Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1954, p. 2

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H31 Best Weapon gumslBluck Hawks 355 pg ribé Youthful Flyers Open JuniOr 99mm lomoi¥whi¢lll norm Mime Ml on uninc Janna 07m mum Iv mommmlmoul ml Mum noun IanumumunmmnmdnmdgLuw Thc mo promlslng lumard pm pucl ls urongskaling Jack Kane Pelorborn who came with him bullet shut und me can Centre Rich Packer ol Tarantula demon stralad guad pluymnklnz ability and wlnzer Hubert Ball little shy on spud strong In checking de partment Marv Klng and Harry Purdnn who were armed In Wing mm last year mama developed ns expected but both have the es finh In become Junior play Ccnlrc Gordan Lovcdny Juv mile hum slmcoe Cxpeclcd to win regular burlh on the dub puz 193 Injury mu kept Mm nl mast Inactive throughout the min The Iorward line are real ques llun Their scoring patenliul ex pound he llmued for time least Outside cl rlghhwlnger Dan ny Pnllzlanl ccnlre Bob Barlww lnflwlnger George Rnnelrl and ten he Arnold Smllh the output ex pected In be Hmlled Emms has mostpromlslng dc unce In holdovcrs 8111 Hope Ind Ed Macflqeen nnd two hlghlymub ed newcomers Blake Bull MM lnnd Jim Dam of Perl Colbnrnnl Hall has lmpmved in leaps and bounds and wllh hll glznnllc bulld and enthuslnsllc deslre to learn seems almost curlaln In zaln re ulill berth at lhc tender age 18 yours ane who played wlthVScnr born Rangers lust seasun allqu good skullnu ublllly and could de volup lnlu the lznms muchneeded ulranslve bluellner You pay the Bill so ll10 Feed beller he goodl Most nnquus be Solved is the nolmlndlng duties For he malor parllnn the training camp Emma reviewed cnrelully llve promhlng cusludlans bu narrowed the choice to Bostonborn Don Rigazln and lnmntox Alt TYMLI yesterday Whlch will be given the nod or mnmht assignment is nut known but Rlznzlo whu starred tor King stons lunlor VIC last year is expected to be given the lesl Th OHA Junior hockey season opens tonight at Bar rle Arena with 0111 Black Hawks under new conch Jeny lErqwn opposing our Flyers 1n the cuminraiser The meeting will be mlghty Impommt one for the youth ful Flyers whose standards in competition are unknown with very little experience behlnd first string coach Hap Emms goes Inca tennith union with plemy of guestlon marks 6M lhun XL EXCEL lxlml for film mum Poor loud bring poor luau Em home grown m1 m4 Iho uddod nunlmu provldod by XL EXCEL money In Man bnlanud Indxng In ommkal XL EXCEl le cl boom pmdudlon glm nllll mwa may and tor peak puvlormunu ul low ml Harll hem fa mil cm In pvoducllnn Han Ill mix buy your main lo bag XI EXCEl 24 Mllkmuku Connnlmln on Iqu yovr ml no bag XL EXCEl 52 new Con mum For In Oink Hm MIX heal your main 1a buy XL EXCEL 296 Bulmuku Commm Nood mom lo down pcynoul roth on unnumnln or down yum on bun ot Mint wllhy purpom Nwmmqmnmm novano ya In IIWvqum Minn wklfmm 16 lWflfll ends on nuno 1w twp you Raf33 hum lllnlllll lumlun lflfl WILSON BELL COOKHTOWN UTOIM wmmm 11 mm Thu mnln Lllfltrrncu hclwun lhl lflll klll Ind lhu mllllnry kl II In Hm rnnlcmonl DH vint lho ll The drell klll II In many an lo flow mnplda ml or dulln un blck wrl 1mm while mllllury ull man unly ho vyhlfe Lowell lCmt un MILIGOIL Dnln Hm Simpsml HluhuL Icon on uvcmh Hnu Inkling I3 Mon honu golfer Pea cock who nnurkd Ilrukc or ID Imlcv Olhcrl ransldercd in lhnl light were Drum Reynolds Douu Dunn and Bud Ijnlmer Nccdlmm OM who nch mos baloney dur 1mduy rm nnnyn ilmlmnl nah DEE tumble on N0 End UUUI Curkburn N0 Nonlhnvem Wilmer lluwcll and min Applnlnn Cnmcqucnlly score were some what ml llne or umnlly low mnrk golfers However hem was the firm prlin 1m 10WiEJsa Jnck Cammu 2M Nnrm Johnxlonc fies xrcsséd mm Johnny Johnson rt9M3 Innphi our summan mnuinm um Dypunlknr llnrolq Smllh wuu um On Na green the pin warn the hack nl lhe lop or uni Hope Numbvr of pull mud nll lhv wny ram half dozen nrnund In On No Ihcflng was In the bunker you pulled in the wet sand On No the Inn was at me lronl of ma green where lhe grass ulnngalcd De orc mum on No man you had olfppmach mmugn an open bur re Inflow néfini Hnmlllo Ray Smith 3rd Run Slewr 1le McKee 