Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1954, p. 16

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LAWAmmNtl mom nlmllnuul mum on mul umxlmum rumle llmuhl UN uhjvcllvn ur my mmmmcy Aml cmrally uwnkhm yuu mum luvnlslnlv pmxvlc mm ulnlnu Iumt Illlnu much my my mu wnul do hnw nm plum pCIrhhlll llnrv Huh mllnn Miss Barclay whusu llrst Al bcru rusldcncc was homlillfld an lcnl Ertclcd by her Onmrlu Ibum NILn1 1n lhcGull Lake ydlslrlcl north of Calgary began lcachlnu In 1028 all zuumg Bachelor of Arls dugrcc from my Ulllvnrsily or Album In 1929 she started In Calgary laud helped lurm he Associaflon Trackers ul Frlnch gmup Acufivlncm um mnrc cmplmsl was mlud on oral sludlcs In the lunuunxu Illplumacy The group brought enough llchllC on 1hr cducullnn arm will lo lxavu oml Frcncn ulIcrul all within subject In Album lunlor high schools 15M and lint slslvr Mary my clvmonlnry mum teach tr lulkrd nlllcubfluml mlduuu llnllulslasls mm mlping mamm small lull Cabin null Lrl Alla wlllch numb pur hnps llu Hm yuulll huml ml the mllllmnl hnu rum lnixplu unw In in mm lol hmlrl bulwrcn any le HIE mnuulalnnsurl mwn Hunt and mu mqu mn Ihvy saw 11 muHun nu Cunmllnn Ynulll USUU wllll Cl tum llcmhlunrlrru Mlu Ilanluy mnxunl mums wmlh claim In wurlh Ilnan THY You know 11 myth Lhatallur llvlng In country or six months unc can speak me lanzuazol Oh chs you can make youmlt uhdcr slood but thats hardly converr qu it Lakes two years at least working as hard as you can wilh Sonnblc promralnon before liand Im um Hut 5110 conlinul Thu only way uuu cnn loam Iorclnn language lb Hrs hear it thn under lsmnd then make cllurlrlo spunk Readmg and wrmnK come aflcn had been brought up to believe me rcvnrsc was he Wfl CALGARY CP TWBHU three years ago Calhcrinc Barclay pawncd the family piano and Mk Bd lo Hm Sorbonne in Paris l0 learn tujpmer Francals My 1611 was somewhat shaken by um rcyponsqt 5pc snys But doesnt shm Blond Mlss Barclay is pulling modem gap between the old school and her advocated methods Eon Jour she relumcd in 1938 classroom She wilh laughter anlilng is about middlcvagcd couple widow nndawidowcr They unu had scandalous love affair when their respective spouses were alive Now Mr Pom frcts daughlcr and Mrs Weather bys sun working in the same of Iiccv in In love and become en gngcd tn 10 married Brought to gether by this event the older couple rediscover their ormnr feeling for each ulhcr and plan marrianc While their children quarrel nnd break their cn gnucmoml Language Teacher Likes New Method during the war Allhyugh they all live togclhcr In the same house Hm personal lives DI the servants and 01 the familyIo on entirely scparamlysidc by side In her men loEtun lo the W0 menl Camdlan Club Luel Crclzhlon menuoncd uveral mod ern noveum whose works al though well epmcnlcd in nu Barrie Public Libmry did not sum to be wcu known to many at the audience One olthcsc in Henry Green modern Lngllsh wrlltr whose novel nlve an nmuslng ll same what satirical plclure of present day llle In England Hls slorlcs are told by he characters them selvu or they cunslsl almost cx cluslvely converslllnn rather ln Lhn manner on play He has no true heroes or hemlncsl licsccs all his characters vwlth cynlral eye and condemns them all equal ly Wllh devastating Wll out hclr own mouths len concerns he muns If all English mnlly landed gen Lyrand lhcir servaan In Irelana Annlhur nlllhur munlluned was New Service For Barrio Morehnnls Fol pavflculau canton Emu NIIBIH BARBIE DELIVERY SERVICE Town Deliveries Comp Bordon Edgar umn nnmum plped when she to hu Calgary was answered PHONE 5894 enough