2041 BARBIEBXAMINER WEDNESDAY 001 ME AND MRS WilliamSlorc ndmlre 1WD Very allrncuve nnd usefulvGE gm 1hey rcceivedmn the occasion heir recent wed NHL The bride is the former Durham Parsons Mr and Mrs Mama Minrsing entertained about 75 at their Irlunds and relatives an SopL In hanor of Mr and Mrs Slan lcy Swards Ottawa Mrs Swards is he tormnr num Adamsl and is recent bride Her marriage took place In Ollnwa in me middle at September Bride and Groom Are Honored By Minesing Friends The Adams home was tastefully decorated with autumn flowers huflet unchnon was served at Iivv oclock alluwing whlch the bride and groom graciously expressed hclr appreciation lhuh Iricnds fflr lhc many gifts they rccéivcd The evening Mas spent in dancing the musicm Howard Nnrris and mm Evelyn mum at namu Mr and Mrs Swords are making Ihoir hnt In Ottawa Bflde and Groom Mr and Mrs Vcrnct Mcrz Windsor visited Mr and Mr no en vaes lask wcek There were lwo baplisms In St Johns Church on Sunday the dnughhr 01 Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen was named Christine Joan and the son of Mr and Mrs Max leu named Allan Maxwell Mrs Dart Canon and Holly wch In Midland on Sunday Mr and Mrs Morley Edwnrils and Lynn visited Mr and Mrs non Cnslan durlng the weekend HIM lhanklul we shnuld nll he um we were spared any crflblc Insi In he slnrm Modern Parrot Tulips IOps in Size and Color mu you LP MI onLllt11MIIIII cm II mm mumos IV Anomwmvmonl Ol mum noun wmnmumumunmm vwmumltm Timur mer Hm Inï¬ll brcn klluwll uillrc Um xnvunluuih unhny III ch Insl luv yvnrs nny have nnlnml over all elmr In Impnlunly nml hemlly lmy huw lllrr llmvrfs hfn nny hrr lullm wIlII lhlckrr 70mm whlnh Mr lnllnlnlrd whllh mrnnn Al Cd Inln Inm 10w lulnhl 14mm The min In whlum mlnll hm nhrnyl hrllllnnl llml mnnlly Inclullc lunch Wm lhnlr mum Innu lu In mluu wrul pzlvtfl II ulwhull uplnnmlull Ulrlr nluun namr 5m muva CRAIGHURST um mm 11 um um lit EXAMPLE JAN llw vnr vanHIIx am at rum mum plnk Mulnnll Ivnln mm lnrdlm1nlhrr wluu In plnmlu Irlallvu uumrunu have mu nlhrr brrn lu LL are Illrlcilvrly thind Women Imfllnl Momth mccung ul xhe Wo mens Insulule nl Mrs Clarke Crnwlurds on Wednesday on Malta Teenagcrsnccd medals no critics Roll an Tull where you won an your first dnle with your husband and what you did Food convcncrs Mrs OBrien Mrs Hart Mrs Jim Leigh and Mrs Ben Rev and Mrs Lark Mnr ianm and John and Miss Juan Rulhermrdalln Toronlo were rerun guests n1 Mr andMrs Ir wln McMahon CuppageKey Congratulations to Ray Cuppage and Miss Christine Key who were married at Dalston They are building new home in our vil lags Welcomc Newcomers We welcoqne Mr and Mrs ank Hill Allan and Peter whn have bought and moved Into the heme gormerxy nwncd by Mrs Anderson A150 weicomc In Bryan Powell whn lives with them lroduml many mm mlI be mutanll popular lLuwm vnrmm Then an puran man In yrllnw vlnlvl and Mar mfllk varlollrl Mrs Agnr wmmm Amuley spent few days with her cousin Mm Archie Roe and family Cuppage Famlly Bereavcrl Sympathy is cxlcndcd in Cuppngc and famlly in Ihe death his slserinIaw Mrs OBrien of Orillia Flew to Cnrallm Archie Roe has relurncd home from Cnmflna where he went by plane 101 few daysl The L11 Dr Kirkpatrick Sympmhy is extended Io Mrs IL Kendall and Kirkpatrlck in the newt death of hair bru thr Dr Kirkpatrick Orillin In Orlllln llospllal We hnpe Mrs flay va wlll be much improved In health Mlcr spending few days in Orillln 1m mndrrn numll mum hm umnurr mm llmn llw nun mm lhLy grow mm hirhu II mu hnhl mm mum Inllllnnlly culnrrd own up rllm thn unmp lhrxu lx ulnnlml In nu hauler whrm mm mm nhe ducurntlve nun Alml mmï¬m cnlnrn nerve unulm acrrnl my cnn drllrxulrd mum mum nllrnlluu llw lhlck mum at pnnn mum my mum whrn llw mm NIL 11w mm rllnllw mer nxrnnunrenln Culll vnllun mm mm um slum um um um mum rxupl Um Ivy nnl may hue wmuun holng Hum mnuy mu In nllvunhk llll mu hum Immnlly unm 1m Irnvr hive llluml mm Hplnlll llm Inmr hullw mm in Hum Imllu um um vnllun In an nllm llm Ivy hue wmm mnuy mu IM hum Irnvn hive mum llm Inmr hull hrwlnl Ill