Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1954, p. 3

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The final nenlenc this open lngpmgnph ox um premce hat Glam Bernard Shaw wrote In 1824 to hls piny Saint Joanex plaln great dealnboul the Inm mu lhealrlcal place hnt will be brouzm In Barrie an Navcmbrr 2nd by the Canadian Players For Shaws play grely II slary Thou who would llke to offer lheli lalLnls or the allmqueal program are asked to conlncl Blll Bell at 298$ or Vlc Km 5196 Eutthe evenlng nu nnly an upportunlly for those who wlsh lo parfnm You wlll 1150 be able In one your domllnn to help the flood vlcllms by requeltlnl num bers by parlorrnen Ind puylnfl muncy lnlo the fund he pm gmm wlll so an untll alter mld nlzht untll all donatlons have been recelved HJnu Are vnlage glrl from the Vosles was born about 1412 burnt turheresy witchcraft and wry ya 31 gesungled Yer great Ghrlsuan salm He saw the main figure 1n the drama one at the first of tha Protest AM martyr and mo mnln charac ters nuhuuahdhay were at the Middle Ages sumo Ine audience by ulylng 1h things they actually would have sald It they had known what may were really daingln the light ages 11 come Btlur fllln Thu Muvlfl II the way Tlmc Mnunllne lhh week hendllne Im arllclo Ibou In perlunnuncu by the range at Slrnllnrd Fullvnl nml ulhur Im on led by hlrnuord Slur Doug mud Cumubc Tvnllht in being set aside or special reason hy the cliizens oi iawnia slay home by their dioa and listen to the Flood the Dnlim Fund broadcast being sponsored by ihe Linn Club oi Barrie in Aid nl the Ontario Hur ricane Reliei Fund or to an over in the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Auditorium nnd shareJn ihe brnadcast warm invitation in niiend the lrco cancert is being exiendcd to Lhe public You will hear music by the ficl Band and performances by other local musi cian and talented residents Though pronml and most pious Catholic and the make of Crusade unlnn he Hualtesy lhl was in tact one the first Protemnl martyrs he writes She wu also one the am Bpnb mu Nationalism and me first French prncmloncr ct anuleonlc mnlsm fin warfare dlmnguhhed from he aportlng Mamgamb llni chlvnlxy of hu llme She was the plonzcrat rauunnl dren lni or women and she reluscd to accept 1h mum wnmnnl 1m and drexsnd and laugh and lived men dl¢ she cnnlrlvcd to assert her se In Ill these way with such force um she wnn lamuus Ihroughnm wulem Europe before she was nut 01 her lama Indeed she never am out of diam hardly surprislnl ihnt she wu udlclnusly burnt mlunslbly or number of mm crime which we no lonaer punlsh such but annually or what we call un wamnnly and insufferable yrc Iuynpllon her tondlllan was pure up unrl there were nnly two opln inns about her One was mm the wnmluculoux Ihe other that she Wfll unbearable Join had been mnllclmu Ielflsh cowardly or Ilupld contlnuel the piny wrllht Ihn would have been om 01 hemo odious muons known hlxlary lnlleud one Ihe malt numcllve Bul th Win genius nnd mm he mnlnulnl In his drnmna Al for the play that allow MI mruln prelncr In on ol lhn mull Ilunnln drama hepro lent century Wan my Im pmducllon bclnl 1mmqu lo town by lhe Dnrrlc Thcnlre Gulld wanna excllcmnnl In vverr clly nnd own whwc ll ll play nz Thu play In produced wllhuul Actuary or any wslumm AROUND TOWN TONIGHT 730 to IIIIIIIII LISTEN TO THE Flood of Dollars LINES TO SERVE YOU By JANII PROGRAM SPONSOREDJIY THE LIONS CLUB OF BARRIE There hqve been flve classes held so In In hegerlea and quite law hlldren 1mm ulher year nre reg cred and showing great Mtg Hnrvtel Tum oon clams or house wfive nre moving lndwrn to Call Hnr Street Unlted Church Any ionn Interest In these chem mny acquire more Information mm Mrs Johnston by telephnnf lg 3340 All am the annuity 1H being hullelas striking new and ex remely hlzhnote uve drums in all Canada hatter than the puma whom we will be lnriumle enauuhio see in Barrie have been oiieted threeyen conlrnci by United Sims hank inz Igencyan indication of in crenslpz intergst in annnian yie Tho satunhy morning child rens an classes lazing held at