in you local carpenm nnnaloryau ml boll wavxi The nml lcalum Illa make Sylvuply Illa idcal DolIYounell mamial ma lime and maneymlnn you HaveI Donc Talk it over with your lumlm dealerloday WING ROOM STORAGE CABINET ï¬wu In umm nwn awnowugtpiu BUIlD lnlmwlck rcmluuon hut mused con lhlerable dluussflan mostly in pasmon iuwordln not us origin came ram Pnlnswlck Wo mens Insfllute In Simeon Ccmre msmu Whereas garbage wastes wood ashes leaves eta are at present time dumped burned or ather wiie disposed oi and whereas this socailed useless waste can be con vorted into various types of tar tliizers which could be used as Valuable source plant food nnd urganic matter thus helping tn alleviate the growing soil de ficiencies of this country there fore be it rawived that the Pains wick Womens institute recom mend In the district immute that this matter be brought he at lcniiun ol nil depammcnis of Env emment cancelnod with conserva tiun and that nil municipalities be Advised an tn the best and most Nannmic means or dispusinl oi waste producu keeping in mind the umau need or conserving sail mung Junior Institute Activities In the absence the area can vener of Junior work Miss Marc jcrlc Todd oi Churchill the in coming nonvcncr Mrs Murray Johnston Goidwater presented the repent on Junior Inflilulc ne tivities the convention NEW APPROACH VANCOUVER CY We look lurwurd In the day wllm mrnlnl Hmu nml mmlul howllnh wll he Iccrplul by the movie In lhl sumo KM In phyllml lllnru Ind FMNI lwwHMI nra Icrrpltd lu dny My Dr GM 11C nwnl nl hrnlln dluclnr In qu annual mum From Bond Head hunt in Sim coe Smith District came resolu tion Whereas the southbound truffle on No 27 Highway on reaching the brow of hill en ters wiihin distance oi nprpmxi mainly 150 We of the village oi Band Bond eenirtd at the imam iions of Highways 27 and 28 and the 7th cancminn ol the Township of Tecumsmh the traiiic and ped sshinns proceeding wesi and east unio or crossing No 27 are great 1y endangered particularly the school children who live was at No 21 and who must crow it go In to their public sdhoulan ND 88 Highway and whereas the II ii proceeding on No 21 liighwny ihrough Bond Head is not re stricted to 30mlle Hm by Kilns at the north and south entrances therefore be it resolde that the Dcparuncni of Highways be asked to insinli adequate trafï¬c signal lights and also 30milc speed limit igns to Wcrcmne the niaremm iinned hazuds There are only two Junior In smutc ormnflmmm in 51mm Cnunly Coldwnlerln In north and he ChHIIWilll Junior In the scum but the program held dur in the year were very cnlomin lnx and were usually hllhlllhied by speclnl speaker Some of the speakers were the county braz lnn evumy health nurse and the lam Ire chlol nnd prolrnm fon kurm also included mm and lmvelonuea the Oommhnn and our of Europe Among the rrcrrnlionnl mnct lmzs held by Junior had how Chrlxlmnl lncollnu Whln In wcrn exchanuLd anunllnc mrnl mu whlch hau won made and mmhllnl by mnmlurl and pic me and mm mm mm durlnu the Some of the years roll call were naman mush queen or nunllcllnn book or European mumy Among the pmjm or mlalng money or charitable purposes used by the Junlor lnmnmu wcm nflcrnoun mm mm other In utulu ln nunndancn and phclnz proud local hlu and tom munlly danm Money mth In Lhrse fashion wu llvrn la he rd Crml local hospital fund and In Ihr arm candy bag In nerdy childan nl Uhrllums llmc Other mailman presented the canvtniinn included motion mm Duniroon bunch aim in Simcne West dishlei lo he dim Ihal whenas we are in favor of Canadian flag and Wham we an nevenihnim proud ni our link wilh kw Great Cummnwmuh oi Nations and whereas we have prasperei grown and remained rec undcr the Unian Jack there are be it rcsolved that we re quest in Dominion Goverqnnen incorporate nllnion Jack some place in the design oi ihemew ling when and it the men31ers vote or Canadian flag nrnhy Ind economic Aystem 01 Inc private and compeuflve en lerprlst hlnllnl pmol dwlwnhlp OI umnl at an hop an Mrs Maslh