flzpall uflcrul Album my ALLUIS my yuu rulnllmul luwllrnl wrumhh mnuuwk Hmxl me wnll mull lm mully mx uu In um mmrl lmusu mm lu mumx mm They wlll pay yuu cuxmllllnmll lun Snow another English nu ihur referred to by Mrs Creigh ion writes much more serious type of naval lhnn Mn Green and Miss ComptonBurnett Mr Snnw tells his stories in more rudl tlonal stylci He possesses great fisychuiogicni insight his chnr auters are full and round and their goodness their meanness the rea sons for their actions are all made niain lo the render Mr Snow him now publisth live series of rmvels all at which deal with Lhc experiences 01 one man Lewis Eiiul Each however is compicte in mm and can he rmd sepamc iy IIIII pullrrn may lu IM fluva In Mw mud ur Ill llns nIxh IvIvln IVIMWIWI IIIMHICHOHI mu IIIIHIHvIVIZ IINI In rum ulnnqn lnnlml pmh rm um mm mm my HWJu NAMH ADDIUZFMv NUMMIIK Mul nnhr In ANNE ADAM llm Hunln lixnmlnrr tom mm hunt Wm Tnnmln nl Tl le Men gripping smry DI the British nllnmpl to build he first aldnlc bomb and p1 the scientists engaged In the pmch The central lgurc is Eliots brother Marlin one 01 the scientists IIIII Th Mastan ocncerm he pm éssars at unyvorsily in England and lhc machinations at smne or them or success In their ncndcmic Na Wands and Thelr Ways Vdcnb wllh the two worlds home and school 511 Roderick and Lady Shelley Ilc consldérlng whclhcr their son and dnughlcr should be sent away to boardihg schools The nhlldrcn are sent off and lnlcr boLh are caught chcaflng in Examin films by thdr anthem They are Irlghlcncd about what their par ems wlll Lhink bul the parentsj have just caught each other out cheating in other ways and are Very Inrgiving towards lhc chil dren They decide that he world school is 100 harsh ur Clemencc and Scflun and bring them home or Hood Ivy ComptonBurnett Hcr style is supgrflciany similar Mr Greens but she has not hi ear for conversation and is nql so success ful In making her character llve swap nigh will he heid 1h same evenhnz and munbers are asked to bring nlong my roots or plant lhty hav lo spam Bring long inch ind have midi time together Horticulturists Will Sponsor Friday Program chn Harucununl sockth sponsoring In Intelmun evening on Oct 22 at the Mercury Hill In Mfldhum It 1be oclnck shown flan villh omercnléntxi mnnL Iu scent Wm shot In the vlrJnlly Earth Talk About Smart IAIllIrn HI Mluu Mm I2 oyflnJXLI film 11 Susana will he 30 34 Ill 30 Elle Ill Mir ymln Miss Ellccn Mu the craft suction of the community pro grams branch Inc Onlano Dc pnrlmenl DI Education to be lhn speaker at the all mcclingol he Slmcoc Cuunly Am and 0mm Assoclation Hcr topic wlll bl anlhg in Onlarlo Us Hlslnry Present Development and Future Goals Next regular meeting 01 thy as soclaflon will be an open mccung in be held DB Oct 21Thv speak or will be Miss Helen DcLaporlc chnd psychnlogist Karen Bulow Pupil Will Address Arfs And Crafts Group Mrs Tom Tyrcr was appolnlcd Convener or the childrens Christ mas bazaar be held on Dec 15 and Mm Ynung replaces Mrs Bruwn as social convencr The meeting wax held in the Sun day School roan5s ox the church Wiih 10 Visitor present find Dnidge presiding Foliuwinz the bysincsl and devotional periods lhe mecling was turned over to Mn Honey and her group Their theme or the evening was Giving Mr Grkmn plclurcs were mixeh enjnycd by the gnlhcrlng Dcllcioui yctrcsjlmenu wm scr vcd and meeting was chased with he szpahVBcnedickIun Psycholpgisr To Address Open Meeting Mrs George Holloway Jr opened the matting with he read lng of the objchu of flu home and school associallun The Camber meeung of the Jun or womanl Axmlallon