Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1954, p. 10

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nah Her grnceIuI Ilkeness Ia Impressed on the reverse aIde at Canadas IOpem coma and had she been sent to wellrmnlntnlncd rome mem In her homepon of Lunanhurg she mlxht have become one the muIn tourist numctlons In the Mnrltlmes um Blucnoee Nova Bcotma proudut pro duct could not nflord to be mum when her ncing ended She earned her keep tor whllc constnl cnrza nhlp unlll mo Hn ully was wrecked In mu on 11 rent on mm In the Cnrlbbcnn nun The name uluonose Med with her New In to be reborn the name cum new terry Bluenose has been chosen the name or new $4000000 terry being bull Lnu zon Quebec for CnnndlnnNutlonnl Rall wnya She will be christened In November by Mrs Louis St Laurent wile or the prime minister nnd next summer will 5an sull lng between Yamouth M5 and Bar Harbor Mame Them must have been much serious con sideration before the famous name was nchcd prank terry The urlglnnl muc noae of international repute was the queen Nova Bcotln mclng schooncm Therenre detlnlte standards tar advertis lngyalues us well as or merchandlse We belleve that newspaper advertising should he bbughl and sold on the basis of these standards in just us the manumccurer and merchant buy and sell merchandlse on the basis of known standards of grade weight and measure so are we prepnredto tell advertis ers all about our circulation thanks to ABC In fact thats Why we belong to the Eu enu to glve our advertisers verified count and descrlptlon the clrculauon audience they get when they buy advertis ing in mhls newspaper ABC is nonprom cooperntive associa tion with 3575 advertiser advertising ag ency and publisher members in the United States and Canada It employs stuff oi ekperiencefl circulation auditors who regu iuriy visitnli publisher members to make exhaustive audits of their circulation records The information from these audits is then issued in reports which are available to advertisers Bluenose Sails Again lng Indimry our display this symbol means that our circulation has measured up to ABC requlrements and standards Our ABC reports aehe us as edltorlnl guides too By knowing through the con unuan picture presented in our ABC reports exactly how large our clrculntlon is and when our subscribe llve we can arrange our editorlnlcovemge to best serve the interests or our renders This newspanr is proud to display the hallmark of circulation value the symbol of our membegship in the Audit Bureau oi circulations which has become syn onymous with the words factual and integrity in the protection or both the ndvmlscr and the render Hallmark of Value For our advertisers our ABC membership means verified circulation information baked on uniform standards and nedepted practices Since ABC audits unly publica tiqns with net paid circulation our memberr ship nsaurcs advertisers that this nowspnper stay in business bythe voluntary support at its renders To maintain that voiuntuiy support we must demonstrate our responsiveness and responsibility to our readers The ABC audit of circulation teiis both the advertiser and the publisher whether our newspaper is periorminx service to our renders Thus or tyne llfcllmo another Ihlp Inr all THIB IS the hallmark otclmulntlunand to be displayed it must first have been earned It is thelnslgnla of the Audit Bureau at Circula tlona the bureau of circu lnclon standards for the advertising and publlsh MONDAY OCTOBER 25 1954 Besides providing dwellers near the color suuck groves with vista or beauty the ianwfiinresh hues hnvarecentiytaken qn economic value or their districts Bpeclni muiorcndes in Ontarios