la graduate 01 Is abella Thdburn College In Luck now one of the Chrlstlan Col lege for women lndla and laugh 1m several year In High School In Allahabad Her husbandv Revl Kennuh Maslh Executive Secretary of the General Assembly Unllcfl Churrh on Sunday Nov at nm Mrs Rahalt Mchen oi Crecmorc Prosldvnt at Slmcoe Preshyleflnl WMS and Mrs Mnxlwe President of WME AL ternoon Auxlllnry of CoHlor Struck United Church will nsslsl In the service llealth Unll Spank Crown H11 Womens lnsfllule will men Mm WHUnm Mne harv on Wednrsday Nov 10 pm IMJS Gordon Dunsnote will be lï¬chnflgnmxd Mix Eleanor Loavcns Roi the Slmcoe Caumf Health Unll will be 1hr Spock speaker Tm honests Mm McLean and Mrs Swil Mrs Maslh ls mm welknown Chrlsllnn family In North India Her molher medical doctor Ind has practised or many years In New Dem Mr and Mrs borne Bantu of Grcnlel were Sunday mums with Mr and Mrs Norman Tuck Mr and Mrs Mmri Parlridxe And Dianne Tuck spent Sunday wllh Mn Panmducs sister Mrs Del Dales Shelburnc At uulhrle Annlvenuy Qulln number nflcndcd Guth rlc Unilcd nnnivusnry smite on Sunrhy AtCbllierSt Uhited Sunday Mdrning Mr and Mm Cough span FOR THE BEST BUY an ID Aunlln Stdnn dD Mclcor Club taupe 48 Chevrolet Conch Gfl Dwain Cunlnm flednn 41 Monarch Hrdnn ll Willyu Hlnllon Wagon 40 Pontiac Hum 40 llulrk Huh nnï¬ndlo 51 lrcfccl Hulan 50 Plymouth Coupe 50 lonllnc Conch 41 Paul Conch 41 llymoulh Hpcclnl Sul ï¬l Chrylnr Wlndsnr Hed CROWN HILL JIIIIYHLIZR PLYMOUTH FARGO 55 DUNLOP STREET WEST 182 BRADFORD STREET MES KENNETH YOIIAN MAS Mrs MnsIh came to Canada as the meat at he Womans MlasIonary Society The Unlicd Church 01 Canada During the summer she was at sevnrni CGIT camp and at the buglnning or SoplLmber she vlslicd British Columbia and Inn been iraveIIInz custnrd aInccV ndi dressing numerous ndull and ybuih graups In large and small ceniru Educaunn the work 01 the church In India and the Nate womeni In the nniIan and In the church are loplcl oI spncIaI Intereai to her Sunduy with friends at Schum burl of the United Church Northern lndln Mr and Mrs Musih were dele gates to the World Council of Churches meeting at Evanmon ln August and to 1h World Presby Vcrlan Alllance at Prlnéetun ln uly 40 Plymouth Bcdnn 33 Donn Sultan 53 Fun 95 ton pnncl il Fnrgo on pnnrl IMO Ion pmch lfl Mercury on Tele phone urvlco body trunk 23 pnmnnr llm School llun 1N1 Inoch mu Marcury flchool null panel 40 Chevrnlel Hedln Dn llvrry ALL UNITS SPECIALLY PRICED Plcnm by Fuelo Enmhw In pholunpber um Ip pur In um nuwlplptr nullMa In uouy pxlnu For lull Informlllan Ibont tho plnlnru you mi FOR QUICK SALE The Barrie Examiner Phone 2414 TRUCKS Sumn the nulsIandlnl roll call wan uuumuuns Iur way In help children pm their sum mar handya In an educathmal manner expelknee one his had In the use of modern drugs nu usuon to warm housecleanlnx IlmE In snvInz and plannlnl Illretch your pocket book my wum cooklnl dinner nnd nn nxchmze oI Ilower Inn CIleuhlp And Eduullnn LLe us In the comlnx yen en courage more Iuynlty and prlde In our own country Mrs crlnslon at SIayner nren conven cluzenIhIpnnd educaIIon urged the county deleznles at the annual conventlum Canada emuIna upon new on at pro Amonz the many ppm given on this topic were those on polio mental illness civil delence ur lhiltil the common cold and lab oratory test on fabrics men as rayon nylon and orlun Mottoer It meetinls were very interesting It kindly word that talk aay today may bring orth fruit tomorrow Worry is Like rocking chair it keeps you on the move and let you nowhere house depends on the depth of the pocket book but home on the depth of the heort laugh it worth thousand man in any market all the things you rear your expresxion in the most mpomht Happy home do not just happen they are the result oreal effort but year an the home eco nnmlu Ind hum 1m wn re ported by the am convener erA Beverley Winger RR Coldwller at the Innull conven uon at the Womenl Innnutu slmm County held at Central Unfled Church here dill week She