of Central linked Church wuhkhlllbud by the thawing n1 plcturu OXI trip to Bermuda by Grillen The execunvc meeting 01 the Codrlnglun Home and Sch AJ socinllnn was held in the schoo nu Sept 12 Wilh Mrs Agnew presiding Pictureé of Trip To Bermuda Are Shown to WA MAI bmu VI Icy I14 hm 30Dunldp Sf WOULDNT HAVE ANY PART OF IT PARTY COTUMES Aml ncllhcr would my Dad lle lumvn IhI ulna ml company experience In looking Illcr In cum Ha wouldn be wllhbut 1W1 30 mm win men why 1er on lac upuimu Ind mumlion ofl uuu company lilc fut free book hmlcd Blueprim Foe You mily nming mm uprm of mm Id minumliw Wguymoulhs Book Store STERLING TRUSTS 47565595 CORPORATION THE Allhough lhis might at first glance appear heresy qullo apart mm the anlsllc and acslhcllc point VIEW always so import ant ln csllmnllng the value at any directors producunn the www lance for lravelllng cconomlcally and wlm he mlnlmum of lmpcdl manta for group just slnnlng au llnnnclnlly on very large scale program must not be overlooked The Canadian Players have under taken glganllc rcsponslblllly both la the ropulallon ol lhcir mn Lhcr group In Slrauord and to theatre In Canada wherever ll ls sponsored They are the iirst many groups in the future we hope to make name or aur actors and actresses in their own country For too ions have we been de pendent on inreign touring cnm panic to provide our crtloymcnt in the world or theatre Now an the succcss or faiiure ollhc Canadian Players hangs to great extent the future of Canadian ihtatre as reengnized vneaiian We can unly go so lar with repertory theatre in nur larger centres to keep the luv drama aiivet Un less the more remote areas an ex posed to theatre they can be an much more easily to the cinema we in Canada can never hope to establish the iivczatage as uni versal source at entertainment and inspiration The Canadian Player have hnd lhu Inrlslghk to see the mud lhcalrc mus akc nut made uvnllnblc to all partial our enun lry They have had the courage at the tragic hlslorlcul heroine Under the direction at her hus band Douglas Campbell who also takes major part lri Saint Joan the play has set theatre goes ago with It nova remnant 1n modérn hablt on an almost bum stage The line lead Saint Joun Isbe ing played by Anne Casson Iormcr English actress who recently Jolncd hc Slrauord group and has been cnmmcndcd or her ingcnunus symgnthnllc hagdllng part The company L1 currcnuy play in in Montreal Allen very auc cesslul nnd unconventional upcninz In Ottawa The Bank Theaer Guild ch14 that very prlvih aged to be able to sponsor such un nntcrprislng group in our own community This the first Can adian uurlng company of in kiwi run It rcceptlon by flu trifle to date has been very praise worthy Due to In overwhelming de mand or the presenuflun Lb Suzuard Phygn touring under name at Canadian Players Dm ducunn or chud Shaws sum Joan II was necessary to change Lhe dale of pertamlnce mm Wednesday Nov as previouin nnnouncéd 10 Tuesday Nov fin order that his play mum be seen Bathe during mmu run Barrié Thea Guild News MASKS DECORATIONS SERVIETIES GREETING CARDS HALLOWEEN norm men swam run5cm no Nov IIANOI om MEIm Evuymln yuull needjor hlncr morn cxclllnl party Phone 4055 Annual OES Tea And Bazaar Mdsf Successful Events on the success two summer themes to branch out into much wider and more challenging field They are plonnem They need Lhc nncourugmnm and sup pant all Canadians who or loo long have deplored the lnertla in Canadian theatre The Bane Theatre Guild is proud lu be able to help in small measure the responsibillly 01 Ihn Canadlan Players We have no compuncllon 1n