Muskokn region and elsewhere attract countless visitois Our pnlurnll In cxvmmuon lndlznlml hy un Id lhnl we nu lnnuu rrulrd lunu nu mum Ind Incmmvuml hlmll nl bldul of lo IllKrlL hm lmdlu um mrullm lmlulcnu and ldluru 10 1mm naclnl vmuu The labor muvcmcm hm wnlrlbulrd Io CM lznllon nut merely becausu ll hn lmrnducml ren lannble hour of work rcnsunnble wage but brcuun ll mu frond humunlly rum hnrrlblc nml conlrmpnblo drlullcfl llml lhcrc ll mmcthlnu lhlmcrul and demunlury nbuul wurklnx wllh unen Imndl The oldnuhloncd Chlnuu mlalncrnu urd Io tulllvnlv lhm Imd uuhlnch flnlcrunlll curclully prolbclul by IllVlr Ilnlls lu nhuw UIIII they Luuld nul pumbly rnunuc In any mlnull wovk Our Iwa ndllocnu llllln more Inn cen tury uu um lu wrar Huwlxm law ior r1 Iclly me HIM mum in Incll Irknuwlcduenwnl III Ilhmlly Ill wnrfll ml least the remembrance of the nut Bluenosea lntemattonal racing prawns will be keptIt wlll be prior Marlilmer who hears the terry Bluenose mentioned without thinking that or Captain Angus Walteu 154ton Ishan schooner the fastest and most gmcetul thing that am moved among the north At lnntlc fleet It Is merchant marine practice to hand down the names of famous ships May the new Bluenose become as Illustrious as her ancestor In sail Tang Governs Tin But In dllterent way the new Bluenose can do the job or Nova Scum that the old schooner might have dpnejhshemnd not sunk in southern waters She has space lot 150 cars and 600 passengers and will make daily roundprlp across the Mouth of the Bay of Fundy She will ellmlnnte several hundred miles or drlvlng around the bay from the norbheastem United States In time her 5109 modem lines be as familiar to Amerlcnn tourtst thousands as the old Bluenose was to an earlier gerferntlon OPINIONS or OTHERS Dignity of Labor Thats an old suylng whlch many Canad Ians recall about thls tlme of year as they watch flumlng gold and crimson spread ncross the woodlands The sweeter the tungot sap the tedder will be the leaves In autumn Themnples most vwid of the trees In aucumn garb produce the sweet sap that is turned into maple syrup In valuable sprlnztlme 1ndustry Fruit trees which have speclnl sweetness of sup also run to colorlul autumn leaves or brief spell be fore theh branches are swept bare by the wind Canadas scenic national parks in eight of the 10 provinces also offer special autumn attractions Wildlife sensing the approach of winter ismorc active than usual and more easily seen Big game an imals roam freely along leafy trails and migratory birds can often be seen preparing for their southward flights Apart from such organized tours genera motoring has special lure in autumn The Canadian Government Travel Bureau says highways an uncrowded accommodation plentiful without the need for reservations The air is crisp andslimulniing sunshine bright and warm and the nights cool enough to make top blanket advisable Autumn has charm whlch culls Cun ndlnns to the outdoors to enjoy Its alltoo brlct delights Just as the sugar in the sweet Juice many of the trees seem to influence the coloring oi the fail foliage the tunnin in themnkeu of some others also plays part The oaks traditional source tannin also bem the deepest reds and the strongest purples in the autumn hills Its in matter oi chemistry the matter olinct scientists any The color chnnge has to do with oxidation with pigmentation and with chemical change Vuncouvar Sun lllll Wlnmrl mm lrmnlu 1m TuluIny nflmmlm were Amm mannun III AM MIIII Mil IL nuc 11 nrvo RI Mm IL lHrumr an IIL Mr Malllrd Im 71 mm Mu Cum Ikk Ilfl Jviln mun II Human 11 ChumHun s4 Mn Mann ery ll MN IL Squlml IL BilMy IIny Mn IL IMIL 32 DIIIIIII 5L Mn Caldwell 11 WnW Mu Lury