Hum Imll mme In mm Illllfl nnwlrllll lllt III llllmlly Ilu he No lrlnhblo loan qu lily on um Maul lluuumh lul yum Muvlly veuhod mm mva Jun mm nm In lulu In on mp Emplnyu mm my mum mum ov Iln walrnmh Wm or mnl In to hum lovhyl Suppérwnur Boy Scouts for masonl expense lo pin up old bill HAWKESTONE BOY SCOUT NEWS unm lllry Cidchefed Ha Bag and C01 lér WithiBead VTrgmmiijg Hallxlny Visilum wan Mr and Mrs Jack Cooper and family Shefï¬eld at Mr and Mrs Barnes Pulls Knnmnrc NY with his mother and sister Mrs Pulls and Mrs Allan THIS SEASONS FASHION ls the acces sory threesome of lmle collar so flut terlng that they continue in populniny matched to perky rm and bag creating smart ensemble This threesome Is cro cheted speedily and trimmed wlm tlny mm Taylor is spending few days In Toronlo vlslllng rclnlles Mm Mum Hopkins Tomnm wen wetkcnd wnh her sister and brotherhhlaw Mr and Mrs Russel McElwnin Hume from Chlcua Mrs Russell has Iclurncd home mm Chicagv Where she visited or tow daysl Miss Loreen Johnston spcm Thanhgwing In Munlrenl wm Robert Rugby visited Mr and Mrs Edgar John slun 3150 Mrs Storey and Mar gam nmlrson McFAwnIn my British Columbia vlslllnu hix snn Ru scu McElwaln hqspiml having her tonsils remov Miss Connie Flclcher spun the hanay wcekond with her sister in Woodbrldge Mrs Anderson has rclurn cd to 0mm nflvr mending some Iirpp in vum mch Sorry mm wllllnm 11311 on mu 1m his daughters Mrs JMophS 1m wi are aim in rcpnrl Mrs Anqmqq xnuth 3xxnvcd Mrs wnuam smhn pnlirnl m7 Pomlulu yawn Mr andMrn Watt nnd nryun and Mun Hancock To mnlo mm Mm Gwen nencock Hut IHd cmk Nuruum xlmmhum lvn Mn and andsï¬H the Public prefers it Kndmncr 5pm lhr week Mr mu Mrs John Hm CROSSLAND DIAMOND JUBILEE AND GOLDLN AMBER No manor who prico you pay for minor Ginaor AIoIngh low Pormunonl or Tomporurxyour loslo your good Iudgomonl your own mum of vuluol will convinco youpl lho incompai able value of Wilqons Harms ls vhllanhls Shcmrhl nmx pm Mfr Andy McGlnnL GINGER ALES As beaver an underminma some roads In the township Clark was lnslruclcd write the Department of Lnnds and Form lat Maple stgn nm belnz nbmlned flow down rnmc at Ten Lake NORTH RIVER Mntchcdnsh Councll has tel Court of Revision tnr hearing appnals nxnlnst 1955 assessment In the Council Chum bars 55 Mntchedush CCL ZB AM he Oclokinr meeting mo uhn was passed nrdorlnk relundd of deposits towards cnmrmu lory scheme for draining 1ch Crcck to BurtonITaanr anonkcy John Doyle William Oakley and George F911 Slaps are being taken in connection with me drainage nrnblum umth cuslomnry munlclpal pru rrrlurn Dates Set For Revision Court Matchedash Twp nnd John were in Oshawa on Sun dny nltcndlnz Mr and Mrs 05 klns 50h woddlnu nnnlvtrsary Charles Albert lnlnnl Inn Mr and Mrs David Mantanmcry Tarnnlu um Cheryl 1m mhy dmmhhr Mr and Mrs Ralph MMDUnnld wer chrlslcmd In St Andrew bylrrlan Church by CV Dr Dflrr Sunday Ucl Mn nnd Mm lame Cnrrmhrn nlitndnl lhu plowing mnlrh un FIJI13y llrrmu Mrs Hldnul has rclurnul hnmc ulm wcndlnn mme Hmt wmu her xlnuxhtrr nnd husband and Innule In Inrnnlo WYEBRIDGE beads for all sparklei Directions for mak ing this set are nvaiinble by just sending slumped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlework Department 01 this paper requesting Hut Bag and Collar Set Leni le No CS449 2a35 lï¬i vn nmur sis motorists In driving in or flu of mu Lake Broil Council win ask Lloyd Lélhnr by MP mend me nuxl mecung on Nov no pm Finn anpmval was ulvcn by law Sellingmunlclpfll ncmlnnuons on the last nday o1 Nnvumbor and clccllon ay on the second Saturday in Decembor VINNUEG SEPT 27 CP Nursns should be pretty and attractive Thats Ihc uplnlon Ms Shclln Nixon wwly nppolnud director of nursmu far the Winnipeg Chll drcn nuspnal Mlss Ntxon was commenting on Mammal story which manna We doctors wouldr mm to see Preï¬iness Asset Hospital Nurses Phone5729 DISPLAYS snow CARDS StanPAINTING REFINISIIING mum xmwmum JIMMYS SIGN SERVICE REF ESTIMATES Nammn Aldeunn lath tour dmwned Sn Midland Bay early Thursday nizhL Alderman 30 years old lost his life