501 mu Norm 2nd llh Doug ansny was Elnclod up lnIn and Ron Armstrong vicecup Illn in 1955 the mens secllnn Barrie Gal Club Inlluwlng the nnnual all slug last Saturday 1mm alter Hurricane Hazel hit the urea Ihe loner found hem srlvcl rcstrlcled to he mp rm holes Ike unlqu plly Irrannrl by Pro Ed Renlck gambled wlccmund thufltun Drum huhr And was Mum Forlnunncé 6nlheflrs 2c you had in stand on bedsprlnz and hit your ball which was placed on the lap on piece rupbcr hosc The Elyers have working agree meni with Owen Sound Grey and Brampton in junior company this season Farmed Bramplon thus tar an goalie Ros Brooks and righiwinger Ken Stevens Farde Owen Sound were Mike Mc Guiilrg Bob Montgomery and Ross Tonlghl contest starts 845 pm and all sent in the building are an evun one dollar Doug Ramsay ls Elected Captain Country Club The Flyers are idle Saturday night In league action but will up nose Brampan junior Regent In an exhihlllon game In Brampton from which Ill proceeds will be turned over to flood reflex Cnach Jerry Brown had wealth at talent to plck mm as both Chicago and Boston held their am ateur camp In that city But no relpase mm mm Gnlt on the Hun selection 01 the camp lng grind and hell duulbhlu stari pr for tonights contest The Blnck Hawks enler Barrie Arena with one at the best centres ln Ihe league ln Hec Lalnnde Ln lnnde lend holdover crew Johnny Slgaver flan Hnlsleadfind Pele Pilate the latter derenee mun Bob Senior who performed Inr Toronto Mnrlborus last season is expecled to be between the pipes hr the Hnwks He wns hauling WWI Mlkc Clrca formerly ol Osh wa Generals nnd Guelph Ellimor Anulnnlnn msif thuL Malnrtn ln Hu Many mum uno cl lhv nldul Buronunn Irlllcmrnu ln lhc call wns nccuvlcd by the Inrluluuu In 1511 IDANNE NICHONALD mun one at lhn Barrlc talent on ma Orllll roslcr the olhIn VII Kb flnwm Al Sthchuck and Ken flabcrlxan mm humC mwn hull harm mason In OHA Mnlro SrnInr clrcull Sahlrdny wllh Ens York Lyndhursl ux unmmun Lynd Hurxh nprlwnlcd Cnnndn ml the Olympic Games nrllnr hi yvar may bu rcralltd 10an In HIE nnnl ln fllmln Smunvllle cupo play New kafl mlan III the canal luwll loninh far Ihn nlhnr Knmn Im murclub clrcull Al Ens York Arena Tuesday he Mter schedule opened as Orlllln but Lyndhunls 43 This was possible because Danny MacDon nld scnmdlhm goals or Orilllu The olher was tallied by home bruw 121mm flaxy Payng Three for Danny In MetroOpener Continue Tonight Macnéhald Hame niamlner ud LISTEN TO THE Flood of Dollars Monday October 25 LINES TO SERVE YOU MainlinIers oonyers Blyeline Will Do Most RockingrAgainsi Galt from SPONSORED BY THE LIONS CLUB OF BARRIE ED MacQUEEN PROGRAM lo nm Musqumlnbnll mm In Nova Stalin was named from Jun Indian ward lnonnlnfl rnlllnx out In ham up memos 99 tlflflrlflfillwh pl Runny was larnTy dtpuslled dam flue hlll nu Nfl ream Allbrldzeauver the creek departed course Grnu result Abovenamed counn manqu In more ra pnlr work an hl hand than bugInca for hut cvlrylhln slmuld ha In readlnus or Illa clnsln llallownen masquerndu dance cl 30 Net ruufl glhe new No whlghv hug been bull his But lnrtumltly the damage wxu confined in one am when Klddl Creek run loath he lween greens Ihree Ind Ive Till stream which Mrmlly pmva nbou enough water lo xvuh bill rented will call aldcmble fury Ifler ml wtnl Ihrnulh llurrlcan Hazel dld MI Inn all cnuna ml mule Con tly Club Imkluefl In her lor rm ump Slmcoe County HAZEL KISSED GOLF COURSE HARNESS RACES Luke Race Track SATURDAY OCTOBER 23 CLASS 10 HEATS ALL CLAS FILLED INDIAN mm WAGEBING ALLOWED dial 5971 Post Timo 130 pm WEI The victory lcfl Colflngwumxme only undelenled Cam In me group and Earth rzmnlns in second place with two wns and one loss WCaLHnflwb awplnyeq Ban19 ll flgerwn $3 Inniallqnil hall Qggiuu in hr lcndlnt mal lhrdcitnuéudn my play nullgrs cnunted mnlnr in each the nut third and mum tuck vv1l play In each jqunrters Barrie District Colleglnle unlors suffered their first delta of the COSSA football seaflon yesterday when they nbsarbcd 24 trounc lng from Colllngwnnd High Schnnl at Callinxwood Barrie Juniors Trounced 243 Collingwood CKBB Dave mphcnumm me lumes ll Season Here