Wllry hum mm mm Mn vo MN 10 fluid Mn Holman HAL Mn Whmmvp 51 nupmfit Wlnnw lhn New rmmlunr man um mm It Wulnnhy nlemuonh thInl him 14 Mm mmkm ll Du rum IL Inn Well OVer2000 Have Attended Daily Sessions Loblaw Cooking SchbofGrdnd Draw Friday More and mare wumen flocked In Loblawg Fm Covldng School the Roxy Theatre us the third and fountn dnlly sessions were held and the crowds on Wednes day unemoan and Thulsdny at telnoon were around the cmpmty 04 the theatre In all since the school cpenLd under the direction at aha Internationally known home ccanamisl Mu Elsie Clay Hagen turmon were nmund me camclly on Monday alternoon there had been between two mousnnd and 2500 wumcn In attendance up to Thursday Each day 15 lucky women have gone hem with bags at lroccrins and othnr prilc winner when mums have been drawn irom among Ihe audience hnvo Rom home wiih the delicious items mokcd by Mrs Rage and lb locnl WDmm who In her assist anis while she is in town Wednudny szuiun On Wednesday naicrnoon me lnmou cook produced number oi rcclpu im nll occasions to be uxcd inicr by the inmlly cnok invmshiuninl hgr daily mum and by the puny giver or alter ilvo cook There was wnlnul npplc lauu iudxc cake and illlcu ol iish Veronique as well humulier litms like peanut bullet qulckill and awifL hm humburuer Mousse nu chocoan was xixli clnu dmrl clue and Mrs Ruler made delicious Chrlm mnl bubble loaf Im the hnliduyn iconan Mn nmn mnu mm It Inlay Knmp lulu Norm Home loam Mrs Rogers who annually pays wish lo Barrie to conduct the Iveday school has brouzh many uHhe members 01 lm nudl once back for the second and thlrd Um not only to watch her cook but do unhy the cnlcmlnlnl ashlon ln whleh we Import household lnlonnatlon Every day also were have been special cleclricnl inppllnncm given away thruugh the courtesy local denim and Friday uttcrnoon It um closing session the Kmnd dmw wus marler in nationally ud vgniscd rrefrigemimu All Lhasa other ILms on her menu were dflmlnte dream squlrts HR brand Momer Nauxat Cake Irlxh slew mascmlc lrmun cake puddlnx ruramcl lclnl bolled Irufl mkr cclnlrs lnslnnl nuddlnu winter frufl mind bowl mu cream mlfln p10 lunnwfl cnswh 01c munaxe bum pany comc baked apples me rull Lin51mm fllnud pork should Lnulllluwn Wllh Almnmi walnul rolll bush law with dunulllnn and miscd douulmuu 11man mulnn lhundny nflnnuon Mrl mm rrl mfinl or by rookan Irlsll nww wllh tlllvficlmmlo dunwlhms Mul lnnde InkCwa nut dmm lum lunl nupmnuii lrult hum hut puma mm WIHI wknnl plum dull chrrry lmvul rum or ankcy lxllll Mmln wium brrml mu bum Illnd 0r wlrnor mlIx xlnnnbrrnd plo llKllnH lnnllpk hruwnhI chill bulls Ionwrk plc pump kln pin barbecuod pmk lnln van Hln and cler anurl II In KHIm lflyqulck mute chlokrn mpr her cubu In wur crrmn Olden lhktd sh Ilrllul Goodhy Fm Cake Ind KnUre Kuc mm uuuuwrum man who had nuendcd sessions dur ing the nflcmoon wen cnglbIo lowin this How do you think old Gmnltehend wouldllke the way balance the General Ledgerffw Dollie Jameson 179 Owen Sl Dareth Knapp 2m Hayfield St Mrs Harold Bowen 1m Mine slng Miles Robert St Mrs Frank Etherlngton Thompsnn 51 Mrs magma Itwmsley 51 Mrs Cheesmnn 43 Johns Marion Blaln 1M Dunlap St Mrs SMEZII 130 Sunnidale Mrs Starla SI Henry Mrs Dismalt 178 Bayfltld 51 Mrs Townes la Adelaide 51 Mrs Church 196 Budnn Ave Mm Smith 29 Chipper on SL Mm Brown 225 Dunxop Mrs Kemp BR Bar He Mr Sam Hillz Antan Mull M11 Nesbm ll Bede St Fiance Mchahan 55 Brock St Mrs Spunell Sunni dale Ra and Mrs HanIs Dunlap St Prim of groceries on Wednes day humnoun were won by Mm Morris 22 Vespm St Mm Florence Peacock 34 High 51 Mrl Elmer Baxter Ill Kw Rd Mm vaen Rector 205 Hayfield St Margaret Pudfluld 160 Bay Held 51 Mm