Wm Till BABEIB EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCT 27 ESP CGE Safely Hours Nearing 400000 Mark SAFETY HOURS stood at 396000 hours without lost time accident at the Barrie Works oi the Canadian General Elec tric Co Ltd at the end of September and employees buckled down to maintain their record right up to the million dollar mark Comparing Earrles present hours to the ï¬rst objec tive is Safety Supervisor James Boormnn Ernie Raycrait Miss Ruth Smith Gard Brown and Bill Raycrait look on with $0th Simcoe Teachers Annual Convention Held at Bradford interest South Simone teacher met In Bmdlord an Oct for lhclr an nual convention The prcsldanl Mrs Semplc cl Bradrnnf was in lhn chalr chlslrauan npcned at MO mm and dcvmlnnal exercises wch conducted by Rev Johnsun Bmdlord at Mrs Sem DlL hon called on Mr Evans Move 47 Bradford who ex tended warm word at welcome la he cunvcntlnn Mr Evans re malncd In the baceround hchlng to dlrncl our tour at inspccllon Inter in the day nnd la tum Wu ch van or lhunks or Ms diam an nur behall Mr Lapp hon was nskrd for 11 IN brief remarks or prcllmln nry nature rvxmllng 1h plnns and 011ch he conventlnn sham buslncss session Indud Inn the rundan the mlnulu of he prevlnus tnnvlnllun and Ihc llnandul rcpvrl was condudud Salmon nrlnclpal of Um Pruparalary School of Forest Hill Vlllngu was mm speaker mo convenunn And ipakc fur abth fln huur the cachet an HIE Ionic WhaIs New In Educa unn dealan mm the type HIan they are dalnz In scnlcc lrainlnu and human rnlnllons 1n lhc class mom Elk wlls hor cutvhly enjoyed and carrltd many ideal Ind thought or carter at nmrly cvnry canRory John Taylor mum prlnclpnl Camp Borden Army Public Sohoul lhankcd ML Salmon or hll mom nnd presented him Gottys Cleaners You may NII go your Iumblnl free with every order of $125 up untll For now who wilh Io complm In of ollhov Ii lumblor and who comm do to by cloning doto Nov alk drive or phona oHico we will no that you got your dulled number of tumblm Plum lot In know right away WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER COTTYS CLEANERS TUMBLER DIM 2885 F03 FREE DELIVERY with book souvenir his vlsn wnh us Mm In short recess discussion panel dealing wllh problems Iound 1n the school today fallow cd nflcr whlth everyone In the Bradford Public School to go to the NVcrvlcw Inn for dinner Our gums at me hmd Inblc cunsxmd Lapp 1P5 South Slmtnc Klnkcnd of Gad crLh IFS Huron Counly Salmcn of Toronto Rev Johnson Bradlord Mr and Mn Evans Bradford and Mr and Mn Gard her of Bmdlont chalrmnn ol Bradlnnl Publlc Sdhnol Board Afler our dinner Mn Law In lruduccd um guest weaker Mr Klnkoad and nncr the haught provoklng mk by Mr Salmon In Ihc morning We hardly hopcd to but another at the same calibre In the uncrnonn Mn Kinkead NOTE ukcd yer old guyqu An you honmly pm bum lumber and dealt with the In nwer In my um could only be derived tram experience and ham Mr Iiimain prlndpal at End lnrd Public School Ihlnked Mr ginkend or Inspiring talk and lfltnltd him with book from DI teachers manemo vlslt with ul Sum Hudson Department Lanï¬ nnd Forests Maple Ont as present and shuwcd us new ï¬lm entitled flue Lost Hunler Lhal had bun produced and re leased just about two weeks ago It was very timely Hm as the hunting season shortly begin and tragedies of lMsnmure take place annually our ad Endordx extensive cbld stomge and