BILL HOPE Dplnlng touchdown whlch Doul Austlm convened and hen Butlers rlpped lnln ncllnn Colllngwoad held an 110 lend the end he that quarter but Eanle 1th enecl up In the secnnd and lrnllcd by 113 at Ihe hall Jim Edwards boaled 25yard field goal In the second or the delendlnfl chump lon only score In over fur his second major In the lhhd which Austin convened and he placed his loam In from 22 In he fourth Coll lngwaods llnal palms came 1mm safely touch Turn Garner was caught bchlnd his own goal llnv CALL EXAMINER FOB PRINTING rPIIONB ufl ALLCAHH WINTHIHZHI AND CHECKED mu WINTER DIlIVINH HYHTIMH PROTECTED Wlnl IHNUINII CIIIWCO llillMM SPEED WI CHEVROLET COUPE llnlnlnd Elffl Irnl rundlllan lhvoulhnul Wll I0IHZ HEIMN Iwn tuna Mm molar ov runma vuy chin Munch ll DOINIII YLIID IOU new pln Hun lnl rlor IMO nod Ilul TERMS UP TO 24 MONTHS 1352 ILVMHIJIII NEIMN molar uvuhlulrd W51 DODGE lllZGlfiNT HHIYAN llldln IDS DOUGH VI UHIMN hill whllnwlll Hallo wlndlhleld witMIL SEE AND TRY THESE LATE MODEL SPECIALLY SELECTED USED CARS ALWAY Larry Reid and Gerry McErlde tachd In me first wflh AlvinNor term and Sea on clicking me second Rad Bl ck whh two gnals nnd Harry Adam and John Mal nneywwlth one apiece spearheaded the ComhIncs comeback But in Ihe third Mchnn cun vcrtcd Scaduns pasu tor the Mn ner and Hurtlhcsu placed the win on Ice In the me mlnulen In the first and two In the secund In win nlng over Thnmton Yashor Doug Coulscn and Mel Barre were marksman Mutant hockey gut underway for mother whirl around the schedule Wednesday night at Bar rle Arena and the Inn attendan were treated to some crowdpleas Inghucke Slmcoe Mntnrs made their debm mo xhelmxuea great success with 64 win over MlncslngWondnr Valley Cnmblncs In the curtain rnlser while Elmvalu shutou Thurman In the nighluap Sflmcne Momrs opened wiih 10 land In the first period but the Combine battled from behind Im 44 in the sewnd It wasnt until midway In the NY chapter that the Molormcn broke the dead lock and they Iamcd the clincher with less than lwo minutes re mining SC 01 A7111 QUEBEC PPnrenls of male students at Quebec ngh School are sludylng the proper schnnl nt lm hem and school meeflng comluxltd me youngsters preler brighinr colors but School print pnl Young said he lhouihl the hendlastcd only during school time the upenan schoal dance he snl rgu was xpxc and span Ntxl week doubleheader will be played Monday and Tuesday evenings at the nrenn each man lng at 730 pm hardly recognlzed game qt the same boys see every week day Elmvale Blank Thornton 30 Merc Opener 21111 mama EXAMINER MyLomhm 22 1954 SUPER F0005 For New Lease on Life MILLET SESAME SUN FLOWER SEEDS 10 Dunlop EL Phano 9052 THE P001 BAH Hum delrosler 80ch um lulomnllc lrlnlmlxllml nar unn rnlor whuewnn Um wlnlerlml um dclrnsltr power mum Autumn nmmlulnn melalln lmnon 1mm Ialex um Vlnlrrlull Two Inna Im hum armm mm wlntrrhnl 1954 Dodge loyal Sedan 1954 Dodge Regent Sedan I954 lodge Crusader Sedan SAVE up T056110 mam unmunsmmns Now Avfllnble It speafi INTI DODGE SEDAN 1M0 DOUGH MIDAN IMI PLYMOUTH HHMN IIMI KAISER HIZIMN HAD HMO CHEVROLET CIUI HI DODGE SEDAN DOUGH MIDAN PLYMOUTH Hf $49900 KAISER HIZIMN ll DID 9900 CHEVROLET JOUII 9900 LWINTE DIlIVlNH JUOIJNH CIIIWCO PERMANENT ANTI 389500 519000 FRENCH Collin Streei United Dhuith ha pumhased Ihe wndman pm mm on cmner ul Collier and Poyntz mom immediately to the east of the church lawn committee has been appoinlud In aludy pnlenlinl use at the huiid ings The Ofllcial Baird rrporis it has been known for some time that our present facilities for Sun day and duringilhetweek pm gram ware increasingy inade quate For example ernge al lendnnu at unday School is verx much greatex than accommodniiun and gmwing all the lime There ix an average attendance of 50 Cubs in room suilnhiu for only 20 BUY WILDHAN PROPERTY The new Ireillhlln nhlnmhramomuhnm I1 hu bun Idnpltd by the Can Govt and US Alr Farce Dow Chemical Prnduct Aiiistun HILLSIMLE FLOUR 65 FEED Jack Rumble NEOL FEED MILL Fires Out In Seconds GOOD at low cost These meant ado lnl wally uptown Hon ranspona 5491 53

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