Teepees Here Fridql STIOWxThree Members Top Scoring Bracket 2M Glover wellcxpudcnccd rightwinger via the chain Tot onto Markham but was Hutchased by Kitchener last season He scor cd 24 goals last season and Is 2x pcclcd lo give the FLyers power lul punch regime seamoam glue Eï¬iflé Flyers are rlcher by two hockey players today and neltherarenrnngers as coach Hap Emma stalks through the DEA junior drum or nld long before the December 15th trading deadline The Flyers obtained forwardsflowle Glover and Gary En laugh and detenceman Doug Falby Irom Kitchener Canucks for lotward Bob White who refused to report here because of his schooling smug and mm were mémbora Int Wacrloo Slsklns junior Kitchuncr lnrm cam Ins your All hrcc players dressed for last nights encounter wllh Iho Cnnucks but Glover was the lone represent alive 1n rclurn toBarrlc Enough and Falby were not satlsflcd with the learn ind volud desire to Mum In Toronto Emms Slnrls Trade WindsBlOwing Deals While For Eunu cks Glover Signs Local ProductBOb Garner He made tworannouncements yesterday and Buchvare ex pected to strengthen the team consldernby In fact Emma ls now In aposluon to Ice three balancrerd llnes rum fr huw In In posnlon to mm players from the Cnnucks on lho grounds that Ea lnugh and Fnlby lulled to report the Flyvrs camp Should Kflchnnar olhcials object lhc manor would bu nkcn in thI Onlarln Hockey Associanon HIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NOV 195 The Flyers are not louklng towards this weekend with any great hope but like many local fans are anxious to catch in gllmpsc lols seasons Memorial Cup Chnmplon 8t Cathar lncs Tcepeca The Tcepecs hook up with the Fiyers in homeund home series which opens here Friday night and from curt3 periormnnces oi both clubs the Rudy Piiouacuachcd crew are once again rated top contenders mm mm min llm mu lmhluvm mm llu cumu wrll mm In no net by lmnulvu Marv FAhvunln who mullnx lnr m1 mm mmm Dnmmlun nuwn nrrinncnimn lnr Illll Iuvrlnuluu duilnu Hm IIA plnxuml who lhu lily ydqu in bummmn llvnuu lvi 1mm ml rumr uumlul Um lmme mu mr ml up huul ma Gunlrn Cly llwudru Hy lull winch hm Ihry rumnny hnvo llwrv wan hnwwn mum In llw In Junlur Itlvllnq urn whlrll ill chldtl Ihe lrmltr IJIR Hank Cul Clrlln nrrlmlllvl lu Illlllllu Ir lruul Tuwluy IIMII he pack wllh lr will lnll III IIIIIKI Iur ll palm In llvo gnum In Iveway llu lnr lhlnl plnu ll my Cullm yunnur bmlhr lo Htlnn whuu luau mu unwm hu mum mm rrcunl lur mm yum In hll nmkle lry lul Icamn Cul Ion Inhlml MI 02 will Illvl MIMI Hr 107 unlnIl Ind lhlnl pl ra In Il hullvldnnl nnllnl rut ll llu Tow Mnrd CIR Ilna Ivld HI ml nee milllnnl lmhlu wllll 1M nnhll nme Mn ommll alve 1qu plrnly oi wick MAIIV BMWHm Th bumno Ill nllh Inhi nndbm ll IqurlnL vmk lml IUmHmr new nddltlon to the F1 BOB WHITE Wino 3n Juulur mlc Hc currenuy ls cmvlaycd In Weslan but will pracllsc here and in Bramplnn Last season he scar ed 17 point or the lunlnr 13 Duke and wllh three seasons In In junior