rcpommundlng this play Lo you It Is alnmou pLAy wrmcn by rammu piny wrlghl about lumous glrlu It value as grant drnmnllc workIs unqucslioncd nrui unqucslionablc nayvlew Gunter No 105 Order or he Eastern Star held very Iuwesflul bazaar and lea in the duplex room an Wednesday 13 KM Taylor wax conven er of the banalp Mix Irene Knapp was comm of Ithe tea and Mn Erase convened the bake table The converters and their normnukes and all those whose donations Ind assistance made an Afternaun possihic were mnglfazulned on It sumst Tickcu are now available or purchase either lrom members our group or CoulLs Real finale Owen St So dont lur ch the dale Nov the place Barrie District Colcglatc Audi torium and well be secln you the thealrcf Mrs McCaw welcomed the luuL and Mn Jury and IiHIV ICELAND WflFlIBS Mflfiflflflfll WINDSOR VATIIIL JULVIZIHIOUHH NLY SHORT CUT MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS POBKSHUSME 45c HMS ox TONGUE 29= cmcx PRIME RIB ROAST Its nice to be walked on promptly and personally by the friendly experienced men clerlu It DOMINION Its even nicer to know that whatever you choose at DOMINION is gunrnnleed to please an the table Yes DOMINION glndly replaces or refunds your money if anything you buy is not 100 salisfetlory Shop where you get pummel eervice plus guaranteed utisfnctinnat DOMINION Indian Delegafq Will Speak Ar November Service Courtenay worthy matron Ind Mn lower knmcdm pm matron named by the young hdlu of the chapter Son mm must by Mn Spurn was much enjoyed durlnz the tea hour Mrs Frau announced hat she had made 12 Baby Band cnlLi 1n mamas month The Ocober kneeling or he Un lly Auxiliary Comer Street Unned Church Womens Mliilon ary Society was held the home Miss Rum Aarson The president openedihc mael ing with apraycr Rail call was taken and the minute of he Sop lcmbcr meeting were read The irnasurers report wax pleasantly received with the news lhnl the group allocation wii be met suc cesslully this year Cniiccilon was Ihcn taken alnng with he lhank oiicring nnvcinpcs Thu president expressed regret that Mrs Ray Tuck Is lquvlng group to move tn Elmvale Mrs Mnssihl delegate from In dln to the World Cnuncll of Churches wlll speak at he church xcrvlcc an Sunguy Nov It ls hoped that none the Unlly members will mlss lhls snrvlce The worship service was taken by Mrs Fricke Wllh Mrs Pallersnn the plum Mrs 3m pygmy pa bemlflul 12 oz an pkq IIJAIUI 29 CHICKENS TUHIII ML II um 11m BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY 001129 5119 RVH Assistant Superintendent ViceChairman MI Ellubeth Lanzmnn wu elected Isl vicechairman of Dis trict ll Registered Numl AI sodnlion at the annual mceunl here Misc Lanzmanil stlsunt superintendent melon V1c mm Hospml Chairman 01 the dlslrlcl Miss Ellen Pmuck superlniéhdcm of Tupung Mus Aarson Mn Brent and Mrs lel gston made up um rum chap er the study book lllmlruung the bencma the church In the edu cational and mcdlcnl fields In India Thcy also showed colored slides of Vellore Hospital In India Tea was served by hls group and Mrs McCaw thanked them on behall thusc present PREMIESSED FRESH GRADE LYNN VAL HTANIMIUI PEACHES Hill IN TOMATO HAU WIIII IOIIK BLUE BONNET YELLOW QUICK MAIIOMLINH and cull by lhl pnca In Hal uvwo Huvol In Iymp Orulu Other amour are Mm Btfly Tlmmom of Fury Sound 2nd VXNchllmun Mm Dorothy Unsworln oi muun sacralry unasunr ML Dorothy Pumice of Huntsville committee chau man Mm Mariam Melamnr at Coluan munbershlp and Mk Ruth Walton of Mldhnd fln 953 Mean School HOMELESS VEAL ROAST 39c 43 20 oz Iln pkg SIIHCIAIJ

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