come Usher Elm vale Mu Barnes 02 Owen SL Mn William Flsllq Wu Annh Halley 15 Dunlop SK Mn Gnddcn 83 Toronto Mrs Dcrulhy Armstrong 88 Park 51 Mn 13 Green 100 Cumberland Mrs Ferguson 42 Maple Ava Mrs Clnyion Blah op 90 Owen 51 France Mchr Yul2 Barde Winner 01 prizes at ymcrdny ullcmouns susion were Mn WH lrcd Walt Palnswflck Mrs Me 111 Donald Mrs 01g Ill 88 John St Mn Olmstmd 30 Eugenia 5L Winnflmd Mc Cubc ll Parksldc Drive Mn Ir wln Addison Maple Av Mr Dull Emm 81 Johnsnn Sn Mrs udzey Gordon 128 Henry Mn Mrs Ave rls 85 COLLIER ST YES SI ET US CHANGE Yflllll 01 Transmission Dllforonliul Thomoslul Chcvmlgl Uldumnhllo Cndlulo Chev Truck DMI DANGEIIPIELII MOTGHS LTD Cnrrler DO Eccles 5L Hurdwn 21 Bradford 51 Ann1a Vercllniko 16 Maple Mrs Jo Webb 20a Drud Sun Ill come luck lm jun olnx to plnce my order for Canada anlnu nndl FREE LUBRICATION TM Good For TWO WEEKS Only IONV NOW DONI MIR Ill OPPORTUNITY in Mr dvlvln Am nu nulvo In Inbvklllon wml nvzuv w1N1 CIIANOEOVEII Forms PackOf BigGame Hounds Predator Control lard 51 M11 Fred MM 238 Dunlap St Mn Madman 10Pcrry 51 Mm Snm Hlllzv Amen MllLs Mn 13 Huddmton Parksldc Drive Mrs William hu sun 183 Duckwunh 51 Mrs Johmflunv 1M llflln 5L Mrs Irwln Clark Om SMUon Edllh Patmrlon I30 PM 52 Glen Sandra Wellington Eu andMr Kettle 30 Campbell Ave nspectur JS Ellis oi the de partment land and latest claim have reached one or his nmbmans Kn Ihg lownnUon of pack bl gum houndsm hls own mndnrds The houmnre 52mm runner otwoll bear and cat and can be released In any area without on runningnfl game such as deer tax or uh biLs They do however enjoy clearing out raccoon called up Led by hll amous female Plan sum dog Gnlloplna 6013 he now has two experienced Plan mnlesNllm Express lmnorled lrom Mkhlzln Ind Drum MIOI ram lawn USN For lnlshlng touch and lo add remvb pumh hl lnlcst uequlslllnn 19 Calahouln hog day also known as leopard spotted hclr hound bcarlng the name of Bonn Wheeler whch re cenfly arrlvcd ram West WM To knowledge thI lune llral Cnlahauln haund to be lm parted mu Cnmdn 3m Cm houln hound although docllc ls excepllnnally an Axllc wilh reputation 1le the most vluluusflzhllns dog knuwn in flnlsh ballle They evcnauldo the Plan hound hl gaspcol Inspector Ellis Ice 1h It is duflnlwly cslnhllahed that liner wolves nrc present In xlvcn um may can be ellmlqnled by Allough personally owned hindled and lrllmdby Sandy he his placed them at the ervlces of the department pradnlor con upl any um or place may Ire requcsud DIM 2487 nlawx Bum Alberta nuk led out of caunduleep one mornlnx menu by the mum of burn hiding the garbage can He rulhed outside barely nuke plcklnz up several mm he mended toward the bun Shoo Lhoa he calledl lhll turned the branIll three at them my stood on thplr hlnd lam This wu the nu zonal look sleepy Wally had at them Thcy were three mumL Wally Kelly nowme lo hold some kind record In 50 yam dash or more probably broad Jump He mlde lt back Inside In one lung Inst slop few nlth alter the zrlzzlle were seen the Kelly were ngaln vlsited by bealsl Mrs Kelly hnd lane to the movies leaving car ton of peers for ennnlni on the back porch Welly heard mumur lng sound coming from the porch He presumed this was Mrs Kelly and trlends rctumlng Gradually lhe nolses new louder and he de cided to investigate black beer and three cube were busily de vouring the peers When the mu ther spotted Wally she headed mat the door In bi hurry One of the cube clumsyln ll exeltement slammed the dnur shut The three cubs were trapped lnslde Wally approached with broom ta try to help them out The mother dldnt lrsut hlm She opened the door with one pawWipe Welly Is the sun Mr Ind Mn Tom Kelly nu mother II the former