Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 6

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90th YearNo IZO The Best and The Worst In Crisis and Tragedy In periods of great crlsls and tragedy two things always emerge clearly the best in people and unfortunately the worst It has given this newspaper the utmost sntlsmctlon since the flood crlsls his Simone County to talk about the wonderful spirit which has been shown In all the various phases this major catastrophe No one regrets more than this newspaper the act that now has to stun relating to the other aspect the situation Barrie citizen in conversation with one of our 5m members sald he had heard cm lctsm about Mondays Issue of The Examiner The criticism was that this newkpaper had concentrated on writingabout the disaster in Holland Marsh and had not givenmuch oi coverage to what occurred in Barrie statement was made that After all It the town newspaper Herewe make our first correction The Barrie Examiner is county newspaper Admittedly we did have game damage In the town but In the words of one of our Hclnls as he exprgssed it to eporten When one considers what happened IQ other places we can only be grateful that we cscnp ed as llghny us we did Without minimising the fact that we were niiected by the floods no one in their right senses could possibly imagine that there was evan the slightest éompnilson between what happened here and what happened in Hoi innd Mnrsh The slgnlflcnm pain 15 however that thls newspaper and every member of Its sum was of the same opinion that was our duty to let us many people know as posslble Just how magic the sltunupn was with our neigh bors 1n the Brudtord men We also took sntlsmcuon 1n the fact that when we dld write about what happened down hnre we could tell something of the story of the people from Barrie who voiun tccred to go down there and mu In the Ips cuc work They did wonderluLjob There was another comment which came to our ears was man The Exnmlncr tell down on taking pictures or the damage in Barrie This statement was so incorrect as to be preposterous Bruno Red Favero worked hard and photographed every phase at what happened during the situation as it develop ed here on Friday nigh and right through until Saturday He then went to Bradlord and did the same thing As must always be the case when the layouts for the edition were being planned it was realized that only certain amount space wak available This newspaper is 01 the opinion that the photo graphic coverage at the Holland Marsh trag edy by its stall photographer was 50 excellent in capturing the drama or what Occurred that all available space would be used or those pictures We are mme of the oplnlon hut ours was the correct cholcc II regretted cw our subscribers Keel that we should hnvu reversed the Im portnncc or the sltuutlons 1L1 they were be tween Barrie and the Hollnnd Marsh But we know that there urc few people npurt rum those whuse minds cnn envisage llttlc other than their own lmmcdlntc llttle problva who would huvc hm it other wlsc One of these was buslncssmnn mm the mnln street who name In hurt with cheque for $5000 or the Holland Marsh PumL Hund lng ever he mud hnd no Idea 01 now mu Wm there unul Kllw The Exnmlnur Ehitnrial flag nfEljeflarrigifixamiutr tlcular cnse we strongly urge those who ure making it in regard Barrie and the H01 land situations to be careful who L1 Uswnlns ilolland Maréh people we dont think they will get much 01 re ception Because it happens to be to some 01 the Barrie men who left their own home to go down nrndrdro nothingolherhugn pure The tragedy which struck Ontario in Friday nights flood has caused tremendous damage over wide section of our province and while we have been fortunate in this area to escape the dreadful toll 01 lives that was taken else where many or our neighbors in Slmcoe County have been left homeless and penni less in the wake oi the disaster Please Give Generously Holland Marsh Relief Fund Hardest hit of all have been the people in the Hoiinnd Marsh They have had their livelihood snatched irom their grasp over night