about 50 cal away mm duck an whlch xevcrnl ï¬shermen were standing Father pf Four Loses lifefln Boat Accident However meywm not able tn do anymlng dun la thi act that no huals or me prcscrvers were hand The vicllm and companion An 91 Cadcnu of Midland PMnl were ï¬shing mm 5km whlch suddenly uverturncd The lwn men clung or law mlnutes Ihu capsized trail and shouted lo lhn ï¬shermen an Hm dockl Cadeau thoughl that their shouts were nm being heard sn he swam toward hm dock and was pulled l0 Salely btheJishumcn They returned to lhe overturned skill but foundnotraccol Aldur son nwo hourskfler his body was recovcrcd Constmflq Ernie Bal Cahada Wonderful To EUrOpean Dgctor MONTREAL SEPT 27 CF DI Karolina Goldberg Polish doctor now serving her imornshlv Montreals Qucnn Ellzabelh hospital says Canada to her 15 somelhirig WonderluL The middlcéged doctor here since 1951 said in an inmvicw ihnt Canadians do not appreciate the freedom and liberty oi their countryi dont begrudï¬c 0mm what may have but am cnvluus and wouhf like them to lEaUlc how valuable burly IS She said rc camnu her own wartime cxpcr Iencos Dr Goldberg sald she had jus1 begun to practise as an special ist In Poland whcn lhc War started in IDES She 1051 her first hus band also doctor to the Rus sions Her second husband Pol ï¬sh lawyer now is with her in Mammal During the ï¬nerview the doctor bum Into tears when she recalled Wed never have nursing stall 11 we rlcd 10 put that over on the girls she said The der an the momle prcuy nurses well known think even chi drln notice i1 nurses wom garments loose and The Engnshbom dircnlnr dc plored wha she termed the rath er casual altlludc some nursed have dcvclopcd toward mm pro fessxcn MKS leun ï¬nds Working wllfl children parucularly inlcresung then always so much hope in chlldrcn dont knov what causes it she uldi Maybe we are ukinl them into irnining 100 young maybe lhuy havent dnvuloukd sense responsibility CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PEINTlNCvPHONE ll This wpolb washer ha lho but Bodily walking acllon Thlx adlon ha nomboon equalled for gelling clalhox cleanquickly and quloily ha lho boa Benny mochanIImonly moving pom mu efficiently on ball bearing Na bolll Faroullaxlxolhevmochanllm SUPER VALUE SUPERLINE EXACTLY AS SHOWN ONLY AVAILABLE AT THIS REMARKABLEAPRICE s139°° DESPITE THE MANY nulotnnflcquns available at 16w cost records show that many housewives start home mes burning by leaving nonautomatic lions pluggedm whlla they slip away to the Selephone br warm the neighborsJJuncanrKle Westlnghouse Cyplst Illustratésrhow anJmnmghored hum milker can spread red hot newson the onkhnnd qnd red hot smoke on the other her experiences She npologized explnlnlng lost my whole 11y durflnn the wan The Germanu killed hall lhcmhcr wage ink an by the Russians After 19 war Dr Goldpergand her husband wum to Palestine and 1951 they obtained passports I0 Cnnnda Wllh another year of internship smlahcad at hnrDLGoldbbrl said she may serve longer because she feel her Enilish not gnod ennugh Ior her to pass her medical examinailonsr CHBYCO PARTS CALL FRENCH MUTUHS Cnaps highly lmlnnd technicians are uuy qualiï¬ed la Icrvlca any radio or lclcvlslon set gumamend in glve you mlslncuun and ï¬ve ygu mnney 259 INNISHL ST RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Phone 5971 15 mmmvoxw ST For genuine BARBIE HARDWARE 401M HTlllIET lMIlIHI PHONE 30 Touch volume Sofon Wvlngor Quick 0nd row Chvcmlum plqjad traygand lrlm Damn nhapud Nd NonIplulh lunlo Melt tub Wallm 16 ll dvy wolghl whllo clhx do SWIM madam dollgn Full length Ildlt Bulllon ball boating mochanllm Llh lubvlcalcd Bo Boally wanhlng acllon lroningBoréd Bprrié Television Experts coonv Th ls assuredly year when the arderly marketing policies he Canadiun Wham Board wlll pay ollfor the inrmcrsnmllhu country at large RndDccr Aim Adlecmc rlilum by mm Eumlntr uh phnmmpmrmu pm In ll newxpaptr ma unable In xlquy IxInk For ï¬ll lnrdrmnllun about In plain ynn wall NIflhlf ORDERLY MARKETING the Barrie Examiner Phone 2414 PHONE 2429 GM