company hlx output al most ccrtnln in lake dccldcd up swlnga Emma Is no Hnlxhcd either He Males HIM the team mu In the market for one or Lwa dclcnccmcn and perhaps pair Ian wingers BM as at hat lacs hell dbl or buy until he has Improved the team as much as poxsiblc or ls centre Bob Garnpr who Is re mrnlng so the orinnlntlon when hc toiled in minur hockey Gamer starred for lhe Flynn bantam champion in 195061 but 101 he past three seasons pertarmed wflh Weslon Dukes juniar farm club Toronto Marlboro The many an who have ollnw ed Bobs progrcu ln thLI span un dwbtcdly are pleased to we the lxrootcr rclugn to his hometown Always heady playmnker wlth bountllul scurlng pntcntlallty Gar ner will be Hz help Emma and company Mllltan LIonl openeq OMHA juvenile prncllcc Prldny plzht undu much Allan Edgar and manager Paul McKelvcyr th turnout 30 prospccu Must Ian scamnl midget squau nllcnded with the cxcepjlun DI the Lawn bralhcu and Bill Chcrpcta who have moved away The scheduled scasan In expect cd open an mldNovathgr The lcam wil be spammed lhc Alllslvn Lions Club who have encapuragcd mlnor upon 1n um cnn re Tmlning camp will he climnxcc with an intersquad game Friday Nov 12 and hoped lam attendance witness the pre schcau prev cw lhcy have holly Elmer anka back in work he palm llnd Nell Bul lock runruunrd who wax convul ed lnw wlnzmnn lull Icalan Open Training The Flyrn Ihnwcd om member In he lop Icurlnx brackcl rcnlrc D01 Barlow laymanth Hnm llxon product has cullcclcd lwa anal and Ill nullll in mm Rum cql or cIKhl palm 1mm Jam for lhlrd npul Barlow ll I17an for 40 poan lhll lrnmn and Ill hl prcxanl pm wlll have no ltuublo In mole buond Ihe ynnrk Garry Mclemrn 51 MM ncll College lcnnlnu lhc maltr III D1ch llnkncy Trophy mm McNamara hnl ullowrd IN er gum and mm om nhuloul In 1luur unmu at L73 nvcrnuc UIIA lunW Nrnrlnl lieuml Intludan mu flundfy Ocl ll Ill Clnla 5L CIIUI MrCrtury hlrhlll lllrlnlv lllnla Cullen Sl Cnlhnrlnu lmlnmh Onll Swamp Ourlph llulakllm Cu II In Dull 5L erhllfll hnrk Ilnrlll Mnmmm Mnhluulrh 5L Mkhnrll MtNmnMn HI Mich lelh mule Allrnnl Mnrlhunu Ilnnuny nurlph ï¬NIlnr lull Dlwnnll Sly Cnlh Hill Humillon Tm Kllrhvnrr ll nlo lulu mm lllulo Urckrll bin Hmlnl 0m BAYFIELD ST loalhrrym I1 HOCKEY ouTrITs LOWEST PRICES 31mm KEYS 10 Cloudy and Cool Wilh Fresh Wind Not Much Change 1111 week Idth wllh chilly unplnunl wralllcr Ind Man my munI um um tlme lllll Ill Tuuday lini n1 wllh mum wlnd mm It luulllrul wllh Imp ll nu rm or us my making lull Inr lmnlllnulrl wllh ha xmIenl hllh mm Thl mom lnl Indium wlndl mm In ml unrlh mu win no He In ulxhl lod Trmpunlurru MENCS and BOYS Nnv NIIV le UNDER HOWIE CLOVER IIOII GARNER FIVE POINTS Barrie Callezlllc union will shoot laxï¬le dim1d COSSA loot hnll champlunlhlp Ihll Inemoon when they meet Allkton High Schnol Ale Inning DC captured their group hon or Mommy nflemoon with 1210 Hiddendeath thruler aver Orlllln Collegiate Ann Park More In large crowd despite tIItmllng legpernlrxres Tne winner