and oniy bienk future stares them in the face now Something like $10000000 lossvhus been caused there Already the Holland Marsh Flood Relief Fund has been setup and within short tlme of being estubllshed over $600000 had been received In Bradford other donatlona are being collected through the dltlerent banks In Bunlo and also at the office this newspaper An oIflclnl or the FuncHn Bradford has told this newspaper that the response from the outside centres has been exceptionally good Plenty food and clothmz fol Immediate use was flowing Into Erndlard for the Marsh victims as soon as their plight was realized Much of that mum1n assistance came from cmzens In Bnrrle who made very openhearted response to the appeal or help which was broadcast Saturday by CKBB Mony of our cltlzens moved ln rlght away to aid in the rescue work in the Holland Marsh The tales of heroic work whlch was done during the llood erlsls there by men of the Grey and Blmeoe Foresters and the Canadian Leglon lrom Barrie ls already well known They are deservlng oi the highest prane and lt is almost certaln that no one wlll ever know the tremendous eontributlon our lellow citizens lndlvldually und collee tlvely made in the heartbreaking rescue work there In vlew ol the wlde scope of the rescue work lt was not possible the tlme to dlscover all those lrom Barrie who dld tuke part but lt is now known that one local ilrm whlch played vltol role ln the opera tions was Delaney Boat Llncs Altogether the ilrm sent down three boats and they were some oi the ilrst to so into action manned by employees who worked through or some thing llke 14 or 15 hours wlthout break At the present time In the Hounnd Marsh nron them Is sumclcm food and clothlng to look alter the distress vlcllms but the period recovery will of necessity be long and nld must commup to be provided Oiiiclnis in Brudiord iecl that the best thing that can be done now is or donors to keep ioodstuiis which they can spine in readiness 61 calls which will have to be meat in the intum The dliiiculty in mm inni now is iinulng splice to store the prov isions which have nlrendy been donated The snmu situation exists wherl clothing is con cerned Ii you can spare either clothing or iood keep It in rendlnesa or any inture cell which are likely to be made The ouLsmndlng nccd lhls llmc In or money Iur variety urgent needs you cnn mum plcnse do an the earliest ob porlunlly BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20 I954 Ministerial 113500 To Petition Police Commission Enforce Law StampOut Lotteries And Biflgo The Barrie and District Ministerial Assoéintion nro so con cerned over the sale of lottery tickets and bingo games in town that they plan to discuss the matter with the Police Com mission with view to having them take whatever nation is needed to cniorce the law on this matter Thll hut been cmphnflcully lald down 1n letter which has gone out mm the Anoclunun In all ten vlcu club In Hurrlc und district In lhe luucr the Allocluflon Ilnlud mm hnl vlcwcd wnh nlnrm IhL 1mmcndou lncrcnm of quury Ickru an nulumuhflu buau und olhcr nnlclu oflnrcd or nlu In lhc dlllrtcl and the we of blnno name menu full lnu mnncy 1n ndvnnce vnrlnu wnr hy project 1n lhc community The mm on on Io mm but You IIII Im Lluubv nwurc lhnl lhuu pmcllrcl um um upprovrd hr Hm Mndmlnncrl of Vnrioul lur cc clubs nur are they kcrplnu wlh the Muh clhlvnl lvnur uhuwn In no nlnny nxpucln mch woxk Hu mm mm yun hqu pruh ubly named xmwlnu umvuxmnn mln prvvnlcnl cumun an mu pm muny cluzrnu nm hHcr mm rm 1er purl membcn ol the Darrin nnd Dir lrlct Mlnlllcrlul Anvclnllon Um prncllrll are arm at unnnrllnu In man may vlnlnw lw Chrllllnn mwnrdndp of nwmylhcy nounlc THE KIWlNlS CLUB OF BAEEIE made Mnglble cen trlbutlon to keeping Barrle streets clean recently when they had waste receptacles plnced dlflerent locations In town One or these was played at the PM Polnts health the Bank of Nova Beotlnflnlldlng nnd local officials and Klwnnls Club members are seen here after the receptacle Kiwanififilub Provide Waste Recgptécles in Town lhc Chrllllnn doclrlnu man Uc chum hey Arc