Prince of Waic School by Mrs Jarmo Hnrvig underihe mis plces the recreation oouncil are overstocked according to latest wortL There were sixty one younxsterH grant manyLai ihcm boysregistered by Satur duy morning and no more will ho accepted The new accommn daiion will hold flityiou chiid ronhowever and Mn Harv iand three helpers Christeenn Enckman Lois Kent and Betty Stniiord alonz wiih Mrs OBrien Saint who is lino ni ways on hand at the classes Ir handling the overflow Mn Bruca Johnston has been in charge of registration but mudcm sum Ind slicks Ind with pullshcd Ann Cassan daugh ter Dame Sybll Ihnmdlke or wham Shaw Intended the role Iurnlng In an Impresslve permm ance n5 Joan 1m onlyhoped that an adlnns including muse realdcm in the Town at Barfle show as much Interest In heir native mum Painswick W1 To Serve Tea School Opening nu prcfidcnl Mn Lloyd upen ed the mannz wllh Um Insuluye Ode and alter the Lords Prayer two mlnum silence was observed In memory of longtime nnd vul ucd number the branch in the vcnsan the lale Mrs Elsie Sykes Paimwick will mus Mm Sykcs klndly help and lnsplrnuan on many mum ownsom Amanu sevml 1mm prcsum was goodly rrprmenmlnn mm 111110 Hill Goranluun Branch and all were most henrflly wel Domed The regular monthly main of Palnswlck branch 01 he Womend Insmme was held an Tucsduy OcL 12 the home oLMrs Robert RR Barri rrcnpmdcmc and mlnutcs were rand llwus culled la the lentlon of he members mm the Domlnlon vrmldcnl wlll gpenknr lhlnrm enllon $1 No ma Board for 1h mmxbm pmvlde and nerve tea on the omllun ol the openan of me new Crawford School mu mama The branch In most han in help am The prnimm wnl In chargeo Mn Warnlcn and Mr Lkuyd Mn Wurnlcn conducted conical on Knvw Canada and mm 21 pnpcr enmlcd Dock and lNfl th II vlow lu mumm lnu wldcr Irvinrut In them munu ullrm cvcnls Ind pwplu hLIlury She particularly Icrnd Brave llnrvul by Cam Ind and hmury or lhe plnncorlnl day at Oulhrie Prep bymlnn Church Molnlmrn cl IMIIEI HI branch hoped membmvim keep mu lmponnm lnnunl event In mind um plan Illcnd Womens Institutes dial 5971 child held by Mrs the mi The Odohcr menflng May Wmnens InsLLtME was held Kn the thumb basement Mm 18 mm and three visitors present CUTIING THEIR WEDDING CAKE ollowmg thelrrecent lnuptlals 1n Colllerscreetynltgd Churchhre Mr and Mrs James Garner Ruper¢ The brldels thelormer Muriel Eileen wdrii daughter or Mr and Mrs EdWard Ward of Bar rle and the groom Is the son of Mrs Ray Rupert at Eden vale After weddingtrip to quthem Ontnilonnd Qtuwn they are making their hgme tn Egrrle mm mm Tl cnntllng opcntd wllh we lnalllula Ode and Mary Stewart Cullen hem said ln unlmn Roll call was answered by namlng homhnld hlnL Minulcs were mad followed by correspondence The branch nccepted znnl 33 be used to refill llm ald klls In our publlc schools The next mtdlng wlll be had on Nov me home ItMrs Jock Cook Cnhllvflle1 Activities Of Health Unit Institute Topic Mm duqney Fur rend In in teresting essay on who the Poppy For The prcsldcnl then pave her chair over to the mnvcnm for the evening Thtlr loplc was Health Mr Ted Kcilough rend delight lul poem entitled Tmniurcd Mn menui and Mn Lynn Marx prrcenud an lntcrcnunu cumm evenu paper The speakers for um cvcnlng wcrE Mrs Marlin nnd Mlss Scab 01 Battle bolh mm xho Slmcoc Caunly with Unll Mls Scan told the ladch how he hcallh unfl ll orlnnlud the mm cov ers and haw It named She nnrwemd leveml qumlonl and gave some very vnlunbie Informa tlon about lmmunlanun lnvficd our members 10 attend lhekshnrt mum on Conan Ontario Fonda Mr Ind Mn John filmy Exe mr went Inn weak wflh Mu mllnyl pmnu Mr and Mn IL Reynold have SI 13min Mrs Marlin wnl unable help wifih Lhc Inlk dun to sure lhrom Mrs Jackson thanked lhc lwo hunt or hclrlnlcrmlnu he me dined wllh vcm at lnnumlc nnlhcm and God SnyelhcQlu by we ISIICHM 7T EfoEhuulmnch was Mrvul Making Theirque In IBarrje Separate School Jaxts will be the subject of discusslon 31 he regular mumth meethlny of St Maryl Parent Teacher Association omnrmw evening In St Marys Auditorium at 815 oclnck Schon hoard Schobl TaxeS Subject