between Barrie and Allmon wlll oppule the Magm dmrlct mum Saturday In the COSSA aemlflnula Bzrrlca tremendous gmund oi ence cut lame onOrlllla 1n the am hall and hum subllnmlnl 110 lead an two touchdownl by mr backuelder Bob Thompuon one at them convened Em Ormhs wingllnu charged wllh zrlm dctcrminmon In the ucund halt anfl Ihmm yullcd me 18m from um um wax only Acme uupendoun Hn play by Enr rlcl Gourzs Cuculluk Hugh Sca aom Grnnm lezhlon and Hub lhnmvaon that prevented the Nor hcmm 1mm moving all tne way ma xgca cnmcpagk victory Twn Majors By Thompson liarhe oicncd altln nm quartnr and recovered tumble mcchqemï¬n erlllnl 5yum 11m wlthln Ilvc at play Jlm Millr carried lo the Iwo an an olllackle 1mm and Bob lhampwn bullcd over he ma Jor ma Km mumv Jecnnd quarter an Orllhn had rou ule unppinz the Ilocky pownrtul ICMth marchHe nvad an usyurd run around the In and shedding tacklem with abundant me to provide 00 lead 1m med km the lplrlt 01 CC hallnngcl Graham Creighton nvnrl ymved ha Wlnnlnlpalnl he gume deciglun oppy all am ng In the ne Jnd ult nlmon pnved victory Act 0C1 wno took ldvnntuue very nearing opvorlunn Orlllln covered Humblclllhe Ind lnnl pan play canled Io Ihc tour John Chrlllle mndu Iramcnduul huesiting tackle to prevent the ICDIE BDCIY Seniors zEdge ormia Far Group Grid Honors AAI ML nvcr throuzhnut came Io lhv rclcuc he muncnuvred dawn the ldcllnu or 55 yard run of the lckofl Buc rrla weye ulcppeq Orlllln wlnxllnuwnl lhn bl flannee ln lha lacoï¬d hull Iwlcc lhoy broke Ihrouuh lo clack thirddown kick by Kan ny PH Harrie recovered Ihc ml and tried nznln 25yard buck mm urimmlge But Orlllll broke through uln nd It wn lhe and black In up the vllllart lecond mnlnr Mllllr nnthulh ha dldnt ï¬gure In tha Icorlnz hrod olfamlva Ind dclcmlvu hunorl wilh Thomp wn Dolh rolled glnnllc yudun hm MIHIII Interruption of In lmportnnl Orlllll pm ally Ind hi nm buck or lhe klckotl were key wupanl again the omcbnck rnarrler wingllne rose lo zrcut mum 011111 charged lhrne lmca Inn were lumud bank n1 my one Emlc tank over but umblcd on lhe Am play and Jrlllls recovered Twice more hp BDCl llnn held but Pale Scar cu nnllly hlt dirt on UN third hrurl Hush Sudan brokt hmth to block the convert In Ihe ï¬nal chapter Barrla Jumble IK the two yard line law rohn Em rrcovcr and plobuh VET or he muchdown that law luzh Sudan Inln cnlh Ihrnuvh block convert that would hulls klnoncfi lha may 04 mlhchJ lounhdown attempt and Ron Dtnll booted Ilnzle Mm Ihnrlnx molllnhl hnnurl worn Vlm Ink and Jan Mllhlc Ian but In Ihy ol CucuHck and Sudan on Ihu llno wnl dlmlly nnrumcntnl In onmw deml Conunqu mm pan mm Illa exprrued by Mlu 147nm Cul ey dlrtclvr flu Bimcnv Counlv Rttrrallan Borvlce Mlu num Bluvcr county home ccannmh Gravenhurst Mayor New President Simcoe County WI SAVE MONEY 224 Bnullord Sf crosmm IIIIINO YOU CK IN TODAY IUII THESEVITAL WINTER BIIIIVICHH WINTER Hle MOTOI REPLACE If YAIITIIIDUM WINTER WM MINI NIH TO LUIIEIICAIION IATIHIV 7IMK IIJIT ANIIIIII