ma delentu Iflendlng um muting that many of the bran lches hld hld extension services durlnz the year martini some diatrch had lponsored uirh club Walk LWould like Icemore All Hail nccompllshed because we must remember Ihn In young Illls at Ioday are nur Womenfl mutute members In the luture yams Let us try help men muth we can mumneon Emma and don qflnm othnnc ea had Included qumlnz Auchre punks an air dluplnyl nny round up bus torment heallh work TB clin Ics hiby clinics the cannu loci 91y cripphd children the 1m tule for 1h blind polio paflentl Ind work for local horpmls Demamraunm were glvenon win machlnu in rhellcran taxman blndaglnz offer and 1km coaklu mocking hound hulgan holes pastry maklnl icing cflkes hanay making lumde iunlmau leather work alt work anu nnlflcw mpkuuom lhsï¬tules 70f Are R¢port Busy Year in Home Economics Health Citizenship EdUcaIion Fields Commercial Loans for Production and Growth mm mm The Bank of Toronto has specialized in nssislingbusincsscs bolh large and small4n this way for many years Ifyou have such prob it will be helpful to call on our cipcricncc llrough our local branch There comes time with every growing business when ï¬nancial problem is encountered onun opporlunity occurs which calls for more money COMMElClAl lOANS FOREIGN EXCHANGE lElTER CIIDIT YIANiFEI 0F FUND Illl PP IXCMANOI llAVllllIl CHIOUIS puny and new ponmoq In and again be Ill do our in to Ihoulder um responsib SA RATHBUN he um that member at me Womcnl lnslnule create hell thy respect or the lndlflons and customs ot Ill counlrles We must be flexible and pndlcal as well to pruerv the km the old and to wan In with Mnr lnsumm armed Iriznd 3th links during the year she reported Ind public apmklnl can test were encouraged in Ihe schools any prizes xdcd ple call under her maul nub had been nlmlnl county in Onuuln and It counw town or city and explaining in importance Why are people tram nth lnnd uh mated to CInadn and Elvin nn important wan which took place park quit111 the yang sh quoted Wm 1n youth we learn in age understand Good manner In public places are lure pruot good citizenship One nï¬ep can make toward world peace the mind that makes the body rich The home Ls the stmlnx place world service Lenm the lay Ind keep IL Ennc reported sponxunhln of child health canlemnnel and swimming classes or children and the keeping up of am Id kn fnr um local school zlvlnu Dunlap SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Hum 51 maBANIQFIORONTO inkhdéeuaed Cmulchgn nn ma damuom lonl 11b nrlex Pawn Ind Mmc had been zlvcn on Clnldl Day at the cunvrnllan of the Asoclnled Cnunlry Women of the Sows Milk REPLACERund SUPPLEMENT fqr Baby Pigs The Scientific ModérnWdy to Bigger Pig Profits Call In and All mp lquu BlflMINM C0411 Iv Cm WW 55 WIIh PIG you can now wean young pig 10 days and breed your sow IOM day after ferrowilg Ydu can get liners In one Year Inflach of 2nnd wiihcut the sow losing weight nursing largg liners Blalchfordx PIGFAB lad dry um cos per pig Ovenlxa liners are no problom and you can raise orphan pigs wlthoul loss Plgs gnaw fatter qu Oime and labour Bum Muvkn Hopflu Ihrlflz wax ABleurn to ea Stafler sooner New etonomkal Blulchfords PIGFAB build baby plgx Into marks hogs auxhrfumrJur bigger proï¬ts gull offer an PIG Raine llthrs Inlteacl of complélu madam omwer In your pig feedlng problem Blakhfords PigPal ls more nulrilicus lhun ows milk lls fed DRV and 91915 go for II weekend too safe complete replacer for ww mllk Wuun Hum nlIO day saw thS um insiead of 2adds has 5400 to your pmfln Yoy raise ivsl us many pigs wilh fewer saw and Ohe sows nesd less food Do do If tooWWI 1m main You can we on com and lubug Hs NewlIts EcOnomicaH Iflfl WILSON BELL COOKSTOWN tunuhunniriqn 10 Ona u0 nzn I400 lo DIAIMJ ml mum 1mm Itsa moneymaker Blatchfords The Quegn and her children than Clnadhn flu heplnz mum and public place elem Jury duly nr woman compulsory edu cation Ind lu mamlug me Unb led Natlom Ind ommunlm IM ll nrlzln and growth UTOPIA