Mery Key of Ora slmcue County Onurln SonofFormer Oro Woman Has BearA Troubles The next night inc hem were seen again Recent weaumr condi tions are thought 10 he the cause of the but being nécn 1n thLI region nun III Beavers Cause Heavy Damage In Midland Area kkbfiééétoNAL DIRECTORY mm 11 havembimmplqmy crgglicd before further use good pack of hound and small party human below they sum mnzlnx mo nr lflcld The ideal Inc for this would hr the Inner pnrl of Swimber and month of October After this pnrnd he hunts lhculd be dtllytd until snowfall cmuma vmmw My rm nu Innuman III II Ann am am WI umr rev mau vacvcr the recent dnmuxn Mar Midland was sometth out of the ordlnnry According lo cumervnuan alflcer Fred Chew ihe Midland Utilities Cvmmmlan comm about 75 acre land on which are sltunled several nrlts Inn wells We mncrelu reservoirs meml concrete dam nnd on beaver dam about 165 121 lonl Recenlly the beaver dam gave way Ironing ulflclenl water wuhout cnrth unbnnkmcnll the othnr dams and the Wilm flqued the two marvel Water MIKISWHDH eESIfime it will uke several thousand doll to put everymlnz back In ahnpc omvrmm man It um non no vmnmAlIAn IV Mm nnu Im an wm stendny increasing num bers of beaver many park the pravInce nulsnncc colonies have frequently cauwi Inconven knce and flooding along mad land lowlying 1mm BOYB BBAGRAM BOW nnmm dun no rum cm mm noun 0mm own uh huh lunch am nmun on Ion an nova Innu Imlmn kllrl mum Dunum mm In to uonau Io man um cum nu 10 win Infllmi mm Iman mm um Ium mu Im naemi main menu no AIMUI Illlll mum Coll emumin munn ll omoq Mum cloud nlluvdu Annm nun Ink Blnl cm Canyon yvauy 321 git1mm Buga Nun £55m 10 01411510 01 unit ll ormurnun hunlu IL Im mn Inlunoo nl llomlnlol Ilm In to nut I1 lam Mum DONALD MuLAnIN 00 mm Iu III mum vrnnmnun um tunaoi Mun In mm maul 4m LIFE INSURANCE IOBYJITVII awry mm salmon ML cownN cowm Ill HIKING VETERINARY HMml McLlMN OPTOMETRY II NINE ormurnulr Nov ally LEGAL nnh OIIL mm In The mutter or maintainan pub lic interest in our schools or Increasing it is an important one we are dislruniied about certain matters then lets have those things aired not just hand ied about so that discontent in stead oi action is the result math or unmurmmo I1 Own um ARMSTRONG nncmnzh co CNARYIIID ACCOVPYAN Collhr IL nun 6M0 Iceovumn am nunLmmlom CIII Ilvnl an leeunlmlrlni innr owAmzAnonu Am unmumm Tncllm or run nllunr Pub Ilnnlnll Tam mm at Mum Includlnl or II nu ml mm In lull mum Emu munmm ACCOUNTANT am All cmmm Publln Amununu Toxunlu um 1mm mm mm Inna nuumnm Pm om Hum mJmam m1 nu Pump unnuw cu 41m Bear5r fimsfimezzé 1123162an mums 00 AusxAs GIANT Kodiac but play rough But the people who run lheDronx Zoo have found me perfect my for hlm Its an aluminum beer barrcl which in his playful moment can hang bounce and generally mnllrcal wimout scrious dum nze Having smn banal fillcd vbelnajosxed around lruckl we can undmmnd why brcwcriu hm turned mlhcsc rugged nluacliv contnlncn Another mum of coursc Ix lhat ulu mlnum Is an exccllcm proleclar for food and drink prcscrving lhelr purlly and flavour Indcr lnllcly Aluminum Company of Cinnda Ltd Mun ucxuusnfnunn mun MUNICIPAL AUDITOIU TINY tub nnzlppen hm In of supplnl from null fluxeri km Ihort flbbnn lzalhu lhonz or my other uppxnhrlnle Inllerhlthmnxh thc llllle hole in the tub wl ha tonuv or 1th Inn In up or down lnYfi0N mu nonvqu nunmu mum mmm mugs um VIN mum uh vim av MK In mum ml no no mum usl IL 3mm mum lu 00¢an vi ininurmivna in Am DNI III noszh IIAIUHHON WARREN NHLHAN CHIROPRACTOR MUSIC LissoNS ACCOUNTANTS Aynnun anan Melvlllc Sash Advanco OPEN ARGUMENT OSTEOPATHY 3mm munum nmémy IIM aimi 11

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