October PTA Meeting The speakers will he Huy den impede of mm some for Ontario nndfl McVeigh ugwlgrymgsum of SL Marys The lrfiémung evening has been arranged by the PM prwmm Convener Mm Grassland IN HOTTle helium elm nlpnlu no innittint lo your uteri hunln him You an nah lronhle with mlnroof Ind bollbio num which an nver Ihl neck or flu bolus mum in nlnpie iil pmiruiuly help III will lhlckened formal wmm mu in mm 1mm in OIISEIIOID FINANCE mam um um mum nun thinI Moiiiirl Helper 141 mm Ind Iunneb Ihrongh llym urdm and bedrock mil lhe Vcln or are that wIII yield nlchl 1nc copper kndlumlnum orolhcr mlmnmlm ourlndumy mun haw He not lnlrmlzd In kecplng up wilh the neighbor next door He II lnlemled In fectllnl clolllln and educnllng Ml funlly Ilc do nul belleve In bonuwlnl ordinarily And Illouldnl nul he knows um ha find It mury to harm momy In an mma uncxpcued cmclgtncy ha cm do no ll cumumer flnnm olpnlnllun like Ilouuhohl Hum Thu In whycompnnln Iika lllC ulsl To provide dcptndnbb mum of money to we emergency or oppouwmy To IIIbk hlm Io nlu MI family mu when nmncy not my to findlo hep bllildln bolh Ill funny Ind Ibo nlllun llmmhold Finm hu unmd lhh urka or many pm Mllllum ol Cmullmu have been helped wllh money when Inoll ulgmlly medal llmhold Ilnm proud of In lmpomnl mk In Cnmdfln mnomy MWYIMI yuanarmy Przvcmlnn depends upon the gimple men that the Mr and Ind Muir produds are readily de Nroynd by heat and hat they cannot dovelvp at law emth urea Even though thebacteflu many have enured the promn mods through careless handHnE no harm may result the food 15 Ram 11 proper retrllcmlor empemturur However good KennII rule in reheat all yam loln load to bolllni 11 the nod hubeen kupl In storage or any lehath of me that is twentyfour hours In the relrlxernlor or three holuxn nt ryom Icrnvepture Scrupuloux cleanliness In the prcpnrallon and handling of road esvecinlly of mm and meal pro ducts an additian Ind Import an aalmunrd PastwfluUan nllk nndpmper heating milk products mm as in artam mix mm and all other such mam lals ah csscnualpam 01 Ill prevenllve prozrnm Poonzvolsoume PREVENIION ButtsIMDDOWNFORCONIROL SIMCOE COUNTY HEAlIH UNIT The mldemlnlogic Invemiathzn afian outbreak food 1261mm alwnn human Ind usually revvmung flux lmnrlably Imvu Idw Invemmm with sense of mpldemnucy tor the aulhxazk 313 nvar when it lsducavvered and nq mavemlve measures can be hemmed Dr PJA Scott amm at the wing out mm pnvenuon at these nondi Ilana Ln long slow pure or oducnflqn fund handlers and cumcement lyreculanden Lat Inl mkha kindling grace and muleol all types cum to aecher with special when won Smprownenl in methods pre pangplan and flange Vul pnfieln Mort nhould be concentrated lnthdse placeywhere outbreak most frequently occur lnrl thanoud the able ottenrlerr Therbanquet often overtach the mo rcu ol the hotel or Me cut erer bod lsfprepared ln lnrle qunntltlrs well lildtvnnce ol th dinner hour Andvylncved tn tndlvld ual servlnzdlahen to order to ovold lostnitnule rush Salads shrimp cocktalls creamed 0051 And the like are prevared and allowedtostandlor several hwrs betbrelhoy oru served Food tr carelessly hanolui and 13 not dared It sufficiently low tamponu oturm The result that con vontlona nllvtyver clmmh dln nera lmternlty plcnlcs ln Mt all large otherlnxs at people are very trequantly uccompnnted by outbreaks otlood polwnlnll Constant supervision rm Iurnntl delicatessen cold nor nu plants wadsldu mum Manda mum and lsh markets End in cl all plum um hundle lood In my MIth labelmus and unlnmlr fine but very Important Inwlce um the Hmlm Departh Klvu lo the monk It never wholly IummfuL Ilnce cnrclmnm and mrflimce are Ilmosl unlvernl human mum And unlnlellllnnt handler mth be uprated to malmnln 1ch nandnrdror clum Hnm at all um even undtr menu upcryplon verymcnlure 1an reduce flu likellhmd lnlmducllun con Thorough cooking oi foodstuffs edlicniion of and handlers on general hygienic lines and keeping ioodsiuiis at temperatures which will minimize bacterial growth are llateel as the methods at controlling mod poisoning and food intoxication outbreaks