or Bradlord where many at the Holland Maul flood vlcllms are hllleled the scene mlght be drilled nelghborllncs ln action And not Just lxnmedlate nelghhura whp have come lorwarrl to help the market gardenln populatlon whlch lost home Mrs Brockl Evans who has been ln charge all the large kltchen stall servlng hnl meals tothe refugees reports that they aremnt only swamped wlth nod but also wlth helpm The women of Eradlord who stepped ln lmmedlntely ln the cm crgcncy and have been prcplrlng meals have had alters help rem all over the areaKeswlck Izm anagram mm the town pm In um vgugge BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Bukuha 011le mud by luy kidnq leinn When kidmyn nul nl ntdzr men Add Ind wulu nmlin In ht mum Thzn luckthe dillulbtd ml Hill lindqu And huvybudzd lezlinl my won Inflow Tlm Iha lime to uh Doddn Kidney Fillx Doddn Alimulln Ih Udnzyl In mm min Than yau lul belluIlup bumyork lullu BMW Kidny Pin new WALKWEL SHOE STORE BMHUES LEADING SHOE STORE OPP POST OFHQE Allundule Hardware Phone 2449 AROUND TOWN my Try Dr lockes No LasII LOW DOWN PAYMENT 24 month to pay Dont wall for ache and palm boioro you Ihlnk of proper loolwodr PdmpEr ybIIr 96 c3qu and your walking hours will bu happier tomorrow For Molly luxurlnux Fomforr you can rely on Dr lockal No lolflhh sclenï¬ï¬‚cally dexlgned lml cradles your foo indium muglining heal nrulnveallng urch nuppori and roomy Ooo own For huppler loo Muru ask or Dr lorkel No on today Remember how we raced to the stove to get dressed each morning Floor Furnace Oil or Gus mun minimu uml ml mm bum1 no cum mu nllmmnl em you whom any la In Nu Du than Ildr Innmmmnumwu bum WI 54 mm mm By IAN Want lowheel comton In higher heel shoe 56m ANI mar111mm IHN FRIDAY EVENINOB on the other slde or Lake Simeon hand arthcr as well all thruuuh wast Gwllllmbury and nearby townshlps the present there are enough Womens lmtltut groups from all these centres to still the kltchen Ind when these have all taken thelr lurri at the job them are church llnupl an lndlvlcluals who hnve put thelr name on wllun llslsall anxlom to help As for the lurpiul canned and other nonperishable Ioods Mrs Evans report mat boxes iaodsiuiiswiil be made up and given to marsh dwellers as they return to their hcmrs to help stock their cupboards they begin their live again Bravo Shirley Stewutiis whai neighbor has tn say about the daughter Mr Ind Mrsi William Stewart on Dunlap Street Wesi Last Friday night when the stream on Eccles Street overlluwed in banks there was lake from Ec eles through her parcnis park Dunlap Street and Shirley worker or hours trying tn rescue same the animal in the 200 on their property The land had caved in in many places and trniiic war turned back on Eeclcs street be cause the washout in the road 11m hive ilme lady aka the toncm rushing water and DI nanny Imlgnnggnhcua auxin with in 695 che PHONE 2397 mm hockey capta mm nnd Inquire About us and our hunt leg that Shirley deserves rent deal man 10 the mean cour an an lhDWtd on at letduh 11th We In very mldul or her Wmmag deemu 2h nutby trident on mm Street prom mart in cumnt tame at mtiomi muuine that uppeared on the new stand this wank LI puticuiuiy timely be nuï¬e it deal with tutuden chil drtn and next Mondly evcninl trom eight to ten ncloch Bmial School or tundra Children in extending an invitatitm to th public to attend open huuse Ind see displays 01 work This local Iwent will he iomethinl pro gmss report itself because it will mow the vixiturs the marked pm grass that his been made in this educational institution within the year that it has been ornniud Th title burden of the mem xlly handlcnpped long bum lhe hlrldcn Ihnme by mllllon Amerlcnn lamlllu ls used by men dlscusulon and bold plum ls what the magazlnc nrllcle de ï¬ne and lg reveals an lmpurum Jchlevemenï¬ mllonal and local lssoclnlluns like the Barrle and Dlslrlct Assoclntlon for Returned hlldrcn Parents are avcrcomlni helr needless llllme at havlng retarded chlld The new freedom Lo speak frankly abqu lhelr un lnnurwlc nhlldren la produclng llmale