wllllnl lo explon uncn ncuhbou or ilnnncm mu Thvy undermine lezllun rib Izcmhip by cncnulumnu nhcrl tull may urccl lnupccuvc lhclr cnnxcqucncu to many They mm the preyan upon me rwcuk nm and cupldny ulhcn and are qullu conlrnry lo the mlnd und Iplrlt at Jun Chrlsl find In the New Tcljnmrm ml ma churchu 01 Earth and dlnrlcl we mum urge all OlflflnlanDlll to uxu sumo ulhn mum at rnlllanoqcy Inbuul ml cvllllhul Ilannlni lu dhcuu wllh lhr Iollcc Conl mnmn rwlth VIIW la huvlnx Ulrm lnku wlmllvfr IIcle wil Id mlqu 4m lnw un Ihll mug lcr Wu would npprmlnlo wry much your nuppurt lu whul we no crun vmuLl In an umrnl mnllcr or lllr woman of namwj Th0 Irflvr wun lled hy In llcv NlrwllmSmllh muhlcm llu nuurlnuon nnd Hm Jluv nrlunl unwary dccply Icoqccrqtd Réise Over$500 Scoul Apple Day Saxurday wan Scuul Applcway and DB Scouts and Cub were out in narrle lo Iell bushel of up plcl They mound nbum 35054 xm nvuruuc lnlnkc wlllch wall 1th loss than 1m your but undculund ably la nflcr Ffild nluhl load my um Walkmg cnnmuum mm air throughout lown nllhauuh duurln dom cnnvnmn who drove were lurccd lo dcluur amundmmc Ilrcch The Scuuls were oul n11 lilyV mm nbmll nlnc oclfick ln hv momlnu unlll nu In Ihu nu IJAIUUnr unllqunlkll Hl Oddlcllum Tcrpplr 1n 1r 11 Im mud was placed 1n posmon wt to right Deputy ReeveA Girdwood Ralph Snelgrove president of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce Klwnnlnn Lame Jackson Klwan tun Maurice Mnanren Ktwnnlun 8111 Lang Alderman Kinzle and Klwnnlnn Dr Edwin Wilson First Step Get It In Harness st Geomcl Parish mm in Allen dalm Iowan the Boy Scout AI mention was in chum of the an nual apple dny Lender and mem ber 71 mockIon working at Barfly hcndquancn ncludcd Saucr George Frlcke Inn WII man dlslrlct commlukonorrMIs Smith Ernest Burton ugd Ich rlzhl Through Ml nnnull Juan the Scnul mninlnln and extend the Nnrlcty cl characterbuilding netw um conducted by he minimum The male 01 uppch help the soclnllon extend program to We mnny boy who want and need Section ZlPages to 16 Ww Wants Even Break For BDCI Glee Club Tor GerUniforms To the Edflor The Barrie Examiner Dear 51 am writing mix in you because believe that per haps you and the pwpur might pmnfly be able to help gmall orgunballon to Al so you gnv ry good wrflcup Inityear when they put an the opcreua HMS Mnalore The group that am meanng in the BBC Glee Club They wish to raise money to se cure uniform or themselch which is not unreasonable To do thls they thought at putting hn an other Operetta thll your and wlth whnt they made last year they would have enough or them However when they want to act the Student Council they wen or ll but Mr Bowman would not have lt He said that they Ihnulu have the uniforms 01 his choice but also that they shouldgo down to the Kiwanir musicicstivall To do this they would have to mend about $200 oi the money that is nccdcd tor unltorms to go down llc also sold that they could not put on any concert that would help thlrm to raise money this year col that lf he will not let lhcm have moneyralslng can cut or operctla that he should also Itop the band from dolng so The Glee Club lost year did not take any of the time that was necessary to not tholr show ready out school mm The hand on the other hand not anly have rog ulur periods but are glvcn time to go to the States and parts Cade out of school time We eel thrill when ihe band zou Iwuy and then come homa to bring honor to Barrie Ind I150 to the BDCI but lets glv he Glee Club chlncel A1 ter the band has been mm for good mmy years and am $11an to be In they did nofi ton nary Mme lo xck the position um my now hold The Glee Club just new or unluuon Ind need encoulaue men not xebuke no 1ch xlve hem chance to Also bung home lame honnrn Tha Glzc Club have gone musk lcslivll and come home with mm human but did public hear of thcml Thcy nlwnyl hear the band do not wish in sum as though am running me band down am nnl am only trying to cl equal rights or he am Club Am fin mcmbcr of he Glee Club and wLxh to ace Julucc done Your kuly Barrie Oct 1954 TREDON

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