in memorandum regarding iond poisoning which has just been circulated by the Bimcoe County Health Unit in Barrie Mimi villim the mm at gnuu daughttr Mr Emerson amen Utopia on Frlday Oct 22 1954 Sarah In wlle of lhe III wtulam uxhes In her Bard year Funeral Thoma Fun ernl cm el Alllston on Mon day II Interment Coulg Ians mu emetery LUCKM her home in Hillsdnle an my Oct 22 1054 53th 139mm GILL belov5d Min of Ed P2 lck Funeral Home 12 ay mld St Barrie Serving in chnpu Monday Oct 25 at Dim lnlarmem Crown Hill Cem cry NESSAl 1h Royal Victoria Hos ElmL Ban1c an Sundly Oct 1m Chnfles Nam In 1m 7m Ir Belnved husband the all Mutual Bmuon and don fnlhero lilrold Taronw and Eleanor Mn hum De xme mun he um and Stackley Funeral Home Barrie or lervlce an mudny Oct 29 pm Imermnm slh Line Cemetery lnnlsnl tmlnauan nvm mum source lesgnsjhglflskxfltp mlqouvg poinnlhl and lnlecflan no not at common mungm In fact they mlyhe command mum ma acu denn especially bnGullsxn 9W meme poisoning Outbreaks AM due to the mphybcoed and ml monellne m9 mme common hm rarely fatal though they amux mely dimmin when my mul llmrfilnl pmvlntm authorities um Incidence hub hruh due to fine mm Salmon ella v13 ahrnflnlly on he lncrease 119qu gm Lye 1mm CRIPPSAt vibe Royal Vlclnrla HolpltllpBarfle on Frldny Oct 221954 Harvey Crlpps beloved husband of Annll Enema dem that 01 Mrs Floyd Fol Allan Mrs Stanley Willi Jenn Mn Fred Hoskln Viv inn éunley Mn Eluan Bush Madden Russell WArrem Calvin Ivan Earl Keith Joyce Billy andDonald 1n hb am year Resting It Um Jennen Funeral Home Barth Funernl Iervicc Tuesday Oct 25 at pm Internum Angus Ceme HUGHESAer lhg The Realm 0111c through the mum officer provides to supervision at all load handling establishment me Public Heallh Nurse upe dnlly In xurel arm Ix or should beconantly glen or danzcmu pranks In homemum and where nee ry may usume some responsibility In home In mucllon In this Mmcl Internum 1hankyw WW5an DIED home pf he New Store Now Idaa Simplified Seleclion We look forward tofSErving you fromvihese new premises and hope that you find the new Walker Stores pleasant plaCe to Shep Yes for 1he wonderful response that yoq the citizens of Barrie and districthave shown to theopening of our new store we say Thank You We incerey hope that you enjoyed your visit with us everydetail of our new store was planned for you to make your shopping pleasant and moreconvenienf Where Evorything Ii Right At Your Fingertips unzva mung ocronm 2549554 he 110 nl Victoria Ho Hal Barr an 24 Jo and Mn Lea Cluren 13 Comer 51 ma AlImp amen5 hr fiqal DOUCETAt the Ru al Vlctorll Hospital Burie an 61 22 1954 lo He and Mn Bram Daucet An us dnuzhlen GOD NAl lhe Royal Victorll flosplul Barrie on Oct la 1954 to Mr and Mn Sunny Carlin RR Shanty Buy Ion MANClNIM the Royal Victoria anplml Bank on Oct 23 1854 to Mr and Mrs Tony MIncinL Angus son Tmante Junas RAPLfiYAL the Jam Victoria Hospital Battle on Oct 22 1854 In Cpl and Mrs Roy Raplcy 41 Borden Hospital Battle on Oct 22 1854 In Cpl and Mrs Roy Raplcy 41 Somme Blvd Camp Borden son Rohcn Randal SMULLINM the Re Vlcmrh Hospual Bflllit on rt 22 I954 to nndMn Danna Smulun so In SL son ROBBINSIn mung memory at dear thLl who passed nway Oct 13 1952 The world may change rum ynr year And mend from day But never will heonu oved Fro mgmary pnss away Sadlymlued by molher Ibler and bromen 122123 Fondly xexilrn1beredv by eon Alvin 172 TROMBLEY In Invin memory my dear Inn and brewer Paul Irombley who passed Away 7072 25 km happy hours we once enjo ed Hnw twee their memar In But denh his 1m lnn Ines Thewgrld qnn never an IN MEMORIAM 30 Dunlop St PARTY COSTUVIES Weuymoulhs Bonk Siore McQUAYIn lovlnz manor mg dear mher Oliver McQuly pasied awny Ocl 14 um What would give oclmp by bland co Ta 527m voice and no MI That Kenn so much in me Sndly mhsed by daughter Reruns and Innvlnvlaw Chuhl WEBSTERIn loving memnry Fred chater who pissed nway OBLZS 1051 Lovxngly remembered by his mum Iamily 122 HALLOWEEN IN MEMORIAM MASKS DECORATIONS SERVIETTES GREETING CARDS Phone 4055 15 mé

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