encaurazlng rasearch Nhlch now 11 almnal nonexlstentl No olngla llmlly no slnxle ln xtltutlon con ully mm the prob lem of retarded chlldren lt lo problem or the whole commun lty Thlx la the polnt that thr rllclc orlnu out and It or thlr reunn that the public is urged to xhuw an Interest ln the local school In advonoed development In doollni wlth the problem The Borrle Adult shun Club whlch commence ll reason in nonth time now ontorlnl third year operations in town md the oxporlment ha proved must lucccsslul and hat renewzd he almost lorzollen pleasure xkotlnz or many rosldents New omcrs whn mlght be lntcmtcd ln 70w the club lunctlnm can cam parc public lknllng nlghtvs wlth luh nlghts to see why the club was formed Not only 11 member rhlp llmlted no thlt thoro are not too many akatem on the Ice lor comfort but the mrmhenhlp re lrlctod to adulto lo that you may skate without lnlorlcrence lrom the sldollne or youngrtcrl cuttlnz ln on lront ol you That was the purpoaa or which the club was formed and on any night or the canon you mly acc people skating at the Arena who have not nkaled for yam The return of the aklung mum to Tuelday will he an ndvunlaze lhll year Monday hlght last year WHI not alwayl convenlcnt Incldenblly there in no ï¬xed prolram on lkallng night Just plain Ikmnz for plealure whlch scam to In what he memhcrahln wanted Omn groups such bridge dth Joln nndJanng min In nfleeparllu IAIWIHI Ticket cutlclu Ire now open carding to Presldent Leighton Clarke Ind there no we erence given to member prev nul yurl than who wish Join my do so lmmcdlnlclf Ind enjny the weekly loclal evzn up 01 lkll Illlv October Bride ls Entertained Before Wedding nflu Shirley Ken Fennelll was much clad before he wed run to Blake Constable on Sal urdny Mn wmnm Countable Toronto wn hnllm at mlmzl luncqu shower for tho brideto be with maxi 10th réhuvu and friend pfmnt There we ommunll show In Olllord the hall them or lhu ntilhborl to honor lhu local glrl and Mn Don Harvoy or Bad on mtortnlmd or her xlrl Irlcndn 1mm Dradlcrd High School days Pnrcal pml mm In Cmd had In wright llml two pound when lmlllulcd in 1850 BEAVER LUMBE CO LIMITED 56 Ellm St BARR Phone 2517 60 Bayflold Sf Mllu South oi Bum on lllvy No II BALL PLANING MILLLIMITED mm umnf DENIS SHEARD LIMITED 59M Ilrhuh ludlng lnmbu lulu MAchLIAN ll ILOIDIL llMIlID AND MRS JOSEPH McGANN whose early fall nuptials were held In St Marys Church The bride ls the former Mary Ann Hamillondaugher of Mt nnd Mrs Timothy Hamilton of Barrle and the STILL PILOSFEEOUS Some snbcrlng hing are going on in Canadas agricultural econl omy these days The lush dnys are dcflnflcly over bmh or lhn arm or nnd or cvcrynnn All hLlI not bad we are all my and Numerous nalon MONDAY1UESDAY WEDNESDAY om 252621 TO ENABLE MURIEL JOHNSTONE TO ATTEND THE ONTARIO llAllllmESHEM ASSOCIATION CONVENTION MW $4M ChllllvncK IBC Prpgrcsr New Sewicé lo Barrie Merchuhls Early AutummNupï¬als are Held at StMarys RRRRIE DELIVERY SERVICE Tomi Deliveries Camp Borden Edgar For paniculau contract Bruce Nolbi PAINSWICK BAR RIE CLOSED no nuunnmmsmm WILL BE PHONE 5894 NantnewPep and Vim Husbands Wives Tlmunmh cl rouplrl my wornhuh rx www01er beau Indy lnkuanovmw vlmvlulny lry 0m Tonic mam suppuu run my Ian m7 ma In P191 mpplemn my dw vIum 11 Inlmdmlary or nunInlet Ike only not dmxnl llmnu Collect Strong WM YIIAI WOOD canylopainl wall Illal wont and or unlit whtn you me unomlmmlul Sylvaply Dough Fir Plywood Hand wmc builtm and uplmaxdl at law ton whh rinld ululnn Sylnpl Home lmpmmntnu that add ulna an houKlIm in your lmnbtr ulmkr uk lur Inc Sylvaply lull Room folder dnllvwmll or bunIMM you me ehhu way wilh DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOOD Phone 2496 groom Is the son of Mrs McGnnn and the late Joseph MOOamt of Dublln Ireland After wedding trip to New York they are making their home in Toronto FRENCH MOTORS CALL 1111 EXAMINER FOI gammaPHONE 2410 YOUR DODGE 85 DESOTO DEALER 75 Brannon St PHONE 5911 FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK SUPEReRIGIIT MIA TS PORK