vacuum storage plnnu followed and then motor tour at the marsh gardens The can amt went on this am cra 1velled 26 miles and or only very short distance did we cover the mud mad tylce Favorable weather was annular nature 01 what was clalmad by evgynne tq be good convention up The newalme of mucus 01 um 1955 convemlon conslsu of Fife ldenl John Taylor army school Camp Bordan ï¬rst vicepruldenl Welch4 RCA School Camp Borden second vlccIprésldcnt Harvle Stuart Alliston Psi accre urydreaxumr Wllllam Melvillev RCA School Comp Borden Executlvc Adlala Tasseloutlay Wilma Rea Everett Em Elgln Sham Anius chumseth Mrs mm Potter Touenhnm Camp Borden MAP Mn Fl Blanchard Camn Borden Army Wllla Somer vlllc Alliston Benton Tnuenham Painlcrs are ducendcd Spanjsh dog Imported to In the 1th century Iiian Hm Thll car Ila bum huncclcd 11 nlly runndlkloned Iemblu brand new cu Buy or lmle BULLQQIS WORKSLIMITED Phone 6696 WCATIONS No 90 Hwy at Ferudalc Market Square nanIn 51 PBEFECT ABOUT 55M Wm Bullock Car Is Better By For 5125 HUNTING DOGS from England CHOOSE TODAY ON OUR llle lemon II finial pl your cholce wnll hold Mnlhcr Dad all lhc boyl and ulrll nrc lnvlud to VII our mm He he nmnzlng dhplny In our Toy Drpnrlmnnt Trnlnl that xmokv Whhllc an nhczld nnd rcvorlc THEYRE nil here In our wundcrlu dlaplny SEE THEM SOON Lionel Hmericunllyer 22 YES SinEEl its less than nine weeks to Christmas Weve done our Christmas Shopping but how about you Months ago we started our Starch 101 the biggest selection of blggelthnnevcr gilt selection lo everyonl on your gilt list AND NOW WERE READY so start shopping today buy on our popular LAYAWAY PLAN small de posit will hold your selection ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE Ideal gm buy ideal for mixlng bakgng ar serving LOVELY PYREXGIFT WEAR GIFT or any Homemaker Bfflwk Supreme ALUMIN um START NOW LAYAWAY GIFT DAY LAYAWAY PLAN BOWL SET KETILES IRONS SANDWICH GRILLS ELECTRIC KITCHEN CLOCKS Im Ivmn Iml damn at mm 1mm Ill nnlully lulu or yum Huium Human LIl 295 ELECTRICAL GIFT IDEAS 95 lull Cup mm tulip vlue damn Iuday In hllltmll rm me 320 360 125 Mnnlur Cooker xuul Dutch Oven ll Ivrmlulur mm cup um Iru Mule lnrxo Alzu quch Fryer mud mmplclo nclrcuon nll Supmuv Alumlnnm Cook WXIN Hch 1er gllllumn that nrcldcnl or Chrlsuml bound to plume every homemaker 395 me Ilze Ih TOASTERS WAFFLE IRONS lraln Attractive covered casser ole perkct or Chm mas or any gm occnslon CASSEROLE levc all kind at doll to wk girls all nuns dolls that cry doll that walk Annabcllc Chuckks Baby aBubblcm flabrLovumOrBobble 11 1041111014111 lav ourltcs are here In In wonderful solution 249 398 498 698 And 01 course We mam mucus 895 475 595 195 FOR MOTHER GIFT SHE WILL REALLY APPRECIATE buy now on our p0 ular Layaway Plan mu day Well make dallvery In In tlme or Clubl or my gm occasion theyre Snnlmlon Trucks Dump Truck Dvpl DI Hthny Trucks Wreck trl all mallch your mu canine buy wm muy luvc lhcm T0 PLEASE ANY BOY ASK ABOUT USE OUR LAYAWAYPLAN 239 398 450 Have All Sizes in Doll Cuninges 3090o Mother will appreciate all these dc luxe Matures nutamath ovnn con trol warming closet drawer timer autmnallc ovun clock calmcoded ll luminatcd switches klngslzc oven and many others MOFFAT DELUXE RANGE GIVE DAD Closer cleaner more comfortable shaves llvrr II ull1llhxlwlllu4l Iy Ilen nn leuum llumllnl July lulu In our lnynway vlml 2975