SERVICE STATION LET us cQLwnoor YOUR CAR who dlrcclcd the unlur aim Ilon on Monday ulcrnuon Mn any Gllbank of Burrie rounly llhminn Ind MI Scull dlrv rcmr cl nurm or lhn Elmcoo Goynly Health no bunlnun par lod yulcmny MI lmll Ihuwcd term of colurcd nlldu or man lerulinu vruzlnm wzu enuum Ltll Villl Jnmnlcn Mlnnlnu brunch mm Crum Blmrnc dlllrlcl prtllnltd lhclr Muhly cnlcrlalnlnn lk drplcunz maullnu of lhc brnllrll In IDOL rwhlch hm been mmer Inc rmnl unldon arm vcrury uhhrn Hon Hit lnllliulc fllrll Work Hrlljnn Dullflfl lhc ï¬lrll wnrk flulan Ml Shaver mmmd lhll lnl ytnrl nuul I50 prnjerll wcxc rom plnlctl by Ihn 300 1111 In home mnklnu and mm clubl In Um Yummy She lvll lhnl um ill Phone Slfll wu due lhn local Inch who bun mollly rcmmibln for lh trowan inlcml In club work 4H Club lender are dolng tremendous job5cvtnlncn gull rrcclvrd wunly hmmrl Inn mr and wlll be clellble lor the Mr Inllllulo Ilholnnhlp Mcmbm IEVHBI Il raun ly club pnlnnlod name thaw garden and homcmnklnx club IVIUH In their uwn wardl dur an lhn Ionian me will lrllmu prujrrll vhlrh Ind enlnllcd lho urawlnu and rnnnlnu draw llll nnolhcr lclllnu nbum clal prujuh Hrowlnn dwarf uppln Iran and olhcn dmunnnralhlu Klu carnnl mvlhcd pnrklml wrnk end bag and Warm will Wmle llvlnu nnw In In nn uh Ihlrl Anulhrr ynunu llnmcmnkrr IFILHIP rd huw nn nurncllw dllpluy my IMHIWICIII hm brru Inldm The tunvnlflun llllllllll rum mu cllher ownér or lcnunl or real properly whlch In unarmed ur um 10er tlmn $30000 or wllu or hunbmul Auch pmmL or helm nu uccupnnv ndumrnllc rsfnbllnhnwnt of two 01 more rqumn In which lhc occupant nlrrps nml prwnrcn und qervcn mmln AI The IBM Volcrn 11M 1n puulnl In my 0mm nml run he lnxpcclrd between the hours of 1015 run to 000 pm weekdays or on Unlurdnyn mm 0100 nm lo 1100 noon llrxum chnck Um me LIAL bolnru November 10mmnonddlllunlnmy be mmlu nllcr that date lcrwnn who hnvo hrme rrnldonu Hnrrle ulnco the 11m ma yrnr nml penum who have nmvrd from one nddrm In another In llnnlc um year nhuuld In pnnlculnr cIuck to HIM lholr nnnm nmon the llal Dnlrd HA and dny of Novcmlwr 1934 my prrnun hull bu onllllml be cnlvml an the Vulcm Llnl whu Hz lull nuu vanlymnc your Urlllnh nublrcl by blrlh or mmuullmlllm of the Municipality of the TOWN OF BARRIE nud Ihu cnmblncd mum of Simeon Ccnlrc Em Wu Norm and South The acme lb IDH convention Wfll Mrkulluro And Canadian Indullriu Mn Olluwny pruldcd over the mornlnl lClBkm an Mnndny whllc Mrl Mlllcr vrclldm In Ihc allur nnun Mu Luna prnidvd at yum duy mornlnul mxlnn Mn MIN mlcrlalntd Wllh lwo mlm lllvu lhll Mann and nov cny quIK yumday ntturnonn Thrrc wax nmmhly Alnulug bulh dnyl undrr lhu Mumle If 1er cmmly ncnulluu melon Mlll Comy accompanied by Mn nun tru pluxm Thu pruldznl ma Ftdcmrd memr lnllllulu of Cnnndm Mr lnml mum am llhrdulrd vIIH nu ma mn vmnun wnl unable mum muouumL VOTERS CALDER ClukTnnnuror Tuwn UMrle BROWN El Iflll VAHIIITIEBION HALE For Full Planting REDUCED PRICES TO CLEAR OUT OUR STOCK Phone 5000 LIMITED