SHOULDERROAST PORK BUTT ROAST MINCED BEEF hm Lu Rudy lu Cnuh In lh Av GRADE FOWI mum mum um SIDE BACON Low PRICES If 0N MORE ITEMS 01110 COFFEE 105 ll A0 310 BEANS with PORK 10 01 linl molz45309 UAVI ANOTHER IIUCF REDUCTION MILD MEILOW Lou 5mm Tummn CAB LOT IALII ANN PAGE DAILY DATED JANE PARKER WHITE BREAD MEDICINE HAT UP llujee Keoth hrnghenAhld 3331 113 72333135 3271 mi 1711 nmixiaiih mum Patrick 01 Glen run Ilnwat IO 1211 EVERY DAY Caopl hlflnly trained lgchnlchnl In full quillfled lo mm In ndlu or Human let muted ta Ive yml amtawn uve you money CONFIDENTIALLY YOURS by fliMw M2111 6nqug MONTREALDid you how thnt heres wonder Iul relief from painful cams Ii ht at our numb an couuwfl menu BLULJAY om Plaster ml Hznylmm Phcnyllum is the ï¬rst unlly new medication fofcoms and nlluses in over seventy years In lull mu iï¬ wrnl to work 337 mmhm mm mer Hum Hm 259 lllNlSlfl ST RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS MONTREALDid you know thnt theres wonder Iul relief from painful corn ri ht nt our mnrnst drn count menu BLULJAY om Plaster ml Hznyilum Phcnylium is the ï¬rst rully new medication fufcorns and nlluses in over seventy yam In actual mu it mat to work 37 lnntcr nnd workchBSVu rnqro rurch Hum olhrr lending remedicsr You see Phenylium gets nght down undcr our corn Ind helpsnpuflr it nut from undcmeqlh Buy In see why nlkl With pniolem out say its the best new in yum So cheer up ny vinit tn your favourite drug connlcr today Ind invm in out comfort usk or BluHIyn With Ihcnylrum It Gal Everylhlnll Im hikin nbnut KRAFT DINNER dint déiiciou mnclrnni nnd cheese in unv pro and in only seven minutes Its th liaror that mn as it nmiiy lnvcrile Its nulnlwua tell You pm pare it while the youngster Ire setting the table And it mm your load budget combeam Knit Dinner costs less than ï¬lm cent mvingl See what moanItl Gal Evewlhini Serve it 1ng night is hut disk with thnt lcltover chickcn in tin Irig Add green vegetable and some hot hi9 cuitu and lnkepridc In ynur Armin5 enjoy Sent hid it to your shopping listthin weeknil 1pr it on hand way My iremm mm with Much To In no inr ui Sn HI pin 55 And man never Its nq and in mndwlc us or the youngsters ta take to uhoql wandcr 11 Mm mlgd tossing With lively yel dehmlu flnvur Yes youll tutu the dlflcrcncu with Mimclo Whip Wu lilm Milnull Whip because nl its luscious texture it new blue thn lung of boiled drum in with the smoothness pl mnxon nmsc Delight your nmfl taught with anLulmcnt chic en los Ecd vbgclnblz mil jullirdn host chniuaIIlntl myu it with dclcclnblo eraclu Whip by Krnfll Au Yuu Dmyln Yuumll the pleasure of having the wry whilest wash than 57 II on are you my hlvo nunllcn lhn nimp wnndcdul mien humer Blucn Lnumlry Blue wurkn dinmnuy 1mm other wuhdny rmllgcu Soup and dour ï¬qxuNgnldltu than 0101takp uLl Bland umpuwmm ma Blun udd whilcnm to your rlcan whio clolhcs In nur rinsn ch Laundry mun becomes ml ions Iiny gnmclca thaLlwuvu than your while domes catching um like mminhlge uquxusW iyo am new bnllxnnl whiluun It works in lwmklmg cl RECKITTS BLUE or KEENS BLUE ASP Nlcnr TEA BAGS Jaw Puddinnl Ind indlrl SHORTENING Jun Pub ORANGES cam GRAPEFRUII we mm lElTUCE POTATO CHIPS am PRODUCE mam TURNIPS CABBAGE mm lElTUCE cal No mm mm Na WIIIII Tabla Slack 10 39 ll 29 Ib39c DAY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AGP OFFERS MORE Barrie Teievilion Experts COOP MIM luvnnllan No1 Wand Cal Fancy Valaï¬cla 515 no 69¢ Hd No Math Sudlm 96I5lo29 MIC IFHCTIVI UNYIL IAYUHDAV OCTDIIUI ND IIM huh Gmn No numlmuwï¬mn keep your hands in and out of wnlcr Sn much houscrlgnn ink and rocking Uulyou can num nl kccpiu your hand and pretty WM ITALIAN BALM the lotion mada Iar busy handl Like my mother before me hop bottle handy for use nhnr exposure in wnrk weather wuler OM drop ollhe woven ingrcd ieull in Itnlun Balm smoothed quickly into your akin wil pro tect your hnnda Pretty hand an no martial In wnmnna oisa qnd aflmqlivenvml an rrlul for chp ml or and oughtn ml hum mo an We SI 09 SIunHCII PHONE 2429 am ran ago v3 Ma nn FNOA um =3 34 Ha plg r0 29 39¢ II